Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 37

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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"Good thought, Nittya. We talked a bit about escape, but hoped for a rescue instead."

"And how would they rescue us anyway? No one knows just where we are. Up on the surface, as far as you can see there's snow and ice. They wouldn't realize that there was life underground. Nothing is visible up top, and my enviro-meter picked up no life form of any kind or vegetation. So a rescue team would abandon this planet as fast as they found it. By the way, how did you find out the name of this planet?"

"You're right. Okay, so then we seriously have to come up with a plan. As for the name, Adia is a foreign and ancient language expert. She managed to decipher some symbols we found on a wall."

"Maybe there are other places with symbols or writings and we can learn more about this place."

"I just wish the aliens would talk," Remy said.

"Yes, that would be helpful," Nittya said.

"Kirit, what is your expertise?"


Violet Visions "I'm an environmentalist."


"I'm a pilot and communications expert."


"I'm an engineer and a writer in my spare time."

"And I'm a scientist, pilot, and some of the above combined.

s.p.a.ce explorer is my t.i.tle."

"We know. You're preaching to the choir. Remember, we knew you on Xallin. Your expertise is well known among us of lower rank."

"Well, thank you. It sounds like we'll be a good team. Adia, your knowledge of ancient languages will come in handy. Before we escape, I'd like to find out more about this planet and its people."

"You're very positive we can do it," Adia said.

"Yes, I'm determined. I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'll remain as a guinea pig for the aliens' entertainment. I'd rather go out there and die."

"What about your baby, Nittya?" Adia asked softly.

"My baby... That sounds too b.l.o.o.d.y weird. Don't they check on you when you're roaming around?"

"No. I guess they figure that escape is an impossibility since we're naked, we have no means of transport, no weapons or tools of any kind, no clothes, so we'd freeze instantly on the surface. So they don't worry about us."

"That gives us lots of freedom. How often are the sessions?"

"Almost every day. Sometimes long. Sometimes short.

Sometimes they skip a few days."

"How the h.e.l.l do you keep track of the days here?"

"We don't. Personally, I go by when I sleep and wake up. If I sleep for eight hours straight, I figure another night has pa.s.sed.

What was the date when you crashed?" Adia asked.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "April eighteenth back on Xallin. You've been missing for just over a year. If I recall, you went missing in March last year."

"I can't believe a whole year has pa.s.sed. The days just seem to flow together here."

"What amazes me is that none of you thought of escape."

"You're a very strong woman," Remy said and winked at her.

"And I guess you're stuck with me."

"I am?"

"Yes. How else can you explain away the lack of your barrier when we're back home?"

"True." Nittya contemplated that thought for a moment. A man she had just met, a stranger, and because they had bonded, he was automatically her husband. All that was missing was the paperwork. She glanced at him sideways as he sat on the side of the fountain, his hand swirling the violet water. He was really quite handsome with those blue eyes. She thought his skin would be darker when exposed to sunlight. Right now, the four explorers were quite pale from being underground for so long.

His black hair hung past his shoulders and curled in unruly tendrils around his face. He wasn't just handsome, he was drop dead gorgeous.

His gaze met hers and held it for a long moment. She felt something stir within her, something she'd never felt with any male. A stirring of her soul, her heart. Did he feel the same?

Lazar broke the spell. "I can't believe it took you to crash here to get us thinking of escape."

"At least you sound more positive now. Not if, but when.

That's good. I don't know about any of you, but I'm tired to the bone. I need to get some rest. We'll meet again tomorrow and discuss strategy."


Violet Visions Morning came. At least, Nittya thought it was morning. She woke up and felt refreshed. She needed to keep track of time somehow. She glanced at her nails that were long and hard.

Jumping off the soft bubble mattress, she went to a wall and scratched it. At first, it didn't work, but she persisted, scratched the same spot repeatedly until she finally saw a faint mark.

"Good. This way I can maybe keep track of time," she muttered as she went to the psionic shower.

After she was done, she sat on the side of the bed and waited.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before they brought her breakfast tray.

The same fare. She was hungry so she ate the bland fruit and sawdust biscuits. The juice she drank down, all of it. She needed to keep up her strength.

Not too long after, the part.i.tion slid open and her four friends came into the room followed by a hooded figure carrying a tray with two jugs of the same juice they'd had the day before.

Orgy time.

