Miscellaneous Writings Part 83

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(REV.) I. G. W. BISHOP, Bovington Vicarage, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England

Extract from a letter to Rev. M. B. G. Eddy

A gentleman here had hired all the most skilled doctors in the United States-nothing helped him. He was a ghost to look upon. I told him just to read my copies of your books. I talked to him, told him what he could do for himself if he but tried. He laughed at me. I was willing he should laugh, for it was very unusual for him to do this. He had your books two months, and last Sunday he returned them. I wish you could see him: _he is well_. He is happy, and told me he was going to write to you for the books for himself this week.-E. E. B.

_Dear Madam_:-I have been a sickly person all my life, until a few months ago, and was confined to my bed every little while. It was during one of many attacks that your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," was handed me. I read it only a very short time, when I arose, well, went out into the kitchen, prepared a large dinner, and ate heartily of it.

I have been up and well ever since,-a marvel to my friends and family, and sometimes they can hardly believe it is I; and feeling so grateful, I must tell you of it. I wish everybody in the world would read your book, for all would be benefited by it.

Gratefully yours, ANNA M. SMITH

_Dear Madam_:-About seven years ago I was compelled to go to an oculist and have an operation performed upon my eyes. He fitted me with, which I wore for a considerable time, and then removed; but the pain and difficulty returned, and I was obliged to go again to the oculist, who advised me never to take my off again.

I continued wearing them for fully five years longer, until some time in last January, when, upon reading your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I again took them off. Since that time, though I have been in the courts reporting, and reading fine notes frequently, I have experienced no difficulty with my eyes.

Very respectfully, William A. Smith, Wilmington, Del.

_Dear Mrs. Eddy_:-We have been studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" for a year, and I cannot tell you how much it has done for us; giving us health instead of sickness, and giving us such an understanding of G.o.d as we never had before. Christian Science was our only help two weeks ago, when our baby was born. My husband and myself were alone. I dressed myself the next day; commenced doing my work the third day, and am well and strong. It must be pleasing to you to know how much good your work is doing.

KITTIE BECK, Elmwood, Ca.s.s Co., Neb.

I was a helpless sufferer in August, 1883, and had been so for many years.

The physicians said I had cancer of the uterus. I heard of your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," bought a copy, began reading it, and a great light seemed to break through the darkness. I cried aloud in joy, "This is what I have been hungering for, these many years!" I studied it closely, and healed myself and several of my friends before I had taken instruction of any teacher.

MRS. S. A. MCMAHON, Wyandotte, Kans.

I was healed thoroughly of the belief of chronic hepat.i.tis and kidney disease, by reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I have never, to this day, had the slightest return of it.

J. P. FILBERT, Council Bluffs, Iowa

You, dear Mrs. Eddy, have saved my life, through Science and Health; and I feel that the patients healed through me should give the first thanks to G.o.d and to you.-MRS. D. S. HARRIMAN, Kansas City, Mo.

How grand your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is!

It is a translation of Truth. No amount of money could buy the book of me, if I could not get another. No matter what suffering comes, physical or mental, I have only to take Science and Health, and almost invariably the first sentence brings relief. It seems to steady the thought. I do not think any student old enough to neglect reading it. When we think we are advanced far enough to let that book alone, then are we in danger.

MRS. ELLEN P. CLARK, Dorchester, Ma.s.s.

Many thanks for the good received from your books. When I commenced reading them, I was carrying about a very sick body. Your books have healed me. I am now in perfect health. People look at me with surprise, and say they do not understand it; but when they see the sick ones made well, they are not always willing to believe it.

MRS. JOSEPH TILLSON, South Hanson, Ma.s.s.

_Rev. M. B. G. Eddy:_-I add one more testimony of a cure from reading your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Five years ago I lay prostrate with piles and inflammation of the bowels. All the coating came off, apparently. A stricture was formed, beyond medical reach. I then lived in Chicago; one of the best physicians, who made a specialty of treating piles, attended me. The pain was relieved, but my bowels were inactive, and remained so until New Year's eve.

