The Spectator Volume Iii Part 105

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'I wish you would write a Philosophical Paper about Natural Antipathies, with a Word or two concerning the Strength of Imagination. I can give you a List upon the first Notice, of a Rational _China_ Cup, of an Egg that walks upon two Legs, and a Quart Pot that sings like a Nightingale. There is in my Neighbourhood a very pretty prattling Shoulder of Veal, that squawls out at the Sight of a Knife. Then as for Natural Antipathies, I know a General Officer who was never conquered but by a smother'd Rabbit; and a Wife that domineers over her Husband by the Help of a Breast of Mutton. A Story that relates to my self on this Subject may be thought not unentertaining, especially when I a.s.sure you that it is literally true. I had long made Love to a Lady, in the Possession of whom I am now the happiest of Mankind, whose Hand I shou'd have gained with much Difficulty without the a.s.sistance of a Cat. You must know then, that my most dangerous Rival had so strong an Aversion to this Species, that he infallibly swooned away at the Sight of that harmless Creature. My Friend Mrs. _Lucy_, her Maid, having a greater Respect for me and my Purse than she had for my Rival, always took Care to pin the Tail of a Cat under the Gown of her Mistress, whenever she knew of his coming; which had such an Effect, that every Time he entred the Room, he looked more like one of the Figures in Mrs. _Salmon's_ Wax-work, than a desirable Lover. In short, he grew Sick of her Company; which the young Lady taking Notice of, (who no more knew why, than he did) she sent me a Challenge to meet her in _Lincoln's-Inn_ Chappel, which I joyfully accepted, and have (amongst other Pleasures) the Satisfaction of being praised by her for my Stratagem, I am, &c.'

_From the Hoop_.

Tom. Nimble.


'The Virgins of _Great Britain_ are very much oblig'd to you for putting them upon such tedious Drudgeries in Needlework as were fit only for the _Hilpa's_ and the _Nilpa's_ that lived before the Flood.

Here's a stir indeed with your Histories in Embroidery, your Groves with Shades of Silk and Streams of Mohair! I would have you to know, that I hope to kill a hundred Lovers before the best Housewife in _England_ can st.i.tch out a Battel, and do not fear but to provide Boys and Girls much faster than your Disciples can embroider them. I love Birds and Beasts as well as you, but am content to fancy them when they are really made. What do you think of Gilt Leather for Furniture?

There's your pretty Hangings for a Chamber; [2] and what is more, our own Country is the only Place in _Europe_ where Work of that kind is tolerably done. Without minding your musty Lessons: I am this Minute going to _Paul's_ Church-Yard to bespeak a Skreen and a Set of Hangings; and am resolved to encourage the Manufacture of my Country.'



[Footnote 1: Oct. 20, 1714, was the day of the Coronation of George I.]

[Footnote 2: There was at this time a celebrated manufactory of tapestry at Chelsea.]

No. 610 Friday, October 22, 1714.

'Sic, c.u.m transierint mei Nullo c.u.m strepitu dies, Plebeius moriar senex.

Illi mors gravis incubat, Qui, notus nimis omnibus, Ignotus moritur sibi.'


I have often wondered that the _Jews_ should contrive such a worthless Greatness for the Deliverer whom they expected, as to dress him up in external Pomp and Pageantry, and represent him to their Imagination, as making Havock amongst his Creatures, and acted with the poor Ambition of a _Caesar_ or an _Alexander_. How much more ill.u.s.trious doth he appear in his real Character, when considered as the Author of universal Benevolence among Men, as refining our Pa.s.sions, exalting our Nature, giving us vast Ideas of Immortality, and teaching us a Contempt of that little showy Grandeur, wherein the _Jews_ made the Glory of their Messiah to consist!

_Nothing_ (says _Longinus_) _can be Great, the Contempt of which is Great_. The Possession of Wealth and Riches cannot give a Man a t.i.tle to Greatness, because it is looked upon as a Greatness of Mind, to contemn these Gifts of Fortune, and to be above the Desire of them. I have therefore been inclined to think, that there are greater Men who lie concealed among the Species, than those who come out, and draw upon themselves the Eyes and Admiration of Mankind. _Virgil_ would never have been heard of, had not his Domestick Misfortunes driven him out of his Obscurity, and brought him to _Rome_.

If we suppose that there are Spirits or Angels who look into the Ways of Men, as it is highly probable there are, both from Reason and Revelation; how different are the Notions which they entertain of us, from those which we are apt to form of one another? Were they to give us in their Catalogue of such Worthies as are now living, how different would it be from that, which any of our own Species would draw up?

