Renaissance. Part 12

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The guards ran for Ezio, but he was preparedRado for them. Ended the first one using the ulthymus of the shoulder blade, small blade scything the air with an evil hiss. Then drew his sword and fought and killed the remaining guards. He cut and drove like a madman in a b.l.o.o.d.y spiral, his terse and lethal moves until the last guard, badly wounded, limped away to protect themselves in a safe place. Vieri then pounced on him, wielding a battle-ax sinister aspect had taken from the saddle of his horse, which was still tied up, where others had been. Ezio dodged his mortal lance, but the coup, despite slipperylar on its cradle, rocked him to lay him on the floor and force him to drop the sword. Vieri was placed on him in an instant after he poked a kick to the sword to be left out of reach. He raised the ax over his should beza. Gathering all his remaining strength, Ezio whipped up a paTada to the crotch of his opponent, but Vieri saw her coming and jumped back. When Ezio took the opportunity to incorexamined and incorporated again, Vieri launched the hatchet against his left wristda, then by dropping his knife and causing a cut profounded in the left hand. Vieri then drew his sword and dagger.

"If you want a good job, do it yourself," said Vieri. Sometimes I wonder why I pay to those who call themselves bodyguards. Goodbye, Ezio!

And he pounced on his foe.

Heat pain had burnt the body in the moment when the ax he chopped his hand, his head was spinning and had cloudy eyes. But in that moment he remembered what he had learned and instinct took over. She s.h.i.+vered, and the moment Vieri was about to deliver the final blow to his supposedly unarmed opponent, right hand flexed Eziocha, extended fingers and opened his palm. The mechanism of the hidden dagger that had belonged to his father was operated with a click and the blade appeared beneath his fingers, extending in total mortality, revealing his evil heavy metal edge. Vieri had raised arm, flank exposed. Ezio plunged the dagger into his side and the sheet is in without the slightest resistance.

Vieri was left paralyzed one second and then releasedo his arms, fell to his knees. In between his ribs blood flowed like a waterfall. Ezio caught him at the time of his fall to the ground.

"You do not have much time, once said Vieri. Ahois ra your your opportunity to make peace with G.o.d. Tell me, what thisbais discussing? What are your plans? opportunity to make peace with G.o.d. Tell me, what thisbais discussing? What are your plans?

Vieri responded with a slow smile.

"We never rule," he said. Peace will never conquer thezi and never conquer Rodrigo Borgia.

Ezio knew that available only a few moments before being talking to a corpse. He insisted more urgently, if possible.

- Tell me, Vieri! Had I discovered your plans my padre? Is it yours why did you run?

But Vieri's face was ashen. Pressed hard Ezio arm. From the corner of his mouth dropped a trail of blood and his eyes began to turn But even so, she got itbozar a wry smile.

"Ezio, what do you expect? A full-fledged confession? The templeto, but I have ... time ... She opened her mouth for breathing and more blood came out of it. A shame, really. In another world, maybe even would have been ... friends.

Ezio noted that the pressure in your arm is relaxed.

The pain from his wound then came again, along with the raw memories of the death of their relatives. A cold fury gripped him.

- Friends? -he said to the corpse. Amigos!Piece of shda! You should leave your body in a ditch to be pudries as a dead crow! n.o.body would miss you! I just would like you to suffer more! I ...

"Ezio," said a voice potnte and kind to his back.Basand ta! Show some respect for that man.

Ezio got up and turned to come face to face with his uncle.

- Respect? After all what happened? Do you think that winning it would not have hung him from the first tree Hubiera found?

Mario was bruised, covered in dust and blood, but remained firmly in place.

"But he has not won, Ezio. And you're not like him. Not with youpour into a man as he was. "He knelt to the leatherpo and closed his eyes with his gloved hand. That death will provide the peace that your poor soul searching, "he said angrily. Requiescat in pace. Requiescat in pace.

Ezio looked on in silence. When he joined his uncle, said: - Are you finished it?

"No," Mario said. The fighting still continues. But the tide has turned in our favor. Roberto has joined ourORT side with some of his men and now only a matter of time. He paused. I'm sure you know that hurt Orazio has died.

