Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) Chapter 513

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) -

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Chapter 513

Machine World Arc The Destiny of the Girls

「Art thou ready?」

「I’m ready!」

At the center of the deadly silent heaven, the graveyard of Mother. There the voices of Tio asking for confirmation and Yuuka giving her acknowledgement with slightly shaky voice reverberated.

Yuuka’s outfit was changing again.

It was fatigues with the top and bottom connected. The so-called “boiler suit”. However, it was a clothing with the front part not closed due to its concept of having broken zipper.

Her tight abdomen was fully exposed. The straight vertical line at the center of it was beautiful. The twin hills that were covered by black tube top weren’t at all inferior compared to Kaori and others. They were bullishly a.s.serting their presence in contrast to their owner.

Even so the exposure rate should be reduced compared to the tight suit before this but……wonder why? Just from the glimpses that could be seen from the boiler suit that was opened with V-shape, it wasn’t at all inferior……

「Ain’t it lewd?」

Atsus.h.i.+ spoke his impression like that. n.o.boru and Ryuutarou were heavily in agreement with him.

「You look completely like a lewd lady like this.」

「The children will get stra~nge fetish again at this rate. It also makes it difficult for us to find where we oughta direct our gaze. Spare us from that,」

「Can’t you guys say that to Taeko and Nana!?」

Atsus.h.i.+, n.o.boru, and Ryuutarou were looking at the far distance while shrugging in exasperation. Next Nana spoke like she was saying something really natural.

「Pilot and mechanic are one set right?」

「Especially relatively defenseless girl wearing only the fatigues’ top is nice isn’t it? Isn’t it great?」

Taeko’s gaze leaped at Hajime. The gazes of Yue and co and the children all turned toward Hajime simultaneously.


「Yep yep, what is it?」

「You, since when you became that kind of “knowledgeable” fellow?」

「I’m extremely honored by your praise.」

Hajime gave a thumb up with a supremely serious expression. Meister Taeko gave a bow like a butler.

「Kuh, isn’t there anything else!? Something more normal!」

Knowing that the clothes was a big hit for Hajime made Yuuka’s lips grinning slightly even while she kept her morose act.

「「There’s none」」

「There’s definitely other!」

Yuuka tsukkomi-ed at her two friends who were spewing a lie with supremely serious expression. However, she wasn’t showing an opposition as great as when it was the pilot suit.

Something like exposing navel or shoulder was a fas.h.i.+on that even she would sometimes do. Naturally it was far better than the tight suit that wasn’t that much different from being practically naked but, the biggest reason of her weak opposition was because she was wearing a coat anyway.

「Oi, Give back the coat.」


「No, why’re you looking that shocked huh?」

Why are you saying something like that……? Yuuka-chan had a shocked face that looked like she wanted to say that. Then right at the next moment, she glared angrily at Hajime while taking distance from him. Like she was backing away from a bandit who wanted to steal her treasure.

「……Hajime, read the mood.」

「That’s right, Hajime-kun. Trying to pull back the bait that you already given once, that’s horrible.」

「Kaori, are you aware that the way you said it is the most horrible?」

Kaori looked puzzled. It seemed she wasn’t aware herself. Perhaps for Kaori herself too, the clothes that Hajime was wearing was equal to the greatest bait there was.

As expected from the one who collected Hajime’s remaining uniform in the palace after Hajime’s fall into the abyss. Though the person in question insisted to the end that she was simply holding on to them in Hajime’s absent.

「D-don’t get any weird misunderstanding! This outfit’s front is fully open! That’s why, I need something to hide it either way!」

「If you’re going to hide it anyway then wouldn’t it be better to just keep wearing the tight suit?」

「I don’t want to be lumped together with Mother. We’re going to watch the scene of her rampaging with that outfit after this right? It’ll make me look like her. I don’t want to even imagine that.」

I see, so that’s why she jumped Tio to stop the replay and demanded a change of clothes, everyone especially Jasper family realized.

It wasn’t simply due to embarra.s.sment of her outfit like before. She certainly must be wis.h.i.+ng to avoid dressing the same like the worst enemy. It was a matter of feeling.

By the way, Mother’s outfit was certainly something that fitted her flesh body, but it was metallic and gave an impression like a pilot suit. Looking carefully it gave off a very different impression from Yuuka’s suit. But, she must have also thought that this was a good chance to take off the outfit.

