Birds from Coahuila, Mexico Part 2

Birds from Coahuila, Mexico -

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_Anas carolinensis_ Gmelin.--The Green-winged Teal has been recorded from northern Coahuila. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:15) recorded two mated pairs along the Rio Grande at Lajitas, Texas, on May 10. Miller (1955a:161) remarked that a male of the year was taken in the Sierra del Carmen on September 4.

_Anas discors discors_ Linnaeus.--_Specimens examined:_ total 2: s.e.x ?

31646 and s.e.x ? 31647 from .5 mi. S Las Margaritas, 2800 ft., September 28, 1953.

The Blue-winged Teal is a fairly common spring and fall migrant in Coahuila. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:15) noted the Blue-winged Teal at several different localities along the Rio Grande: "on May 8, four males and several females resting on a mud bar along the Rio Grande near Hot Springs [Texas]; ... on May 7, three pairs in a flock, along the Rio Grande, Castalon [Texas]; ... and on May 20, three pairs, along the Rio Grande, San Vicente [Texas]." Miller (1955a:161) reported that Marsh took a male of the year in the Sierra del Carmen on September 10.

d.i.c.kerman observed Blue-winged Teal 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos on May 18, 1954. Olmstead listed Blue-winged Teal from 10 mi. E Hacienda La Mariposa on March 30, 1952. Nos. 31646-31647, which are probably females, represent the subspecies _discors_ because the light edgings of their crowns are definitely present; the areas of their backs are brownish, not more intensively black, and their underparts are brownish, less blackish.

**_Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium_ Snyder and Lumsden.--Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:15) listed several localities along the Rio Grande in Brewster County, Texas, where Cinnamon Teal were seen. I suspect that Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:41) referred to those localities.

d.i.c.kerman saw four pairs of Cinnamon Teal 14 mi. E and 16 mi. N Ocampo on May 9, 1954, and also saw Cinnamon Teal 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos on May 18, 1954.

_Mareca americana_ (Gmelin).--The American Widgeon is a fairly common spring migrant in Coahuila. Olmstead observed this duck 10 mi. E Hacienda La Mariposa on March 30, 1952. d.i.c.kerman saw five to seven American Widgeons 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos on May 18, 1954.

_Spatula clypeata_ (Linnaeus).--The Shoveler is a spring and probably fall migrant in Coahuila, and has been observed at several localities.

Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:16) saw two pairs along the Rio Grande at Castalon, Texas, On May 7 and saw "a fair-sized flock along the Rio Grande on the Johnson ranch [in Texas] on May 13 and 14." d.i.c.kerman saw 12 pairs of Shovelers on two ponds 14 mi. E and 16 mi. N Ocampo on May 9, 1954, and 10 more 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos on May 18.

_Aythya affinis_ (Eyton).--Olmstead observed Lesser Scaup 10 mi. E Hacienda La Mariposa on March 30, 1952.

[_Bucephala albeola_ (Linnaeus).--Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:44) listed the Bufflehead from the State.]

*_Cathartes aura aura_ (Linnaeus).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male]

31017 (skeleton only), from 4 mi. W Hacienda La Mariposa, 2300 ft., March 26, 1952.

Miller (1955a:161) took a female Turkey Vulture, which was in breeding condition, in the Sierra del Carmen on April 17 and stated that "until more statistics are available on breeding birds of northern Coahuila, they must be considered _C. a. aura_...." Amadon and Phillips (1947:577) took a Turkey Vulture at Las Delicias which represented _C.

a. aura_. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) stated that this species was not uncommon, and was noted each day soaring overhead both in the valleys and over the tops of the ridges of southeastern Coahuila.

Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:47) listed _C. a. teter_ from Coahuila. Miller (1955a:161) remarked that the subspecies _aura_ and _teter_ might intergrade in the Sierra del Carmen. At the present time it is possible to say only that _teter_ is present in Coahuila in migrant and wintering populations, but the extent to which _teter_ remains in northeastern Mexico is undetermined. However, all indications point to this area as being the region where _aura_ and _teter_ intergrade.

