I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) Chapter 1860: Trial Run of the Magic Ship

I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) -

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Chapter 1860: Trial Run of the Magic s.h.i.+p

A huge magic s.h.i.+p moves through the vast seas of the Demon Realm. As I lean against the railing on the deck, the wind gently brushes my cheek, and I squint a little in comfort. Being on the deck of a s.h.i.+p sailing the sea like this truly feels picturesque, making me wonder if I look cool standing here like this……. Well, maybe it’s just my imagination……

Now then, as for why I’m on the s.h.i.+p now…… It isn’t because it’s already the day of the s.h.i.+p party, that’s still a while later. So why are we sailing through Demon Realm’s seas in this magic s.h.i.+p? Simply put, it’s a trial run.

This is something quite obvious, but as expected, it’s difficult to have a party on a s.h.i.+p that we’re going to learn about on the spot. Especially since we’ll be hiring people this time, there’s a lot to consider, including coordination and communication, so it’s important to check everything in advance.

The magic s.h.i.+p that Kuro gave me really is a super luxury cruise s.h.i.+p, over 350 meters in size and capable of accommodating over 5000 pa.s.sengers if needed, and the number of rooms is no joke either.

For the time being, we are planning to rent out one room for each invited guest for changing and resting, so we need to check and prepare for that.

And as for what I’m doing now in this trial run…… well, nothing.

……Unnn. I have nothing to do. The meeting with the maids who will be dispatched and the confirmation of the venue are being handled by Illness-san, Eta and Theta are checking the rooms, Anima and Caraway are checking the expenses, necessary supplies, and the route, and although they aren’t currently on board, the cooking duties are being handled by a team centered around Nebula and Kaori-san at my house.

So, having nothing in particular to do, I went out on the deck with an indescribable mood and sat idly watching the sea.

It can’t be helped. There’s nothing I can do here…… There’s no way I can be involved in teaching the maids, and Anima and the others are already busy checking everything, and even if I were to partic.i.p.ate in something I’m clueless about, I would only get in the way…… It’s best for me to just spend my spare time like this…… The sea sure is beautiful.]

[……Sorry for the intrusion, Miyama Kaito-sama, but may I have a moment of your time?]

[Whoa!? G- Gluttony-san?]

[Yes. I apologize for surprising you with my sudden visit without prior notice.]

Suddenly hearing a voice, I turned around to find a doll…… Gluttony-san’s main body, which was being held by Natasha-san, appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and just like usual, Gluttony-san’s words are being conveyed by Natasha-san saying it.

Well, that aside, what’s going on?

[No, it’s alright. That aside, is there something you want from me?]

[Hah, this may sound impolite, but I was wondering if I might be able to be of help with the transportation of partic.i.p.ants for Miyama Kaito-sama’s party, so I’m reaching out to you.]

[When you say transportation of partic.i.p.ants…… Does that mean you’ll help out with Teleportation Magic?]

[Yes. I heard from Shalltear-sama that you were currently planning on using a Teleportation Gate near a port where s.h.i.+ps can dock.]

[Yes, that was the plan but……]

This is obvious, but not all invited guests can use Teleportation Magic, so the a.s.sumption was to use Teleportation Gates to come to the Demon Realm.

And so, by presenting the invitation as a key at the Teleportation Gates, guests can teleport for free to the Teleportation Gate near the port, and as for who’s responsible for managing the Teleportation Gates…… well, they’re under Alice’s jurisdiction, but the plan was to arrange everything with them.

[However, considering the status of the partic.i.p.ants in relation to the size of the port, which is large enough to allow a large magic s.h.i.+p to dock there, I think that would inevitably attract a lot of attention. However, with my abilities, it would be quite simple for me to teleport partic.i.p.ants directly onto the s.h.i.+p, so I suggest setting up a temporary reception area near the Teleportation Gate, where the invitations can be verified. After confirmation, I can then use my Teleportation Magic to transport them directly onto the s.h.i.+p, but what do you think? That being the case, I believe there should be no issue with the large magic s.h.i.+p being out at sea, and there would be no need to worry about attracting attention……]

[I- I see, that would certainly be a tremendous help…… but is that alright? Wouldn’t that have quite the burden on you, Gluttony-san?]

[No, teleporting a few hundred people won’t even make a dent in my capabilities. Besides, being able to a.s.sist Miyama Kaito-sama would be a supreme bliss for me…… Also, it’s likely that the great Shalltear-sama, who has the foresight to see into the distant future, informed me of your current plans because she had antic.i.p.ated such developments, so it can be inferred that a.s.sisting Miyama Kaito-sama is also Shalltear-sama’s will.]


Indeed, if it’s Alice, she would likely antic.i.p.ate this happening, and it’s truly like Alice to subtly provide support in this way.

[……I understand. If it’s alright with Gluttony-san, please a.s.sist us. We also need to consult about this with Anima and the others, so let’s go inside and talk about it.]

[Hah, I promise to work to your expectations.]

Just like that, Gluttony-san agreed to help us out. We no longer have to worry about the mobility aspect, and now we just have to really work out the details and wait for the event to start.

? ? ? : [Well~~ As expected of the capable Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan, she’s wonderful with her follow-ups! Casual a.s.sists like this is probably her secret to capturing Kaito-san’s love!!!]

Serious-senpai : [……She’s one heck of a mess when it comes to romance, but it is true that she’s super capable in everything else.]

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