「Now now, isn’t it fine, Hajime-san? This makes the moe long sleeves continue!」

「Then it’s fine I guess.」

「Hajime, aren’t your preference coming out at the open too much?」

Hajime didn’t even hide how much he liked Yuuka’s moe state from the long sleeves. It made s.h.i.+zuku’s expression turned complicated. She wondered if this could be called a progress in a sense.

Yuuka wore the coat a bit happily.

She firmly closed the front and tried holding out her hands forward. It was a proper overly long sleeves. She tried throwing up her hands as though going “banzai”. The sleeves defied gravity. She waved her hands then tried to jump but the sleeves stayed folded and wouldn’t slid down at the slightest. Next she tried rolling up the sleeves but they hardened.

The moe long sleeves were perfect, una.s.sailable, and absolute like the promised land.

「B-by the way, what if they also became moe sleeves when Hajime-kun wear them……」


This might be the moment Aiko’s unexpected fetish spilled out. Based from how she was faintly blus.h.i.+ng while sending a glance that seemed to be filled with a bit of expectation.

「Buhoh, N-Nagumo-kun wearing moe sleeves……hihih, my stomach is killing mee」

Suzu covered her face with her hands while her shoulders were shaking. Ryuutarou and Nana and co also seemed to have imagined it in their mind and turned their gaze away to the far distance as their body trembled.

The children nodded deeply at the reaction of Suzu and co. No wayword like “cute” or something can suit demon king-niichan. That’s a bad joke. That tiny Nee-san, she got one h.e.l.l of fetish yeah……they thought.

「B-boss……your lady wives, they……」

「Jasper, don’t say anything. Anything.」

Jasper and Mindy shuddered.

Because Yue and the other girls, they were all completely looking like they were thinking 「Hou? ……Not bad」 while turning only their gaze toward Hajime. With eyes that looked like <●><●>.

Perhaps, the day the demon G.o.d’s wives demanded him to wear moe sleeves wasn’t far in the future.

「……Big sis Yuuka, you’re hiding it……?」

「! Listy-chan?」

「I was a bit happy because it was like we were matching up though……」


Listy was dressed in tank top and cargo pants. Certainly they were matching up. Though she was still a child, and her body was more pet.i.te than the average ten years old kid so of course her look had no s.e.x appeal at all.

Seeing Listy’s pouting lips apparently made Yuuka-oneesan’s heart went *kyun* mightily.

Looking at her expression that kept rapidly changing from one to another, it could be clearly seen how her embarra.s.sment was currently fighting against her feeling of “Listy-chan so cute! This isn’t the time to wear something like coat!”.

「Listy, this is why you’re an immature softy. Nano.」


Myuu rested her arm on Listy’s shoulder and tilted her weight on her like she was leaning on a wall while scoffing fuh. Her expression must be looking really annoying to Listy. She quickly looked like she was going to snap.

Listy strongly twisted her body, but Myuu easily regained her balance and placed her hand on Listy’s shoulder once more.

「Listy, don’t you want to try wearing papa’s coat nano?」

「Haa? That kinda thing, in the first place the size doesn’t……」

Listy made a decision logically, but she looked at Yuuka and stared *jii~~~*.

「I see.」

Somehow she got it. That’s right, that’s right, Myuu said while nodding smugly.

Just what’re you talking about, Hajime narrowed his eyes.

「Wearing is better than stripping. It’s something like that huh?」

Just what’re you talking about, Hajime looked bewildered.

「You’ve taken a step forward toward adulthood huh, nano.」

I don’t get you two, Hajime looked like he was at his wits’ end.

Myuu and Listy nodded to each other in understanding before their eyes snapped toward Hajime.

「I want to wear Oto──Ani-san’s clothes!」

「Papa! It’s unfair that it’s just Yuuka-oneechan! Myuu and Listy demand papa’s clothes too nano!」

「Remia! Mindy! Please give them a bit of TALK!」

「「Yes-, immediately!」」

A firm talk from the guardians were required while the girls were still not awakened to some special disposition.

Though Myuu was already s.n.a.t.c.hing papa’s T-s.h.i.+rt and wearing them sometimes, so perhaps it was already a bit too late……

(No, the T-s.h.i.+rts she s.n.a.t.c.hed were mostly the gag type T-s.h.i.+rt. It’s not like she’s s.n.a.t.c.hing my laundry from the basket like Yue and others, so it’s still alright. Still saafe!)

