Tenonaru Hou e c1 part34

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Tenonaru Hou e - Part 1 Pg 34

He was thankful for all the things she did for him. There was no mistake about that, but Tatsumi didn’t like Yamauchi. It wasn’t limited to Yamauchi though, the reason his coworkers a.s.sisted him wasn’t just out of kindness. Yamauchi told him about half a year after he was hired that it was because if he made a mistake on a form, it wasn’t Tatsumi who had the handicap of being blind who received the blame, it was all of his coworkers who didn’t say anything to their blind companion. Even if Tatsumi needed help, he didn’t want to trouble anyone. However, if he really was the blame for troubling his coworkers, he would have no choice but to refuse their help. He was the one who didn’t check his work properly. Coming to terms with this att.i.tude of his company, he limited himself to accepting how his coworkers felt about him, and tried not to receive any favors. Whenever one of his coworkers spoke to him, Tatsumi could feel the mood was heavy as if it was immensely troublesome for them. He didn’t have much contact with anyone other than Yamauchi, but the fact that she was the only one who spoke to him must have meant it was a pain for his other coworkers to a.s.sociate with him. Even if he couldn’t see, he could at least sense that sort of atmosphere. He didn’t know if anyone ever came to talk to him because they wanted to or not. There are people who see a handicapped person in front of them who won’t help them more than they need to, and those who are eager to help, but there are also people who aren’t sure if they should help or not, but since it’s a pain, they won’t get involved with a handicapped person.

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