Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 21

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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"Who tells you?"

"The masters of your world. The ones who brought me here and arranged for my comforts."

With a long shaky breath, he strode forward until his knees. .h.i.t the edge of her bed. The tentacles vibrated against the walls, clearly antic.i.p.ating trouble. Jakob had no intention of having them come after him.

"They lied," he told her, gently. "The score of men who have held you here are not the masters of my world. They are scientists, using you as a device to control everyone that may dare have a truly individual thought. Do you really think one group of men should be allowed to choose what is best for everyone else? Do you truly believe that what is best for any society is to never touch? To never be intimate? To never know 181 Violet Visions the feel of one person's warmth against your own?"

"Have you personally experienced this, Jakob?"

Her voice was so warm, so inviting, so close it wrapped around him, gently. He felt the heaviness of his sac s.h.i.+ft and knew that the effects of the drugs he'd taken were wearing off.

"I have felt the electricity when another's shoulder has brushed against mine in a crowd. I have felt the tingle that raced through me when my fingers have pressed onto someone else's as we both reach for the same dropped object at the same time. I have..."

"But, have you ever felt lips pressed onto yours in the heat of pa.s.sion?" She s.h.i.+fted onto her hands and knees on the soft mattress. "Have you ever even experienced pa.s.sion, Jakob?"

His tongue slithered across his parched lips at this thought.

"Have you ever known the touch of a warm hand in yours, or on you?" She crawled slowly towards him. Her body, no longer shrouded in the thin stocking, swayed back and forth.

"Have you ever held another person in your arms, as your hot juices explode together?"

His c.o.c.k was hard, harder than ever in his memory. The act of looking into her mysterious eyes from so close raced him toward the ultimate explosion, faster than he would have thought possible. He was having trouble breathing, again. "You know d.a.m.n well I have never known any of these things. Why are you tormenting me? Why are you fighting against the opportunity to allow us to help each other?"

"Why would you think that I need your help? I think it is you that is looking for help, not me. You long to feel the warmth of my breath, the taste of my lips, the touch of my hand and body.

Your c.o.c.k strains against the folds of your clothing right now. If I so chose, I could spill your seed into those folds and you would be helpless to stop me."


eXtasy's Collective Mind He knew she told the truth. He wavered at the very edge of release-his b.a.l.l.s ground tightly against his body, desperate to empty their load. His discomfort became painful and the pain was more than likely what spurred him on. Never, would he have imagined himself brave enough, or stupid enough to try it otherwise.

He stood, legs apart, knees pressed into the soft edge of the mattress and watched her through slitted eyes.

She crawled up to him, seductively staring at the bulge in his pants. He saw her swallow, hard, more than once. Coming to sit on her knees in front of him, she smoothed her hands up her body-cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, offering them to him, teasingly. She slithered her hands down over her flat tummy and between her thighs, before lightly tracing her fingers up his chest.

Jakob's eyes never moved. He looked directly into her amazing, mauve orbs. He knew what he saw there. He saw want, need and l.u.s.t. He saw a woman desperate to be touched, desperate to feel the hard steel of a man taking her. He knew all of this without ever having experienced any of it before-it came to him from his dreams-in huge blasting waves.

With breath-taking speed, his hands shot out. He grasped her shoulders and pulled her to him. The strong vibrations started where his fingers pressed into her flesh. They ran rampant through him and he was helpless to break the contact-not that he wanted to.

Jakob's mouth came down on hers in a savage imitation of a kiss. His tongue drove into her soft warm mouth-raced over the hard nubs of her teeth-collided with her tongue, pressed, rolled and devoured. Her tongue accepted his intrusion with 183 Violet Visions calm patience. At the realization that she had joined him on an unfamiliar journey, he relaxed the onslaught. Their tongues twisted together, giving and taking at the same time.

Her hands soothed down his back as he held her diminutive frame to him. The feel of her firmly soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s crushed onto his chest sent a fresh wave of heat through him. His c.o.c.k jumped and strained between them. He knew she had to be feeling the intense hardness of it, captured between them.

