God's Answers Part 9

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"Mr. Lund then rose, and told us that whence, student in Stockholm the desire to work in Spain had been laid on his heart for nearly four years. He studied the language, but, seeing no opening, was on the point of starting for America, when he received a letter from Mr.

Guinness which entirely altered his plans. He came to London, and on meeting Senor Previ, offered to accompany him to Spain. The two brethren earnestly requested the prayers of the meeting for their new and difficult work."

The prayers here offered were more than answered. The first labourer has fallen in the field, but others have filled the ranks, and the light kindled in a dark place is now s.h.i.+ning brightly.

Miss Macpherson's own words here follow:--

"What is the cry from all ends of the earth? For men and women to witness of a Saviour's love by His death and resurrection. And we are not only to pray the Lord to send forth labourers into the fields that are white, but to look at the things we oft call our own as belonging to another. There are hundreds of young men and women who have been brought to the truth, and whose souls long to be free for Christ's service, but they need a helping hand in little things.

"Let us pray that, from this mission, there may be many results such as the following letter shows. Six years ago the writer was the first-fruits after a winter's labour in the Bedford Inst.i.tute, Spitalfields --a wild, musical Sh.o.r.editch youth. We offered to teach him to write.

The Lord changed him, and he has ever since been a consistent Christian. He has been the means of leading his mother to the Saviour. He went to Canada, earning sufficient money to place himself this winter at Oberlin College. I was asked if I knew of one suited to become an artizan-missionary among the tribe of the Basutos. His reply encourages our faith that many more, led thus simply on, may soon go forth as working missionaries, after the pattern of St Paul, reaching souls by their simple, holy life, as well as by their preaching."

"OBERLIN COLLEGE, OHIO, _March_ 25, 1873.

"My DEAR MOTHER IN THE LORD,--Your welcome letter to hand on the 22nd, and the book on the Basutos on the 24th. My soul doth bless the Lord for all that He hath done for me. My soul was filled with praise when I read your proposition to go to Africa. I had been bound in spirit for you, as you for me, and I had been asking the Lord for many days that He would incline you to write to me.

"Previous to receiving the same, I had cast myself upon the Lord more than ever. I could not see my way to run in debt, and I was wondering whether I should go and work on the road; but I had a burning desire to labour most of all for Christ, and I was longing to go South, or somewhere to tell the heathen of Jesus. But when I received your letter, I took it as an answer to prayer from the Lord, and I could hardly finish reading it before I was telling my landlady to rejoice with me. How blessed to trace the hand of the Lord in this! I have learned by this to praise the Lord for what He has done, and it has enabled my soul to trust Him for what He has promised.

"Believing this call is of G.o.d, and after much prayer, I have laid myself, all that I am or hope to be, upon the altar, for Africa, to labour to lead souls to the Lamb of G.o.d, to the blessed Lord Jesus. I expect to be consumed by the power of the Holy Ghost, to be fitted through Him for the work I am called to, to be used as the ram's horn, to be spoken through, to lead souls to Jesus, not to receive the praise of men, but of G.o.d.

"And I feel led to say, if it is for anything save for the glory of G.o.d that I accept this call, to be used to the salvation of souls, may the Lord take me home to Himself on sea or on land, that I see you not in the flesh but in glory.

"I have written this in prayer before G.o.d to you, and this is my burning desire, to be used of G.o.d. I do pray the Lord to keep me, and put down all vain-glorying thoughts, which will naturally rise at such a point as this, and He is doing it. I want to see Jesus more, the value of precious souls, and all the realities I profess.

"I have read 'The Rides in the Mission Field of South Africa.' I was much interested, and I had a longing to go, but I could see no place for such a hope; I hare lent it to others here to read.

"I am reading 'The Basutos,' and I enjoy it; I am reading in prayer that the Lord will show me what things would be necessary to take. I shall speak on this point presently.

"I had a letter lately from some of my old neighbours in Muskoka, telling me of the conversion of a young man I had often spoken to and prayed for. I rejoice that my mother has given me up joyfully for Africa, and I am so glad she continues bright in the Lord. I am praying that I may have the privilege of seeing them all brought to Christ, before I leave for Africa, I cease not to pray for you.--Your son in the faith, G. C."

Interest in the Basuto tribe could not but be deepened from the touching incident that in February of this year a feast for the little matchbox-makers was provided from the contributions of Basuto children,--those who had been blessed through the Lord's long-tried labourers, Mr. and Mrs. d.y.k.e. How little could any one then antic.i.p.ate the deep waters through which those servants of the Lord have since been called to pa.s.s.

