Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 26

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Her mouth gaped. "You're a policeman?"


"Me, beg a human for aid!" she snorted her disgust. "Never."

"Would have saved a lot of time and trouble."

"But not the fun!"

He laughed and inched closer to her, his hand cupping her p.u.s.s.y. "No, the fun might have been missing."


Violet Visions "Why do humans call this part of my body, p.u.s.s.y?"

Gold laughed. "Because with the right handling, it can purr."

"It can?"


"I think, human, that you might be the one to purr." She waved her hand and the divan disappeared, replaced by a lattice of laser light embedded with crystals. She concentrated and the crystals began to hum, the sound, the vibrations embedding in her mind and flesh. She watched Gold through slitted eyes. He s.h.i.+vered with the heat racing through his body. When he lifted his gaze to hers, his eyes were lambent gold. He smiled.

She opened her arms and body and he stretched out over her. The laser light enfolded them, lifting them upwards. They were coc.o.o.ned in a pulsing light, gold and purple-it washed over them, through them, teasing into mind and body.

Gold turned her and she lay beneath him, cus.h.i.+oned by the light, she held a fraction away from him. Vylet spread her arms and legs, floating, flying, and he nudged down her body, kissing her mouth, lower to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, suckling each hard nipple as he stroked her flesh. Lower his mouth grazed, his tongue swirling into her navel, lower, he caught her indigo curls between his teeth and gently tugged. The pressure transferred to her p.u.s.s.y, deep inside.

Vylet gasped as she felt his mind stroking her intimate flesh, the gentlest of caresses that burned, making her blood pound, her flesh tremble, her mind scream.

More? He demanded. Without waiting for her answer, he stroked with his mind harder, faster, while his hands explored, teased over her skin, pressing meridian points.

She moaned and reached out her own mind to caress him.

He mouth smiled-his mind smiled, bathing her in warmth and...for the first time in her life, Vylet felt protected-safe. It 232 eXtasy's Collective Mind was a moment to savor and explore.

Surrender to me, Vylet. Have no fear. Let me love you as you wish, as you desire, as you ha r ve always yea ned.

His hand glided over her skin, now glowing mauve with her inner fire. His fingers probed and delved, as tongue and mind probed and delved.

Surrender had its own price and it frightened her. To trust was not in her nature. Could not be in her nature.

Then let me show you that I can be trusted.

He opened his mind for her, to the places that she did not know had existed when she had mind-raped him. His inner self was soothing, gentle, strong, as his body was these things. His will was indomitable. His hunger unquenchable.

Is that a challenge? She demanded. Every man can be appeased.

Think so, huh? Think you can quench my voracity?


You are welcome to try.

Vylet turned him over and he put his arms behind his head and watched her. She roamed over him, mouth biting, talons scratching, careful enough not to draw blood, but leaving tiny welts in her wake. Her hair swirled around her, tendrils curling over his flesh, striking like tiny whips.

Then, she was turned and he explored her body, his mouth lowering to her thighs, nudging them apart with his face. He lapped, he bit, he teased, he seduced with tongue, lips, fingers.

She held his head and brought him hard against her.

Bite me.

You want the pain?

I want the pleasure of the pain.

Like this?

Oh, Great Stars. Yes, like that.


Violet Visions His teeth grazed her c.l.i.t and then his hot tongue pushed into her, as his fingers explored the cleft of her a.r.s.e. She reared up.

No man...

Vylet, honey, I'm no man. Could a man do this to you? Or this? He probed her every orifice with his mind, a simultaneous intrusion and she exploded, her body convulsing. He held her at the climax, channeling his own energy, his own climax into her.

She screamed, every nerve ending on fire, throbbing, straining. They revolved in each other's arms, spinning, out of control. She lowered her mouth to his neck, her fang extruding.

Let me taste you.

Only fair, I've tasted you.

With her tongue, Vylet soothed the skin at the base of his neck and then she gently pierced. His warm, copper-salt blood spilled over her tongue. His taste was human and something else...a creature of dual blood and in that duality his essence was strong and vibrant and it fed her hunger and her need. She drank greedily and his hands fastened around her shoulders.

Finally, he lifted her away.

You'll drink me dry, honey, and then I'd be no use to you.

I'm sorry.

Their gazes locked. It was the first time in her life that she had apologized and he knew it. He smiled and cupped her face between his hands. This, her first surrender.

Now you, Vylet.


