Renaissance. Part 26

Renaissance. -

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The death of the doge the same night the devil appeared odd bird in the sky caused a stir in Venice which lasted for weeks. Leo's flying machinenard had stamped on the floor of the Plaza de San Marcos made a ball of fire and was burnt to ashes becomeforces, since no one had dared to near that device Extran. New doge was elected, Marco Barbarigo, which took office. Solemnly swore in public to pursue the young murderer had a narrow escape from being caught and arrested and had ended the life of this n.o.ble servant of the state, Carlo Grimaldi, and probably also with the old Doge. Barbarigo guards and guards were at every ski ducalna and patrolling day and night channels.

Ezio, following the advice of Antonio, was inadvertently pa.s.sdischarge remained locked in their headquarters, but seething with frustration that did not help the fact that Leonardo had temporarily left the city to knowquito his patron, the Earl of Peraxo. Rosa even managed to distract him.

But after a while, soon after the start of the year, Antonio called his office and greeted him with a grin.

- Ezio! I have two good news for you. First, your dear friend Leonardo is back. And second, is CarNevale! CarNevale! Everyone is masked, so you ... "But Ezio and was about to walk out the door-. Hey! Where you going? Everyone is masked, so you ... "But Ezio and was about to walk out the door-. Hey! Where you going?

- To see Leonardo!

"Come back soon ... I want to meet somebody.

- Who?

"It's called Sister Theodora.

- A nun?

- You'll see!

Ezio walked down the street with the hood over his head, making his way quietly between groups of men and women extravagantly dressed and masked to apiNaban streets and He was at all times to groups of guards on patrol. Marco Barbarigo bit worried as Grimaldi's death as his predecessor, he mymo had helped plan and now that it had complied with the pious show of trying to find the culprit, could he forget the thread with a good public awareness and reduce paulatinamenyou the costly operation. But Ezio knew that if he was in the hands of the Doge catch and kill him secretly, I would. While still alive and could continue being a thorn in the Templars, Ezio continue counting among its main enemiegos. Therefore should remain in constant vigilance.

He worked his way smoothly to Leonardo's workshop and went without anyone seeing him.

"Glad to see you again," said Leonardo as a saludo-. This time I was practically dead. Suddenly I did not know most of you, after all that mess Mocenigo and Grimaldi, then my boss got into his head about the trip and insisted that I go with him to Milan, casually and Above, I have not podido to rebuild my flying machine because the Venetian navy wants to start designing things for them ... A nuisance! "Theythen laughed-. But the important thing is that you're alive and kicking!

- And I'm the most wanted man Venice!

"Yes. A double murderer, and two of the most outstanding citizensstate markets.

"You know that's not true.

"You would not be here otherwise. You know that candes trust me, Ezio, and everyone here. At the end of the day, we were the ones that made you fly to the Palazzo Ducale. -Leonardo and appeared slapped one of his helptients with a jug of wine-. Luca, could find a carnival mask for our friend? Something tells me it could be very useful.

"Grazie, amico mio.And I also I have something for you. -Ezio gave the new page from the Codex.

"Excellent," said Leonardo to recognize immediately.

He made some s.p.a.ce on the table, unrolled the scroll and began to examine it.

"Hmmm ... He said, frowning and highly concentrateddo-. Here is the design of a new weapon, fairly complexha, indeed. Appears to be also bound to carry the doll, although it is not a dagger. -Carefully inspect the ma.n.u.script again-. I know what it is! Is a firearm, but in miniature ... In fact, it is the size of a hummingbird.

"It seems impossible," said Ezio.

"There's only one way to find out, and none other than manufacturingLeonardo said the-. Fortunately, my a.s.sistants are former Venetianengineering experts. We get to it right now.

- And what about the rest of your work?

"Oh, I can wait," said Leonardo happily-. Totwo I have a temper and it's okay to let you create ... In fact, used to leave me alone!

The gun was ready in a matter of days and Ezio set out to prove it. For its size, scope and power, was exnary. Like knives, was designed to be affixed to the spring mechanism that Ezio had strapped to his arm and could reget inside, so that was hidden and is operatedbath at the time that it was necessary to use it.

- How is it possible that I've never been a thing? Leonardo said.

"The main question," said Ezio, surprised is how it could happen like this idea a man hundreds of years ago.

"But it happened, and is a magnificent machine. I hope you find it useful.

"I think this new toy comes at the momentappropriate to forward said Ezio.

"I understand," said Leonardo-. But the less you know about the topic, the better, although I would guess that has something to do with the new doge. I do not understand politics, but sometimes I sense the tricks.