T-s.h.i.+rts with kanji like “King of Destruction” or “Lost in the Path of Life”, or T-s.h.i.+rt with the ill.u.s.tration of a kid wearing T-s.h.i.+rt with the word ‘chuuni” written on it peeking from behind a door with dialogue ballon of “You called?”, etc. That kind of T-s.h.i.+rt that was bought while going on a trip but ended up never getting worn. It was only that kind of T-s.h.i.+rt that Myuu s.n.a.t.c.hed, so it should be fine, Hajime papa wanted to believe.

While glancing at the little girls who were pointing at Yuuka while making some kind of fierce argument toward their guardians, Hajime urged for the past replay to be projected in order to distract everyone’s focus.

「Tio, it’s fine already, just do it.」

「U-umu. Understood.」

Tio who had been patiently pausing the past replay in a suspended state resumed the past replay once more.

Mother who was floating in the air while sparking was projected. Was she floating with electromagnetic force? Six mechanical wings and a Chinese dragon of liquid metal danced in the air once more.

『This place is my paradise. Invaders, offer your everything to me.』

A proclamation reverberated. There was no heat in it at all to a degree it was chilling, however, attachment that felt sticky like sludge could be felt from it.

Jasper, Mindy, and then the children unconsciously froze.

『I’ll drag you down to the ground――Limit Break-』

『So I’ll finally become a G.o.dslayer too huh. Great. Here I come――Limit Break!!』

「Waa~~~, it’s “Double Limit Break” right from the start nano! That’s fire!!」

Crimson and pure white magic power swirled up. Myuu clenched her small fists and leaned forward. 「What, just what kinda state that is!? Is it something that amazing!?」 Listy asked while shaking Myuu’s shoulders back and forth.

Just as planned, the focus of the little kids was distracted toward the fight. Papa was relieved for the time being.

But, even the excitement of Listy followed by the other children immediately cooled down.



It was like Hajime’s fighting style got returned back exactly the same. Mother’s all-range weapon fired rail gun bullet.

Hajime failed to evade perfectly and G10 got thrown down. G10 was falling toward the darkness below helplessly.


「Don’t panic, nano. That’s intentional nano.」

「What? Ah, I see. To secure electricity……it was intentional to erase Mother’s attention from G10 huh! So this is also mind distraction!」

「Fuh, it looks like you get it a little now aren’t ya? Nano.」

Myuu couldn’t stop fuh-in when it came to Listy. Somehow she looked like an otaku doing missionary work for her favorite character.

Listy would accept such instruction quiet obediently when it came to Hajime, so it seemed to make Myuu felt a bit delighted.

But, that smug face of Myuu was gradually clouding up.

「This……I couldst see why she’s calling herself a G.o.d.」

「Desu. She got quite the nasty performance in her frame there.」

「s.h.i.+a-san, can I ask you to stop hitting your palm with your fist? The shockwave is messing up my hair over here……」

Tio made a conflicted expression, while s.h.i.+a’s expression became like a battle maniac as she glared at Mother. Liliana was looking at s.h.i.+a annoyedly.

In a sense, those comments of s.h.i.+a and Tio could be said as the greatest praise they could give.

Ultrahigh speed movement using electrification and magnetism. Defense using invisible forcefield that stopped even railgun cold in its track. The mechanical wings’ all-range weapon and liquid metal forming combat tactic that combined offense and defense into one.

Firearms also popped out from the surrounding wall. They were being controlled like her own limbs even while she was doing battle. It was a domain that was outside human’s capability.

Hajime and Kouki endured those with transcendental finesse like hitting bullet with bullet, and “demon king and hero covering each other’s back” that was something they usually absolutely wouldn’t do.

But, the truly terrifying thing here was Mother’s processing power that surpa.s.sed human’s mind.

Perfect combat a.n.a.lysis. The longer the fight went the more data got extracted. Tactic that could be said as anti-demon king & hero was getting composed with each second that pa.s.sed.

Discernment and counterattack that happened under 1 mili margin error. Perfect prediction.

That was already equal with s.h.i.+a’s “Divine Oracle Sight”. No, it was a future sight that surpa.s.sed that. Science that was developed to high enough level couldn’t be differentiated from magic. Those famous words were being realized before their eyes to their truest meaning.

『Haha-, it really has been a long time since I’m in a struggle to the death. I’m fired up.』

Hajime was. .h.i.t by a railgun bullet, but he somehow prevented at least a direct hit to his body though his consciousness was blown away in the battlefield. The eyes of Yue and others were opened wide seeing him in such state.

Hajime and Kouki were cracking jokes, but they were already looking tattered just from several minutes of combat.

