Mr. Fortescue Part 25

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"Where you go I will go, senor. Let Gahra speak for himself. He will be here shortly. He is coming now. I will show myself that he may know we are here" (stepping out of the thicket).

When the negro arrived he expressed great satisfaction at finding us alive and well. He did not think there would be any great difficulty in getting away and bringing us horses. The _lleranos_ were still allowed to come and go pretty much as they liked, and if awkward questions were asked it would be easy to invent excuses. The best time to get away would be immediately after nightfall, when most of the foraging parties would have returned to camp and the men be at supper.

It was thereupon agreed that the attempt should be made, and that we should stay where we were until we heard the howl of an _araguato_, which Guido could imitate to perfection. This would signify that all was well, and the coast clear.

Then, after giving us a few pieces of _tasajo_ and a handful of cigars, the two men rode off; for the night was at hand, and if we did not escape before light of moon, the chances were very much against our escaping at all.



"We seem always to be escaping, _amigo mio_," said Carmen, as we sat in the shade, eating our _tasajo_. "We got out of one only to get into another. Your experience of the country so far has not been happy."

"Well, I certainly have had rather a lively time of it since I landed at La Guayra, if that is what you mean."

"Very. And I should almost advise you to leave the country, if that were possible. But reaching the coast in present circ.u.mstances is out of the question. All the ports are in possession of the Spaniards, and the roads thither beset by guerillas. I see nothing for it but to go on the llanos and form a guerilla band of our own."

"Isn't guerilla merely another name for brigand?"

"Too often. You must promise the fellows plunder."

"And provide it."

"Of course, or pay them out of your own pocket."

"Well, I am not disposed to become a brigand chief; and I could not keep a band of guerillas at my own charge even if I were disposed. As we cannot get out of the country either by the north or east, what do you say to trying south?"

"How far? To the Brazils?"

"Farther. Over the Andes to Peru."

"Over the Andes to Peru? That is a big undertaking. Do you think we could find that mountain of gold and precious stones you were telling me about?"

"I never entertained any idea so absurd. I merely mentioned poor old Zamorra's crank as an instance of how credulous people could be."

"Well, perhaps the idea is not quite so absurd as you suppose. Even stranger things have happened; and we do know that there is gold pretty nearly everywhere on this continent, to say nothing of the treasure hidden in times past by Indians and Spaniards, and we might find both gold and diamonds."

"Of course we might; and as we cannot stay here, we may as well make the attempt."

"You are not forgetting that it will be very dangerous? We shall carry our lives in our hands."

"That will be nothing new; I have carried my life in my hands ever since I came to Venezuela."

"True, and if you are prepared to encounter the risk and the hards.h.i.+p--As for myself, I must confess that the idea pleases me. But have you any money? We shall have to equip our expedition. If there are only four of us we shall not get beyond the Rio Negro. The Indians of that region are as fierce as alligators."

"I have a few _maracotes_ in the waistband of my trousers and this ring."

"That ring is worth nothing, my friend; at any rate not more than a few reals."

"A few reals! It contains a ruby, though you don't see it, worth fully five hundred piasters--if I could find a customer for it."

"I don't think you will easily find a customer for a ruby ring on the llanos. However, I'll tell you what. An old friend of mine, a certain Senor Morillones, has a large estate at a place called Naparima on the Apure. Let us go there to begin with. Morillones will supply us with mules, and we may possibly persuade some of his people to accompany us.

Treasure-hunting is always an attraction for the adventurous. What say you?"

"Yes. By all means let us go."

"We may regard it as settled, then, that we make in the first instance for Naparima."


"That being the case the best thing we can do is to have a sleep. We got none last night, and we are not likely to get any to-night."

As Carmen spoke he folded his arms and shut his eyes. I followed his example, and we knew no more until, as it seemed in about five minutes, we were roused by a terrific howl.

We jumped up at once and ran out of the thicket. Gahra and Guido were waiting for us, each with a led horse.

"We were beginning to think you had been taken, or gone away," said Guido, hoa.r.s.ely. "I have howled six times in succession. My voice will be quite ruined."

"It did not sound so just now. We were fast asleep."

"Pizarro!" I exclaimed, greatly delighted by the sight of my old favorite.

"You have brought Pizarro! How did you manage that, Gahra?"

"He came to the camp last night. But mount at once, senor. We got away without difficulty--stole off while the men were at supper. But we met an officer who asked us a question; and though Guido said we were taking the horses by order of General Mejia himself, he did not appear at all satisfied, and if he should speak to the general something might happen, especially as it is not long since we left the camp, and we have been waiting here ten minutes. Here is a spear for you, and the pistols in your holsters are loaded and primed."

I mounted without asking any more questions. Gahra's news was disquieting, and we had no time to lose; for, in order to reach the llanos without the almost certainty of falling into the hands of our friend Griscelli, we should have to pa.s.s within a mile of the patriot camp, and if an alarm were given, our retreat might be cut off. This, however, seemed to be our only danger; our horses were fleet and fresh, and the llanos near, and, once fairly away, we might bid defiance to pursuit.

"Let us push on," said Carmen. "If anybody accosts us don't answer a word, and fight only at the last extremity, to save ourselves from capture or death; and, above all things, silence in the ranks."

The night was clear, the sky studded with stars, and, except where trees overhung the road, we could see some little distance ahead, the only direction in which we had reason to apprehend danger.

Carmen and I rode in front; Gahra and Guido a few yards in the rear.

We had not been under way more than a few minutes when Gahra uttered an exclamation.

"Hist, senores! Look behind!" he said.

Turning half round in our saddles and peering intently into the gloom we could just make out what seemed like a body of hors.e.m.e.n riding swiftly after us.

"Probably a belated foraging party returning to camp," said Carmen.

"Deucedly awkward, though! But they have, perhaps, no desire to overtake us. Let us go on just fast enough to keep them at a respectful distance."

But it very soon became evident that the foraging party--if it were a foraging party--did desire to overtake us. They put on more speed; so did we. Then came loud shouts of "_Halte!_" These producing no effect, several pistol shots were fired.

"_Dios mio!_" said Carmen; "they will rouse the camp, and the road will be barred. Look here, Fortescue; about two miles farther on is an open glade which we have to cross, and which the fellows must also cross if they either meet or intercept us. The trail to the left leads to the llanos. It runs between high banks, and is so narrow that one resolute man may stop a dozen. If any of the _gauchos_ get there before us we are lost. Your horse is the fleetest. Ride as for your life and hold it till we come."

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