Scotch Loch-Fishing Part 1

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Scotch Loch-Fis.h.i.+ng.

by AKA Black Palmer, William Senior.


The Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch-Fis.h.i.+ng desires chiefly that it may be of use to all who read it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this book has afforded him much pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general. This edition is interleaved with blank sheets for the reader's notes. The Author need hardly say that any suggestions addressed to the care of the publishers, will meet with consideration in a future edition.

GLASGOW, _March 1882_.




We do not pretend to write or enlarge upon a new subject. Much has been said and written--and well said and written too--on the art of fis.h.i.+ng; but loch-fis.h.i.+ng _per se_ has been rather looked upon as a second-rate performance, and to dispel this idea is one of the objects for which this present treatise has been written. Far be it from us to say anything against fis.h.i.+ng, lawfully practised in any form; but many pent up in our large towns will bear us out when we say that, on the whole, a day's loch-fis.h.i.+ng is the most convenient. One great matter is, that the loch-fisher is dependent on nothing but enough wind to "curl" the water,--and on a large loch it is very seldom that a dead calm prevails all day,--and can make his arrangements for a day, weeks beforehand; whereas the stream-fisher is dependent for a good take on the state of the water: and however pleasant and easy it may be for one living near the banks of a good trout stream or river, it is quite another matter to arrange for a day's river-fis.h.i.+ng, if one is looking forward to a holiday at a date some weeks ahead. Providence may favour the expectant angler with a "good" day, and the water in order; but experience has taught most of us that the "good" days are in the minority, and that, as is the case with our rapid running streams,--such as many of our northern streams are,--the water is either too large or too small, unless, as previously remarked, you live near at hand, and can catch it at its best.

A common belief in regard to loch-fis.h.i.+ng is, that the tyro and the experienced angler have nearly the same chance in fis.h.i.+ng,--the one from the stern and the other from the bow of the same boat. Of all the absurd beliefs as to loch-fis.h.i.+ng, this is one of the most absurd. Try it. Give the tyro either end of the boat he likes; give him a cast of any flies he may fancy, or even a cast similar to those which a "crack"

may be using; and if he catches one for every three the other has, he may consider himself very lucky. Of course there are lochs where the fish are not abundant, and a beginner may come across as many as an older fisher; but we speak of lochs where there are fish to be caught, and where each has a fair chance.

Again, it is said that the boatman has as much to do with catching trout in a loch as the angler. Well, we don't deny that. In an untried loch it is necessary to have the guidance of a good boatman; but the same argument holds good as to stream-fis.h.i.+ng. There are "pools and pools,"

and the experienced loch-fisher can "spot" a bay or promontory, where trout are likely to be lying, with as much certainty as his brother angler can calculate on the lie of fish in a stream. Then there are objections to loch-fis.h.i.+ng on the score of expense. These we are not prepared to refute; for there is no doubt whatever that loch-fis.h.i.+ng means money. But what has made it so? The same reason that makes all other things of more or less value--the common law of supply and demand.

Time was, and that not so long ago, when a boatman who used to get 3s., or at most 4s. a-day, now gets his 5s. or 6s., and even at the latter figure does not think himself too well paid. In the extreme north, however, it is still possible to get a good man for 3s. a-day; and we know of nothing more enjoyable than a fortnight's loch-fis.h.i.+ng amidst magnificent scenery in some of our northern counties. The expense of getting there will always be a serious matter; but once there, the fis.h.i.+ng in itself is not dear. The boat is usually got for nothing; the right of fis.h.i.+ng, so far at least as trout are concerned, is free; and the man's wage and lunch are decidedly cheap. But for a single day on some of our nearer lochs,--such as Loch Leven, Loch Ard, or Loch Lomond,--the expenses _are_ heavy, and the angler must always be the best judge as to the likelihood of the "game being worth the candle."



