Renaissance. Part 17

Renaissance. -

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- With the same terms as the rest?

"Of course.

- Well! How long do I have?

- Until the end of the week? I have some preparations to make y. .. I try to see someone ... to say goodbye. But bego to leave as soon as possible.

"I did not take long. I still have the toolstools I used for the first job, and my a.s.sistants and tie itnen by hand, so I do not see why not.

Ezio took the time to solve issues in Florenence, pack our bags and send a messenger with a letter to Monteriggioni. Postponed the final task he had set over and over again, though I knew I had to take place. Finally, in his penultimateesteem later, approached the mansion Calfucci. Her feet weighsban as lead.

But when he came home he found it dark and closed. Conscient was behaving like a madman, climbed to the balcony of Cristina and found the shutters closed and barred. Nasturtiums of the pots on the balcony were wilted and deadTAS. When he came down, tired, had the feeling in the shrouded heart. He stood by the door is mired in aTado dreamy, never knew how long, butGillen had to see it, it finally opened a window on the firstmer floor and a woman stuck her head.

"They're gone. The signor signor Calfucci saw the problems coming and took the whole family to Lucca. Her daughter's fiance is from there. Calfucci saw the problems coming and took the whole family to Lucca. Her daughter's fiance is from there.

- What Lucca?

"Yes. I have understood that the families get along very well.

- When return?

I do not know. "The woman looked at him-. Do you know something?

I do not think, "said Ezio.

He spent the night dreaming as both the St CristinaFrancesco griento final.

The day rose overcast sky comparable to the mood of Ezio. He went to Leonardo's workshop, happy that the day had finally come to leave Florence. The new knife was ready, finished in matte gray steel, very hard, so sharp edges that could cut a silk scarf in the air. The tip orifice was tiny.

"The poison is in the grip and is released simply by flexing the muscle of the arm on the inner b.u.t.ton. Be careful because it is very sensitive.

- What do I have to use poison?

"For starters, I used a potent distillation CICUta. When completed, ask any doctor.

- Poison? To a doctor?

"In high enough concentrations, curing can also kill.

Ezio nodded sadly.

"I owe you one more time.

"Here is the leaf of the Codex. Is it true that you have to leave so soon?

"Florence is a safe city ... of time. But even tengo work to do.

Chapter 10.

Ezio! "Mario was glowing, his beard more fraught than ever, his face burned by the Tuscan sun. Welcome home!


Mario's face became more serious.

"I see by your face you've been through hard experiences in memonths since the last time we met. When you haveyas have bathed and rested, you have to tell me everything. He paused. We are aware of what happened in Florence, and I, even I, I prayed that there were a peel off miracle alive.But not only has come out alive, but also has changed the situation and has brought against the Pazzi! Los TemKnights Templar'll hate you for this, Ezio.

"It's a mutual hatred.

"Rest first ... and then tell me all.

That night, the two settled into the office of Mario. Mario listened with interest Ezio explanations on everything he knew regarding the events in Floence. He returned to his uncle Codex page Vieri and will betweengo that Lorenzo had given him, describing the drawing of the poison dagger and are shown below. Mario was impressedZion, but concentrated on the new page.

"My friend was not able to figure anything else except the desdescription of the weapon, "said Ezio.

"That's fine. Not all pages contain such instructions, and should only be of interest to those that contain them, "said Mario, a tone of caution in his voice. In However, we can only understand the full meaning of the Codex when we met all its pages. But it will take us a step further when the other let's link, with Vieri page.

He got up, went to the library to hide the wall that kept the pages of the Codex, moved and studied the place occupiedgave birth the new pages. One of them was connected with any of those he already had there. The other was in a corner.

Interestingly, Vieri and his father had pages are obviously very close, "he said. Now seeWe do ...

He stopped talking, concentrating.

"Hmmm ... He said at last, though with an expression of Preocern.

- Do you think this gives you a little further, man?

"I'm not sure. Perhaps we are more immersed than ever in the dark, but what is clear is that here is thesome type of reference to a prophet, a prophet of the Bible, but a living prophet or one that is yet to come ...

- And who might that be?

"I do not want to run too. "Mario was absorbed in the pages, moving his lips, speaking in a language not understood Ezio. As to decipher this text workduciria more or less like "Only the Prophet can open .... And here is a reference to "two fragments of Eden", but I have no idea what it means. We must be patient until we get more pages of the Codex.

"I know that the Codex is important, man, but I'm here for a more compelling reason to unravel its mystery. Seeking the renegade, Jacopo de 'Pazzi.

"What is certain is that after running away from Florence traveled south. -Mario hesitated before continuing. Did not intend to discuss this topic with you tonight, Ezio, but I see that the matter is so urgent for me as for you, and we have to start preparations as soon as possible. My old friend Roberto has been expulsed San Gimignano, which has again become a stronghold of the Templars. Is too close to Florence, and us, to allow it to be. I think that Jacopo could seek refuge there.