- Orazio ...!

"Before he died he told me your courageous behavior. Mantempt the height of the eulogy, Ezio.

"I'll try. -Ezio bit her lip.

Although not consciously recognized, this was another lessontion to learn.

"I have to go back to my men. But I have something for you, something that will teach you more about our enemy. It's a letter we received from one of the priests here. Thisba father intended for Vieri, Frances...o...b..t obviously is not going to receive it. He handed a paper, the seal broken. This mymo priest held the funeral. I will ask one of my sergeants to take charge of all things.

"I have things to tell ...

Mario raised his hand.

"Later, when we have finished our work here. After this setback, our enemies can not act as quickly as they imagined and Lorenzo, in Florence, is on guard. For now, we take advantage. He paused. I have to go back. Read the letter, Ezio, and reflect on its contentnest. And beware that hand.

Disappeared. Ezio's body turned away and sat Vieriunder the tree behind which was hidden before. Vieri's face began to be surrounded by flies. Ezio opened the letter and read: Messer Francesco: Have I done what I have asked and talked to your son. I agree with your a.s.sessment, but only in parte. If Vieri is foolhardy, and tends to act without reflectionsgrou, And is habit of treating their men as a toy, eat piAJE ezasDrez whose life care as if they were you long ivory or wooda, and their punishments are cruel: Hand receivedBido reports that at least three men have been disfigured as a result cernos themselves.

But I do not think, as you say, a case lost. Rather I think the solution is simple. you're looking for your AproBation. Your attention. These bursts are the result of insecurityties born to from a feeling of incompetence. Hab "of you coNo pride and often, and formerpresa his desire to be closer to you. So I think quand whether to show vulgar, vile and angry is simply becausee wants attention. Becauseand Quiere loved. case lost. Rather I think the solution is simple. you're looking for your AproBation. Your attention. These bursts are the result of insecurityties born to from a feeling of incompetence. Hab "of you coNo pride and often, and formerpresa his desire to be closer to you. So I think quand whether to show vulgar, vile and angry is simply becausee wants attention. Becauseand Quiere loved.

Proceed convenient to eat considereis from the informationtion that aqI Ui provides but debor ask you to demos by termined this correspondence. In rackingRIRs nature of ourtra disertacion, frankly afraid you que could become of me.

Confidentially Father Giocondo Ezio remained seated for a while after completing the readingsra of the letter. Vieri looked at the corpse. He wore a belt pouch whose presence had not noticed before. He came and took it, returning to his tree to examine the contentdo. Found the thumbnail image of a woman, a few guilders in a bag, a notebook to start and careCAREFULLY roll, a piece of vellum. He opened his hands temBlore and recognized him immediately. A page from the Codex ...

The sun rose in the sky and a group of monks appeared with a wooden table on which they deposited the body of Vieri to take him.

As spring gave way to summer again, and mimesas and azaleas left instead to the lilacs and roses, he returned to Tuscany an uneasy peace. Ezio was happy because his madre continued its recovery, but his nerves had been so convulsed by the tragedy that had lived he thought would never leave the peace and tranquility of the conventionalto. Claudia was considering made vows that would lead to the novitiate, a prospect that did not satisfy him at all, but knew he was as stubborn as him and try to disrupt their plans would not only strengthen their decision.

Mario had dedicated their time to ensure that San GiMignano and its territory, now under the control sober and reformed his old comrade Bob, let's pose a threat as the last pockets of resistance remain weak Pazzi. Monteriggioni was safero, and after completion of the celebraciones of victory, condottieri condottieri Mario enjoyed a well deserved permit each used their own way, with family, drinking or frequenting women, but never forgetdo their training. The squires were devoted to maintaining sharp weapons and armor rust-free, masons and carpenters to ensure the preservation of the fortifications of both the city and the castle. In the north, the external threat of France was put on hold due to King Louis was busy with the problemsbut that was causing the Duke of Burgundy in the south, on the other hand, Pope Sixtus IV, a potential ally of the Pazzi, wastoo busy placing his relatives in positions of rank and overseeing the construction of a magnificent chapel in the Vaticano to consider making an incursion into Tuscany. Mario enjoyed a well deserved permit each used their own way, with family, drinking or frequenting women, but never forgetdo their training. The squires were devoted to maintaining sharp weapons and armor rust-free, masons and carpenters to ensure the preservation of the fortifications of both the city and the castle. In the north, the external threat of France was put on hold due to King Louis was busy with the problemsbut that was causing the Duke of Burgundy in the south, on the other hand, Pope Sixtus IV, a potential ally of the Pazzi, wastoo busy placing his relatives in positions of rank and overseeing the construction of a magnificent chapel in the Vaticano to consider making an incursion into Tuscany.