Except this time, another cloaked figure came in and deposited items on the bed. Nittya looked at them. Bright s.h.i.+ny metal wristbands, she guessed them to be cuffs as they were connected with a chain, several pairs, some larger. She guessed for the men.

"Okaaaayyy... bondage anyone?" she said, sending them a grimace.

Lazar chuckled. "They're pretty kinky, these aliens."

"What happens if we don't drink the juice?"

"Oh, we tried that," Adia said with a grimace. "They'll take us out one by one and pour it down our throats through a tube."

"Nice. Can't we pretend to drink it?"

"And dispose of it where? They'd see us taking it to the 318 eXtasy's Collective Mind bathroom. Don't forget the camcorders. And they, or their computers, are listening to every word we say in here."

Nittya gave up. It seemed she had no choice in the matter.

The orgy the day before was a different, pleasurable, experience, but she really wanted a say in when she had s.e.x and with whom and how, not to be dictated by a bunch of aliens, and videotaped for their enjoyment as well.

The cloaked alien waited. "Why is it standing there?" Nittya asked.

"It's waiting for us to drink the juice and then it wants us to go with him or her. There's another chamber they like to use at times," Kirit said.

"Yeah, we have to put on the cuffs," Adia told her. "It seems they get pleasure out of leading us there in cuffs. Not the men.

Just you and me."

"You know what I don't get?"


"Why the f.u.c.k didn't you overpower them? They don't seem to carry weapons. And there were four of you."

Lazar's laugh rumbled through the room. Adia giggled.

"We tried, Nittya. Believe me, we're not p.u.s.s.ies."

"What happened?"

"They use some form of mind control. Within seconds, we were on the floor, screaming in agony. Felt like our heads were about to burst like a water filled balloon."

"Yes, it was unbearable," Adia told her.

"Did they implant anything under your skin, I wonder..."

"Could be. We've looked for puncture marks, anything, but found nothing."

"I see. Well, for now we'll humor them. We'll talk later,"

Nittya said, in a way glad that the foursome hadn't escaped because then she'd be there alone.


Violet Visions After they drank the juice, they followed the alien through several corridors, then entered an oval, large room. Once inside, the alien disappeared.

Nittya had felt the immediate effect of the aphrodisiac. While they walked through the corridors, she'd already spilled so much c.u.m that her thighs were soaked. Watching the three men walk, their muscles ripple, c.o.c.ks jutting out, bouncing as they moved, really turned her on. Her c.l.i.t ached. She could hardly wait to get started.

But when her eyes became accustomed to the dimly lit room, she saw the benches in the center, spreading bars, chains, whips, nipple clamps, and more.

"I don't think I'm into this. I don't mind a bit of bondage and play, but no painful stuff," she told her comrades.

A short distance from the equipment was a little table. On it five Mauve liquid bubbled inside them, steam rose and spiraled up from the liquid.

"What's that? Are we supposed to drink it?"

"Yeah, and believe me, once you have, you won't feel a thing."

"Dammit. I don't like this."

"Neither do we, but it beats them punis.h.i.+ng us with their mind thing."

"The sooner we get out of here, the better," she hissed softly at Remy.

"Ssssh," Kirit whispered. "They'll hear you."

Nittya gingerly put the steaming liquid to her lips. To her surprise, it was ice cold and tasted quite pleasant. "This isn't half bad," she mumbled.

It didn't add to her already raging libido, so she thought it was just a pleasant drink, until Remy told her, "It'll dull any pain, although we're very careful. Just pretend and scream a lot."


eXtasy's Collective Mind Nittya looked at the strings hanging from the contraptions and the hooks at the end. She knew about that kind of stuff, but she'd never seen it on pictures or on video. Just normal p.o.r.n videos were good enough for her if she was in the mood.

The men took their cuffs off. "Okay, ladies, go make yourselves comfy," Remy said.

Nittya strolled to one of the benches and lay down. Remy took her cuffs off and hooked one of them to a bar, then placed another set of cuffs on her other wrist and did the same. She glanced sideways at Adia and saw that Lazar and Kirit did the same to her. Aida's long red hair spilled over the head of the bench. Her hair was so long, it almost reached the floor.

Next were Nittya's feet. The bench split apart and her legs stretched out so far, she felt she'd split. Her b.u.m was suspended in air. It felt uncomfortable. Remy cuffed each ankle.

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