Deirdre of the Sorrows Part 7

Deirdre of the Sorrows -

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surely it would be a good thing maybe I was here to tend her.

CONCHUBOR -- fiercely. -- Take her to Emain; it's too many tricks she's tried this day already. (A Soldier goes to her.) LAVARCHAM. Don't touch me. (She puts her cloak round her and catches Con- chubor's arm.) I thought to stay your hand with my stories till Fergus would come to be beside them, the way I'd save yourself, Con- chubor, and Naisi and Emain Macha; but I'll walk up now into your halls, and I'll say (with a gesture) it's here nettles will be growing, and beyond thistles and docks. I'll go into your high chambers, where you've been figur- ing yourself stretching out your neck for the kisses of a queen of women; and I'll say it's here there'll be deer stirring and goats scratch- ing, and sheep waking and coughing when there is a great wind from the north. (Shak- ing herself loose. Conchubor makes a sign to Soldiers.) I'm going, surely. In a short s.p.a.ce I'll be sitting up with many listening to the flames crackling, and the beams breaking, and I looking on the great blaze will be the end of Emain. [She goes out.

CONCHUBOR -- looking out. -- I see two people in the trees; it should be Naisi and


Deirdre. (To Soldier.) Let you tell them they'll lodge here tonight.

[Conchubor goes out right. Naisi and Deirdre come in on left, very weary.

NAISI -- to Soldiers. -- Is it this place he's made ready for myself and Deirdre?

SOLDIER. The Red Branch House is being aired and swept and you'll be called there when a s.p.a.ce is by; till then you'd find fruits and drink on this table, and so the G.o.ds be with you. [Goes out right.

NAISI -- looking round. -- It's a strange place he's put us camping and we come back as his friends.

DEIRDRE. He's likely making up a wel- come for us, having curtains shaken out and rich rooms put in order; and it's right he'd have great state to meet us, and you his sister's son.

NAISI -- gloomily. -- It's little we want with state or rich rooms or curtains, when we're used to the ferns only and cold streams and they making a stir.

DEIRDRE -- roaming round room. -- We want what is our right in Emain (looking at hangings), and though he's riches in store for us it's a shabby, ragged place he's put us wait-


ing, with frayed rugs and skins are eaten by the moths.

NAISI -- a little impatiently. -- There are few would worry over skins and moths on this first night that we've come back to Emain.

DEIRDRE -- brightly. -- You should be well pleased it's for that I'd worry all times, when it's I have kept your tent these seven years as tidy as a bee-hive or a linnet's nest.

If Conchubor'd a queen like me in Emain he'd not have stretched these rags to meet us. (She pulls hanging, and it opens.) There's new earth on the ground and a trench dug. . . .

It's a grave, Naisi, that is wide and deep.

NAISI -- goes over and pulls back curtain showing grave. -- And that'll be our home in Emain. . . . He's dug it wisely at the b.u.t.t of a hill, with fallen trees to hide it. He'll want to have us killed and buried before Fergus comes.

DEIRDRE. Take me away. . . . Take me to hide in the rocks, for the night is coming quickly.

NAISI -- pulling himself together. -- I will not leave my brothers.

DEIRDRE -- vehemently. -- It's of us two he's jealous. Come away to the places where we're used to have our company. . . .


Wouldn't it be a good thing to lie hid in the high ferns together? (She pulls him left.) I hear strange words in the trees.

NAISI. It should be the strange fighters of Conchubor. I saw them pa.s.sing as we came.

DEIRDRE -- pulling him towards the right. -- Come to this side. Listen, Naisi!

NAISI. There are more of them. . . .

We are shut in, and I have not Ainnle and Ardan to stand near me. Isn't it a hard thing that we three who have conquered many may not die together?

DEIRDRE -- sinking down. -- And isn't it a hard thing that you and I are in this place by our opened grave; though none have lived had happiness like ours those days in Alban that went by so quick.

NAISI. It's a hard thing, surely, we've lost those days for ever; and yet it's a good thing, maybe, that all goes quick, for when I'm in that grave it's soon a day'll come you'll be too wearied to be crying out, and that day'll bring you ease.

DEIRDRE. I'll not be here to know if that is true.

NAISI. It's our three selves he'll kill to- night, and then in two months or three you'll


see him walking down for courts.h.i.+p with yourself.

