Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 8

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Derek settled her down on a wooden bench near a sunken steam bath. He cut the purple cords that held her wrists together. She hurled herself away from him. "Don't you dare touch me."

The arrogance of him, as he leaned against the door, his arms folded. She backed away, suspicious of the amused expression on his face.

"Do you expect to bathe with your clothes on, Your Highness?" He inquired smoothly. "Save me the trouble of disrobing you myself. Or would you prefer that?"

"No," she cried on a horrified gasp.

"You have exactly one minute to comply," he warned her.

Breathing hard, Vanessa tried to stare him down. He wouldn't dare... or would he?

"Time's out," he said, stepping away from the door and heading towards her.

Glancing frantically around, Vanessa sought a way out of the bath chamber. A high window and the door were her only ways out, and he would surely overtake her were she to attempt a run.

She weighed her options and decided a good swift kick was her best defense or perhaps a bite on his arm.

"Don't even think it," he said in an ominous tone. Then, seeming to change his mind, he threw off his tunic and s.h.i.+rt and tossed them onto the wooden bench. He pulled off his boots and quickly rid himself of the rest of his clothing.

With astonishment, Vanessa watched him undress. Her eyes fastened to his huge c.o.c.k and the full rounded globes beneath.

She'd never seen a naked man before. Were all men so well endowed?

Derek stepped slowly into the sunken bath. Releasing an 70 eXtasy's Collective Mind obvious sigh of pleasure, he sank down and stretched his tall, muscled frame. "You don't know what you're missing, princess,"

he said, glancing at her flushed face. "Why don't you at least remove your shoes and stockings? The warm water will soothe those bruised ankles."

He seemed sincere and his tone was friendly. The bath did look tempting. She hesitated a moment and then did as he suggested.

"Good." He nodded his approval. "Vanessa, if you remove that cape and silk dress you could bathe in your undergarments."

She met his eyes and searched for any sign of a sneer or trickery. But his expression was open and almost helpful. It would feel good to immerse her body. She quickly discarded the velvet cape and silk dress and slipped into the bath in her lacy camisole, drawers and slip. She washed her face and pulled the elaborate combs and pins from her hair. A cascade of red-gold tresses fell over her shoulders and down to her waist. Throwing her head back, she let her hair stream around her in the water.

His eyes devoured her. She heard his breath catch as he gazed upon her scantily clad body, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hips easily revealed under the thin material.

He moved soundlessly around the tub and slid a long arm under her waist. She screamed as he settled her between his thighs. "Shhhhh. I'm not gong to hurt you. Relax."

Vanessa struggled for a few minutes. He held her hands firmly while his legs had her in a vise-like grip. Her bouncing around pushed her rounded b.u.t.tocks squarely against his hardened c.o.c.k, increasing his s.e.xual tension. He gave a half-chuckle, half-groan at the unexpected friction.

Sensing it was a hopeless undertaking, Vanessa quieted. Her next thought, as she turned her head and encountered the 71 Violet Visions bulging muscles of his shoulder and arm, was to bite down hard.

Before she could act on that idea, Derek's stern voice stopped her. "If you dare to use your teeth on me you'll get the worst thras.h.i.+ng of your life. Believe me-you won't be able to sit for a month."

"What do you expect me to do then?" she cried knowing he meant every word of his threat.

"Stop fighting me," he said in a reasonable tone. He let his free hand glide sensuously up and down her arms and shoulders.

She felt his gentle touch and felt soothed. Sighing, she settled back against him.

"Much better," he whispered. His hand lightly brushed across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, returning to tenderly stroke the sides and tips.

A jolt of awareness caused Vanessa to gasp. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to stir you as much as you stir me," he replied huskily, rubbing his thumb over the suddenly taut nubs.

She felt his rock-hard c.o.c.k against her bottom and realized belatedly what was happening. "Please don't," she murmured.

Her protest lacked resolve. She knew it and she knew he did, too. She waited, breathless, for his next move, all her senses racing and alive. The potent force of his overpowering maleness was irresistible. She'd long wondered what it would feel like to be seduced.

"You don't need these wet under things," he said softly as he found the edge of her drawers and pushed them down. She felt his engorged c.o.c.k against her bare bottom as he moved against her slowly. At the same time, he pushed up the sodden camisole to touch and tease her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Vanessa was shocked at her own quiescence. How could she allow him this forbidden intimacy? Still, she could hardly fight him, she reasoned to herself, trying to quell the judgmental voice 72 eXtasy's Collective Mind within. His hands caressed her, finding all her sensitive spots.

Hesitantly he loosened his hold on her legs and hands. She was free to fight him.

