God's Answers Part 6

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"'Our beautiful house where we praised Thee is burnt up with fire, and all our pleasant things are laid waste.' What a ruin Marchmont is now! the blackened ashes all around--nothing but the walls standing.

I feel such mingled feelings as I look at it--all the happy days we have spent there--the holy a.s.sociations never to return again.

"'We have no continuing city here,' was the text which filled Mr.

Thorn's mind, and it is one we hope more than ever to keep before us.

This trial seems to have given the four of us deeper sympathy and interest together. So nearly entering eternity together, and yet saved, we trust, to render more devoted service to the Master, for having pa.s.sed through this fiery trial.

"I can hardly bear to think of all the sorrow you are feeling for us; but oh! let thanksgiving and praise be uppermost. It is the one thought that fills our minds. We are wonderful in health, no cold, and are as occupied as possible, looking after the children, and preparing for the new Home. Happily, Charlie the horse, the sleigh, and the buffalo robes are safe, and most useful we find them now.

"I am so thankful that it will be nearly three weeks ere you know, and you must think of it as past and gone, and, if possible, just at first see the beginning of great good in making the work more known, and rousing the sympathies of others."

What, Marchmont gone!

That pleasant Home nought but a memory now; And yet, in humble thankfulness we bow,-- Father, Thy will be done.

It was but lent: Thou wilt not that Thy children fix their heart On aught below: theirs is a better part-- A treasury unspent.

Still are its memories dear!

The maple shadows that around it lay, Stirred by the breezes from the silvery bay, Or bathed in moonlight clear--

How fair were they!

Lovely when decked with earliest buds of spring, Loveliest when radiant autumn came to fling A glory on each spray.

Oh home of praise and prayer!

Where glad sweet voices raised the morning hymn, Pleaded for blessing in the twilight dim, Or thrilled the midnight air.

Can we forget The meetings and the partings we have known?

The welcome glad, the farewell's sadder tone-- Ah, we remember yet.

We were not there When thro' its halls the fierce destroyer swept; But G.o.d was watching, while our dear ones slept-- Safe were they in His care.

All safe with Him; Yes, for our Robbie "sings for Jesus" now In sweeter tones, with far more sunny brow, And eyes no tear's can dim.

They wait His word-- Stanley and Robbie side by side--and we Caught up together with them soon shall be For ever with the Lord.


All former kindness was as nothing compared to that now received, as will be seen by the following from Miss Bilbrough:--

"BELLEVILLE, _February 2, 1872_.

"I know that many many prayers are now being offered for us, and that the Lord is answering them every minute, giving us sustaining grace and wisdom, and help as to the future. I knew it would be five weeks before I could hear from you, and I could trust that all we might arrange here would meet your approval, as it has generally done.

"However, the Belleville people, with Mr. Flint at their head, quite took the matter out of my hand, being determined that they would provide and furnish themselves a still better house than Marchmont.

The sympathy awakened is great, and the pleasure of friends at hearing that we could have a large substantial house on the Kingston Road for our orphan children was equally so. Mr. Flint has secured it for three years, the Council paying the rent and taxes, and sufficient is already gathered to furnish it. So that when the first arrivals come in May, all will be ready for them.

"How good the Lord is! even out of apparent trial He brings the good. We had been praying for special blessing, and in this way, (strange as it seems to us), we do recognise the answer."

In March, Miss Macpherson writes:--

"BELOVED FRIENDS,--While you are reading this, my pathway will again be upon the mighty deep. The Lord willing, I look to leave Liverpool by steam-s.h.i.+p 'Scandinavian,' March 7th. Miss Reavell, who has for two years been our scribe in the Refuge, accompanies me. Your prayers have gone up that blessing may be ours, as a little band of feeble workers for our Lord, and if He has been pleased to try our faith by the trial of fire, shall we not praise Him for anything His loving hand doth send us? And as one has beautifully said, 'What G.o.d takes it is always gain to lose.' Heaven is nearer now our little Robbie is there; Jesus is dearer, and has quickened us all by His constraining love.

"My object in going now to Canada without children is twofold.

Strength being given, my desire is to visit the new districts, where I hope in the coming summer to place out the hundreds now under excellent training and holy influence here and in Scotland, and to find out Christian families who may be willing to receive them on arrival. Plead that the Holy Spirit may fill with power those who are daily seeking to win these wanderers back to the fold.

"Secondly, I wish to make use of the late sad calamity, and G.o.d's wonderful interposition in saving life, so that the teaching may not be lost upon the hundreds of immortal souls connected with our mission."

It is impossible to describe the eagerness with which the arrival of these dear friends was looked for, and day after day, those in service in and around Belleville would come with the hope of seeing them. And among these were former match-box makers, who had been rescued from such depths of sorrow; one of whom had already saved from her wages sufficient to pay her brother's pa.s.sage out, besides bringing offerings of her own work towards the furnis.h.i.+ng of Miss Macpherson's room in the new House. Through many dangers they were brought safely, in answer to many prayers, but Miss Reavell had suffered much on the voyage, and one special instance of the Lord's care I cannot help here recording, "They shall abundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness." Miss Reavell had been a most diligent and necessary labourer at the Home of Industry night and day. At sea her strength seemed to fail; she only existed on oranges, and the last orange was gone. In the midst of a fearful storm, signals were made by another vessel that they were without food, and the life-boat was put off from the steamer, carrying to the distressed vessel a barrel of flour and pork In return, a thank-offering came in the shape of two boxes of the best oranges, the s.h.i.+p being from Palermo, bound for New York with a cargo of fruit. "Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

The visit of Miss Barber, a Canadian lady of influence, to the Home of Industry, was the means of interesting friends in the Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps' Province of Quebec, and of leading them to open a Home at Knowlton.

