The German Element in Brazil Part 8

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baranke _f.V._ baranca .......

barraco ..................... Baracke, Einwandererhaus.

barranke _f.V._ baranca ......

barre _f._ (barra) ........... Hafeneinfahrt.

barricaria ................... Bottcherei.

batata, batate, _f._ (batata) Kartoffel (brasilianische).

_(The term "batate" is at times applied to the "Irish"

potato, altho the latter is generally called "Kartoffel"

or "europaische Kartoffel.")_ batate doce _f._ (batata doce) Susskartoffel.

becco ........................ Ga.s.schen, kleine

benzedor _m._ ................ Wunderdoktor.

benzedura .................... Besprechung der Krankheiten, Beschworung.

b.i.+.c.ho ........................ Insekt, Tier.

biscouto ..................... Zwieback.

boa noite .................... gute Nacht! guten Abend!

boas tardes .................. guten Tag! guten Abend!

bohre _f. V._ abobora ........

bolacha ...................... Schiffszwieback.

bom .......................... gut!

bombilha ..................... Materorchen (i.e., Rorchen zum Mate- trinken).

bombacha (bombachas _f.plu._) Pluderhose. R.G.

bom dia ...................... guten Tag!

bond _m._ (bonde _m._) ....... Tram, Stra.s.senbahnwagen.

botina ....................... Halbstiefel. _f._ (braca) .......... 2.20 M. _(Measure of length.)_ buger _m._ (bugre _m._) ...... Indianer (Botokude).


_Brazilian German._ _High German._

cabo ......................... Unteroffizier.

caboclo ...................... Indianermischling.

_(Portuguese and Indian.)_ cabreste _f.V._ kabreste .....

cachaca _m._, cacha.s.s _m._ (cachaca) .................. Zuckerrohrschnapps.

cacique _m._ ................. Indianerhauptling.

cadea, cade _f._ (cadea, cadeia) .................... Gefangniss.

camaro, camarong _m._ (camaro) .................... Krabbe.

camarote _f._ (camarote _m._) Theaterloge.

campamento (acampamento) ..... Feldlager.

campanha ..................... Ebne.

campo, camp _m._ (campo) ..... Gra.s.sland, Flur.

caneca ....................... Wa.s.serbecher.

cangalje _f._ (cangalho) ..... Kreuzbocksattel, Packsattel.

canna _m.V._ cachaca .........

canne _f._ (canna, cana) ..... Zuckerrohr.

canoa, _n._, canu _n._ (canoa _f._) ............... Einbaum.

capa ......................... Mantel.

capo, capes _m.plu._ ....... Wald (kleiner, ausgerotteter) capataz _m._ ................. Vorarbeiter.[TN2]

capinen _V._. kapinen ........

capito ...................... Hauptmann.

capivara ..................... Wa.s.serschein.

capoeire _f._ (capoeira) ..... Gebusch. _(Land which had been cleared, but which is again covered with underbrush.)_ caramba ...................... potztausend! Donnerwetter!

carapato (carrapato) ......... Zecke, Holzbock.

carcereiro ................... Kerkermeister.

careje _f._ .................. Materosterei.

cargueiro .................... Lasttrager, Lasttier, Lasttierfuhrer.

carona ....................... Sattelkissen.

carreira ..................... Pferderennen, Wettrennen.

carrete _f._ (carreta) ....... Karren.

carreteiro ................... Fuhrmann, Karrner.

carroca ...................... Karosse, Kutsche.

carroceiro ................... Fuhrmann.

carteira ..................... Brieftasche.

catuno ....................... Dieb.

caspite ...................... potztausend! Donnerwetter!

cautela (cautela, cautella) .. Einschreibezettel.

cavalheiro ................... Herr, Edelmann. (_Gentleman._) caxeiro ...................... Ladendiener.

caxoeira (cachoeira) ......... Wa.s.serfall, Stromschnelle.

chacara (chacara, chacra) .... Grundstuck, Landhaus.

chapeo republicano ........... Hut (der Gauchos). R.G.

charque _n.V._ xarque ........

charqueada _f.V._ xarqueada ..

charute _f._, cherrute _f._ (charuto, cherruto) ...... Zigarre.

chilena ...................... Spore. (_As worn by gauchos._) R.G.

chimarro (chimarra) ......... Ervatee. (_Without sugar._) R.G.

churasco (churrasco) ......... Spiessbraten. R.G.

cigarro ...................... Zigarette. (_Usually wrapped in palha._") cinema _m._ .................. Lichtbilderhalle.

cipo _m._ .................... Liane, Schlingpflanze.

cobranca ..................... Einka.s.sierung.

cobrieren _V._ kobrieren .....

cochilha ..................... Hugelkette, Hugelland.

cochinilhos _m. plu._ ........ Kochenillewaren.

compadre _m._ ................ Gevatter, Freund.

companheiro .................. Gefahrte, Kamerad.

coronel ...................... Oberst.

corral _m._ .................. Viehhof.

couveflor _n._ (couveflor _f._) Blumenkohl. (R.) c.o.xemalade _f._ (c.o.xo = lame _and_ melado = _sap of sugar cane_) ..................... Lecksyrup.

c.o.xinilhos _V._ cochinilhos ..

cuia, cuja, cuya (cuia, cuya) Matebecher. (_Made of a hollowed gourd._)


_Brazilian German._ _High German._

delegado ..................... Inspektor, Abgeordneter.

despaschieren (des.p.a.char) .... abfertigen[TN3], aus dem Zollamt holen.

devolut (devoluto) ........... vakant, brachliegend. (Devolutes Land == Regierungsland.) diligencia ................... Postwagen, Diligence.

dispaschieren _V._ des.p.a.chieren. ..............

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