For a split second, Vanessa hesitated. He was testing her- she knew that instinctively. Even if she'd had the will to resist him, her traitorous body was taking over. The pleasurable sensations he was inducing were like tiny flames coursing all through her, heating up the very core of her being.

Releasing her completely, he s.h.i.+fted her slightly so he could kiss her. Brus.h.i.+ng his lips back and forth over hers, he whispered words of encouragement. "That's it, princess, so good...doesn't that feel good?" He nuzzled her neck and then her ear, all the while stroking the silken ivory of her skin. Little by little she responded. Before long he parted her lips and thrust his tongue deep inside. At the same time, his dexterous fingers tangled in the curly hairs between her thighs. With infinite care he inserted one long finger into her c.u.n.t while his thumb rubbed her c.l.i.t.

"Ahhhhh." She tried to suppress her moans of pleasure, but couldn't. The pa.s.sion he was inducing was escalating out of her control.

Lost in this new mindless whirl of increasing sensation, Vanessa scarcely noticed that he'd removed the rest of her under things. Turning her completely around he watched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s float gently in the bath water. Her stomach and thighs pressed against him. Cradling her face between his hands, he kissed her fiercely. She could sense his satisfaction and she began tentative attempts to not only return his ardor, but to initiate her own moves. Instinctively she rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on his hair-spattered chest enjoying the feel and texture of his curling hairs.

Derek groaned and buried his face in her long hair. "This teasing is sweet torture. I can't take much more." He pulled her 73 Violet Visions knees up and spread them so his c.o.c.k was poised at the entrance to her c.u.n.t. "Vanessa, I'm going to slowly enter you.

Since you're a virgin you'll feel a little pain, that's all. Afterwards it will be all pleasure. I a.s.sure you."

With her fingertips, she smoothed back a strand of his thick black hair. "Don't worry, I'm used to pain."

His hand was on her derriere, his c.o.c.k searching for the entrance into her moist c.u.n.t. She felt him entering her slowly and took a quick, indrawn breath as he reached the barrier. She gave a quick cry as he pierced it, and then began to relax as he thrust his c.o.c.k fully into her and pulled her close.

Her head rested over his heart. She could hear it pounding in her ears. Her heart was drumming, too.

He started a rhythmic thrusting and withdrawing, circling his hips, his c.o.c.k teasing the sensitive flesh causing her to cry out with small moans of mounting excitement. Vanessa held on to his shoulders kneading them with her fingers while unfamiliar spine-tingling sensations flooded her.

He dipped his head and caught a nipple in his mouth, nibbled and sucked on it, then turned to the other breast and gave it the same attention. His hand lowered to t.i.tillate and tease the hard nub beneath her curly mound. The combination of tantalizing stroking and teasing put her over the edge.

"Ahhhhhh," she cried out as her body arched in a powerful o.r.g.a.s.m that seemed to go on forever.

Spurred by her release Derek let out a mighty bellow as he poured himself into her. His large body jerked convulsively as spasm after spasm overwhelmed him.

He held her close for several long minutes as they lay together in the warm waters. "Well, princess, a little bit of heaven, hmmm?"

Snuggling close, Vanessa buried herself in the security of his 74 eXtasy's Collective Mind strong arms. For the first time in ages, she relaxed completely.

He wrapped her in a thick towel and carried her to his enormous bed. "You must be hungry. I'll bring food and drink."

For the next hour they lounged against pillows and partook of wine, bread, meat, cheeses, and fruits. Thoroughly sated, Vanessa stretched her limbs and yawned. The movement prodded her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the towel.

Derek ran his knuckles over her pink nipples. Then he lifted them, one in each hand. Bending over, he suckled them. Lifting his head, he met her gaze. "I wonder how they'd taste dipped in wine." He sent her a wicked grin and set about anointing each protruding rosy nub with a few drops of the purple elixir.

Lowering his head again, he licked each one appreciatively.

Vanessa laughed and began to feel warm all over. Could be the wine-or Derek's caresses.

"Princess, let's try the wine someplace else, shall we?"

She noted his heavy-lidded eyes smoldering with pa.s.sion and felt a moment's alarm. It disappeared when Derek's tongue started licking the folds of her c.u.n.t, opening the fleshy, swelling lips. He placed several drops of wine there.

"Oh," she cried out, as waves of heat began to course through her like molten lava. What he was doing was so strange and yet intoxicating.

He leaned up to kiss her mouth. "There's one more place I want to lick wine from. Can you guess?"

His husky tone and sensual glance sent s.h.i.+vers down her spine. "N-no," she murmured. What did he have in mind?