Instinct took over as her fingers fumbled with the closure of his pants. His hand closed on the back of her head-fingers twining in the silken threads of her hair. He pulled back, exposed the soft, milky throat. He tasted the smoothness, traced his tongue over it from collarbone to graceful point of her chin.

She was his, he would lay claim to her and there would be no question of her leaving with him.

His heated c.o.c.k throbbed painfully in a new warmth-a living receptacle, but not the one he yearned for. Her hand firmly encased him-held him-moved slowly along him. The warmth of her skin traced a slow path from the tightness of his b.a.l.l.s to the tip of his moist head. Beads of juice formed and were rubbed over the slit and bulbous head. It felt glorious-so much better than the fluid receptacle in his bedroom or the furious way he rammed his own fist along the veined shaft. She stroked lovingly, slowly and with such expertise, his breath came in short gasps.

Her hand never left his c.o.c.k as he kicked his pants to the side and tore his s.h.i.+rt free. Now as completely naked as she was, he bent over her, lowered her onto her back on the soft bed. As he came down on her, she spread her knees wide and guided the steel-like hardness of his c.o.c.k to her warm, pink opening.

Perfection in wet velvet engulfed his c.o.c.k. He pushed in to the hilt in one smooth motion. It was so much better than anything he could have ever imagined. The deep muscles of her 184 eXtasy's Collective Mind walls squeezed his c.o.c.k, pulled at him in a milking motion, and still he could not empty his sac. He knew now, beyond a doubt that he would not find the release he was so desperately seeking until Violet was well and truly ready to let him.

Her hips began moving under him. She withdrew her velvety softness until she barely held the tip of his c.o.c.k within her folds-then she pushed into him, impaling herself on his c.o.c.k.

Before long, he joined her. They swayed, bucked and ground against each other. Sweat poured from their pores. Moans erupted from their throats. The vibrations he had felt at his first touch of Violet continued to run rampant through Jakob. He trembled violently-calling out to the stars to allow him release.

But none came.

When he felt there was not another thrust left in his hips, she pushed him-threw him onto his back and mounted him. With the speed and grace of a gazelle, she had his c.o.c.k buried within her and continued bouncing up and down on the eight inches of tortured need.

Her t.i.ts bounced against her ribcage. He caught each and pressed his fingers into the softness. Thumb and finger squeezed and twisted the hard pebbles at their tips. Jakob pulled her down to him-sucked one mound into his mouth and suckled the amazing purple nipple.

He felt her o.r.g.a.s.m as it built deep within her. Her p.u.s.s.y clenched and released his c.o.c.k as it continued driving into her.

The rush of hot fluids coated his b.a.l.l.s-trickled between his a.s.s cheeks. After an eternity, her muscles began to relax and she pushed up onto her hands.

"Now," she whispered hoa.r.s.ely. "Now you may fill me with your seed."

Instantly his b.a.l.l.s let go of their tightly held treasure. He felt 185 Violet Visions his shaft expand as the enormous spurts of hot fluid exploded against her cervix. He feared his c.o.c.k was about to split in two from the force of it. The only sound that escaped his lips was an animalistic roar.

When his sac was finally empty, he lay on the crumpled sheets and panted helplessly. Violet slipped off him and curled into his side, purring contentedly.

"I knew, the moment you entered my lair at your coming-of-age, that you would be one of the few to touch me. You showed your true self, even then. You want more than the scientists can give you. You want for emotional contact. You want for s.e.x and satisfaction. You want for me and always have. Now you will not have to want anymore. You shall have more of me than you could ever hope for."

Her words touched him-deep in his heart. He had done it.

He had found the way through the cage of protection and made The Reliever see that he was the one and only man for her.

"So," he whispered dreamily against her soft hair. "How quickly can you find a way out of here?"