We are dazled with the Splendour of t.i.tles, the Ostentation of Learning, the Noise of Victories; They, on the contrary, see the Philosopher in the Cottage, who possesses his Soul in Patience and Thankfulness, under the Pressure of what little Minds call Poverty and Distress. They do not look for great Men at the Head of Armies, or among the Pomps of a Court, but often find them out in Shades and Solitudes, in the private Walks and By-paths of Life. The Evening's Walk of a wise Man is more ill.u.s.trious in their Sight, than the March of a General at the Head of a hundred thousand Men. A Contemplation of G.o.d's Works; a voluntary Act of Justice to our own Detriment; a generous Concern for the Good of Mankind; Tears that are shed in Silence for the Misery of others; a private Desire or Resentment broken and subdued; in short, an unfeigned Exercise of Humility, or any other Virtue; are such Actions as are glorious in their Sight, and denominate Men great and reputable. The most famous among us are often looked upon with Pity, with Contempt, or with Indignation; while those who are most obscure among their own Species, are regarded with Love, with Approbation and Esteem.

The Moral of the present Speculation amounts to this, That we should not be led away by the Censures and Applauses of Men, but consider the Figure that every Person will make, at that Time when Wisdom shall be justified of her Children, and nothing pa.s.s for Great or Ill.u.s.trious, which is not an Ornament and Perfection to humane Nature.

The Story of _Gyges_ the rich _Lydian_ Monarch, is a memorable Instance to our present Purpose. The Oracle being asked by _Gyges_, who was the happiest Man, replied _Aglas_. _Gyges_, who expected to have heard himself named on this Occasion, was much surprized, and very curious to know who this _Aglas_ should be. After much Enquiry he was found to be an obscure Countryman, who employ'd all his Time in cultivating a Garden, and a few Acres of Land about his House.

_Cowley's_ agreeable Relation of this Story shall close this Day's Speculation.

'Thus_ Aglas _(a Man unknown to Men, But the G.o.ds knew, and therefore lov'd him then) Thus liv'd obscurely then without a Name,_ Aglas, _now consign'd t' eternal Fame.

For _Gyges_, the rich King, wicked and great, Presum'd at wise_ Apollo's Delphick_ Seat, Presum'd to ask, Oh thou, the whole World's Eye, See'st thou a Man that happier is than I?

The G.o.d, who scorned to flatter Man, reply'd, _Aglas _happier is. But _Gyges_ cry'd, In a proud Rage, Who can that_ Aglas_ be?

We've heard as yet of no such King as he.

And true it was, through the whole Earth around, No King of such a Name was to be found.

Is some old _Hero_ of that Name alive, Who his high Race does from the G.o.ds derive?

Is it some mighty Gen'ral, that has done Wonders in Fight, and G.o.d-like Honours won?

Is it some Man of endless Wealth? said he: None, none of these; who can this Aglas be?

After long Search, and vain Enquiries past, In an obscure_ Arcadian _Vale at last, (Th'_ Arcadian _Life has always shady been) Near_ Sopho's _Town (which he but once had seen) This_ Aglas, _who Monarchs Envy drew, Whose Happiness the G.o.ds stood Witness to, This mighty_ Aglas _was lab'ring found, With his own Hands, in his own little Ground.

So, gracious G.o.d, (if it may lawful be, Among those foolish G.o.ds to mention thee) So let me act, on such a private Stage, The last dull Scenes of my declining Age; After long Toils and Voyages in vain, This quiet Port let my toss'd Vessel gain; Of heav'nly Rest, this Earnest to me lend, Let my Life sleep, and learn to love her End.'

No. 611. Monday, October 25, 1714.

'Perfide! sed duris genuit te cautibus horrens Caucasus, Hircanaeque admorunt ubera tigres.'


I am willing to postpone every thing, to do any the least Service for the Deserving and Unfortunate. Accordingly I have caused the following Letter to be inserted in my Paper the Moment that it came to my Hands, without altering one t.i.ttle in an Account which the Lady relates so handsomely her self.


'I flatter my self, you will not only pity, but, if possible, redress a Misfortune my self and several others of my s.e.x lie under. I hope you will not be offended, nor think I mean by this to justifie my own imprudent Conduct, or expect You should. No! I am sensible how severely, in some of your former Papers, you have reproved Persons guilty of the like Mismanagements. I was scarce Sixteen, and, I may say without Vanity, Handsome, when courted by a false perjured Man; who, upon Promise of Marriage, rendered me the most unhappy of Women.

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