**_Coragyps atratus_ (Bechstein).--The Black Vulture is locally common throughout most of eastern Coahuila but is uncommon in the western part of the State. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:25) noted the Black Vulture "regularly east of Saltillo in low country," but did not see Black Vultures at San Pedro or elsewhere in southwestern Coahuila. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) stated that "the Black Vulture apparently avoids to a large extent the higher alt.i.tudes, and only rarely was it observed at all, even about Saltillo." Olmstead saw Black Vultures 8 mi. N and 4 mi. W Muzquiz, 1800 feet, on March 31, 1952, and d.i.c.kerman observed a flock at La Gacha (=Rancho La Coucha), 1600 feet, on December 2, 1953.

**_Accipiter gentilis_ (Linnaeus).--On July 6, 1955, Hardy saw a Goshawk 13 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas; this is the first record of occurrence of this species from northeastern Mexico.

*_Accipiter striatus velox_ (Wilson).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Female] 31018, from along the Rio Grande (=Boquillas), 700 ft., March 10, 1952, measurements: wing, 207 mm.; tail, 171 mm.; tarsus, 53 mm.; culmen, 12 mm.

Our specimen of the Sharp-s.h.i.+nned Hawk is referred to _velox_ on the basis of the reddish, maculated breast, sides, and thighs. The collector's field notes recorded the iris as blood-red. Marsh and Stevenson (1938:286) thought that this subspecies was resident in the pine and Douglas-fir forest of upper Vivoras Canyon of the Sierra del Carmen at 8500 feet, where Marsh observed a family group including three immature birds. Friedmann (1950:196) indicated that the immature male obtained by Marsh and Stevenson is _A. s. suttoni_; Miller (1955a:161), nevertheless, remarked that this male has well barred feathers and thus is _velox_. Miller (_loc. cit._) obtained also an adult male of _A. s. velox_ in the Sierra del Carmen at 7000 feet on April 18.

**_Accipiter striatus suttoni_ van Rossem.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 32626, from 13 mi. E San Antonio, 9950 ft., July 6, 1955, measurements: wing, 186 mm.; tail, 144 mm.; tarsus, 49 mm.; culmen, 11 mm.; weight, 103 gms.

The recording of _A. s. suttoni_ in Coahuila by Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:52), seems to have been based on their knowledge of the specimen earlier mentioned by Friedmann (1950:196) and later identified by Miller (1955a:161) as _A. s. velox_. Therefore the KU specimen seems to be the first record of _A. s. suttoni_ in Coahuila. The size of its testes (right, 2.54 mm.; left, 34 mm.) does not indicate breeding; however, the time of the year in which it was obtained suggests that it may have been a resident.

*_Accipiter cooperii_ (Bonaparte).--Miller (1955a:161) found Cooper's Hawk breeding in the Sierra del Carmen on April 26.

_Buteo jamaicensis borealis_ (Gmelin).--The Red-tailed Hawk is common in Coahuila. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) noted the Red-tailed Hawk on the higher ridges above an elevation of 6000 feet in southeastern Coahuila. On April 17, Burleigh and Lowery (_loc. cit._) saw two Red-tailed Hawks "in the open valley south of Diamante Pa.s.s" and on April 20, "just outside of Saltillo," these workers obtained an immature male that was referred to _B. j. borealis_.

**_Buteo jamaicensis fuertesi_ Sutton and Van Tyne.--Miller (1955a:161) took a male Red-tailed Hawk, on April 14 at 7000 feet in the Sierra del Carmen, that was referred to as _B. j. fuertesi_. To my knowledge, there are no other records of this subspecies from Coahuila, but this must be the resident form over the bulk of western Coahuila.

There are several sight records of the Red-tailed Hawk. Olmstead saw one 16 mi. S Boquillas, 1600 feet, on March 6, 1952; d.i.c.kerman saw a Red-tailed Hawk 16 mi. E and 18 mi. N Ocampo on May 7, 1954, one 20 mi.