"I have a list of the names of others conspiredres Ezio said, taking the printout of your wallet and handing it to his uncle.

"Well. Some of these men have much less to fall back to Jacopo and be easy to beat. At dawn send spies out to see what they can find out about them, and while we must begin to prepare to retake San GiMignano.

-Prepare your men without fail, but I have no time to lose if I just want to stop these murderers. Mario thought.

"Maybe you're right ... One man alone can often transfer an entire army walls can not. And we should kill them while they still believe to be safe. "I thought for a moment. I accordingly give my permission. You go ahead and see what they discover. I know you're more than capable of taking care of yourself.

- Thanks, man!

- Not so fast, Ezio! I let you go on one condition.

- What?

"One week to delay your departure.

- A week? week?

"If you think you dive only in the field, with no one to accompany you, needing more than the weapons of the Codex. Now you're a man and a courageous fighter of Murderers. But your reputation will be more thirsty Templar your sangre than ever and I know I still lack certain skills.

Ezio shook his head from side to side impatiently.

"No, man, sorry ..., but week ... week ...

Mario frowned, but raised his voice only slightlyte. It was enough.

"I've heard good things about you, Ezio, but also bad things. When you kill Francesco lost control. And let your feelings for Cristina tempt you to break away from your path. Your duty now is the Creed, and if not careful, you may not be for a world that you enjoy. He stopped his speech. When I ask obedience, I do it in the mouth of your father.

Ezio had seen his uncle grow in height, even in size, as he spoke. And it painful to accept, was forced to acknowledge that what he had said was true. LoveSimilarly, it lowered his head.

"Well," said Mario, more gently. And end up agradeciendomelo. Your new training will start in the morning. And rerope: preparation is everything!

A week later, armed and ready, went on horse Ezioment to San Gimignano. Mario had told him to get in touch with one of the patrols condottieri condottieri had deliberatelydo in an area not visible from the outskirts of the city with the objectivetive to track the comings and goings. He stayed at one of their camps to spend their first night away from MonteRiggioni. had deliberatelydo in an area not visible from the outskirts of the city with the objectivetive to track the comings and goings. He stayed at one of their camps to spend their first night away from MonteRiggioni.

The sergeant in charge, tough and tanned by the beatseed mixtures of mid-twenties named Gambalto, gave him a pedagogicalzo of bread pecorino pecorino and a bowl of Vernaccia and put the co Eziocurrents of the situation while he ate and drank. and a bowl of Vernaccia and put the co Eziocurrents of the situation while he ate and drank.

I think it's a shame that Antonio Maffei leavesra of Volterra. He is obsessed with Lorenzo and thinks the Duke destroyed his hometown, while all he did was tounder the protection of Florence. Maffei now gone mad. It has been installed atop the tower of the cathedral, surrounded by archers of the Pazzi, and spend the day throwing tirades and arrows in equal measure. G.o.d knows what plans will: to convert people to his cause with his sermons, or kill them with arrows. The ordinary citizens of San Gimignano hate it, but while continuing his reign of terror, the city is powerless against it.

"As far as is necessary to neutralize it.

"That would weaken the influence of the Pazzi in the city.

- Are well defended?

"They have a lot of men stationed at the guard towersence and doors. But change of guard at dawn. At that time, a man like you could top the walls and entering the city without being seen.

Ezio thought, wondering if this will distract from the mission that had been imposed to meet Jacopo. But reflectionsnot to be able to see the big picture: that this was starting Maffeirio de 'Pazzi and Ezio as Murderer duty was to overthrow that madman.

At dawn the next day, any special citySan Gimignano attentive mind could have realized the prepresence of a hooded figure, thin and gray eyes, slipDose as a ghost through the streets leading to the cathedral square. The market vendors were setting up their ascough, but it was the low point of the day and the guards, bored and discouraged, slept leaning on their halberds. The area westtee campanile campanile was still mired in the dark and n.o.body saw a figure dressed in black climbed up the walls with the faeasily handle and elegance of a spider. was still mired in the dark and n.o.body saw a figure dressed in black climbed up the walls with the faeasily handle and elegance of a spider.

The priest, emaciated, with sunken eyes and disheveled, thisba already in place. Spent four archers of the Pazzi were also positioned in their proper places, one in each ismachine from the tower. But as not confident that the archers were sufficient protection, Antonio Maffei, despite having a Bible in his left hand, also held a round-handled daggergiven on the right. Had set to pray, and when Ezio approached the top of the tower, began to catch the words of Maffei.

- Citizens of San Gimignano, pay attention to my paJewel! Repent. REPENTOS! And seek forgiveness ... HisMacOS to my prayer, my children, so that together we face the darkauthority that has hung over our beloved Tuscany! Pay attention, good grief, and I will speak and listen, O earth, the words spoken by my mouth. Let my teaching spill like rain, my speech distil as the dew, as raindrops on plants, such as a shower on the gra.s.s as I procall upon the nameand the Lord! He is the Rock!His work is perfect, their ways are right! Is right and virtuous, and those who have fallen in the cocorruption, and his children are not ... A stained-generation, perversa and dishonest! Citizens of San Gimignano, "you try and be with the Lord? Oh, crazy and insane! If He is not your father, who bore you? By the light of His mercy, be clean!

