Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce Part 42

Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce -

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Firing.]

It is supposed to be caused by very damp weather, and is much dreaded by all growers of the weed, as it is sometimes quite common, and on low soil affects the crop to a considerable extent. It spots the leaf with hard brown spots that often fall out, producing holes fatal to the value of the crop. The lower leaves on the plant are more likely to be injured than those higher on the stalk. The spots vary in size; sometimes they are as large as a three cent piece, but more frequently about the size of a small pearl b.u.t.ton. At the South, rust or "firing"

is much more common than in the Connecticut valley, and often whole fields are badly affected by the malady. Some seasons hardly any rust can be discovered on the leaves, and if any spots are found they are fixed and do not spread.

Small plants are more liable to be injured than large ones, and not unfrequently nearly every leaf is covered with the spots. Many theories have been advanced in regard to the cause of rust and how to prevent it. It usually occurs just before, or after, topping, and if the plants are ripe enough to harvest, they should be cut before the rust spreads to any great extent. It makes its appearance very suddenly, and if the weather be favorable (damp), spreads rapidly, often in a few days injuring the plants to a great extent. There are two varieties of rust or "firing," brown and white; and while the former is dreaded by the grower, as it injures the quality of the plant, the other is regarded with special favor, as it gives value to the leaf.

The white rust,[81] as it is termed, is a small white speck (often noticed on cigars), making its appearance on the leaves of the plant towards the latter part of its growth, and usually found on the top and middle leaves. It is usually found on the best, and more frequently on light than dark tobacco. Unlike the brown rust, the white does not fall out, but is as firm in its place as any part of the leaf; sometimes the spots are as white as chalk, and again they will be of a yellowish shade, though lighter in color than brown rust.

The lighter the color the better their effect on the leaf upon which they are found. Leaves thus "spotted" make the finest of wrappers, and light-colored leaf thus affected brings the very highest price. It is well known to manufacturers of cigars that such leaves burn well, and almost invariably make a light ash. Good judges of cigars always pick for those thus affected, and watch with interest the ash of the cigar, noting the color as well as the flavor.

[Footnote 81: Florida tobacco is noted for the white rust found on the leaves.]

Some seasons this kind of rust is quite common, and it is supposed to be caused in the same way as the brown, although there are some growers who think that it is produced by altogether different causes.

There is, however, a marked difference in the appearance of the leaves thus spotted; the white rust is not usually as thick upon the leaf, and is more generally found along the sides of the leaf, while the brown rust is found more in the center than along the sides. Tobacco of a light cinnamon color thus "marked" is considered the most valuable, and could the planter obtain such a crop at option, he could realize the very highest price for it. Large growers who find much of their tobacco "spotted" in this manner, would do well to keep such leaves by themselves, and sell direct to the manufacturer. Both kinds of rust are more commonly seen on the plants during a wet than a dry season, and particularly if the plants have grown rapidly during the latter part of the time.

Formerly buyers of leaf tobacco were more interested in leaf of this description than now; and some of them, more anxious than others, made liberal offers to any grower of tobacco who could ascertain how such tobacco could be obtained. It is hardly probable that any method of culture could be devised so as to obtain such leaf; it seems to be a freak of nature, depending somewhat on the soil as well as the humidity of the atmosphere, and without doubt is beyond the control of the grower. Various theories propounded and experiments tried have not met with any success that we are aware of. Some growers are of the opinion that light manure spread on moist soil will tend to produce leaf affected with white rust, while others affirm that such leaf is common on high ground when manured with light fertilizers. It is a matter of doubt whether such leaf can be obtained by any preparation of soil, or any system of cultivation whatever.


The selection of large, well-formed plants for the maturing of the seeds, is of more importance than most growers are aware of.[82] Not only should the alt.i.tude of the plant be taken into account, but also the size and texture of the leaf.

[Footnote 82: Liancourt says of the selection of seed plants in Virginia:--"The seed for the next year is obtained from forty to fifty stalks per acre, which the cultivator lets run up as high as they will grow, without bruising their heads."]