「Nagumo……is getting beaten up so one-sidedly like this……」

Yuuka was covering her mouth with both her hands. She must have almost let out a scream several times.

「Yuuka-chi……even if you do that with moe sleeves, it just makes you look cuter you know?」

「Shaddup! Watch properly!」

Nana made fun of her but, her gaze was fixed at the battlefield even without being told that. Although they had heard about this battle beforehand, even so as expected the sight still made them wanted to doubt their eyes.

「It’s like this even with Nagumo and Kouki together huh……」

「Oi oi, she’s reacting simultaneously even with Nagumo and Amanogawa’s pincer attack……」

「It’s like a bad dream. ……It’s giving you gooseb.u.mps watching the real thing.」

The voices of Ryuutarou and co were also oozing with nervousness.

Tio was adjusting the replay speed, so Jasper and others could also watch the combat properly. But, that was exactly why they despair that Mother brought about, the figures of Hajime and Kouki kept standing up no matter how many times they were beaten down were forcing Jasper and others into continuing speechlessness.

「Weather manipulation power at this stage……this is harsh.」

「If only the magic power dispersion effect isn’t in play. As expected, you can’t help but wish for that.」

Kaori and s.h.i.+zuku grimaced. Aiko asked Hajime a question for confirmation.

「But even this, is her in a weakened state after G10-san’s past comrades challenged her with their lives as the price isn’t it?」

「Yeah, apparently so. Seemed like they blew up many of the superweapons that had the effects like age of G.o.d magic along with their blueprints. In exchange of their lives.」

「They are truly heroes aren’t they……」

「Yeah. They’re unquestionably heroes. After all they definitely linked a ray of hope toward the future.」

For some reason those words made Jasper felt like crying. There was something rising inside his chest.

Even he himself didn’t really understand the reason. But, somehow he felt like his ancestors told him 「We’ll leave the rest to you guys」 and handed him the baton. He felt like unlimited energy was gus.h.i.+ng out inside.

「One day……let’s build something like a memorial for them, Nii-san.」

「Yeah, let’s. I wanna told them thanks, leave the rest to us.」

Lightning strikes rained down from the sky. Liquid metal poured down like a tsunami followed by cl.u.s.ter bombs falling like torrential rain. Hajime and Kouki were getting even more cornered by those and blood sprayed out.

Jasper and Mindy almost averted their gazes unconsciously from the gruesome sight, but they forced their eyes wide open and returned their gaze. At the same time they also scolded 「Lift up your face, watch properly」 to the children who couldn’t bear to watch anymore and casting their face down.

They must be listening to the exchange of their big brother and big sister. The children also started putting strength into their eyes.



Listy and Myuu’s voices overlapped. At the same time, the children were also yelling and screaming Hajime and Kouki’s name.

Yue and others also had grim expression. Even knowing that this was something that happened in the past, they couldn’t suppress their killing intent toward Mother. Yuuka and others were also turning pale.

Hajime and Kouki, were finally captured by the liquid metal.

「T-that’s brutal……」

「It’s going to be one hit out for us. Rather, how are these two still alive after that?」

「That’s……must be because these are the demon king and hero.」

「In short they’re inhuman huh.」

Nana and Taeko were turned off. The children were heavily in agreement 「True that!」 even while their faces were turning white. Atsus.h.i.+ and n.o.boru’s words were representing all of them.

「Oh maan, this is embarra.s.sing……sorry Myuu, Listy. You two got to watch something so uncool like this.」

Although lethal wound was at least avoided, the past Hajime got riddle with holes, slammed on the iron bridge, and now he was lying down limply near the death’s door. It made Hajime scratched his head while looking embarra.s.sed from the bottom of his heart.

「「T-that’s not true (nano)!!」」

The two were completely agreeing with the words of Nana & Taeko, so they energetically shook their head left and right at the embarra.s.sed Hajime. Rather, his toughness was praiseworthy they said.

「That so? If it’s s.h.i.+a then she’d be unharmed with her Steel Garment, and let’s not speak of Yue. She’d say “Did you do something just now?” and became unharmed the next moment……and Tio would be rejoicing instead from getting riddled with holes.」

「Just what doth Goshujin-sama think I am!? As expected even I wouldst defend with mine dragon scale!」


「Eh? W-what’s with that reaction……really just what doth everyone think I am──」

「M-more importantly, papa! Do your bestttttt nano!」

「Oto──Ani-san can do anything! Do your bestttttttt!!」

Putting aside whether Tio-oneechan was hardcore M or not even at the cost of her life, Myuu and Listy gave their yells of cheering at the past Hajime. They wanted to do that even knowing the result of the fight.

