Miscellaneous Writings Part 65

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In reply to all invitations from Chicago to share the hospitality of their beautiful homes at any time during [25]

the great wonder of the world, the World's Fair, I say, Do not expect me. I have no desire to see or to hear what is to be offered upon this approaching occasion.

I have a world of wisdom and Love to contemplate, that concerns me, and you, infinitely beyond all earthly [30]

[Page 322.]

expositions or exhibitions. In return for your kindness, [1]

I earnestly invite you to its contemplation with me, and to preparation to behold it.

Message To The Mother Church

_Beloved Brethren_:-People coming from a distance [5]

expecting to hear me speak in The Mother Church, are frequently disappointed. To avoid this, I may here- after notify the Directors when I shall be present to address this congregation, and the Clerk of the church can inform correspondents. Your dual and impersonal [10]

pastor, the Bible, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is with you; and the Life these give, the Truth they ill.u.s.trate, the Love they demonstrate, is the great Shepherd that feedeth my flock, and leadeth them "beside the still waters." By any personal pres- [15]

ence, or word of mine, your thought must not be diverted or diverged, your senses satisfied, or self be justified.

Therefore, beloved, my often-coming is unnecessary; for, though I be present or absent, it is G.o.d that feed- eth the hungry heart, that giveth grace for grace, that [20]

healeth the sick and cleanseth the sinner. For this consummation He hath given you Christian Science, and my past poor labors and love. He hath shown you the amplitude of His mercy, the justice of His judgment, the omnipotence of His love; and this, to compensate [25]

your zealous affection for seeking good, and for labor- ing in its widening grooves from the infinitesimal to the infinite.


[Page 323.]

An Allegory

Picture to yourself "a city set upon a hill," a [2]

celestial city above all clouds, in serene azure and unfathomable glory: having no temple therein, for G.o.d is the temple thereof; nor need of the sun, neither of the [5]

moon, for G.o.d doth lighten it. Then from this sacred summit behold a Stranger wending his way downward, to where a few laborers in a valley at the foot of the moun- tain are working and watching for his coming.

The descent and ascent are beset with peril, priva- [10]

tion, temptation, toil, suffering. Venomous serpents hide among the rocks, beasts of prey prowl in the path, wolves in sheep's clothing are ready to devour; but the Stranger meets and masters their secret and open attacks with serene confidence. [15]

The Stranger eventually stands in the valley at the foot of the mountain. He saith unto the patient toilers therein: "What do ye here? Would ye ascend the moun- tain,-climbing its rough cliffs, hus.h.i.+ng the hissing serpents, taming the beasts of prey,-and bathe in its [20]

streams, rest in its cool grottos, and drink from its living fountains? The way winds and widens in the valley; up the hill it is straight and narrow, and few there be that find it."

[Page 324.]

His converse with the watchers and workers in the [1]

valley closes, and he makes his way into the streets of a city made with hands.

Pausing at the threshold of a palatial dwelling, he knocks and waits. The door is shut. He hears the [5]

sounds of festivity and mirth; youth, manhood, and age gayly tread the gorgeously tapestried parlors, dancing- halls, and banquet-rooms. But a little while, and the music is dull, the wine is unsipped, the footfalls abate, the laughter ceases. Then from the window of this dwel- [10]

ling a face looks out, anxiously surveying him who waiteth at the door.

Within this mortal mansion are adulterers, fornicators, idolaters; drunkenness, witchcraft, variance, envy, emu- lation, hatred, wrath, murder. Appet.i.tes and pa.s.sions [15]

have so dimmed their sight that he alone who looks from that dwelling, through the clearer pane of his own heart tired of sin, can see the Stranger.

Startled beyond measure at beholding him, this mortal inmate withdraws; but growing more and more troubled, [20]

he seeks to leave the odious company and the cruel walls, and to find the Stranger. Stealing cautiously away from his comrades, he departs; then turns back,-he is afraid to go on and to meet the Stranger. So he returns to the house, only to find the lights all wasted and the music [25]

fled. Finding no happiness within, he rushes again into the lonely streets, seeking peace but finding none.

Naked, hungry, athirst, this time he struggles on, and at length reaches the pleasant path of the valley at the foot of the mountain, whence he may hopefully look for [30]

the reappearance of the Stranger, and receive his heavenly guidance.

[Page 325.]

The Stranger enters a ma.s.sive carved stone mansion, [1]

and saith unto the dwellers therein, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." But they understand not his saying.

These are believers of different sects, and of no sect; [5]

some, so-called Christian Scientists in sheep's clothing; and all "drunken without wine." They have small con- ceptions of spiritual riches, few cravings for the immortal, but are puffed up with the applause of the world: they have plenty of pelf, and fear not to fall upon the Stranger, [10]

seize his pearls, throw them away, and afterwards try to kill him.

Somewhat disheartened, he patiently seeks another dwelling,-only to find its inmates asleep at noontide!

Robust forms, with manly brow nodding on cus.h.i.+oned [15]

chairs, their feet resting on footstools, or, flat on their backs, lie stretched on the floor, dreaming away the hours. Balancing on one foot, with eyes half open, the porter starts up in blank amazement and looks at the Stranger, calls out, rubs his eyes,-amazed beyond [20]

measure that anybody is animated with a purpose, and seen working for it!

They in this house are those that "provoke Him in the wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert." Away from this charnel-house of the so-called living, the Stranger [25]

turns quickly, and wipes off the dust from his feet as a testimony against sensualism in its myriad forms. As he departs, he sees robbers finding ready ingress to that dwelling of sleepers in the midst of murderous hordes, without watchers and the doors unbarred! [30]

Next he enters a place of wors.h.i.+p, and saith unto them, "Go ye into all the world; preach the gospel, heal the

[Page 326.]

sick, cast out devils, raise the dead; for the Scripture [1]

saith the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made you free from the law of sin and death." And _they_ _cast him out_.

Once more he seeks the dwelling-place of mortals and [5]

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