S Ocampo on April 4, 1954; and an immature at Saltillo on January 17, 1954.

_Buteo platypterus platypterus_ (Vieillot).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 32628, from 13 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas, 9950 ft., July 6, 1955.

The Broad-winged Hawk is rare in Coahuila. No. 32628, if a migrant, was r.e.t.a.r.ded from moving northward by the loss of its right foot and distal one-third of its tarsus. Packard (1957:371) reported this specimen as the first record of the species in Coahuila.

*_Buteo swainsoni Bonaparte._--_Specimens examined:_ total 2: [Male]

32022 from 2 mi. W Jimenez, 850 ft., June 20, 1952; and [Male] 29555 from Iglesias (=15 mi. SW Sabinas), 1000 ft., August 22, 1949.

Swainson's Hawk is not common in Coahuila. The size of the testes (64 mm.) of No. 32022, the adult plumage, and the date (June 20) on which it was obtained suggest that it was a breeding bird. Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:55) reported that this species breeds as far east as Durango and Chihuahua. Findley saw a Swainson's Hawk 2 mi. S and 3 mi. E San Juan de Sabinas on June 22, 1952.

**_Buteo albonotatus Kaup._--The Zone-tailed Hawk is uncommon in Coahuila. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:26) noted the species "a few miles west of Saltillo ... on January 30."

_Buteo regalis_ (Gray).--The Ferruginous Hawk is uncommon in Coahuila.

Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:26) noted a single bird "not far from Parras, on January 30."

_Buteo nitidus_ (Latham).--Evenden (1952:112) saw a Gray Hawk one mile northeast of Saltillo, at Ramos Arizpe on March 4. Although there are no other records of the Gray Hawk from Coahuila, its occurrence in the State would be expected because this species has been recorded from Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas in northeastern Mexico (Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore, 1950:57).

**_Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi_ (Audubon).--Harris' Hawk is fairly common in southern Coahuila. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:26) stated that Harris' Hawk "was one of the few birds noted repeatedly in ... southern Coahuila...."

_Circus cyaneus_ (Linnaeus).--The Marsh Hawk is a common migrant and winter visitant in Coahuila. Miller (1955a:161) remarked that the Marsh Hawk was "seen in northward migratory flight across the desert east of the Sierra del Carmen on March 31 and on April 11 along the west face of Loomis Peak at 8800 feet." Olmstead saw a female Marsh Hawk 1 mi. W San Buenaventura on April 2, 1952. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) noted the Marsh Hawk "about Saltillo" and "above the summit of Diamante Pa.s.s at about 8,000 feet" on April 14. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:26) noted wintering Marsh Hawks "near San Pedro."

_Pandion haliaetus_ (Linnaeus).--Miller (1955a:161) reported seeing an Osprey on April 9 in Corte Madera Canyon, "apparently in migration;"

this is the only record from Coahuila.

**_Caracara cheriway_ (Jacquin).--From the few records in the literature, I judge that the Caracara is uncommon in Coahuila. Evenden (1952:113) saw three Caracaras "south of Saltillo" on March 5. Baker saw a Caracara in the Sierra del Pino (=6 mi. NW Tanque Alvarez), 3400 feet, on July 6, 1953. No specimens of the Caracara have been taken from Coahuila.

_Falco mexica.n.u.s_ Schlegel.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 31596, from Saltillo, January 10, 1954.

The Prairie Falcon is an uncommon winter visitant in Coahuila.

Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:65) indicated that _Falco mexica.n.u.s_ winters south to Sonora, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Auguascalientes, Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.

No. 31596 is the first recorded specimen of the Prairie Falcon from Coahuila. The bird was heavily parasitized by worms in the mesenteries and seems to be an adult. Although its nuchal collar, as in immatures, is washed with pale cinnamon-buff, its thighs are not heavily marked with dark brown spots. The superciliary lines have blackish rather than brownish streaks, and the scapulars do not have four or five dark bars (Friedmann, 1950:624).