His legs were entangled in the sheets, but when he tried to kick them loose, they only seemed to tighten. Looking down, he screamed.

It was not the sheets that held him captive, it was a split tentacle from the cage wall. It was swallowing him whole, becoming one with him. It pulled him in, to become part of her environment, part of her harem of men, held within the living cage.

Looking around, desperately, he now saw the tentacles for what they really were. Each one was the coc.o.o.n of a man she 186 eXtasy's Collective Mind held for her use. The writhing he had witnessed earlier was not to protect her-it was the prisoners straining to protect him from a fate the same as theirs. The terrified screams that tore his throat were cut off as the writhing vine covered his mouth.

Violet stood on the bed and watched the process of his coc.o.o.ning with a delighted gleam in her eye.

"Most men cannot survive the initial shock of my touch. Some survive long enough for my pleasure. The few that have, over time, been strong enough to fulfill me, are a rarity indeed. You are now among those chosen few. You shall remain with me, to feed my insatiable need for o.r.g.a.s.m. And you shall feed my strength over the weaklings of this world."

Laughter shook her, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggled deliciously.

"Did you really think those men that watch over me are castrated for my preservation? You fool. It is done so that I cannot seduce them and run through your streets. If I were able to I would drain every one of your species in a matter of months."

As Jakob lifted from the bed, to become part of the writhing wall, she pressed her nakedness against the thin coating over him.

"When I was banished from my home planet, I feared I would never find a world to harbor me, then I found this little blue orb in the universe. Your scientists were quick to figure out that I was a danger. They knew that it was imperative to keep me at arm's length. You may not consider them the masters of your world, but if it weren't for their quick actions, you would not have a world at all. They are as much my slaves as my jailers. They know what I need and are very good at seeing to it that I get a fresh supply of power, whenever one of you is foolish enough to push the issue. Now, settle in and get ready for the rest of your life.

The tentacles will feed you and you in turn will feed my power 187 Violet Visions with your seed-whenever I choose to use you."

Jakob hung suspended on the wall and watched as Violet lay down and fell to sleep. He heard the others, in his mind, welcoming him.

So much for saving the world from the boring existence of no intimacy.


eXtasy's Collective Mind THE SALOON ON THE MOON.

By Alexis Anthony ylvia strained against the harness to get a glimpse of the S landing. The smal porthole was positioned too far forward for her to get a good look. She could feel the weight of her body returning after the flight from the s.p.a.ce station in orbit around Earth. The gravity on the moon wasn't much, but at least she wasn't completely weightless anymore.

There was the horizon. The stark, clear view of the black sky above the grayish white surface, looked like an old black and white movie except it was so vividly clear. Geez, it was a barren place. The Captain was giving them a running commentary as the s.h.i.+p settled toward the landing pad on the surface. She sure had come a long way from Adelaide.

Sylvia was the winner of the Miss Nude Australia Contest. She had been crowned at the Crazy Horse Saloon less than a month ago. An awful lot of men had chipped in to send her up here to the Miss Nude Galaxy Contest. It's amazing what a bunch of h.o.r.n.y 189 Violet Visions old men would do when they get to stare at your p.u.s.s.y and your for a few hours. But Sylvia had to admit she had an amazing body for them to look at-and she knew how to show it off.

"It sure is something, isn't it?" said Freddy, her manager and sometimes boyfriend.

She nodded.

They were dropping faster and faster. The landing thrusters slowed the s.h.i.+p. They b.u.mped gently onto the landing pad with just a small bounce.

"Good landing, folks," the captain announced. He had a deep voice that oozed confidence. Outside, a large scaffold approached and clamped on. It gently oriented the s.h.i.+p to a horizontal position.

The pa.s.sengers released their safety belts and most of them stood up. Sylvia and Freddy joined them as they made their way forward to the airlock. There was a prolonged hiss as the boarding tunnel made its connection and the air pressure equalized. As they emerged with the rest of the pa.s.sengers, Sylvia saw a man with a sign that said "MOON SALOON." She headed towards him, Freddy in tow.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Sylvia Foster, Miss Australia."