I determined to trust all to G.o.d, or die before I would take any more medicine, as I never had an action unless I took a free dose of some laxative. If I forgot to take the medicine one night, or allowed myself to be without it, I had a terrible sick headache for two or three days, and terrible backache. I never had backache at any other time, and the piles would be so much inflamed, in two days' time, that I could hardly tell where I suffered the worst.

Since I have learned to trust all to G.o.d, I have not had the least trouble with the piles, nor one twinge of the backache. I have an easy action of the bowels each morning. It was five days after I resolved to leave medicine alone, before a natural movement took place; and ever since I have been perfectly regular. It was a great effort for me to take that step, for I knew I was running the risk of throwing myself back into all misery, and perhaps into a worse state than before. By reading Science and Health, I learned that G.o.d was able to save the body as well as the soul, and I believed His promises were for me.

MATTIE E. MAYFIELD, Des Moines, Iowa

For the Cause of Truth, I submit the following testimonial for publication; may it bring _one_ more, at least, into the fold of divine Science! The truth, as it is stated in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has done much towards making our home the abiding-place of peace and harmony. I now write of the wonderful demonstration of Truth over the birth of my baby boy, two weeks ago. Sunday, September 23, we went for a long drive of three hours; at night I retired at the usual hour; toward morning I was given a little warning; when I awoke at seven o'clock, the birth took place. Not more than ten minutes after, I ate a hearty breakfast, and then had a refres.h.i.+ng sleep; at ten o'clock walked across the room while my bed was dressed; at twelve took a substantial dinner; most of the afternoon sat up in bed, without any support but Truth; at six in the evening dressed myself and walked to the dining-room, and remained up for two hours. Next morning I arose at the usual hour, and have kept it up ever since,-was not confined to my bed one whole day. The second day was out walking in the yard, and the third day went for a drive in the morning and received callers in the afternoon. If it had not been for the presence of my young hopeful, it would have been hard to believe that there had so recently been a belief of a birth in the house; but then, I was sustained by Love, and had no belief of suffering to take my strength away. Before baby was two weeks old, I cooked, swept, ran the sewing machine, etc., a.s.sisting with the housework generally. How grateful I am for the obstetrics of this grand Science! Mothers need no longer listen to the whispering lies of the old serpent, for the law of mortal mind is broken by Truth.

MRS. DORA HOSSICK, Carrolton, Mo.

My wife and I have been healed by reading your book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." We both feel very grateful to you.

Five months ago my wife gave birth to a child, without pain or inconvenience, has done all the housework since, and has been every minute perfectly well. Neither she nor the child have been ill,-as was constantly the case with former children,-so we have thought it right to name the child Glover Eddy.

We have been reading Science and Health nearly two years, and have sold several copies to others. We are reading the _Journal_ also this year.

Yours respectfully, JOHN B. HOUSEL, Lincoln, Neb.

_Dear Mother:_-The most blessed of women! Oh, how I long to sit within range of your voice and hear the truth that comes to you from on high! for none could speak such wondrous thoughts as have come from your pen, except it be the Spirit that speaketh in you.

Two years ago last October, while laboring under a great strain of care and anxiety in regard to financial affairs, I heard of Christian Science.

I borrowed "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and began to read. I bless G.o.d that I was driven to it by such an extremity. After reading some one hundred and fifty pages, I was convinced that it was the truth for which I had searched during twenty years. While I was reading the chapter on Imposition and Demonstration,(9) I was healed of endometritis and prolapsus uteri of over twenty years' standing, p.r.o.nounced incurable by eminent physicians. Professor Ludlam, the dean of Hahnemann Medical College, of Chicago, Ill., was one of my doctors.

Before I was healed, to walk seven or eight blocks would so fatigue me that it would take me a week to recover. I now started out and walked, and was on my feet all day and for several succeeding days, but felt no weariness from my labors.

I felt, after being healed, I must have a Science and Health of my own. I had no money to buy it, so earned it by getting subscribers for the _Journal_. It has gone with me everywhere I have been. I have been well ever since.

I had suffered from bodily ailments, but they were nothing compared to my mental trials. Grief, hatred, jealousy, and revenge had well-nigh bereft me of reason. I had lost a home of plenty, been reduced to almost abject poverty, and had become a cheerless woman,-could not smile without feeling I had sinned.

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