This will be a short chapter, as tastes differ so very much, that many things we might say would most probably be disregarded. But as to some matters, there can only be one opinion. Do not fish in _light-coloured_ clothes; and, should the weather be wet, do not wear a white macintosh coat. We believe that the eyesight of a fish is the keenest sense which it possesses; and, more especially should the day be clear and fine, there is no doubt that an unusual white object within range of its vision will make a fish, which might otherwise have taken the fly, turn tail and flee. A good deal of what we hear spoken of as fish "rising short," proceeds from this cause. No doubt they rise short sometimes on seeing the angler himself, but he is much less likely to attract notice if clad in dark-hued clothing. We know of nothing better for a fis.h.i.+ng rig-out than a suit made from dark Harris tweed--it will almost last a lifetime, and is a warm and comfortable wear. Thus you will need a dark macintosh and leggings; and a common sou'wester is, when needed, a very useful head-gear. A pair of cloth-lined india-rubber gloves will be found desirable in early spring, when it is quite possible that the temperature may be low enough for snow. A pair of stout lacing boots, made with uppers reaching well up the leg, will be found best, as they protect the feet from getting damp when going into or leaving a boat, even though one should need to step into the water; and if your waterproof coat is long, as it should be, the necessity of wearing leggings on a wet day is obviated. Lastly, _by all means keep the body warm_, and remember that the more careful you are of yourself, even at the risk of being thought "old wifish," you will, humanly speaking, be enabled to enjoy the sport to a greater age than you might otherwise do.



As this is likely to be one of the most important chapters in the book, the reader must forgive us if we are particular--even to a fault--in describing some of the necessaries towards the full enjoyment of the pleasures of loch-fis.h.i.+ng. So much depends on our being comfortable in our enjoyments, that we have, perhaps, erred on the side of luxuriance; but to those anglers who think so, there is nothing easier than their leaving out what they think superfluous.

_Creel, or Fis.h.i.+ng-Bag._--The creel for loch-fis.h.i.+ng should be of the largest size made, so as to serve for all kinds of fish; and as the angler is always in a boat, the difference of room occupied is of very little moment. Besides, it accommodates his tackle and lunch, and even waterproofs, though the latter are better to be strapped on outside.

These creels are neatest when made in French basket-work; and even the lightest of them, with ordinary care, will last many years, more especially if the edges and bottom are leather-bound. Almost any tackle-shop will supply them plain, or bound with leather, as desired.

Bra.s.s hinges and hasp will also be found great improvements. The fis.h.i.+ng-bag is of somewhat recent development, and is very convenient; but the objection to it is that, unless the waterproof cloth with which it is lined be carefully washed after each day's fis.h.i.+ng, a nasty smell is apt to be contracted and retained. Though we use the bag often ourselves, we incline for many reasons to the old-fas.h.i.+oned creel. Many loch-fishers carry along with them a square basket about 16 in. 8 broad 10 deep, which they use for carrying their tackle and lunch, thus leaving the creel or fis.h.i.+ng-bag free for fish alone. This is a capital plan, the only objection being that it makes another article to carry. As to its usefulness there can be no doubt, as nothing is more undesirable than having tackle and fish in one basket or bag, even though you should have something between. Some anglers go the length of a luncheon-basket, but this savours so much of the picnic that we don't approve of it.

_Landing-Net and Gaff._--These may be got at any tackle shop, the only care to be exercised being in the selection of a good long handle, and in seeing that the net be made of twine which resists the catching of hooks, and that it be of a size capable of landing a large fish, as the gaff leaves an ugly mark, and should only be used when actually necessary. The screw of the net-hoop and of the gaff will suit the same handle.