The other children also gasped and yelled out their encouragements. Fortunately, there were also yells for the hero, so Ryuutarou who was cheering 「Kouki too do your best~~」 with a small voice also felt relieved. His girlfriend(Suzu)’s gaze was really gentle.

But setting that aside.

From here, how would the demon king and hero supported each other and stood up, and how would they work together to defeat Mother……

More accurately, how would the scene go from here until the development of Jasper and others got brought here as hostages? Everyone’s heart was pounding loudly with expectation and anxiety while their eyes became bloodshot from not blinking so as not to overlook even a single moment.

And then, they heard.

『Aa~, this is just annoying.』

And then they saw.

『You, just now, your comrade――』

『You-, just now, you tried to kill me along right!? What were you thinking!?』

『Thinking carefully, why do I have to cover for you.』

『Th-this d.a.m.n demon king—–』

The truly ugly fight that started between the demon king and hero from there doing their best to kill each other while paying no attention to Mother.

『You two-, what are you――』

『Die-, Amanogawaaa-』

『You finally showed your true color huh-, Nagumooo-』

Supporting each other? Teamwork? What’s that, is it delicious? It was as though the two were saying that. Not only they attacked without thinking of the other, rather the killing intent 「I’m gonna use this chance to kill you-」 was strong in them.

The very confli~~~cted gazes from Yue and others, and Jasper and others, and most of all from Myuu and Listy and the children were gathering on Hajime.

『Unknown action pattern』

Ain’t that right, everyone thought the same. They even felt sympathy for the bewildered Mother.

「No, wait a sec. I get it! This is also mind distraction! They’re pretending to quarrel──」

Listy looked at Myuu with a bright expression as though to say all the puzzles were cleared up. Myuu averted her gaze.

『Five minutes-. I’ll deal with you first in five minutes!』

『Try it if you can――gyaaah—-!?』

Listy became dejected seeing the hero got kicked off toward the torrent of liquid living metal. Ani-san……he’s having a normal quarrel ain’t he……she thought.

「No, you misunderstand. In the end this is just to surpa.s.s Mother’s a.n.a.lysis capability you see──」

「In other words, you’re saying you two aren’t quarreling?」

s.h.i.+zuku-san’s question was asked with a gaze that was just too direct and a pretty smile.

Hajime instantly fell silent, then he quietly averted his gaze.

『──How ugly and foolish』

Mother’s comment came out with a superb timing. Both Myuu and Listy didn’t look like they had any word to object, so both of them looked toward Hajime with eyes as though they were looking at a good-for-nothing.

It was a lethal blow(critical hit) for Hajime papa.

Even while that was happening, the figure of Mother looking like she wanted to say “Irritation maximum!!” because damage was steadily piling up on her for some reason despite the two getting into a quarrel before her eyes while ignoring her was being projected……

「……Hajime, it’s fine. I know from the start that this is just for buying time. In short, even quarrel is a good enough tactic! In fact, Mother failed to finish off Hajime and Kouki!」

「This is why I didn’t want to show this scene……」

Yue-san always fully accepting Hajime no matter the situation.

She did everything she could to give a follow-up and wipe out the a~wkward mood in the air when Hajime and Kouki harmoniously collapsed together as the unbelievable result of getting absorbed in their quarrel and running out of magic power.

Certainly the two’s biggest objective was none other than to buy time but……

Right now, that follow-up was painful instead.

Somehow even Jasper and the children were going 「We get it we get it」 while their eyes were like they were looking at good-for-nothing.

Amidst such, somewhat lukewarm atmosphere,

『It’s the time for counterattack. ――G10!!』

A powerful order like him being at the death’s door was just a lie driven away the atmosphere. Everyone gasped and returned their gaze toward the past replay.

Huge lightning fell as though to finish off Hajime and Kouki.

「It’s hereeeee!!」



Myuu and Listy, then the children, no, Jasper and Mindy also reflexively raised their voice.

A lightning strike that made one thought its roar might have been audible throughout the whole Coltran hit, however, Hajime and Kouki were alive and well. They were grinning fearlessly inside the barrier that was formed by floating crosses.

『You-, ――G10!!』

『Yes Mother. The last soldier who will defeat you.』

「「「「「G10 so coooolll!!」」」」」

「「「G10 so d.a.m.n coolll!!」」」

The children’s voice harmonized once more. This time Ryuutarou, Atsus.h.i.+, and n.o.boru also matched them.