"Hi. I'm Mike Westerbrook. I'm here to collect you and bring you out to the saloon. You must be Freddy MacDougal."

Freddy nodded and shook the man's hand. "Hi."

"I hope you had a good flight."

"Oh, it's amazing," Sylvia said. "I never thought I'd get to come up here."

"It is quite something," said Mike. "Most of the girls are here already and they all are a bit in awe of the moon. Wait 'til you see the Moon Saloon. It's quite a place, and it's always full of men who appreciate a pretty lady."


eXtasy's Collective Mind "I can't wait," Sylvia said.

"Where will we stay?" Freddy asked, always the practical one."

"Oh," Mike said, "THE HOLIDAY INN - LUNA" is right next door to us. We have a tunnel connecting us, so you won't have to suit up. I have a pressurized Rover too, so you won't have to suit up for the ride out either. We offer excursions if you want to walk the surface, but you don't have to if you prefer comfort to adventure."

"Maybe later, if we win. Right now, we're focused on the compet.i.tion," Freddy said.

"Yeah," Mike said, "that's what most of the managers say.

There's good food at the restaurant, and the best booze on the moon at the saloon. I have a man collecting your luggage and he will bring it out later. Right now, let's get you out to see Mr.

Francisco. He's the boss. He owns the joint."

"Yeah," Freddy said, "I talked to him."

They soon found themselves bouncing across the Lunar surface in a ground transport buggy. It was a rough ride, but the lack of gravity ameliorated the bouncing around. The first view they got of their destination was a big neon sign as they crested the crater, in the middle of which was the Holiday Inn and the Saloon. The dark sky had a purplish tint to it behind the sign.

A door in the side of the domed building opened and the vehicle entered. The outside door of the airlock closed, air entered the chamber, and the inner door opened in front of them. The buggy rolled in. Only then were they allowed to unbuckle their safety harnesses and get up. A scantily clad, raven-haired woman greeted them as they stepped down from the door.

"Sylvia?" She embraced her and gave her a perfunctory kiss.

"Welcome to the moon. I'm Selene, your guide." What little she 191 Violet Visions wore looked like a purple outfit with a tall headdress. Actually, she had no real clothing, only a little body paint in a few strategic places. "And you must be Freddy." She turned and extended her hand for him to shake.

Selene ushered them down a long hallway and around a few corners to a small room without a window.

"We a.s.sume that you two don't mind sharing a room?"

"We'll be fine," Sylvia said.

"Good. We're quite crowded, and living s.p.a.ce is limited anyway. But, with the contest and all, things are really tight."

They looked around. Upper and lower bunks, a small desk with a computer built in, a shallow closet, some drawers built into the wall, and a door leading to a cramped bathroom...that was about it.

"Come on," Selene said. "I'll take you to see Mr. Francisco.

Oh, would you like to shed those clothes? Most of the girls wear nothing, other than their shoes. They're all trying to solicit support and pick up fans before the compet.i.tion begins."

Sylvia and Freddy exchanged a glance. He nodded.

"Just give me a minute."

She was nude in less than thirty seconds and Freddy hung her clothes in the closet. She felt incredibly s.e.xy like this. She always did. She noticed Freddy's c.o.c.k straining against the front of his pants.

Selene looked her up and down. "I'm not in the contest, I won two years ago and they offered me a job as a hostess. You look fit, and you have a spectacular figure, but all the girls do.

It's your performance that will do it for you if you win."

"I know," Sylvia said. "It's the same in Australia. Don't worry, I know how to wow them. It should be easier in this low gravity."

She caressed one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and rubbed her p.u.s.s.y. It was clean shaven but she detected a little stubble.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "It is, in a way, but you'll have to get used to it, or you'll just look clumsy. At least nothing sags-low gravity is a great figure enhancer, especially for some of the women with a little age on them."

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