Jokes Book Collection Part Iv Part 40

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Blinks, after inviting his friend, Jinks, who has just returned from abroad, to dinner, is telling him what a fine memory his little son Bobby has.

"And do you suppose he will remember me?" said Jinks.

"Remember you? Why, he remembers every face that he ever saw."

An hour later they entered the house, and after Jinks had shaken hands with Mrs. Blinks, he calls Bobby over to him.

"And do you remember me, my little man?"

"Course I do. You're the same man that pa brought home last summer, and ma was so wild about it that she didn't speak to pa for a whole week."


"The man that argues with a woman is a fool," said Mr. Gadspur.

"I agree with you," said Mr. Twobble.

"And if he expects to have the last word he's an even bigger fool."

"Quite so, quite so. What did you and the 'Missus' quarrel about this morning?"


"Well, Alice," said a Southern woman to a coloured girl formerly in her employ, "I hear that you have married."

"Ya.s.sum, Ah done got me a husband now."

"Is he a good provider, Alice?"

"Ya.s.sum. He's powerful good provider, but Ah's powerful skeered he's gwine git catched at it."


Mother: "What! Have you been fighting again, Johnnie? Good little boys don't fight."

Johnnie: "Yes, I know that. I thought he was a good little boy, but after I hit him once, I found he wasn't."


Little Willie looked up from the paper he had been reading, and inquired of his father: * * *

"Dad, who was Mozart?"

"Good gracious, boy! You don't know that!" indignantly returned his parent. "Go and read your Shakespeare."


"The chief objection we have to the man who 'knows it all,'" remarked the Observer of Events and Things, "is that he insists that everyone he knows shall know it all, too."


"Did your watch stop when it dropped on the floor?" asked one man of his friend.

"Sure," was the answer. "Did you think it would go through?"


Real Estate Agent: "This tobacco plantation is a bargain. I don't see why you hesitate. What are you worrying about?"

Prospective, but Inexperienced, Purchaser: "I was just wondering whether I should plant cigars or cigarettes."


"What's this new conference they're going to have in America?"

"Oh, they're going to make peace among the Allies."


It was a case of attempted murder, in which the prisoner was accused of having fired twice at his intended victim. One of the witnesses for the prosecution was being severely cross-examined by the defending counsel.

"You say that you heard both shots fired?" he asked sternly.

"Yes, sir."

"How near were you to the scene of the affair?"

"At the time the first shot was fired I was about twenty feet from the prisoner."

"Twenty feet. Humph! Now tell the court how far you were off when you heard the second shot."

"Well, sir," replied the witness slowly, "I didn't exactly measure the distance; but, speaking approximately, I should say about half a mile."


She: "And what would you be now if it weren't for my money?"

He: "A bachelor."


Lily: "Harold proposed to me last night while turning the music for me at the piano."

Edith: "Ah, I see, dear; you played right into his hands!"


Pat was a simple country yokel who had never strayed from the outskirts of his native village, and because he stood in a railway station for the first time of his life, his amazement was great.

The vastness of his surroundings completely dazzled him, but when the 3.30 express dashed through the station, that did it. He kept his eyes glued on the tunnel through which it had disappeared, staring after it as though some kind of miracle had happened. He remained like this for several minutes, much to the amus.e.m.e.nt of the onlookers, until at length an inquisitive porter asked him what he was staring at.

"Oi was just thinkun'," he said, pulling himself together, "what a terribal smash there'd 'a' bin if he'd 'a' missed the 'ole!"

Breathless Visitor: Doctor, can you help me? My name is Jones-- Doctor: No, I'm sorry; I simply can't do anything for that.

They were talking over the days that will never return, so they a.s.serted; the days when there was no thirst in the land. But they had particular reference to the old state militia camp of long ago. For be it known, there was much taken to camp in those days that had little to do with military training, and it was carried in capacious jugs and big bottles. Everybody expected his city friends to run down to the camp, and be called upon to act as an a.s.suager of thirst. "The year I have reference to,"

said one of the old-timers, "was a notably wet one. The first night in camp everybody seemed to be bent on sampling what everybody else had brought down from the city. The result was that when the company of which I was a member was ordered to fall in the next morning to answer the roll- call there was a pretty wobbly line-up. We had a new sergeant-new to the routine of a camp, and after he had checked up he should have reported, 'Sir, the company is present and accounted for.'

Instead he got rattled and said, 'Sir, the company is full.' Our captain, looking us over, sarcastically remarked, 'I should say as much, full as a tick.'"


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