The workers' meetings at the Home of Industry are often a time of mingled joy and sorrow. It is not alone the little emigrants for Canada who are sent forth, but many a brother and sister in the Lord, leaving home and kindred for His dear name's sake, have here been commended with tearful prayers to His gracious keeping. The workers'

meeting in July this year was a season of peculiar interest, as George Clarke, the first-fruits of the work, was present on the eve of his departure for China. The way had not been made open for him to join the mission in South Africa, as he had desired, and since his departure at this time for China, he has laboured in connection with the China Inland Mission, not once revisiting his native land.

A few incidents in home work are here recorded:--

"Having asked the Lord to send those He would have rescued for Him, no less than _five_ children came to the Refuge last Wednesday.

Their touching histories need no comment.

"A struggling mother desires a start in life for her boy of ten, whose stepfather subjects him to ill-treatment. The lady interested in him (for the woman attends her mothers' meeting) writes: 'William would be saved from destruction, to which he is fast hastening from unkind treatment.'

"Arthur's story is summed up in his own words: 'I saw my father kill my mother; he stamped on her when he was drunk, and killed her, and I cried out.' Then, turning to his new friend and protectress, the little fellow went on: 'But when I get a big man I'll work for you, and pay you back for taking care of me when I was a little boy.'

"The next group, clad in deep mourning, is brought by a professional opera singer: a babe in arms, a boy and girl aged two and four, evidently born in a much higher sphere--pretty, refined children. At their mother's death this young woman took charge of them, their father having promised to pay 1 pound a week for their support;--an empty promise it proved, for the '_gentleman_' absconded, heavily in debt to many others. The children's friend can no longer afford to keep them, though she seems tenderly attached to them, and will not part with the baby as long as she can maintain it. The only way open to her was to let the children wander on the street, on the chance of their being taken up by the police and put in the workhouse, at the same time risking her own imprisonment if discovered. Mercifully she heard of the Refuge, and came to beg a home for these deserted lambs.

"A widowed mother, whose failing eyesight prevents her sewing, and whose earnings by charing cannot support herself and four children, heard Miss Macpherson speak at the Moorgate Street Hall Noon Prayer-Meeting, and was led to bring little Alice to her, pleading for Christian care. Amid many tears she tells of the wayward wilfulness of the elder girl, out at all hours of day and night, and whose pernicious example is too likely to ruin the little sisters."

Could such cases be sent away, or a deaf ear turned to the cry of these "young children asking bread, and no man giving it them?" (Lam.

iv. 4.)

Miss Macpherson also writes:--"Many of those, once the little match-box makers, are now Christian girls taking our counsel and going as servants into Christian families.

"Thus our child-loving hearts cannot refuse to rescue the sorrowful children that come to us to escape the atrocities of the almost unacknowledged bloodless war that goes on in our midst. Most of the fifty rescues now under our care are here through the slain upon the battle-field of drink, shaven heads telling the tale of neglect. The last two motherless little girls sent to us were turned out by their drunken stepfather.

"The leader of our cla.s.s for mothers and widows says that it is almost impossible to visit them, their unmurmuring sufferings are so touching. In many of their little garrets almost everything is sold.

And these are the saints of the Lord--those who will very soon go in to the King more than conquerors. Yes, these are they from whom we learn our best lessons of trust and patience, how to deal with sceptics, and how to go down and share our crust with a suffering sister."

"Oh, friends, listen to a mother's sad words. 'Some days nothing all day. A little relief comes with the parish allowance; but many a morning those hungry voices ask? _Mother, is this the day for bread?_' Hear in fancy your loved and cherished little ones asking this, and you will feel for that mother's heart. She recalls one day that she left them crying for bread; but she left _One_ with them, the children's Friend. _He_ quieted them; and when after two hours the mother returned, she found them sleeping. 'But, oh,'

she said, 'that sight just broke-my heart, so starved they looked-- even the baby in Lizzie's arms--all just like little skeletons! I couldn't help it; I just sat down and wept.' Only with tears could we hear such a tale. No other response would come as we took in the picture; and it did not mend our sorrow when she added, 'There were thousands such as these.'" Oh, the _intense_ longing that her voice could reach to those drawing-rooms yonder! Will not the echo of it, coming in this form, cause some, not in imagination merely, but in reality, to "come and see?" Climb the dark stair, and hear for yourself these melting stories, which will fill your heart with pity, and not leave you wondering what will interest next. What a privilege, yea, high honour, it is to be allowed to take messages for Jesus! It was stated lately in a crowded gathering of six thousand, as the misery of the poor was dwelt on, that if G.o.d were to ask the angels in heaven if any were willing to spend fifty or a hundred years down here to befriend some? little shoeless, homeless boy, for whom no Christian was caring, to tell him of Jesus, and lead him to heaven, 'why, in three minutes,' were the burning words, 'I don't believe there'd be an angel left within the pearly gates.'"