If a variety foreign to the soil (on which it is cultivated) is grown, then particular pains should be taken to select seed plants resembling those cultivated in its native home.

In cultivating foreign varieties, even the first season plants may be seen that do not resemble the majority, but are seemingly trying to accommodate themselves to the soil and climate, and in consequence resemble in a measure the variety commonly cultivated. Growers of Havana tobacco in the Connecticut valley can testify to this, and especially to the increased size of the plants. There are, however, growers of Havana tobacco, who claim that it will never deteriorate in quality, and that seed from Havana is not required in order to secure the delightful flavor of the _Vuelta de Abajo_ leaf. Our experience is the reverse of this, and applies more directly to the flavor of the leaf than the size, color, or texture. In the Connecticut valley Havana leaf retains in a remarkable degree the texture and color of leaf, but not the flavor. Fresh or new seed is required from time to time. Sieckle says on the choice of seed:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Spanish seed tobacco.]

"The selection of seed is one of the conditions for raising good tobacco, especially when intended for the manufacture of cigars. In the United States now and then Havana seeds are planted. The tobacco raised therefrom generally resembles the real Havana in shape and color of leaves. But in order to reproduce approximately also the fine taste and flavor of genuine Havana tobacco, it would be required to impart to the soil exactly the components which const.i.tute the famous tobacco-ground, viz.: the soil of the above-mentioned _Vuelta de Abajo_ in Cuba. We say approximately, because the climate is a thing that can be neither transplanted nor fully equaled by artificial means.

Havana seed propagated in the United States usually degenerates very soon, even in the course of two or three years. In other countries the experiment has been made to acclimate foreign seeds, for instance, Havana, by crossing, respectively changing the s.e.xes and giving the male influence now to the foreign, then to the home plant."

In the Connecticut valley the cultivation of Havana tobacco is increasing year by year, and it promises to become the variety cultivated. All of the leading qualities of Connecticut seed leaf, such as color, strength, and texture, are preserved, while the flavor is as fine as that of much that is imported. The plants selected for seed should be allowed to fully ripen, when the leaves may be stripped from the stalks, that the capsules may receive all the strength of the growing and maturing plants. The seed plants should be left standing some six or eight weeks after the other plants have been harvested. If the nights are very cold and frosty, the top of the plants may be covered with a light cloth or paper to protect the seed buds.

When the capsules are of full size and brown in color, the top may be broken off and hung up in a dry, cool place to cure, after which the seeds should be taken from the capsules. To do this, the end of the seed buds may be cut, when most of the seeds will fall out if the buds are fully ripe and dry. A southern planter gives the following account of the curing and management of seed plants:--

"There are four of tobacco grown in Virginia and North Carolina, viz.: s.h.i.+pping, filling, smoking, and wrapping; and it is important that planters desiring to raise either one of these should choose the kind of seed best adapted to each particular cla.s.s. The Pryor makes the heaviest, richest s.h.i.+pping, and can only be grown to perfection on alluvial or heavily manured lands. The Frederick or Maryland grows larger, but is not so rich and waxy. The Oronoko is far preferable for fillers, smokers or wrappers, being sweeter in flavor, finer in fibre and texture, and more easily cured yellow. This is the kind best adapted to our gray soils, giving best returns. The product is not so large as on black or brown lands, yet with skill in curing and management, the difference in product is more than made up in quality.

"The Oronoko, therefore, is the only kind suited to our gray lands, and of this there are several varieties, the two most in favor being the yellow Oronoko, and the Gooch or Pride of Granville. The first is the kind that gave character to the Caswell (North Carolina) yellow tobacco more than twenty years ago, and is still preferred by a very large number of planters who grow the finest yellow smokers and wrappers. The latter is preferred in Granville county, North Carolina, that produces the finest yellow tobacco grown on this continent, or, perhaps, in the world. This latter is clearly an Oronoko tobacco, very much resembling the former, except that the leaf grows rather broader, and by some is considered sweeter. These two kinds have been grown with special reference to their adaptation to producing the finest quality of wrappers, smokers, and fillers. I am satisfied that the art of curing and management have not only been very far advanced toward scientific perfection, but that in perfecting the kinds of seed grown much improvement has been made. For instance, in the saving of seed, by adopting the plan of turning out the forwardest plants growing in the best soil, and afterwards observing to cut off all the heads of plants that ripen up coa.r.s.e, narrow or ill-shaped, or of a green color on the hill, and saving only those heads that ripen yellow in color and of a smooth and fine texture, much has been done to improve the kind. Besides, the most important point in the saving of tobacco seed is to cut off all the lateral shoots, leaving only three crown shoots to perfect seed, thereby securing larger pods and more perfect seed that always ripen in good time, and are more reliable for seed beds and the production of early, vigorous plants.