G10 must have strained herself greatly. Her frame now looked no different than a junk, however, the s.h.i.+ne of the mono eye that she directed toward Mother looked like human.

Immensely powerful will that was unthinkable coming from a machine could be felt acutely from her. Even Yue and others gulped to this. The tension rose. As though to respond to that.

『Scatter, you Grims.』

Following the Cross Velts that blocked all the attacks as though to dig at the mechanical wings, the Grim Reapers “Model – Grim Turtle” were summoned as though for the pay back of the machine soldiers.

That model that boasted greatest firepower even among the demon king’s death G.o.d army appeared by three, unveiling overwhelming firepower to all directions as though to clear up all the acc.u.mulating resentment until now.

And then.

『『Limit Break――”Supreme Break”!!』』

The demon king and hero also started their counterattack. They played the trump card that they had been keeping in reserve even while being driven to the death’s door. Specs that substantially deviated from a.n.a.lysis ability finally caught Mother.

Mother who lost her composure was like a human.

「Here huh. Here we……」

Bitter smile slipped out from Jasper. In the past replay, their past selves who were taken hostage appeared. We really became a burden just when it got good huh, he said awkwardly.

「Listy, Myuu understand that feeling nano.」

Listy looked even more dejected than Jasper when she saw her past self. But Myuu talked to her. Listy glared angrily at her but,

「There’s nothing more painful than weighing down the one you love nano. Your own powerlessness is hateful nano.」

「……What. You’re talking like you got some experience with it.」

「Myu. It’s from experience nano. Getting kidnapped and showed off as product in auction is still better than getting used as hostage nano.」

「You once got sold!?」

「Myuu did nano.」

「Y-you unexpectedly, got a hard life huuh」

「Not really nano. Myuu’s life, turned out all right at the end nano.」

Myuu fuh-ed. T-this seven years old kid, isn’t she looking at life even more philosophically than us? Jasper & Ryuutarou and others thought with a shudder.

The greatest firepower of the demon king and hero was unleashed at Mother while everyone was unconsciously listening to that conversation that was unthinkable coming from such little girls.

The light of the sun and pure white radiance pierced the sky.

Deep resentment that sounded like scream of death throes echoed from Mother. In respond G10 spoke back. With very lonely words.

『We shouldn’t be born.』

Mother was swallowed by the light of destruction and vanished with those words as the last thing said.

Everyone watched the beautiful sight wordlessly for a while.

After a short time pa.s.sed,

「Hey, boss. G10──」

「Don’t worry. Her future prospect’s still the same. She’s full with motivation.」

「Heh, is that so.」

They had been told too when they first reunited but, those words from the past G10 were serious words that tightened the chest of anyone who heard them, so it must have made them felt a bit worried.

Listy and the other children also patted down their chest with relieve.

「……I wanna meet her.」

Listy muttered.

G10 would never meet with the humans of Coltran for life. Even if Listy arrived at the holy land by her own strength, G10 surely would only watch that from afar without showing herself.

The atmosphere in the air became somewhat solemn exactly because they all were aware of G10’s determination.

At this kind of time, usually it was Myuu who fought hard to change the mood. And so,

「Err, umm, right! Papa!」

「Ou? What, Myuu?」

「At the end there! It was cool nano! When papa yelled “Burst Hyperion!” even though there wasn’t really any need to say it!」


Hajime papa got the Gungnir of dark history thrown at him from his daughter of all people. It was a clean Heart Break.

Myuu sacrificed her papa’s shame in order to cheer up Listy. It made Remia looked troubled 「My my……but, it’s a good thing that she’s prioritizing her friend, isn’t it?」.

On the other hand, Ryuutarou and Nana and the others were grinning. They read the atmosphere and happily rode the current.

「He said it. He even said it loudly.」

「「Burst Hyperion!!」」

「Oi oi, Miyazaki and Sugahara too stop that. Amanagawa need to recite his technique’s name so Nagumo read the mood and matched him on it. Right, Nagumoo!」

「Oh maan~, as expected ssu! As expected from abyss lord’s boss! The sharpness of his signature phrase is at different level!」

「Wa-, wait you guys! Certainly that was a bit that but……Nagumo’s going to die in shame if you guys continue!」

Even Yuuka’s follow-up contained exceptional destructiveness.

Hajime went to the corner of the room. He sat down while hugging his knees. His heart seemed pained.

His back, it looked like a certain someone when that someone’s abyss lord mode was dispelled. As expected from boss.