"My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." That which is called the day of rest, is at the Home of Industry one of varied and incessant labour; one day may serve as a specimen. Before the usual hour for morning service, two of the lady-workers start for the Fenchurch Street Station, to hold a Bible-cla.s.s with the railway porters; others at the same time leave for Bird Fair. Bird Fair would he a sad sight to witness on any day in any place, how humiliating it is to behold on that which is called the Lord's Day in a so-called Christian land. Here, from eleven till one, dog-stealers parade their ill-gotten prey, and crowds through which it is scarcely possible to make one's way, are occupied in gambling and betting on them, and on the beautiful pigeons here made such an instrument of sin. The character of the neighbourhood may be, known from the appeal made by two poor boys who came on a week day to ask shelter from a blind, Christian woman. They were locked out of their own home (a bird and rabbit shop), for their parents were both out drinking, and they said, "Father and mother keep sober only on Sundays, because there is more business to be done." There, amid many interruptions, the Gospel is preached to those who would never hear it elsewhere. The preaching station on this occasion was in a railway-arch, here the harmonium was placed, and two brethren, who came purposely from a distance, gave the help so much needed; for the strain is great on head, heart, and voice. In the afternoon the s.p.a.cious floor, well known to many who attend the workers' meetings, is filled by adult of women. At the close an address is given, often by a returned missionary, and many among these very poor of the flock bring their offerings, scanty in themselves, but surely much prized in the sight of Him whose love has constrained them; twice over has a precious offering been given to me for the Punrooty Mission--once from the adult, and again from the younger Sunday scholars. The adult Sunday-school numbers more than 160 members. A cla.s.s of working men is held below. The tea hour is one of peculiar interest. Many young men who are engaged in business in the week, and give this day of rest to the business of their King, meet here after having spent the afternoon teaching in various schools. During this meal letters are read from far-off lands, often written by those who had formerly met here, and who have gone from this training to dark places of the earth. Many subjects for prayer are thus brought forward and remembered before the Lord; then the building is again filled to overflowing. An infant cla.s.s of ninety in one room on the ground floor--when these disperse a Gospel meeting is held in this room,--a cla.s.s of factory girls in another, while above crowds of children press. But there is much outside work besides, to occupy every helper. Lodging-houses in the thieves' quarters are visited, and services held, and many hundreds are thus reached; and after nine P.M., when the labourers return from their varied spheres, all join once more in praise and prayer, and many walk a long mile and more to reach their own homes, none using any vehicle or train oh the Lord's day.

It is impossible to follow every detail in this continually increasing work, and only brief mention can be made of the goodness of the Lord in having once more preserved the lives of dear ones in Canada, when, in 1875, the Home at Belleville was again destroyed by fire, and again Canadian kindness and hospitality were manifested to the utmost. Each summer's sun had shone upon band after band of young emigrants guided safely across the ocean, through the goodness and mercy of Him, "Who carries the lambs in His bosom," and "Who holdeth the waters in the hollow of His hand." In the labour of watching over these little ones on the voyage, as in every other, the Lord raised up helpers like-minded with those who bore the burden of the work. In May, 1876, the twenty-second party sailed under the care of Mr. Merry and Miss Macpherson, and the following extracts are from her diary:--

"Friday, May 5.--Calm seas, children bright and happy, cloudless skies, weather charming and exhilarating, though cold. Morning spent over our Bibles. Time seemed to fly rapidly while we talked of 'the things concerning the King.' In the afternoon the bracing air and bright skies invited vigorous exercise, and our Birmingham friend and I walked between two and three miles. Faith was our theme of converse. May the result be that we both shall trust our G.o.d more than heretofore, for ourselves and our work, and realise increased measure. (Phil. iv. 19) 'My G.o.d shall supply all your need.'

"Our children being on deck, we joined them in their games, and then a.s.sembled our large family in their separate steerages; and standing in the doorway between, I was enabled to address them and the helpers --140 in all. Their evening hymn attracted the sailors, and this gave a double gathering on mid-decks. Our portion was Luke x. 38-42, 'The one thing needful.' _Jesus_ the need of each one, ere leaving us. A saddened look fell over every little face, as we referred to parting, while many beamed with joy, as we talked of the meeting by and bye. We closed by singing 'Around the throne of G.o.d in heaven.'

During this hour Mr. Merry held a solemn meeting among the sailors in the forecastle. May the Lord Jesus scatter His saints to the four quarters of the globe, that His glory may be increased. If those who cannot go would only meet weekly, in twos and threes, and pray for the foreign fields of peris.h.i.+ng millions, surely we should see greater results.

"This day ended in one of the most lovely of moonlight nights, and as we walked on deck we were ever and anon led to praise G.o.d and admire the beauties of His hand. Venus was resplendent; very large and full of soft l.u.s.trous beauty, while an aurora shed some lovely tinges of colour across the sky. Our little group turned once more towards the chart room, and sang a hymn of praise to 'Him who hath loved us.'