He reached for the partially filled wine goblet, placed a long arm under her knees, and raised her legs and bottom. "Hold them up," he ordered. When she obeyed, he spread her b.u.t.tocks and dropped some wine into her a.s.shole. Immediately his tongue lathed that area with long, probing strokes. She could tell he was 75 Violet Visions enjoying himself immensely.

"You have an ample bottom, my young princess," he muttered as he set down the goblet. She could see his c.o.c.k was already hard and eager. He rolled her over and pulled her into a position where she was on her knees and elbows. She could tell he was going to enter her from behind. "Stay still," he commanded as he thrust into her wine-stained, moist c.u.n.t, his hands holding her b.u.t.tocks firmly in place, in case she should resist him.

Vanessa had no plans to go anywhere. Besides his strong grip, she was relis.h.i.+ng the sensations his moves were engendering.

It wasn't long before an explosive pa.s.sion drove them both over the top. Her cries and his low groans mingled together as they climaxed.

Holding her to him, still joined, Derek threw the covers over them. Before long, exhausted, they slept, their bodies linked.

Toward dawn, Derek woke. It took a moment before he remembered the events of the previous evening. Smiling, he tangled his fingers in her long, red-gold hair. He was happier than he'd been in eons. Gazing at the lovely maiden curled next to him, he thought about how he could keep her with him.

If he had to be away from the castle, he couldn't protect her here. How could he possibly bring her along with him? Battles were no place for women...unless ...

Could it work? Would she go along with the idea? He ran his hand over her long, beautiful tresses. These would have to be shorn if his plan were to work.

He shook her shoulder. "Vanessa, wake up."


eXtasy's Collective Mind Sleepily she stared at him, blinked a few times, and opened her eyes wide. "What is it?"

"Listen carefully. I want to keep you safe and near me. Do you want that, too?"

He could see the surprise on her face and an almost yearning expression. "Yes," she whispered. He knew she really had little choice. She knew no one else here. At least he wanted her-and wanted to keep her from the King's clutches.

"Good. Now here's what has to happen." For the next several minutes, he outlined his plan of action and his reasoning.

Vanessa's hands flew to the sides of her head and her hands stroked her long tresses. "My Lord, do you think it will work?"

"Yes, I do," he said confidently.

"Then do it," she announced calmly.

Rising, he went in search of shears, came back, and cut off her glorious mane of hair. Evening it out, he shaped it into a close-fitting cap framing her face. Settling back, he inspected his work closely. "Not bad, not bad at all," he said with an approving smile. "Now all we have to do is bind your lovely b.r.e.a.s.t.s and procure the right outfit."

Several hours later, she was dressed appropriately as a page.

One thing was missing. Striding to the huge trunk holding his garments, he selected one and held it up. "Are you good with a needle? We must transfer this to your tunic."

"I know how to sew. I've had lots of experience while growing up in my father's court. I'll attach this emblem in the same place on my tunic as yours."

"Now you are a royal page-my royal page," he affirmed.

"No one will dare to abscond with you. Besides, you will bed with me each night. You will ride on my mount and follow my orders.


"Yes, I will, my lord."


Violet Visions Pleased with her obedient tone of voice, he gave her an approving smile. Her appearance was at once charming and surprisingly seductive. His c.o.c.k began to rise with its own demand. "Come here," he demanded as his groin tightened with need.

She moved to do as he ordered. "Wh-what do you want?"

"You." It was one short emphatic word. He turned her around and tugged down the tight pants exposing the ivory skin of her backside. "Get used to this, Vanessa. It's the position you will frequently be in on our travels." He chuckled as he bent her over, parted the full cheeks, and thrust his erect c.o.c.k deep into her c.u.n.t. There would be other ways he would have her, too, but he would have to get her accustomed to that other desirable opening. First, he would get her accustomed to his finger. As he continued plunging in and out of her tight but wet c.u.n.t, he moistened one finger and slipped it into her a.s.shole. He felt her wriggle a bit although he could tell she rather liked it.

"Don't move," he snapped, giving her b.u.t.tocks a light slap.

He was enjoying every moment of this encounter. Vanessa dressed as a boy, and yet provocatively feminine, was seductive as h.e.l.l. Her submissive posture was an added turn-on.

"Yes, my lord," she murmured, arching her back and pus.h.i.+ng up her rear.

"Good girl," he rasped. He allowed himself to lose control and his release began. He heard her cries as, simultaneously, they climaxed.

Finished, he pulled up her pants and turned her around.

Sunlight from a nearby window picked up the purple crest emblazoned on her tunic over her heart. "My purple-hearted page," he murmured tenderly, as he took her into his arms. "I am looking forward to our journeys together." He patted her backside with a possessive smile.

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