Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus Part 24

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33. Museum Tessinianum, Opera Comitis C. G. Tessin, Regis Regnique Senatoris, collectum. Latin and Swedish. Stockholm, 1753.

34. Museum Regis Adolphi Suecorum, &c., in quo Animalia rariora imprimis Exotica, Quadrupedia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes describuntur et determinantur. In Latin and Swedish. Stockholm, 1754.

Folio, with 35 plates. The preface has been translated into English by Sir J. E. Smith, and published under the t.i.tle of Linnaeus's Reflections on the Study of Nature.

35. Frederici Ha.s.selquist Iter Palestinum; Ella resa til heliga landet.

Holm. 1757. These travels have been translated into German, French, and English.

36. Petri Loeflingii Iter Hispanic.u.m; Ella resa til Spanksa landerna, uti Europa och America, &c. Holm. 1758. 8vo. This work was translated into English by the Forsters. London, 1771.

37. Oratio Regia, coram rege reginaque habita. 1759. Folio. This is to be found also in the Amaenitates Academicae.

38. Disquisitio Quaestionis, ab Acad. Imper. Scientiarum Petropolitanae, in annum 1759 pro Praemio, Propositae: s.e.xum Plantarum argumentis et experimentis novis, &c. Petropol. 1760. This essay has been inserted in the Trans. of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, vol. vii. 1761; and in the 22d volume of the Journal Encyclopedique. A translation also published in London in 1786. 8vo.

39. Genera Morborum, Upsal, 1763. Three editions.

40. Museum Reginae Louisae Ulricae, in quo Animalia rariora Exotica, imprimis Insecta et Conchylia describuntur et determinantur; et Musei Regis Adolphi prodromus tomi secundi. Holm. 1764.

41. Clavis Medica Duplex, exterior et interior. Holm. 1763.

42. Mantissa Plantarum, generum editionis s.e.xtae et specierum editionis secundae. Holm. 1767.

43. Mantissa Plantarum altera. Holm. 1771.

44. Deliciae Naturae, an oration delivered in 1772. It was translated into Swedish by Linnaeus himself, at the request of the students, and published at Stockholm, 1773. 8vo. The Latin edition has also been printed in the Amaenitates Academicae.

Besides the above works, of which the Systema Naturae alone would have sufficed to immortalize its author, he published numerous essays on various subjects in the Transactions of the Academies of Sciences of Upsal and Stockholm.

In the Transactions of the Upsal Academy:--

1. Animalia Regni Sueciae, 1738.

2. Orchides, iisque affines, 1740.

3. Decem Plantarum genera nova, 1741.

4. Euporista in Febribus intermittentibus, 1742.

5. Pini usus oeconomicus, 1743.

6. Abietis usus oeconomicus, 1744.

7. s.e.xus Plantarum, 1744.

8. Scabiosae novae; speciei descriptio, 1744.

9. Penthorum, 1744.

10. Euporista in Dysenteria, 1745.

11. s.e.xus Plantarum usus oeconomicus, 1746.

12. Theae potus, 1746.

13. Cyprini speciei descriptio, 1746.

In the Transactions of the Stockholm Royal Academy of Sciences:--

Vol. I. 1739-40.

1. Cultura plantarum naturalis.

2. Gluten Lapponum e Perca.

3. Oestrus rangiferinus.

4. Picus pedibus tridactylis.

5. Mures Alpini Lemures.

6. Pa.s.ser nivalis.

7. Piscis aureus Chinensium.

8. Fundamenta oeconomiae.

Vol. II. 1741.

9. Formicarum s.e.xus.

10. Officinales Sueciae Plantae.

11. Centuria Plantarum in Suecia rariorum.

Vol. III. 1742.

12. Plantae Tinctoriae Indigenae.

13. Amaryllis formosissima.

14. Gramen Soelting.

15. Foenum Suecic.u.m.

16. Phaseoli Chinensis species.

17. Epilepsiae vernensis causa.

Vol. IV. 1743.

18. De Uva Ursi seu Jackas Hapuck Sinus Hudsonici.

Vol. V. 1744.

19. f.a.gopyrum Sibiric.u.m.

20. Petiveria.

Vol. VI. 1745

21. Pa.s.ser procellarius.

Vol. VII. 1746.

22. Limnia.

23. Claytonia Sibirica.

24. De vermibus lucentibus ex China.

Vol. X. 1749.

25. Coluber (Chersea) scutis abdominalisbus 150, squamis subcaudalibus 34.

26. Avis Sommar Guling appellata.

27. Musca Frit, insectum quod grana interius exedit.

28. Emberiza Ciris.

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