Ezio nodded significantly.

"It's a topic that best would have to talk to Antonio. And better too that you put that mask ... As long as Carnevale Carnevale you can walk the streets without any problems. But remember, no weapons over there! Had well kept up his sleeve. you can walk the streets without any problems. But remember, no weapons over there! Had well kept up his sleeve.

"Let me see now," Antonio said Ezio-. Wants to introduce a person ..., a nun named Sister teodora, in the Dorsoduro.

- Oh, Sister Teodora! Leonardo said smiling.

- Do you know?

"He's a friend of mine and Antonio. Te like.

- Who is it?

"I 'll find out, "Leonardo said, still smiling.

Ezio headed to the address he had given Antonio. The building did not look like a convent. Called, invited enseguida to go and was instantly convinced that he had equivocado of place, since he was shown into a room that you rememberThe room was much Paola in Florence. And the smart young people who were running from one side to the other nuns had nothing. When preparing to put back the mask to leave, he heard the voice of Antonio moments later appeared on the arm of a beautiful and elegant woman sen lips and eyessual that this time it was dressed as a nun.

- Ezio! You came! "Said Antonio. I was a bit clearscho-. Let me introduce you ... sister Theodora. Teodora, meet a. .. How could I say? The man most talented of all Venice!

"Sister," said Ezio, bowing. Looked at withAntonio tinuacion-. Did I miss something? I've never had a religious nature.

Antonio laughed, but when Sister Theodora spoke, it was surprisingly serious.

"Everything depends on how you look at religion, Ezio. Not only the souls of men those requiring comfort.

- Have a drink, Ezio!Antonio said-. We need to talk, but first relax. Here you are perfectly safe. Have you met the girls? Did you like some? Never Preocoupes, do not tell Rosa. And you have to tell ...

Antonio was interrupted by a shout from one of the rooms surrounding the hall. Suddenly the door opened and a man with eyes wide open and swungdo a knife. Behind him, lying on a bed soaked with blood, a girl was writhing in agony.

- Stop him! Cried-. I was stabbed and robbed me the money!

With a furious roar, the maniac was with another girl before the poor could react and he brought the knife to the throat.

- Or leave me out of here, Or I'll nail it too!-Chioped, pressing the knife so he did poke a small drop of blood-. I'm serious!

Antonio, sober suddenly stared at Teodora and Ezio. Theodora also looked Ezio.

"Well, Ezio said with a coolness that caught by Sister Eziodam- you have before you a chance to leave me impressed.

The maniac was crossing the room toward the door, where a small group of girls crowded. When he arrived, he shouted: - Open! "But they were paralyzed with fear-. Open the f.u.c.king door and nail it!

Sank a little knife in the throat of the girl. Blood began to slide down collar.

- Let her go! Ezio-ordered.

The man turned to face him, a horrible expression on his face.

- Who are you? Does benefattore of cazzo? benefattore of cazzo? I do not obligues to stop it! I do not obligues to stop it!

Ezio stared at the man, then looked at the door. The girl had fainted in his arms, was a dead weight. Ezio realized that the man hesitated, but at any time would have to release it. Was prepared. It would be complicatedmarket, the other women were very close, would have to choose the moParliament must then act quickly, and knew he had very little experience with his new weapon.

"Open the door," he said of the decision to a group terrified prost.i.tutes.

As she prepared to do so, the crazy slid down the girl, who was still bleeding. Willing to run to the caLLE, Ezio took off his attention for a second, and that urgeEzio was enough for you to power your small pistol. Fired.

There was a bang and a flame dry, followed by a puff of smoke that seemed to spring from between the fingers of the right hand of Ezio. The manic, with a surprised expression on his face drawn yet, fell to his knees with a precise hole in the forehead and part of his brains spattering the doorway behind him. The girls screamed and the man quickly turned away as he collapsed forward. Teodora shouted some orders and the servants rushed to help the two girls havearid, but arrived too late for lying on the doring quarters, bled.

"You have our grat.i.tude," said Teodora Ezio when she had restored order.

"I arrived too late to save her.

"You saved others. He could have killed more than not being here to stop you.

- What have used witchcraft to kill him? Asked a startled Antonio.

"It's not witchcraft. Just a secret. The eldest of a throwing knife.

"I think it will be useful. Our new dux are dead scared. Is always surrounded by guards and not leave his Palazzo. Palazzo. -Antonio paused-. I imagine that Marco Barbarigo is as follows in your list. -Antonio paused-. I imagine that Marco Barbarigo is as follows in your list.