「……B-but it was amazing! Watching Hajime’s life or death struggle after so long is electrifying! I’m wet-」

「Wai-, Yue-san! There’re children too here desu! Please restrain yourself even if you’re trying to cheer up someone! Well, I understand how you feel though!」

「Umu! To be honest, Goshujin-sama’s killer gaze art unbearable to watch!」

Kaori and s.h.i.+zuku and others also smiled wryly while Listy and the other children also started giving follow-up words one after another.

Hajime glanced back over his shoulder. Aiko went 「Ah, he looks cute somehow like that……」 with reddening cheeks, but putting that aside.

Because Tio forgot to erase the past replay, that recording played.

『Die-, Amanogawaaa-』

『Drop dead-, Nagumooo-』

Even though they had used up all their energy and willpower and couldn’t move well, the past Hajime and Kouki were hitting *jita bata jita bata, poka poka doka doka* and cursing each other while still lying down on the ground.

The reason of their quarrel was truly trifling. Which one of them would drink the healing potion first.

Everyone’s gaze was directed toward the present Hajime. Those gazes, as expected they were very lukewarm, or perhaps there was exasperation mixed in them?

「Fufu, they’re like Yue and Kaori aren’t they?」

Only s.h.i.+zuku was watching the scene smilingly, no, rather there was also happiness somewhere there. Ryuutarou and others were whispering to each other 「A mom?」「She’s a mom」「s.h.i.+zus.h.i.+zu, she’s completely a mommy watching over two problem children」 with small voices.

Either way, it was painful to stay here. The development after this was something that everyone knew so, Hajime stopped being a dweller of the room’s corner and stood up energetically.

And then, he ran toward Listy before lifting up her high like father doing that to his daughter as though to gloss over the situation.

「Fuwaah!? Oto──Ani-san!?」

「I want to go look at Listy’s workshop already! There isn’t anything else to see over here anyway! That’s why we should turn off the past replay quickly and go to the junk mountain fast!」

Inside the past replay, Kousuke who tried to admonish the hero and demon king got dragged in and punched. Hajime gave that scene a sidelong glance while strongly urging everyone.

Yue and others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Listy was looking embarra.s.sed, even so she got a smile that was filled with happiness.

「Fuh, it looks like the time has come nano.」

For some reason Myuu also seemed to be filled with eagerness.

「……Nn, got it. Wait a second. I’ll apply people repellant and barrier of perception interference first.」

Yue accepted the compa.s.s from Hajime while opening the “gate”. Then she went ahead to the edge of the junk mountain.








Like that.

Listy’s workshop from the start was built in a place that was chosen for its lack of traffic. All people left from its surrounding and n.o.body even thought that such thing as strange, they even stopped thinking of approaching the place at the subconscious level. Also what happened inside the barrier couldn’t be perceived by anyone outside.

「No, isn’t this too sudden?」

「No such thing nano.」

Hajime’s tsukkomi represented the feeling of everyone other than Myuu and Listy.

Like gunman from Western film, Myuu was standing at the center of the road where wind and dust blew. Two revolvers were attached on her thighs. There were also two short swords on her back.

「Learning about the workshop and inventions there first will be the same like exposing the cards in her hands nano.」

「H-hmm~? Or rather, you two are really going to duel……」

「That is our destiny nano.」

She also mentioned it when doing crosscounter as greeting but, as expected it seemed this was their destiny. According to Myuu who was folding her arms and talking while shutting her eyes.

At the sides of the street, Yue and co along with Jasper and co were looking at each other with expression of at a loss for words.

What would start after this was a duel.

Before they could look around the junk mountain and Listy’s workshop, and also, ignoring Paolo-kun who was brought back by Jasper while Yue was doing her preparation, where he went 「How, can this be……?」 at Yuuka-oneesan’s outfit change in astonishment like someone who wandered into a parallel world, the two girls strongly demanded that they had their duel first.

For Myuu, it was because she understood that this place was Listy’s territory.

For Listy too, it was because she was scheming that she would be able to exert all her strength if they fought here.

Because they had reached an unspoken understanding with each other, that fighting before they could learn each other’s cards would be fair!!

「H-hey, Mindy. As I thought it’s better to stop……」

「T-that’s right isn’t it. Lis──」

「Yes, this is destiny.」

Listy hacked off the worry of her big bro and big sis while coming out from the workshop. *Drag drag* She was dragging out something with her.

「Have you finished preparing? Nano」

「Don’t be hasty. Use the time to think the excuse for when you lose.」

Hajime and others thought. Ah, no good. These two are completely inside their own world.