Ezio carefully jumped over the parapet of the tower and coGio positions near the trap door that opened onto the stairs leading down. The archers tried to target him, but within range was short and he was well on his behalf on eleRegulation surprise. He crouched and grabbed one of them by the feet, hastelling her to fall over the parapet and throwing it into a deathsure you sixty meters below. Before the others had time to react, he turned against a second and stabbed him in the arm. The man looked startled the little wound, but was pale and collapsed, his life vanis.h.i.+ng in an instantimportant. Ezio had fastened on his arm his new weapon, it was not just fighting time. He turned to the third, who had dropped his bow and tried to pa.s.s him on his way to the scaleras. When he reached them, Ezio herded him a kick in the b.u.t.t and the man began to roll down the wooden stairs headfirst, splitting his bones to be affixed to the first landing. The last man raised his hands and Borboto something. Ezio looked down and saw that the man had peed on it. He stepped aside and, bowing ironically, allowed the tierrorizado keeper hastily lowered the ladder to meet his crippled comrade.

He then received a hard blow to the neck caused by egsada steel hilt of a dagger. Maffei had recovered from the concussion he suffered the attack and had acerEzio ed from behind. Ezio faltered.

- We oblink to your knees, sinner!Cried the priest, ispuma peeping from the corners of his mouth. Beg your pardon!

"Why do people always lose time talking? 'PenSo Ezio, who had time to recover and rotated while the sacerdote threw his speech.

The two men began to spin in concentric liited s.p.a.ce. Maffei lashed out with its powerful dagger. Was evidentrecently, an awkward fighter, but desperation and fanaticism made him very dangerous. Ezio was forced to dance back and forth more than once to deviate from the path of the erratic movements of the blade of his opponent, he could not strike a single blow. He could finally get the priest's wrist and pull it until their b.r.e.a.s.t.s were rubbing.

"I'll send whining to h.e.l.l," snapped Maffei.

It shows a little respect for the dead, friend-replicationEzio ed.

- I'll give you respect yourself!

- Surrender! I will give you time to pray.

Maffei threw a spit in the eye, thus obliging Ezio clutches. Then with a shriek, plunged the dagger into the faceEzio left arm, but the blade slid uselessly to one side, folded metal plate was attached Ezio.

- What the h.e.l.l are you protected? Maffei asked.

"You talk too much," said Ezio, pressing the knife against the neck of the priest and tensing the muscles of the forearm.

By the time the poison blade slipped and stepped into the jugular Maffei, the priest stiffened, opened her mouth and she did not go more than a fetid breath. DeviatedEzio tonka, came teetering on the parapet, stood up briefly and then fell forward into the arms of death.

Ezio bent over the corpse of Maffei. Found a letter from his coat, opened and read quickly.

Padrone: I writeor fear in the heart. The Prophet has reacheddo. Lor I feel.Ni follow the birds com behaveor shouldlaugh. Revoletean aimlessly through the sky. LI see from my unclerre. No attend the meeting as you me you asked, because no I can to exhibit them in public fearing to que that ofheritage could meet. Forgive but I hAcer listened to my inner voice. follow the birds com behaveor shouldlaugh. Revoletean aimlessly through the sky. LI see from my unclerre. No attend the meeting as you me you asked, because no I can to exhibit them in public fearing to que that ofheritage could meet. Forgive but I hAcer listened to my inner voice.

May the Father of the Suner you guidance. And I guie tambien to me.

Brother A.

"Gambalto was right, thought Ezio, per man haddido head. Sadly, remembering the warning of his uncle, the priest closed his eyes and mouthed the words Requiescat in pace. Requiescat in pace.

Aware that the archer who had spared his life could have sounded the alarm over the pa inspectedRapet tower was down, but did not detect any activitydisturbing activity. Pazzi guards were asleep at their posts and the market had opened, people began to bringthe stalls are. Undoubtedly, the archer must walk and on his way home, preferring to drop court-martial and possible torture. He put the dagger back inside the mechanism that had been hidden in the forearm, trying tocarla only with your gloved hand and started down the stairs of the tower. The sun was high in the sky, which would clearly visible if he decided to go down the outer wallthe previous campanile. campanile.

When reunited with the band of mercenaries Mariver Gambalto greeted him excitedly.

- Our reconnaissance patrol had located the archSalviati bispo!

- Where?

"Not very far from here. Do you see that mansion? "On the hill up there?


"He's there. -Gambalto then remembered something. But I must ask, capitano, capitano, how did it go in the city. how did it go in the city.

"No more sermons of hate from the tower.

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