Gargantua and Pantagruel Part 31

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pipe. The mediastine, like an earthen The rete mirabile, like a gutter. cup.

The dug-like processus, like a The pleura, like a crow's bill.

patch. The arteries, like a watch-coat.

The tympanums, like a whirli- The midriff, like a montero-cap.

gig. The liver, like a double-tongued The rocky bones, like a goose- mattock.

wing. The veins, like a sash-window.

The nape of the neck, like a paper The spleen, like a catcall.

lantern. The guts, like a trammel.

The nerves, like a pipkin. The gall, like a cooper's adze.

The uvula, like a sackbut. The entrails, like a gauntlet.

The palate, like a mitten. The mesentery, like an abbot's The spittle, like a shuttle. mitre.

The almonds, like a telescope. The hungry gut, like a b.u.t.ton.

The bridge of his nose, like a The blind gut, like a breastplate.

wheelbarrow. The colon, like a bridle.

The head of the larynx, like a The a.r.s.e-gut, like a monk's vintage-basket. leathern bottle.

The kidneys, like a trowel. The ligaments, like a tinker's The loins, like a padlock. budget.

The ureters, like a pothook. The bones, like three-cornered The emulgent veins, like two cheesecakes.

gilliflowers. The marrow, like a wallet.

The spermatic vessels, like a The cartilages, like a field- cully-mully-puff. tortoise, alias a mole.

The parastata, like an inkpot. The glandules in the mouth, like The bladder, like a stone-bow. a pruning-knife.

The neck, like a mill-clapper. The animal spirits, like swingeing The mirach, or lower parts of the fisticuffs.

belly, like a high-crowned hat. The blood-fermenting, like a The siphach, or its inner rind, multiplication of flirts on the like a wooden cuff. nose.

The muscles, like a pair of bellows. The urine, like a figp.e.c.k.e.r.

The tendons, like a hawking- The sperm, like a hundred glove. ten-penny nails.

And his nurse told me, that being married to Mid-lent, he only begot a good number of local adverbs and certain double fasts.

His memory he had like a scarf. His undertakings, like the ballast His common sense, like a buzzing of a galleon.

of bees. His understanding, like a torn His imagination, like the chime breviary.

of a set of bells. His notions, like snails crawling His thoughts, like a flight of star- out of strawberries.

lings. His will, like three filberts in a His conscience, like the unnest- porringer.

ling of a parcel of young His desire, like six trusses of hay.

herons. His judgment, like a shoeing- His deliberations, like a set of horn.

organs. His discretion, like the truckle of His repentance, like the carriage a pulley.

of a double cannon. His reason, like a cricket.

Chapter 4.x.x.xI.-Shrovetide's outward parts anatomized.

Shrovetide, continued Xenomanes, is somewhat better proportioned in his outward parts, excepting the seven ribs which he had over and above the common shape of men.

His toes were like a virginal on The peritoneum, or caul wherein an organ. his bowels were wrapped, like His nails, like a gimlet. a billiard-table.

His feet, like a guitar. His back, like an overgrown rack- His heels, like a club. bent crossbow.

The soles of his feet, like a cru- The vertebrae, or joints of his cible. backbone, like a bagpipe.

His legs, like a hawk's lure. His ribs, like a spinning-wheel.

His knees, like a joint-stool. His brisket, like a canopy.

His thighs, like a steel cap. His shoulder-blades, like a mortar.

His hips, like a wimble. His breast, like a game at nine- His belly as big as a tun, b.u.t.toned pins.

after the old fas.h.i.+on, with a His paps, like a hornpipe.

girdle riding over the middle His armpits, like a chequer.

of his bosom. His shoulders, like a hand-barrow.

His navel, like a cymbal. His arms, like a riding-hood.

His groin, like a minced pie. His fingers, like a brotherhood's His member, like a slipper. andirons.

His purse, like an oil cruet. The fibulae, or lesser bones of his His genitals, like a joiner's planer. legs, like a pair of stilts.

Their erecting muscles, like a His s.h.i.+n-bones, like sickles.

racket. His elbows, like a mouse-trap.

The perineum, like a flageolet. His hands, like a curry-comb.

His a.r.s.e-hole, like a crystal look- His neck, like a talboy.

ing-gla.s.s. His throat, like a felt to distil hip- His b.u.m, like a harrow. pocras.

The k.n.o.b in his throat, like a His loins, like a b.u.t.ter-pot.

barrel, where hanged two His jaws, like a caudle cup.

brazen wens, very fine and His teeth, like a hunter's staff.

harmonious, in the shape of an Of such colt's teeth as his, hourgla.s.s. you will find one at Colonges His beard, like a lantern. les Royaux in Poitou, and His chin, like a mushroom. two at La Brosse in Xaintonge, His ears, like a pair of gloves. on the cellar door.

His nose, like a buskin. His tongue, like a jew's-harp.

His nostrils, like a forehead cloth. His mouth, like a horse-cloth.

His eyebrows, like a dripping-pan. His face embroidered like a mule's On his left brow was a mark of pack-saddle.

the shape and bigness of an His head contrived like a still.

urinal. His skull, like a pouch.

His eyelids, like a fiddle. The suturae, or seams of his skull, His eyes, like a comb-box. like the annulus piscatoris, or His optic nerves, like a tinder- the fisher's signet.

box. His skin, like a gabardine.

His forehead, like a false cup. His epidermis, or outward skin, His temples, like the c.o.c.k of a like a bolting-cloth.

cistern. His hair, like a scrubbing-brush.

His cheeks, like a pair of wooden His fur, such as above said.


Chapter 4.x.x.xII.-A continuation of Shrovetide's countenance.

'Tis a wonderful thing, continued Xenomanes, to hear and see the state of Shrovetide.

If he chanced to spit, it was whole When he trembled, it was large basketsful of goldfinches. venison pasties.

If he blowed his nose, it was When he did sweat, it was old pickled grigs. ling with b.u.t.ter sauce.

When he wept, it was ducks with When he belched, it was bushels onion sauce. of oysters.

When he sneezed, it was whole When he muttered, it was lawyers'

tubfuls of mustard. revels.

When he coughed, it was boxes When he hopped about, it was of marmalade. letters of licence and protec- When he sobbed, it was water- tions.

cresses. When he stepped back, it was When he yawned, it was potfuls sea

of pickled peas. When he slabbered, it was com- When he sighed, it was dried mon ovens.

neats' tongues. When he was hoa.r.s.e, it was an When he whistled, it was a whole entry of morrice-dancers.

scuttleful of green apes. When he broke wind, it was dun When he snored, it was a whole cows' leather spatterdashes.

panful of fried beans. When he funked, it was washed- When he frowned, it was soused leather boots.

hogs' feet. When he scratched himself, it When he spoke, it was coa.r.s.e was new proclamations.

brown russet cloth; so little When he sung, it was peas in it was like crimson silk, with cods.

which Parisatis desired that When he evacuated, it was mush- the words of such as spoke to rooms and morilles.

her son Cyrus, King of Persia, When he puffed, it was cabbages should be interwoven. with oil, alias caules amb'olif.

When he blowed, it was indulg- When he talked, it was the last ence money-boxes. year's snow.

When he winked, it was b.u.t.tered When he dreamt, it was of a buns. c.o.c.k and a bull.

When he grumbled, it was March When he gave nothing, so much cats. for the bearer.

When he nodded, it was iron- If he thought to himself, it was bound waggons. whimsies and maggots.

When he made mouths, it was If he dozed, it was leases of lands.

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