Meanwhile, Mario and Ezio had had long talkstions about the threat that they both knew they still existed.

"I have to tell you more about Rodrigo Borgia, Mario told his nephew. Born in Valencia, but studied law in Bologna and has never returned to Spain, so here it is in the best pocomposition to achieve their ambitions. Currently a member desready highlighted the Roman Curia, but has a larger scope. One of the most powerful men in Europe and more than a shrewd politician within the structure of the Church. He lowered his voice. Rodrigo is the leader of the Knights Templar.

Ezio noticed that her heart skipped a beat.

"This explains his presence in the murder of my poor father and my brothers. Was behind it all.

"Yes, and you have not forgotten you, especially since it was largely thanks to you who lost his base in Tuscany. And you know where you come from and the danger it still poses to him. Be very clearro, Ezio, will kill you when I have the opportunity.

"So if I want to be free, I have to faceme to him.

Spent in the garden, where they had been walking to a stayence inside the castle at the bottom of a corridor out of the map room. It was a quiet, dark without being gloomy, the walls filled with books and more like an office Accademico Accademico that a military commander. On the shelves were also artifacts that appeared to come from Turkey or Syria, and books, so his loins gave to understand, were written in Arabic. Ezio had asked his uncle about it, but notBia received only vague answers. that a military commander. On the shelves were also artifacts that appeared to come from Turkey or Syria, and books, so his loins gave to understand, were written in Arabic. Ezio had asked his uncle about it, but notBia received only vague answers.

Once there, Mario opened a cabinet and pulled out a leather wallet to carry doc.u.ments that drew a sheet of papeel. Among them were some who immediately recognized Ezio.

"Here is a list of your father, boy ... but it should no longer call you, now you're a man and a warrior of pure blood. I have added the names you gave me in San Gimignano. He looked at his nephew and gave him the doc.u.ment. It's time you start your work.

"All the Templars displayed here will fall under my dagger," said Ezio, quietly. His eyes went to rest with the name of Francesco de 'Pazzi. This, I start with him. This is the worst of the clan and a fanatic for the hatred shown toward our allies, the Medici.

"You're right in what you say," agreed Mario. Did you startflush, as the preparations to travel to Florence?

"What I have decided.

"Well. But if you equip yourself properly, you need to know more. Ven.

Mario stood in front of a bookstore and had touched a hidden b.u.t.ton on the side. Opened by a silent hinges and appeared a stone wall in the protruding several square holes. There were five full. The rest were empty.

Ezio's gaze lighted to see that. The five s.p.a.cefull services were held by pages from the Codex!

"I see you recognize what it is," Mario said. And it surprised meignited. At the end of the day, here is the page that you left your father, your intelligent friend of Florence managed to decode and these others, that Giovanni was able to find and translate before his death.

"And I took the body of Vieri," he said Ezio. But its content remains a mystery.

"The punishment is that you're right. I'm not the scholar who was your father, but with every page you add, and with the help of the books I have in my studio, I'm getting closer to unravel the myistry. Look! See how the words are crossed from one page to the next, and how to bind the symbols?

Ezio looked carefully, I remember a strange sensation flooding his brain, as if awakening in him an instrumentinherited red ... and with that feeling, the scribbles on pages of the Codex came alive, his intentions unfold before their eyes.

- Yes! And underneath there seems to be a kind of drawing ... Look, it's like a map!

-Giovanni in these pages manage to decipher what seems to be a prophecy, but I have yet to understand what makes referenceence. Something about "a Piece of Eden." Was written muny years, for a Murderer like us, whose name apparently was Altair. And there's more. Continues to write about "something hidsold under the earth, something as powerful as old but still you ...,Nemos to discover what it is.

