Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce Part 16

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"I saw the sayd branch, I did take a dead sprigge from it, wherewith I made two or three tobacco-stoppers, which I brought to London."

Pipes and tobacco-stoppers have often been favorite testimonials of friends.h.i.+p and reward. Fairholt says:--

"It was the custom during the last century to present country churchwardens with tobacco-boxes, after the faithful discharge of their duties."

The following lines from "The Tobacco Leaf," penned by some favored one on receiving a rare pipe, are no doubt as neat as the object that called them forth:--

"I lifted off the lid with anxious care, Removed the wrappages, strip after strip, And when the hidden contents were laid bare, My first remark was: "Mercy, what a pipe!"

A pipe of symmetry that matched its size, Mounted with metal bright--a sight to see-- With the rich umber hue that smokers prize, Attesting both its age and pedigree.

A pipe to make the royal Freidrich jealous, Or the great Teufelsdrockh with envy gripe!

A man should hold some rank above his fellows To justify his smoking such a pipe!

What country gave it birth? What blest of cities Saw it first kindle at the glowing coal?

What happy artist murmured "_Nunc dimittis_,"

When he had fas.h.i.+oned this transcendent bowl!

Has it been h.o.a.rded in a monarch's treasures?

Was it a gift of peace, or price of war?

Did the great Khalif in his "Houre of Pleasures,"

Wager and lose it to the good Zaafar?

It may have soothed mild Spenser's melancholy, While musing o'er traditions of the past, Or graced the lips of brave Sir Walter Raleigh, Ere sage King Jamie blew his "Counterblast."

Did it, safe hidden in some secret cavern, Escape that monarch's pipoclastic ken?

Has Shakespeare smoked it at the Mermaid Tavern, Quaffing a cup of sack with rare old Ben?

Ay, Shakespeare might have watched his vast creation Loom through its smoke--the spectre-haunted Thane, The Sisters at their ghostly invocations, The jealous Moor and melancholy Dane.

Round its...o...b..d haze and through its mazy ringlets, t.i.tania may have led her elfin rout, Or Ariel fanned it with his gauzy winglets, Or Puck danced in the bowl to put it out.

Vain are all fancies--questions bring no answer; The smokers vanish, but the pipe remains; He were indeed a subtle necromancer, Could read their records in its cloudy stains.

Nor this alone: its destiny may doom it To outlive e'en its use and history-- Some ploughman of the future may exhume it From soil now deep beneath the eastern sea.

And, treasured by some antiquarian Stultus, It may to gaping visitors be shown, Labelled: "The symbol of some ancient Cultus, Conjecturally Phallic, but unknown."

Why do I thus recall the ancient quarrel 'Twixt Man and Time, that marks all earthly things?

Why labor to re-word the hackneyed moral, [Greek: os phhyllongenehe], as Homer sings?

For this: Some links we forge are never broken: Some feelings claim exemption from decay; And Love, of which this pipe was but the token, Shall last, though pipes and smokers pa.s.s away."

The verse that has been written in praise as well as dispraise of the "Indian Novelty" would of itself fill a volume of no "mean pretentions." The following clever lines from The Tobacco Plant ent.i.tled "Puffs from a Pipe," convey much advice to all smokers of tobacco.

Sage old friend! with judgment ripe; Come and join me in a pipe.

Brother student! brother joker, Thee I greet, O! brother smoker.

Smoke, O! men of every station, Every climate, every nation.

East and West, and South and North, Recognize Tobacco's worth.

Red man! let thy warfare cease: Smoke the calumet of peace.

Chinaman! shun opium-grief: Use the pure Tobacco leaf.

Frenchmen! no more foes provoke: Follow arts of peace--and smoke!

German victors! crowned with laurel, Smoke, content; and seek no quarrel.

Americans no one needs bid To blow a cloud, or take a quid.

Though rows shake Dame Europa's school, Johnny Bull smokes, calm and cool.

Toffy, it will ease thy brain, man!

Smoke and snuff, and smoke again, man!

Paddy, light of heart and gay, Smoke thy dhudeen: short black clay.

Sawney, on thy Hielen' hill, Tak' thy sneis.h.i.+n'; tak' thy gill!

Tourist, thou hast journey'd far; Rest, and light a mild cigar.

Sailor, from the stormy seas, Take a quid, and take thine ease.

"Soldier tired," put off thy shako; Prepare to fire, and burn tobacco.

Workman, prize thine honest labor; Burn thy weed, and love thy neighbor!

Evil-doers, when ye burn The weed; think how soon 'twill be your turn.

Artist, let thy "coloring" be Of a pipe; thy "drawing," free!

Miser, moderate thy greed!

Mend thy life, and take a weed.

Lawyer, loose thy bitter gripe!

Burn thy writ--to light a pipe.

Statesman, hara.s.sed night and day, Blow a cloud; puff care away!

Hardy tiller of the soil!

Light a pipe; 'twill lighten toil.

Usurer, we surely know Thou wilt have thy _quid pro quo_.

Merchant, smoke thy pipe; hang care!

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About Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce Part 16 novel

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