_Falco columbarius bendirei_ Swann.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male]

31634, from Don Martin Dam (=Rio Salado), November 27, 1953, measurements: wing, 191 mm.; tail, 111 mm.; tarsus, 37 mm.; culmen, 12 mm.; testes, 31 mm.

The Pigeon Hawk seems to be uncommon in Coahuila. No. 31634, the first record of this species in Coahuila, has pale gray inters.p.a.ces on the rectrices of its tail that are definitely wider than the three black bands, indicating affinity with _bendirei_ (Friedmann, 1950:702). Our bird was obtained near the base of the Don Martin Dam of the Rio Salado, and was observed hunting dragonflies over the water.

_Falco sparverius sparverius_ Linnaeus.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 31648, from the north foot of Sierra Guadalupe (=10 mi. S, 5 mi.

W General Cepeda), 6400 ft., April 17, 1953, weight, 104 gms.

The Sparrow Hawk is locally common in Coahuila. Miller (1955a:162) noted the species occasionally in the lower canyon areas of the Sierra del Carmen at 5000 feet from April 20 to 28. d.i.c.kerman saw two Sparrow Hawks in the Sierra del Pino on May 12, 1954. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:27) took a male at La Rosa on January 30 that was typical for _F. s. sparverius_. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) noted Sparrow Hawks almost daily about Saltillo and infrequently in the open valley south of Diamante Pa.s.s; they took a female at Saltillo on April 22 that was a.s.signed to _F. s. sparverius_.

*_Colinus virginia.n.u.s texa.n.u.s_ (Lawrence).--_Specimens examined:_ total 9: [Male] 29408 and [Female] 29409 from 1 mi. S, 9 mi. W Villa Acuna, April 2, 1950, weights, 169.5 and 174.7 gms., [Male] 29410 and [Female]

[Female] 29411-29413 from 3 mi. W, 1 mi. S San Geronimo, April 9, 1950, weights, 152.6, 158.6, 158.2, 159.0, and 152.8 gms.; and [Male] [Male]

32032-32034 from 9 mi. S, 11 mi. E Sabinas, 1050 ft., June 13 and 14, 1952.

The Bobwhite is locally common in northeastern Coahuila. Aldrich and Duvall (1955:18) indicated that _C. v. texa.n.u.s_ has been recorded from two separate localities in northeastern Coahuila and from several localities in Texas along the Rio Grande. Findley saw Bobwhites 2 mi. S and 3 mi. E San Juan de Sabinas on June 22, 1952. The specimens of Bobwhite from 3 mi. W and 1 mi. S San Geronimo seem to extend the known range of _texa.n.u.s_ nearly 100 miles west. The sizes of the testes (11, 16, 15, 15 mm.) of Nos. 29408, 32032-32034, respectively, indicates breeding by the Bobwhite in Coahuila.

*_Callipepla squamata pallida_ Brewster.--_Specimens examined:_ total 16: [Male] 29414 from 1 mi. S, 13 mi. W Villa Acuna, April 4, 1950; [Male] [Male] 29415-29417 from 11 mi. W Hacienda San Miguel, 2200 ft., April 4, 1950, weights, 205.3, 198.6, and 182.7 gms.; [Female] [Female]

31019-31021 from 10 mi. S, 5 mi. E Boquillas, 1500 ft., March 2 and 4, 1952, weights, 184.4, 180 and 154.2 gms.; [Male] 34454 from 2 mi. SSE Castillon, 4050 ft., June 29, 1953, weight, 169 gms.; [Male] 29418 and [Female] 29419 from 8 mi. N, 2 mi. E La Babia, April 8, 1950; [Male]

[Male] 32023-32024, [Male] 32026, [Female] 32025, and [Female] 32027 from 5 mi. N, 19 mi. W Cuatro Cienegas, 3250 ft., July 6, 1952; and [Male] 32640 from 2 mi. W Paila, July 3, 1955.

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