"Here I have the page of Vieri," said Ezio. Also put on the wall.

- Yet! The will copy before you go, but Bring the original to that friend of yours in Florence brilliant mind. No need to know the whole picture, or what we have of it youta time. In fact, it could be dangerous for him to knowthe. Then Vieri piece will add to the others and we are one step closer to solving the mystery.

- What about the other pages?

"Still we have to rediscover," Mario said. Never Preocoupes for it. You should concentrate on the company that you now face.

Chapter 8.

Ezio preparations had to be carried out before leaving MonteRiggioni. Had more to learn, along with his uncle, on the Creed of Murderers, in order to face the best posible the task that lay ahead. On the other hand, there was a needDad trying to make your stay in Florence was safe, and finalmind had to solve the issue of where to stay, as the spies who Mario was stationed in the city had reporteddo that palazzo palazzo family was shut and closed with boards but, to remain under the protection and surveillance of the Medici, had not been looted. Several delays and setbacks led to Ezio feel increasingly impatient until, one morning in March, his uncle told him to prepare your luggage. family was shut and closed with boards but, to remain under the protection and surveillance of the Medici, had not been looted. Several delays and setbacks led to Ezio feel increasingly impatient until, one morning in March, his uncle told him to prepare your luggage.

"It's been a long winter ... "Mario said.

"Too long," he said Ezio.

-... but now it is all about, "continued his uncle. And I remind you that meticulous preparation is the last reasonma of many victories. Now, pay attention! I have an amiga in Florence that has arranged for you to have a housingsafe treatment not far from home.

- Who is it, uncle?

Mario proved elusive.

"His name is unimportant to you, but you have my pastyles that you can rely on it as you trust in me. In any case, he is currently out of town. If necessaryIBTS help, contact your former housekeeper, Annetta, the address remains the same and now works for the Medici, but the best is that fewer people posible is aware of your presence in Florence. There are, pregnantHowever, a person who must must contact, although it is not easy to crazyLizard. Te I have written your name here. You ask very discreetdirectly by him. Try to ask your friend when you show the scientist Codex page, but do not give too much informationtion. It's for your own good! And here I leave you, indeed, the address of your accommodation. Ezio He handed two sheets of paper and a volight leather bag. And a hundred florins to begin, and your travel doc.u.mentation, you'll see that it is in perfect order. And the best news I have to give is to depart tomorrow! contact, although it is not easy to crazyLizard. Te I have written your name here. You ask very discreetdirectly by him. Try to ask your friend when you show the scientist Codex page, but do not give too much informationtion. It's for your own good! And here I leave you, indeed, the address of your accommodation. Ezio He handed two sheets of paper and a volight leather bag. And a hundred florins to begin, and your travel doc.u.mentation, you'll see that it is in perfect order. And the best news I have to give is to depart tomorrow!

Ezio used what little time he had to approach caballo to the convent and say goodbye to his mother and sister prepare essential clothing and equipment he needed, and desasked his uncle and the men and women of the city all that time had been his companions and allies. But saddled his horse and crossed the gates of the castle at dawn the next day with a happy heart and resolved. The day-of-wayje was long but uneventful, and when dinner was already settled in their new base and prepared to familiarize newvo with the city that had been their home for life and for so long that he saw. But it was felt that a returnmental, and as he was accustomed again and sadly had pa.s.sed ahead of the front of his old home, went straight to the workshop of Leonardo, not forgetting to take with him APCodex page I had on Vieri de 'Pazzi.