"It's an enemy so great as in his day was his cousin.

"I help, "said Theodora, adding to the conversationtion-. And our opportunity is very close. The Doge's a big party Carnevale Carnevale and and have to leave have to leave palazzo palazzo for it. No expense has been remedied. Because you can not win the favor of people want to buy. According to my spies, has brought even China fireworks! for it. No expense has been remedied. Because you can not win the favor of people want to buy. According to my spies, has brought even China fireworks!

"That's why I've asked you to come today," explained Antonio Ezio-. Sister Theodora is one of us and is aware of everything that happens in Venice.

- How to get an invitation to the party? "She questionsEzio to.

"It's not easy," she said-. To enter you need a moreface of gold.

"Neither would be very difficult to get with one.

"Not so fast: each mask is is an invitation. -Mattdora smiled then-. Anyway, I have an idea. I think we may be able an invitation. -Mattdora smiled then-. Anyway, I have an idea. I think we may be able win win a mask. Come, come with me. a mask. Come, come with me.

Removed him from the others and took him to a quiet garden hasbia in the back of the building, with a source singing over an ornamental pond.

"Tomorrow, on the occasion of the carnival will be held each Thursspecial risks that are open to everyone. There are four games and the winner will win a gold mask and it will be intered guest of honor at the party. You have to win, Ezio, since access to the party gives you access to Marco Barbarigo. He stared-. And when you go to the party, I advise that you carry egflute thing that spits fire, it will not get closer to your obsubjective enough to stick a knife.

- Could a question,?

"You can try. Do not guarantee a response.

"I have curiosity. Vais dressed in a nun's habit, evenit is clear that you are not.

- And how do you know why? Te a.s.sure you, my son, I'm homeda with the Lord.

I do not understand. Also are a courtesan. In fact, I'dgis a bordello. bordello.

Theodora smiled.

"I see no contradiction anywhere. Decide how I practice my faith, I choose to do with my body ... are my choicetions and I am free to take them. He paused, thinking for a moment-. Watch-continued- Like many young girls, I was drawn to the Church, but gradually growth a.s.sumptionsingredients of this city disappointed me. For men, G.o.d is merely an idea in their heads, and not in deeperdo your heart and body. Do you see where I'm going, Ezio? To attain salvation men have to learn to love. My girls and I provide that knowledge to our congregationgation. Naturally, there is no sect of the Church agrees with me, why I had to create mine. Maybe not traditional, but it works, and the hearts of menmen in my care is becoming firmer. "Among other things, I guess.

"You're a cynic, Ezio. He held out his hand-. Skill becomesna and take care of the games. Meanwhile, go with caregiven and do not forget your mask. I know you know taking care of yourself, but our enemies are looking for you.

Ezio wanted to make a few adjustments to his weapon, so on the way back to the headquarters of the guild of barktions, went back to Leonardo's workshop.

"Glad to see you, Ezio.

"You were right about his sister Theodora, Leonardo. A true free thinker.

"If I were not so well protected, would have trouble with the Church, but has powerful fans.

"I can imagine. "But Ezio realized that Leonardo was slightly abstracted and looked at him strangely-. What about Leo?

"It might be better not to tell, but if you figure it out by casuality would be worse. Look, Ezio, Cristina Calfucci is in Venice with her husband on the occasion of Carnevale. Carnevale. Of course, now called Cristina d'Arzenta. Of course, now called Cristina d'Arzenta.

- Where you stay?

"She and Manfred are welcome at my employer. So I know.

- I have to see it!

-Ezio ... are you sure it's a good idea?

"Tomorrow will pick up the gun. The I need to then I'm afraid ... I have some urgent business to attend.

"Ezio, I would not leave the streets unarmed.

"I carry weapons in the Codex.

With heart pounding, he went to Palaz Eziozo Pexaro, stopping in the office of a notary publicPUBLIC who paid him to write a short note, saying: My dear Cristina: dear Cristina:I meet you alone and away from our host tonight when the nineteenth century. I'll wait on the sundial of the Rio Terra degli Ognisanti ...

... and signed with the name of "Manfred." Handed in palazzo palazzo the count and waited. the count and waited.

There was an idea with little chance of success, but it worked. Cristina appeared only once with a raised rifle and ran toward the Dorsoduro. He followed. Howdo was to rendezvous and carbine had gone to a disdiscrete substance, he appeared. Both wore face masks, but he was more beautiful than ever. Could not resist. He took her in his arms and kissed her, long and tender kiss.

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