1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading Part 13

1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading -

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27. _What does Hypo signify?_ Under, or beneath, as hypotenuse and hypocrite.

28. _What prefixes signify Not or In?_ In, im, il, and ir.

29. _What is the signification of Inter?_ In the midst of, or between, as intellect and intermarry.

30. _What does Intra signify?_ Within, or on the inside of.

31. _What other prefix means the same as Intra?_ Intro.

32. _What is the signification of Juxta?_ Joined to, or next, as juxtaposition.

33. _What does Mal signify?_ Bad, as malpractice and maladministration.

34. _What is the signification of Meta?_ In the middle, after, and with.

35. _What does Mis signify?_ Amiss, or wrong, as misapply and mishap.

36. _What is the signification of Mono?_ One, as monotheistic.

37. _What prefixes signify Many?_ Multi and poly, as multiform and polysyllable.

38. _What does Non signify?_ Not, as nonsense, nonessential, etc.

39. _What other prefixes signify Not?_ Neg, as in negative, and ne, as in nefarious.

40. _What does Ob signify?_ In the way of, as obstruct.

41. _What does Oct signify?_ Eight, as octagon.

42. _What does Omni signify?_ All, or complete, as omnipresent.

43. _What is the signification of Out?_ Beyond, as outlaw, outbid, outbalance, etc.

44. _What does Over signify?_ Above, as overseer, overreach, etc.

45. _What does Ovi signify?_ An egg, as oviform.

46. _What does Para signify?_ Beside, as parallel, paragraph, etc.

47. _What is the signification of Pene?_ Almost, as peninsula--almost an island.

48. _What does Per signify?_ Through, or by, as permit, perchance, etc.

49. _What does Peri signify?_ Around, as perimeter, periosteum.

50. _What does Pleni signify?_ Completeness, or full, as plenitude, etc.

51. _What does Post signify?_ After, or backwards, as postfix, and postpone.

52. _What does Pre signify?_ Before, as prefer, prefix, etc.

53. _What is the signification of Preter?_ Beyond, as preternatural.

54. _What is the signification of Pro?_ Before, forth, and for.

55. _What does Pros signify?_ To, as proselyte.

56. _What is the signification of Proto?_ First, as protocol, protoplasm, etc.

57. _What does Quad signify?_ Four, as quadrangle, etc.

58. _What does Re signify?_ Back, or again, as react, recollect, etc.

59. _What prefixes signify Right?_ Rect and Recti.

60. _What does Retro signify?_ Backwards, as retrospect and retrograde.

61. _What does Se signify?_ By itself, as separate, seclude, etc.

62. _What prefixes signify Half?_ Semi, demi, and hemi, as semicircle, demitone, and hemisphere.

63. _What does Sine signify?_ Without, as sinecure.

64. _What does Stereo signify?_ Solid, as stereotype.

65. _What does Sub signify?_ Under, or inferior, as subterranean and subordinate.

66. _What does Super signify?_ Over, above, or beyond, as supernatural, etc.

67. _What does Suf signify?_ Less or after, as suffix, etc.

68. _What does Supra signify?_ Same as Super.

69. _What does Sur signify?_ More than, as surcharge.

70. _What prefixes signify Together?_ Syn, sy, syl, and sym, as in syntax, system, syllable, and symbol.

71. _What does Trans signify?_ Beyond, across, and again, as transalpine, transatlantic, and transform.

72. _What does Tra signify?_ Across, as traverse.

73. _What is the signification of Tri?_ Three, as trisyllable, triangle, etc.

74. _What does Ultra signify?_ Beyond, as ultramarine.

75. _What does Un signify?_ Not, as unhappy, unable, etc.

76. _What is the signification of Under?_ Below, as undercurrent, underrate, etc.

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