"By following this mode of saving seed with special reference to the growth of a particular cla.s.s of tobacco, in a few years the seed is not only greatly improved, but as like begets like in the vegetable as in the animal kingdom, becomes _sui generis_--the first of its species. The writer can bear testimony to the above facts and desires that others may profit thereby. Where any plant attains its highest perfection, there is the place to secure the best seed. The home of the tobacco plant is in Virginia and North Carolina, and the growth and perfection of the kinds here cultivated have reached a point unattained any where else.

The West and South would do well to procure their seed from us, and then save and propagate after the instructions above given."


The first account we find of raising a second crop of tobacco on the original field, is found in the early history of the Virginia colony; who, not satisfied with the vast amount cultivated in the usual manner, allowed a second growth to spring up from the parent stalk and thus obtained two crops from the same field in one year. The inferior quality of this growth at length caused its prohibition by law, as described elsewhere in this work. Of late, however, this "new departure" in tobacco culture seems to have attracted some attention, particularly in the Southern States, where numerous experiments have been made, and in some instances with complete success. In Mexico and also in Louisiana and California, two and even three crops are gathered, thus adding to the profit of the grower, but hardly to the fertility of the tobacco fields. Whatever the fertility of the tobacco field may be, or the care and attention given to the second crop by the planter, it can not equal the first crop, and must from the nature of the case be quite inferior in size, texture, and flavor of leaf.

Doubtless the varieties grown in the tropics will be much finer than the varieties grown in a more temperate region. There are many reasons why a second and third crop can not be equal to the first in the qualities necessary for fine leafy tobacco. In the first place, the soil will hardly produce a second crop of the size and texture of leaf that will compare with the first growth: the leaves will be small and resemble the top leaves of the original plant rather than the large, well-formed leaves of the center. Again, the season will hardly be favorable (unless in the tropics), for a second growth, which has much to do with the quality of the leaf and which alone ensures large, well-matured plants.

In the Connecticut valley but one crop can be grown of seed leaf, and even this when planted late is frequently overtaken by the "frost king" whose cold breath strikes a chill to the heart of the tobacco grower who has been so unfortunate as to have but a few plants; especially if his fields were "set" late in the season, or with "spindling" or "long shank plants" which come forward slowly and forbid all thought of a second growth, and sometimes give small hopes of even the first.

In Virginia and North Carolina the experiment has been tried of covering the stumps or trunk of the plants with straw, followed by plowing on both sides of the rows, thereby covering them to a depth of several inches, in which condition they are left until spring, when the covering is removed and the suckers or sprouts shoot forth and grow with great rapidity. This novel experiment may succeed so far as the growth and maturing of the plants is concerned, but will hardly add to the reputation of "Virginia's kingly plant" or to the profit of the growers, as the product must necessarily be small if the labor of transplanting is avoided.

Beyond all question, experiments with the growth and culture of the tobacco plant are among the most interesting and valuable, and afford the planter the most pleasure and instruction of all similar trials with the products of the vegetable kingdom. These experiments at once develop not only the rare qualities of the plant, but its various forms and habit of growth. They show as well as its adaptation to all countries and climes, and the preservation of its qualities when grown in regions far remote from its native home. The florist finds no more pleasure in the cultivation of the rarest exotic than the tobacco planter in testing some new variety of tobacco, and noting its varied qualities and adaptation to his fields. By trying new varieties, some of the finest qualities of the plant have been developed, and many other of its excellences still further advanced. In the United States numerous trials and experiments are constantly being made to still further perfect the various kinds already cultivated, as well as to test other varieties and note their qualities and adaptation to the soil. Already far advanced, the culture of the plant has not yet reached its highest point. The adaptation, soil, and fertilizers, are now attracting much attention, and further study of these elements promises to "bring out" qualities of leaf hitherto overlooked, or at least but partially developed.