Remia was going to step forward because she was worried that Myuu might injure Listy so she thought that she had to stop her, but Hajime stopped her with a shake of his head. Next Kaori also nodded to signal that she had finished her preparation in case something happened.

Even children had things that they couldn’t give up on. And so they decided to watch over them somewhat smilingly.

「I’m gonna make you accept it if I win. That I’ll call him Otou-san.」

「A woman of the sea never takes her word back nano. However, if Myuu win……」

Listy lifted up an object that looked like a large backpack and fixed its harness on her body. Her expression turned grim.

At the same time, Hajime and co who were seeing that went 「Eh, wait a second. Listy?」 but, the two girls who were the main stars here only had each other in their sight.

「Give up, is it? About calling him Otou-san」

「Eh? Myuu doesn’t say that though……if you can’t give up then you can just keep challenging Myuu as many times as you want nano. Doesn’t matter when, where, or how many times, Myuu’ll take you on nano.」

「Eh? Ah, that so?」


「T-thanks……no, not that!」

The two’s atmosphere became a bit heartwarming.

But, Hajime and co were distracted by something else and they couldn’t feel that warmth.

Listy equipped something like a tube at both sides of her waist. There were cords extending from there connected to the rugged gloves she was wearing. Hajime and others were pleading 「Just once! Please explain about that equipment to us once!」 with their eyes. Of course, Myuu and Listy didn’t notice.

「Then, what’re you gonna demand?」

「Fuh, Myuu’ll tell you after Myuu won nano. Or what, you won’t be able to fight at full strength from fear if Myuu don’t tell you?」

「Big talk. I’ll erase that composed expression soon!」

Listy picked her last piece of equipment. What she pulled out from the tube on her waist was a double-edged sword. It was something boorish that was processed from a metal plate she shaved down.

It was there, Myuu too finally gave attention to Listy’s equipment. Her eyes widened──

「I’m not gonna ask you to hand over the seat of daughter anymore. But, I’ll have you share it with me! Half of Oto──Ani-san’s lap, belong to this Listyyy!!」

「Eh, wait a second, as expected that’s unexpected nanoo!?」

Flew. Listy flew!

The jetpack on her back──most likely it was something stolen from a sky soldier’s remnant and remodeled. It burst and Listy’s body sprang up to the air.

The next moment her body twisted and she spun like a spinning top using the propulsive power while swooping down on Myuu. Twin swords attacked with the falling momentum and centrifugal force behind them!

Myuu leaped aside to dodge. Her movement didn’t freeze even while she was feeling bewildered. The education she received wasn’t that lukewarm! With that she threw herself on the ground and rolled once before getting on one knee and aiming “Donnaa” with a smooth movement. She pulled the trigger in a flash.

Listy landed on the ground glidingly. The rubber bullet hit──

Just before that happened, wire anchors that had been fired from the tubes on both sides of her waist before anyone realized rolled back. They jerked Listy out of the way with sharp angle.

While the bullet pa.s.sed through in vain, Listy made her jetpack burst just for an instant and accelerated. She then stood on the spot where her wire anchors pierced──the side of the junk mountain.

The silence in the air was deafening.

Thought like This ain’t a fight between girls who aren’t even ten years old.

Or The two of them lack hesitation too much.

There were many things that could be tsukkomi-ed, but for the time being.

「「「「No, that’s 3D Maneuver G*ar ain’t it-!!」」」」

With Hajime at the forefront, the boys who naturally had enjoyed a certain work about fighting giant obviously tsukkomi-ed all at once. And then,

「Kuh, out of nowhere, bringing that……that’s too much romance!! Nano!!」

Myuu angrily yelled while looking vexed for some reason. Listy went 「Nn?」 with a dubious look, while Hajime and others were nodding fervently in agreement.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

I managed to write the special perk SS and the like faster than expected, so I managed to upload a normal sized chapter. The details will be delivered before the release again! Also, I think maybe I’ll be able to finish writing the machine world arc too next week. Best regards!

Also, for each anime episode there is a picture drama that got updated at Tuesday twelve o’clock each week. This time s.h.i.+rakome is also making appearance. I can’t help but feel shocked and moved by my true appearance. Mori-sensei, thank you so much! Also Yuuka-chan, sorry……

※Material introduction

– 3D Maneuver Gear

From [s.h.i.+ngeki no Kyojin]. However, the propulsion devise is based on Mandalorian’s jetpack.

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