_Fis.h.i.+ng-Rods._--For loch-fis.h.i.+ng, it is desirable to use a rod not less than 14 feet in length, if fis.h.i.+ng for ordinary yellow trout; but if for sea trout, and the chance of "a fish" _par excellence_, then the rod should be a couple of feet longer. The angler will find that it is better to have both rods with him--the spare one being handy in case of calamity--as the extra trouble of carrying is very slight: rods and landing-net handle can be easily tied up together with small leather straps. Do not have a rod that bends too freely--rather err on the other side; because in loch-fis.h.i.+ng you have generally wind enough to carry your flies out, and if you do get a 3 or 4 pounder, the advantage of a fairly stiff rod is apparent. We prefer rods in three pieces--no hollow-b.u.t.ts--and made of greenheart throughout. The first cost is more than for rods whose various parts are made of different woods, but the greenheart is the cheapest rod in the end. With the minimum of care, a greenheart never gets out of order; and a good rod of this description will be as straight at the end of a season as at the beginning. Avoid all fancy rods, and do not be beguiled into buying them.

_Reels and Lines._--Always carry a couple of reels with you, the smaller with 60 yards of fine line, and the larger with not less than 100 yards of grilse line. Silk-and-hair lines are not very expensive, and with a little care will last a long time. They will be found the most satisfactory for all kinds of fly-work. The reels which we consider best are made of bronzed metal and vulcanite: they are light, and stand a lot of wear. When buying your rods, get the reels fitted to them, and see that the fit is sufficiently tight, as nothing is more annoying than to find the ferrules loosening their hold of the reel, and that, perhaps, at a most critical moment. Should the reels referred to not be heavy enough to balance the rods properly--and this is a matter of great importance--it may be as well to take reels made entirely of bronzed metal.

_Fly-Book._--We are not much in favour of fly-books. They are a great temptation to keeping a large stock of flies; and in the following chapter we will show that the fewer flies one possesses the better. A serious objection to a fly-book is, that the flies get crushed in it, and we consider a box a better receptacle; but if the angler will have a fly-book, one of moderate size--rather to the big size if anything--made of pig-skin leather, and well provided with pouches for holding casting-lines, as well as the usual receptacles for flies, will be found best. These books are to be had in great variety at any wholesale tackle warehouse; and taste goes a long way in non-essentials.

Beyond the articles mentioned, the angler should always have at hand the following:--

Spring balance, weighing up to 20 lb.

Small screw-driver.

Small gimlet.

Small bottle clockmaker's oil.

Bottle varnish.

Carriage-lamp, and candles to fit, for travelling.

Two packs playing-cards.

Good-sized flask.

Flat gla.s.s or horn drinking-cup.

Pocket-scissors. The kind that shut up will be found very useful.


Hank of medium gut for emergencies.

Fine silk thread and resin.

Some common thin twine for tying joints of rod together.

Also articles named in Chapter V., p. 21, under "Trolling-Tackle and Lures."

Many of these things may be considered quite _de trop_; but the longer one fishes, the more one finds out that the little luxuries give a vast amount of enjoyment for the small amount of foresight required to have them at hand when wanted.



Flies.--Here we shall no doubt come into conflict with many opinions, and most probably meet with the most criticism. However, as all we have written, and mean to write, is the result of actual experience, we may be pardoned for being somewhat dogmatic on the subject in hand. In the first place, don't keep a large stock of flies. If going for a day's fis.h.i.+ng, buy as many as you think you'll need, and _no more_. Buy them of different sizes; and if you get a few each time you go for an outing, you will be astonished how soon a spare stock acc.u.mulates. Ascertain carefully beforehand the _size_ suitable to the loch--the _kinds_ are not of so much importance--and once you have made up a cast, in which operation there is no harm in taking your boatman's suggestions, _do not change_, unless it be to put on a smaller or larger size according to the wind, or unless it is conclusively proved that other flies are raising trout when yours cannot. Of course, if you are going for a fortnight's fis.h.i.+ng, you will require to lay in a fair stock; but even then get as few as you think you can possibly do with. Do not run any risk of running short, and do not place yourself in the position of needing to use old casts: that is poor economy in the long-run. The following is, we think, a fair list for a fortnight's sport in an out-of-the-way place:--

Half-dozen harelugs.

" red and teal.

" orange and mallard.

" green and woodc.o.c.k.

" black spiders with red tips, commonly called "Zulus."

" red spiders, hackle taken well down the hook.

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