1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading Part 2

1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading -

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97. _In what words is V silent?_ Sevennight and twelvemonth.

98. _In what word is Z silent?_ Rendezvous.

99. _What letters are never doubled?_ X and H.

100. _How many words contain all the vowels in regular order?_ Two.

101. _What are they?_ Abstemious and Facetious.

102. _What is a Diphthong?_ Two vowels sounded together in the same syllable.

103. _Name the Diphthongs._ Ou, Ow, Oi, and Oy.

104. _How many sounds do they represent?_ Two.

105. _What are the sounds called?_ Diphthongal sounds.

106. _How many kinds of Diphthongs are there?_ Two.

107. _What are they?_ Separable and Inseparable.

108. _Which ones are Separable?_ Oi and Oy.

109. _What is an Improper Diphthong?_ The union of two vowels in a syllable, one of which is silent.

110. _By what other name are they known?_ Digraph.

111. _How many Digraphs are there?_ Twenty-five.

112. _Name them._ Aa, Ae, Ai, Ao, Au, Aw, Ay, Ea, Ee, Ei, Eo, Eu, Ew, Ey, Ie, Oa, Oe, Oi, Oo, Ou, Ow, Ua, Ue, Ui, and Uy.

113. _What is a Trigraph?_ A union of three vowels in one syllable, two of which are silent, or all three representing one sound.

114. _How many Trigraphs are there?_ Eight.

115. _Name them._ Awe, Aye, Eau, Eou, Eye, Ieu, Iew, and Uoi.

116. _What is a Tetragraph?_ Union of four vowels in one syllable.

117. _How many Tetragraphs are there?_ One.

118. _What is it?_ Ueue in the word Queue.

119. _May the terms Digraph, etc., be used with the Consonants?_ They may.

120. _Give example of Consonant Digraph._ Gh, in the word laugh.

121. _Give example of Consonant Trigraph._ Thr, in the word throw.

122. _Give example of Consonant Tetragraph._ Phth, in the word phthisic.

123. _What is a regular Triphthong?_ A vowel trigraph in which all three of the vowels are sounded.

124. _Give an example._ Quoit.


1. _What is Orthoepy?_ That science which treats of the elementary sounds and the p.r.o.nunciation of words.

2. _What is Phonology?_ The science of the elementary sounds uttered by the human voice in speech.

3. _What is an Elementary sound?_ One that cannot be divided so as to be represented by two or more letters.

4. _What is Sound?_ A sensation produced on the auditory nerve by the rapid vibratory motion of any elastic substance.

5. _What is the least number of vibrations that will produce an audible sound?_ Sixteen per second.

6. _What is the greatest number that can be heard?_ About forty thousand per second.

7. _What is Voice?_ Sound produced by the vocal chords.

8. _What is an Articulate sound?_ One made by the organs of speech and used in language.

9. _What is a Vocal sound?_ One that is modified but not obstructed by the articulatory organs.

10. _What is a simple Vocal sound?_ One made without any change in the position of the articulatory organs during its emission.

11. _What is a Coalescent?_ An articulate sound that always precedes and unites with a vocal.

12. _What is a Guttural sound?_ One that is modified by the soft palate.

13. _What are Unarticulate sounds?_ The sounds of the vowels.

14. _How many Elementary sounds do the vowels represent?_ Fifteen.

15. _How many do the Consonants represent?_ Eighteen.

16. _How many do the Combinations represent?_ Seven.

17. _How many do the Diphthongs represent?_ Only one, as oi and oy only repeat sounds already represented by a and i.

18. _How many sounds has A?_ Five.

19. _What are they?_ Long, Short, Medial, Flat, and Broad.

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