Few comparatively of the users or even of the growers and manufacturers of tobacco, are aware of the vast amount cultivated, manufactured and used. Many suppose that its cultivation is confined to the United States and a few of the West India Islands, having no idea of the large quant.i.ties grown in Europe, Asia and Africa and the islands of the East India Archipelago. The Spaniards first began the cultivation of the plant on the Island of St. Domingo, afterwards extending it to Trinidad, the coast of South America, Mexico and the Philippine Islands. In Portugal the cultivation commenced about 1575-80, and continued some years. The Dutch a little later, began the production of tobacco in the East Indies, and in connection with the Spaniards and Portuguese were the only cultivators of tobacco until the English commenced its growth in Virginia in 1616.

The first production in St. Domingo by the Spaniards was sometime previous to 1535, and the island has continued to produce the great staple until now. In Trinidad, however, a finer article was yielded, and its cultivation became more general here until the Spaniards began to plant it in Cuba in 1580. From the West Indies, South America and the East Indies, Europe raised its supply of tobacco until the English colonists commenced its cultivation in Virginia. The Spaniards and Portuguese at first controlled the trade in tobacco, and extorted most fabulous prices for it. As soon, however, as the Dutch and English began to cultivate it and receive it from their colonies the price gradually fell while the demand and consumption for it increased in proportion to the falling off of prices. From the island of Trinidad, Europe received its finest tobacco, and it continued to maintain its reputation as such until that variety known as Varinas tobacco from South America appeared; this variety attracted the attention of European buyers and consumers, from its superiority in flavor and appearance which it has maintained for more than two hundred and fifty years.

In South America, the cultivation of tobacco took its rise in Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. The varieties there produced had acquired an established reputation as early as 1600, together with St.

Lucia, Philippine and Margarita tobaccos. Early in the Seventeenth Century, the Dutch became the great producers and importers into Europe, and the growths of their colonies continued to furnish a large proportion of the quant.i.ty used until English colonial tobacco made its appearance from Virginia.

The Plymouth and London companies from its first appearance in their markets, saw its vast importance as an article of agriculture and commerce, and in twenty years after the first planting of it, began to reap rich returns from its sale and production. From this time forward, not only in America, but in Europe and Asia, its cultivation spread among other nations until at length it has become one of the great sources of revenue of almost every country, and a leading product of nearly every clime. The islands of St. Domingo, Trinidad, St. Lucia and Martinique, do not produce as large quant.i.ties of tobacco as formerly; its cultivation in the West Indies being now confined chiefly to the island of Cuba.

This island produces at the present time the finest cigar leaf of the West Indies, which is considered by many as the best grown. The value of the annual product of Cuba is estimated at $20,000,000, nearly as much as that of the entire United States. Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay, which are the tobacco-producing countries of South America, furnish Europe with a large amount of leaf tobacco. In Brazil according to Scully it "occupies the fourth place in the exports" and is extensively cultivated in various parts of the empire.

In Venezuela it is an important article of agriculture, and the product is of fine quality and in good repute in Europe. Colombia has long been noted for the amount and excellence of its tobacco; its various growths are fine in all respects and are among the finest cigar tobaccos grown. In Paraguay large quant.i.ties of excellent cigar tobacco are raised, much of which is used in various parts of South America, the remainder going to Europe.

All of the tobacco of South America is unrivaled in flavor and is well adapted for the manufacture of cigars. In Mexico, tobacco is raised to some extent, particularly in the Gulf States, where it develops remarkably and is of excellent quality both in texture and flavor.

Mexico is doubtless as well adapted for tobacco as any country in the world, and if certain restrictions[83] were removed, its culture would increase and the demand would cause its extensive production. In the Central American States, some tobacco is cultivated, but not to the extent that is warranted by the demand or the adaptation of the soil.