Since Ezio was gone, Leonardo had expanded its taller with the acquisition of adjacent premises is a large warehousesufficient s.p.a.ce to accommodate the physical results of imaginationtion of the artist. Two trestle tables occupied the premises from one extreme to another, a s.p.a.ce lit by oil lamps and the light coming through the windows at the top of the walls (Leonardo did not like the look of the curious) . On tables, hanging from the walls and scattered, half-montar, per stay, there were an unlimited number of gadgets, machines and engineering components. Nailed to the walls were hundreds of drawings and sketches. Between that creates pandemoniumproductivity, working and running around half a dozen a.s.sistants, superInnocente Agniolo visas and somewhat higher than others but no less attractive. Here, the model of a car, exceptto which was round, loaded with weapons everywhere, and covered with a canopy cover battles.h.i.+p reminiscent of a pileup of kitchen, above which there was a hole where a man was a.s.sociatedTues head to make sure the address was the machine. There, the drawing of a boat in the shape of a shark but with a strange tower in the back. Rarer still, as the picture gave the impression that the s.h.i.+p was sailing under the water. Mapas and anatomical drawings showing since the operation of the eye, to the intercourse, from por the embryo in the uterus, and muLike many other Ezio's imagination was unable to decipher- crammed into every available s.p.a.ce on the wall, while the samples and stuff stacked on tables reminded Ezio organized chaos he had seen during his last visit to studygiven, but now multiplied a hundredfold. Had accurate pictures of animals, ranging from the known to the supernatural, and boCoetuses anything, from water pumps to walls of defense.

Pber what he called attention to Ezio hanging from the ceiling. I had seen before another version of the widget, a small modelNa, but what looked like a large-scale model of what one day become a real machine. He kept reminding the esqueleto of a bat, but there was some kind of skin resistanceAnimal I stretched over the structure of the two wooden In the vicinity there was an easel with doc.u.ments. Among the entries and calculations, Ezio read: ... spring steel horn or subject of willow covered with reeds.The momentum holds birds in flight during a time when the wings do not put pressure on the air, and even rise.If a man weighs ninety kilos and is at the point n nand hang up your block, which weighs seventy kilos, with a power equivalent to one hundred and forty kilos would rise with two wings ...

A Ezio what sounded to Greek, but at least was able to read it. I imagined that he transcribed the impenetrable AgnioloLeonardo trable scribbles. At that moment he realized that Agniolo was watching and quickly looked away. Leonardo knew that he liked to keep everything secret.

Leonardo was at that time from his former studio and ran quickly to Ezio to give a warm hug.

- My dear Ezio! You're back! I'm glad to see you. After all that happened, we thought ... "But let the sentence die there, his expression of concern.

Ezio tried to cheer again.

- Go to this site! Obviously, for me nothing has neither head nor tail, but I guess you know very well what you do! Have you stopped painting?

"No," Leonardo-. But I devote myself to other things ... I draw attention.

"I I see it. And you've expanded the site. You must be thrivingdo. The last two years have been good for you.

But Leonardo was aware of both the sadness and the seriesDad who had taken over the face of Ezio.

"Maybe," said Leonardo-. Leave me alone. I guess they think it useful to prove to anyone who becomes absolute control someday ... although I guess no one ever will at all. She changed the subject-. What are you telling me, amigo me?

Ezio stared.

"I hope someday we will have time to sit and charlar on all that has happened since the last time we met. But for now, I need your help again.

Leonardo spread his hands.

- For you, what you want!

"I have something to show you that I think will interest you.

"Then you better come to my studio ... It is a bit more orderly.

Once installed in the former studio of Leonardo, out of his wallet Ezio page Codex and spread on the table. Leonardo's eyes opened wide.

- Do you remember the first sheet? Ezio asked.

- How could I forget? "The artist looked at the page-. It's exciting! "I can?

"Of course.

Leonardo studied the page carefully, resiguiendo finger scroll. Then, taking pen and paper, began to copy words and symbols. Almost immediately, he began to run from one side to another, consulting books and ma.n.u.scripts, absorbed. Ezio watched him work, patient and grateful.

"Very interesting," said Leonardo-. There are unknown languagesnocidos, at least for me, but still a kind of pattern. Hmmm ... Yes, here is an Aramaic gloss clarifies things a bit.

He looked up and continued: - Do you know? If you join together with another page that might almost think they were part of a handbook on some level, at least-on methods of murder. But of course there is much more than that, though I have no idea what it is. All I know is that we're only scratching the surface of what this might reveal. We would need to have it completed, but do you have any idea where can be the rest of the pages?


- Or how many are there altogether?

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About Renaissance. Part 12 novel

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