The following letter is from Miss Macpherson:--

"The year's experiment in this new district will enable us to test it as to whether it will be a suitable one for our children; if so, it will not cost many pounds of English money. The old house we have taken was formerly a tavern, and its ball-room will make us an excellent dormitory; the rent is only 20 pounds, and is paid entirely by a Canadian. Should the children thrive under the fostering care of our dear friend Miss Barber (now doubly dear to us all after the winter of help she has given us in the East of London), there will be no difficulty in establis.h.i.+ng a permanent Home, built of brick, half of the necessary sum having already been subscribed in and around Sheffield, Leeds, and Nottingham; and the other half our friends in the province of Quebec have freely offered to collect. Thus will those both on this side and at home share the benefits; the old country seeing hundreds educated that might otherwise in a few years become expensive criminals, and the new country, receiving, ere habits are fixed, young life which, in future, will call Canada 'the home of its adoption.'

"Though, according to all accounts, this is an uncommonly heavy snow-season, I have no fears for the children, the air is so dry and clear, and well fitted to invigorate their frames. This morning I started about five o'clock, and soon forgot the fear which had crept over me but a week ago, when I took my first winter journey among these snowy hills. 'Knowledge is power,' and the experience of dangers met and pa.s.sed gives quietness and confidence.

"You will be imagining that owing to these prolonged snow-storms all work is stayed. Not so; everything goes on most vigorously-- lumbering, carting, cutting wood for summer's need. Ladies seem always busy; yet as it is often seen, those who have most to do can best arrange to be at leisure. There is an education of forethought caused by having to watch against the heat and cold; this has deeply interested me in the practical manner in which they are going to work in furnis.h.i.+ng this Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps' Home. In return for the kindness shown to this Mission, may the whole district be spiritually blessed, and may our loving Lord be the joy and strength of each faithful labourer!

"The heavy calamity that it pleased our Father to send by fire, has accomplished in a few weeks that which would otherwise, humanly speaking, have taken many years to make known. Our motives and principles of service were all new, and even our simple faith and trust in prayer were often misunderstood. Though we had travelled several thousands of miles in Canada, seeking to stir up Christians to aid us in finding and watching over the right home for our children, we had no medium on this side like 'The Christian,' by which we could communicate with those like-minded, and tell them of our burdens.

"The Hon. B. Flint tells us how the hearts of his fellow-townsmen were moved with compa.s.sion on hearing of the destruction of the Children's Home, on that terrible night, and that some of them attempted to ascend the hill and offer aid, but had to turn back, unable to face the hurricane and tempest.

"The citizens of Belleville have contributed freely towards replacing the Home, and the Lord's dear children all over the land have sent their love-offerings. The County Council received testimonies from many of the homesteads concerning the six hundred children placed out round Belleville, and generously contributed 500 dollars to show their esteem for the work. The funds in hand led Mr.

Flint, after the withdrawal of the rented house at first proposed, to purchase a freehold of three and a quarter acres, possessing a good house and out-buildings, which were adapted to our use by the addition of dormitories, and furnished by the aid of the ladies of Belleville. This Home is now given to us for so long as it shall be used by our mission band in connection with the emigration of children to this district."

In April, a detachment of thirty elder boys arrived, to be followed quickly by others.

In June 1872, when 150 emigrants arrived, 50 children were sent to each of the three Homes now opened to receive them, and for several years this order was observed, until other arrangements were made to meet the growing character of the work.

The following tells of the progress of the Galt Home:--

"Many will wish to know how this Home at Galt shapes itself, and would be amused at the varied occupations of the past week.

"A Canadian springtime is very brief, so we have had to buy a span of horses and a plough, and, with the aid of other neighbours'

ploughs, the corn and clover seed will soon be all sown. The ladies of several churches have met in the council-chamber, and worked at all household gear, others superintending the house arrangements, and purchasing necessary things.

"My part has been that of a faithful recipient, giving praise from hour to hour to Him who hath laid my every burden here on His own children's hearts. The past little season has been to me a precious rest-time, seeing others work. We expect to be all in order by the arrival of our next party. The thres.h.i.+ng-floor we have transformed into a dining-room; one of the barns is fitted up as a dormitory. The chaff-house makes a lavatory; and, from the interest around, we do not expect to keep our little men very long out of the homes waiting for them.

"The love-tokens here, as at home, are varied in their character.

Our farmer's wife has set us up with poultry, another with eggs; a little boy brought us his pet hen as an offering; indeed, wherever we turn, some kind thought is shown, and our hearts are gladdened, and our faith is able to rejoice at the prospect of returning home, and gathering up another thousand precious young immortals from the depths of our sin-stricken cities, and placing them out in homes where Jesus is loved."

In June, Miss Macpherson was welcomed back with warm thanksgivings, having left the Home at Galt under the wise and loving care of her faithful companion, Miss Reavell. In after years Mr. and Mrs. Merry devoted themselves chiefly to this branch of the work, and have been the watchful and tender foster parents of this ever-varying family.

It would be hard to say whether Mrs. Merry's presence was more valued here, or among the sorrowful widowed mothers in Spitalfields.

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