DEIRDRE. I'll not be here.

NAISI -- hard. -- You'd best keep him off, maybe, and then, when the time comes, make your way to some place west in Donegal, and it's there you'll get used to stretching out lonesome at the fall of night, and waking lone- some for the day.

DEIRDRE. Let you not be saying things are worse than death.

NAISI -- a little recklessly. -- I've one word left. If a day comes in the west that the larks are c.o.c.king their crests on the edge of the clouds, and the cuckoos making a stir, and there's a man you'd fancy, let you not be thinking that day I'd be well pleased you'd go on keening always.

DEIRDRE -- turning to look at him. -- And if it was I that died, Naisi, would you take another woman to fill up my place?

NAISI -- very mournfully. -- It's little I know, saving only that it's a hard and bitter thing leaving the earth, and a worse and harder thing leaving yourself alone and deso- late to be making lamentation on its face always.

DEIRDRE. I'll die when you do, Naisi.


I'd not have come here from Alban but I knew I'd be along with you in Emain, and you living or dead. . . . Yet this night it's strange and distant talk you're making only.

NAISI. There's nothing, surely, the like of a new grave of open earth for putting a great s.p.a.ce between two friends that love.

DEIRDRE. If there isn't, it's that grave when it's closed will make us one for ever, and we two lovers have had great s.p.a.ce without weariness or growing old or any sadness of the mind.

CONCHUBOR -- coming in on right. -- I'd bid you welcome, Naisi.

NAISI -- standing up. -- You're welcome, Conchubor. I'm well pleased you've come.

CONCHUBOR -- blandly. -- Let you not think bad of this place where I've put you till other rooms are readied.

NAISI -- breaking out. -- We know the room you've readied. We know what stirred you to send your seals and Fergus into Alban and stop him in the north, (opening curtain and pointing to the grave) and dig that grave before us. Now I ask what brought you here?

CONCHUBOR. I've come to look on Deirdre.

NAISI. Look on her. You're a knacky


fancier, and it's well you chose the one you'd lure from Alban. Look on her, I tell you, and when you've looked I've got ten fingers will squeeze your mottled goose neck, though you're king itself.

DEIRDRE -- coming between them. -- Hush, Naisi! Maybe Conchubor'll make peace. . . . Do not mind him, Conchubor; he has cause to rage.

CONCHUBOR. It's little I heed his rag- ing, when a call would bring my fighters from the trees. . . . But what do you say, Deirdre?

DEIRDRE. I'll say so near that grave we seem three lonesome people, and by a new made grave there's no man will keep brooding on a woman's lips, or on the man he hates.

It's not long till your own grave will be dug in Emain, and you'd go down to it more easy if you'd let call Ainnle and Ardan, the way we'd have a supper all together, and fill that grave, and you'll be well pleased from this out, having four new friends the like of us in Emain.

CONCHUBOR -- looking at her for a moment. -- That's the first friendly word I've heard you speaking, Deirdre. A game the like of yours should be the proper thing for soften- ing the heart and putting sweetness in the


tongue; and yet this night when I hear you I've small blame left for Naisi that he stole you off from Ulster.

DEIRDRE -- to Naisi. -- Now, Naisi, answer gently, and we'll be friends to-night.

NAISI -- doggedly. -- I have no call but to be friendly. I'll answer what you will.

DEIRDRE -- taking Naisi's hand. -- Then you'll call Conchubor your friend and king, the man who reared me up upon Slieve Fuadh.

[As Conchubor is going to clasp Naisi's hand cries are heard behind.

CONCHUBOR. What noise is that?

AINNLE -- behind. -- Naisi. . . . . Naisi.

Come to us; we are betrayed and broken.

NAISI. It's Ainnle crying out in a battle.

CONCHUBOR. I was near won this night, but death's between us now.

[He goes out.

DEIRDRE -- clinging to Naisi. -- There is no battle. . . . Do not leave me, Naisi.

NAISI. I must go to them.

DEIRDRE -- beseechingly. -- Do not leave me, Naisi. Let us creep up in the darkness behind the grave. If there's a battle, maybe the strange fighters will be destroyed, when Ainnle and Ardan are against them.

[Cries heard.


NAISI -- wildly. -- I hear Ardan crying out. Do not hold me from my brothers.

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