Some parts of the States, especially of Honduras, are well adapted for the production of the very finest leaf. As it is but little is grown; hardly any being exported to Europe. America is the native home of the tobacco plant, and in the United States vast quant.i.ties are produced of all qualities and suited for all purposes.

[Footnote 83: Tobacco is not allowed to pa.s.s from one state into another without paying a certain duty.]

In New England from 20,000 to 30,000 acres are cultivated annually, estimated to yield on an average from 1500 to 1700 pounds to the acre.

The annual product in cases is from 50,000 to 170,000.[84] Of the Middle States, New York and Pennsylvania furnish a large amount of "seed leaf" as it is called. In 1872 the latter state reported 38,010 cases, mostly grown in three counties. A fine quality of tobacco is raised in the immediate vicinity of the old William Penn mansion, and is known to all dealers as superior leaf. In New York the crop is usually good, and along the valleys are found some excellent lands for its culture.

[Footnote 84: The amount in 1872, was 172,000.]

As we go South, we reach the great tobacco-growing states, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, and others. Maryland has long been noted for its tobacco, and annually exports thousands of hogsheads to European markets. Virginia, as we have seen, is the oldest tobacco-producing state in the Union, and still continues to raise thousands of acres of the "weed" for home use and for export. In 1622, six years after its cultivation began, she produced 60,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. North Carolina also raises a fine article of smoking tobacco--of fine color and superior flavor. This state has long been noted for its superior leaf tobacco, and ever since the first settlement of the state has produced large quant.i.ties of it. In 1753 100 hogsheads were exported, the number constantly increasing until the present. In Georgia some tobacco is grown. Havana tobacco was first cultivated in this state by Col. McIntosh, and succeeded finely in some of the counties along the coast.

In Florida, Havana tobacco is cultivated altogether. It differs somewhat in flavor, however, so that it is called Florida tobacco, not because it is grown in that state, but because it is a little bitter, unlike that grown in Cuba. Kentucky is the great tobacco-producing state of the Union. Two-fifths of the entire amount grown in the country comes from this state. In 1871 nearly 150,000 acres were devoted to it in the state--producing 103,500,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. In Ohio and Missouri large quant.i.ties of tobacco are grown, the former state furnis.h.i.+ng both cutting and seed leaf tobaccos. The other Western states including Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, are engaged largely in its production, and furnish a good article of leaf.

California for the last few years has given the culture of tobacco some attention, and promises to become a great tobacco-producing state. The United States have cultivated in some seasons 350,769 acres of tobacco, valued at $25,901,769. The average yield per acre is greater in Connecticut than in any other state, being 1,700 pounds, while the smallest yield is in Georgia, 350 pounds. The average price per pound in Connecticut is 25 cts; in Kentucky 7 7-10 cts; in Georgia 21 4-10 cts; in Ohio 9 1-10 cts; and in Pennsylvania 15 2-10 cts. In 1855 there was exported from this country 150,213 hogsheads and 13,366 cases of tobacco.

In Europe large quant.i.ties of tobacco are grown, excepting in England, Spain, and Portugal, where its culture is prohibited by law to benefit the colonial growers of the plant. Austria is the great tobacco-producing country of Europe, and yields an annual product of 45,000,000 pounds of tobacco; the leaf is of good quality, and is used for cigars. France also raises about 30,000,000 pounds of tobacco besides importing large quant.i.ties from the United States. In Russia the annual tobacco crop is about 25,000,000 pounds. In Holland about as much tobacco is grown as in the state of Connecticut--6,000,000 pounds and the product is adapted for both cigar and snuff-leaf. Large quant.i.ties of tobacco are also imported, from 30,000,000 to 35,000,000 pounds. The tobacco factories in the country are stated to give employment to one million operatives. Belgium produces considerable tobacco, about 3,000,000 pounds annually. Switzerland also raises from 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 pounds of leaf. In Greece tobacco is an important product and the quality of leaf is very fine; her product has been as high as 5,500,000 pounds.

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About Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce Part 42 novel

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