He sat before her, the laser light cus.h.i.+oning him and pulled Vylet onto his lap, locking her legs around his waist. He guided her over his turgid c.o.c.k and pulled her down over him, her body sheathing him. He began the pace, the slow upwards thrusts, the slow withdrawal, but she held him secure and pressed down, her 234 eXtasy's Collective Mind pace, her control dominating. His tongue curled over her neck and she paused, gasped as she felt her skin part as his teeth grazed. His mouth fastened over the wound and he suckled.

Light coruscated over them, through them, the blood, the essences intermingling. His slap against her b.u.t.tock made her smile.

Is that the best you can do, human-mine?

What about this?

The sting made her s.h.i.+ver. Better. How about this?

Her talon cut him. He slapped her back. She bit, he bit, and then they moved together as one, contests forgotten as bodies and minds merged, one to the other. Where was Vylet and where was Gold? In that moment of complete surrender, of total merging, there was only one ent.i.ty and its name was pa.s.sion. Its only consequence was release. Eventually when all possibilities had been exhausted...

Exhausted, Vylet lay in the circle of his arms. The laser light buoyed her aching body. She lifted her cheek from his breast and smiled.


If I had known that this is what a sensualator does, then I might have captured one sooner.

He smiled crookedly. Vy, no sensualator ever does this for any client. Because if someone ever experienced a sensualator in full flight, would they ever be the same again? Could a simple f.u.c.k ever appease?


Your hunger, your skill matches mine.

But you like to be dominated.

I like to play. I like being captured, and tied with silk cords, as you, but true pleasure, true release for me-as you-can only ever be found in a joining of equals. If I unleashed myself on 235 Violet Visions an inferior, I could destroy them.

As I.

"Speaking of destroying", Gold said, his voice hoa.r.s.e. "We have to find these other captives. Can you find them?"

"They call to me, they cry. I am never free of their screams. It drives me mad."

He ran a finger over her temple. "I hear them, too."

"Another searches for them, a hybrid woman of my blood and of human, but I haven't heard from her in many months. I fear for her."

Gold ran his hands through her hair, pressing her skull with his fingertips. For the briefest of moments, she was free of the ache of the trapped souls of her people. She closed her eyes against the freedom, the release.

"No," she said. "It isn't right that I am free of the pain, when they are not. Gold, don't do that. Thank you, but don't."

He swallowed, tears in his eyes. "Then, I'll power up my s.h.i.+p and we'll find your people and free them, and then those who have imprisoned them, they'll be made to pay."

"The justiciary!" Vylet couldn't keep the contempt from her voice.

"No, my own justice and yours, Vy."

"They will die," she said.


She smiled crookedly. "You will turn renegade?"

"Out here, my law is the only law I recognize."

"As I," she said.

"Then, you'd better get dressed. We have a long way to go and if you stay here, lying against me like that, we'll be delayed.

I'm a man on a mission and when that happens I'm single-minded."

She laughed and bent her mouth to his bronze nipple.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Single-minded?" she demanded and caressed his consciousness with her own. "I am part of you, as you are part of me. Two halves that make a whole."

"Nothing single about that, then."




"Shouldn't we get going?"

"I rather thought we were," she responded palming his c.o.c.k.

"I mean-"

"I know what you meant, Gold. Understand this. My people will be free in this moment between us, they share, I take their pain from them, I give them a release."

"Then we'll give them such a release that'll make their atoms supernova." Gold bent his mouth to hers and drew her against him, wrapping his arms and legs around her.

Vylet surrendered to the power and the pa.s.sion and the world around her turned inside out-as he turned her inside out.


Violet Visions THE ARTISTuS MODEL.



ina Albright smoothed one hand along her right hip and G turned toward the ful-length mirror in the room. The costume clung to her curves, accentuating her high firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s and long shapely legs. She pursed her lips and donned the lavender colored headdress, pus.h.i.+ng it to the back of her smooth head. She paused and reviewed her reflection.

She had lost a few pounds since her decision to open a second art gallery. Long hours spent with the construction crew readying the building, and sleepless nights worrying over the decorating scheme had taken her appet.i.te. She turned and gazed at her bald head. The decision to shave off her hair had taken even her by surprise. She smiled slightly and shrugged her shoulders. Her blond locks would grow back soon enough.

Besides, her friends were used to her impulsive whims. Not one of them would find it unusual to see her without hair. And right now she needed to concentrate on business without any interruptions-including managing her hair.

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