"'If so much loveliness is sent To grace our earthly home, How beautiful, how beautiful Must be the world to come!'

", May 6.--At early dawn we were awakened from a long brain-refres.h.i.+ng sleep by one of the officers gently tapping at our door, and in a whisper saying, 'A glorious sunrise.' We were soon with him on the bridge, filled with admiration as we gazed upon the scene before us. The sun appeared rising from the ocean, its golden rays shedding a dazzling brilliance on all around. While we watched, the scene changed, and a misty veil beclouded the whole horizon, hiding from our view that which had been so lovely.

"After going down to an early cup of tea we sang our morning hymn of praise, and had a season of prayer; a very hallowed opportunity it was, one which brought us again to feel our deep need of grace, to live one more day to His praise and glory.

"About noon we bad another of those never-ending changes which are to be met with on this great ocean; the sun came out bright and warm, the sky became brilliantly blue, and the sea was one sheet of ice fields as far as the eye could reach.

"Our n.o.ble Scotch ironclad rode on her way majestically, leaving a pathway in the frozen fields to be seen for miles behind, and as she struck her boom upon the ma.s.sive sheets of ice, they seemed to vibrate and cause a movement in huge sheets on before and on either side. Some magnificent pieces, when touched by the ironclad's power, s.h.i.+ver into thousands of fragments, others pa.s.s our vessel's side, hard as iron, to be wafted on to the Gulf Stream, there to come under a warmer influence. This Arctic scene causes our captain and his officers to look rather serious, and they mount at times to the fore-topgallant mast. Did we but know the dangers which beset us through yielding to the allurements of the world, how often would we also mount aloft, and get upon, our watch-tower and look out!

"You will naturally ask, How far did the ice reach? We were fourteen hours cutting through it, pa.s.sing sixty vessels and two steamers (many of them fixtures), signalling those we came near. It was touching to see a barque make efforts to get into our opened-up pathway, but she could not make the short distance to reach the cleared waters. Those who watched throughout that long day as we triumphantly, though slowly, broke our ice-girt way, saw seals between the fields of ice, porpoises and whales spouting and bounding in their glorious freedom, sea-gulls and small red birds flying about.

"Our little fellows were constructing allegories after the fas.h.i.+on of their last course of lessons on Banyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress.' The ice field, they said, was like Satan, and the s.h.i.+p was like Christian; and thus they went on, as they sat looking over the bulwarks at the ice which so hindered our progress. There is not a child who has not had his const.i.tution braced by this most favourable voyage. To-day we pa.s.sed a steamer in the ice, which had started a week ahead of us from Glasgow. How we realised at this time the comfort and rest of having a captain and officers who were men of prayer.

"The gun was now fired to tell the dwellers at Metis to telegraph the glad news to you that we were safe in sight of land, though there are still Amaleks to be overcome,--narrow straits lined with mountains full of minerals, which are a magnetic attraction to our ironclads, and more s.h.i.+ps have been lost here than anywhere else; fogs which come and go, ever keeping the sailor as he nears the sh.o.r.e in anxious trepidation; and shallows that require skill in sounding.

"Sunday, May 7.--A cloudy day, after a week of unspeakable loving-kindness and tender mercy. We could by faith hear His own voice within, saying 'My peace I give unto you.' Our children all day were most obedient, and kind and loving to each other. We spent the morning together, the last of the kind until we meet on that morning that hath no clouds. Ere commencing our lesson, we asked a sailor to lift the hatchway wide open. This gave the suggestion for the subject, 'The Man with the Palsy,' which was easily understood by supposing the sailors with cords to let one more little boy down into our midst.

"The pilot met us at Father Point about 4 P.M., bringing a telegram of welcome from one of our dear Canadian friends, also a verse from Philemon. Thus we feel a.s.sured loving hearts are prayerfully awaiting us on the we are nearing, a sweet symbol of the better land and the loved ones on before.

"Monday, May 8.--Mr. Merry was astir before five o'clock, and awaking the young helpers. Soon they were in the steerage among the children; commenced packing of blankets, &c., as we were expecting to make the port soon after breakfast In this, however, we were disappointed, as in Travers's Strait the Mineral Mountains attracted the compa.s.s, and a dense fog hiding all headlands r.e.t.a.r.ded our progress, making it necessary to lower one of the boats to take the soundings, and go before the great 'Sardinian,' showing her how to shape her course in the narrow way. A sweet reminder this to us that our Lord was so condescending as to use the possessions of a little lad when He needed the two small fishes. And we take encouragement that many of our little ones are going on before, preparing the way in many a district by their sweet hymns telling of the 'wondrous story,' for the devoted evangelists who are being raised up in Canada to follow with deeper revealings of the blessed Bible, winning precious souls 'till He come.'

"'I am coming! Are you working?

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