Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 18

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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"Sure, as long as you're not pumping that big d.i.c.k of yours into my mouth from the top. I need to breathe, you know."

I felt his chuckle on my abdomen. "Have it your way." Pulling me onto the floor, he hovered over me. "Undress me the rest of the way and make it good."

Licking my lips, I looked at him and ran my hands up his chest to caress his already hard nipples. With one hand, I unb.u.t.toned each b.u.t.ton and placed my lips on him, kissing all the way up. Laving his neck with my tongue, he rewarded me with a sigh of satisfaction. Taking his mouth with mine, I kissed him long and deep, allowing my tongue to war with his as I caressed the inside of his mouth.

Pus.h.i.+ng one hand down his pants, I unb.u.t.toned and unzipped his tight jeans. He had a thing about clothes from the last century, particularly dark, tight jeans. He wore them with everything including ties and jackets. And I had to admit they sure did make a man's a.s.s look good. Pus.h.i.+ng the clothes out of the way, his huge d.i.c.k sprang to life under my tutelage, the large mushroom head turning a dark purple color.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Hey," he murmured. "You're supposed to be on the ground." He shoved me onto my side on the floor, his mouth still doing magic to my slit.

Not so gently, I took him into my mouth and rimmed the head of his p.e.n.i.s. I swear it grew by another two inches as I sucked on it. Using my hand, I pumped him while I mouthed him. His skin was some of the softest I had ever felt and that included a woman's. I don't know just what it is about a man's c.o.c.k but there's definitely something to be said when it's in a woman's mouth and right at that moment it felt good in mine. And I could tell that I got to him by his grunts and groans. Then there was the hip action as he pumped himself into me again and again.

"Enough," he said and pulled me until I was on my knees before him. Putting his large hand on the back of my neck, he shoved my head down to the carpet. "This ain't gonna be pretty.

I'm gonna make you come hard."

I didn't care. I wanted this man in me, and I wanted it now.

He slammed into me from behind, rubbing my inner G spot until I was a quivering mess. It felt so good, and all I could do was move against him, moaning my need.

"I want you to come so that I can ram my big c.o.c.k up your a.s.s while you're still in the throes of your o.r.g.a.s.m," he whispered leaning over me. Reaching his hand in front, he caressed my c.l.i.t as he shoved into me. Soon the pressure built in my body until my o.r.g.a.s.m burst from me like a newborn phoenix. Darren didn't give me more than a few seconds of total pleasure as my c.u.n.t gripped his c.o.c.k. Pulling out, he slathered my a.s.s with my own juices and pushed his way into my backside.

"That almost hurts," I murmured. To be honest I didn't know how it made me feel. Last time he had taken me this way, it hurt a lot but then I was practically dry. This time I still convulsed from my own o.r.g.a.s.m, slick with my own juices, and it felt good in 155 Violet Visions ways I'd never thought was possible.

"You are so tight," he breathed. "If you touch yourself while I'm in you, it'll make you feel better."

Touch myself? Sure I'd touched myself but never while I was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g someone else. It seemed almost unfaithful to the person I was with. Still, if it would help quell the trepidation that I felt from having his big c.o.c.k up my a.s.s, I was all for it. Rubbing my fingers around my already sensitive c.l.i.t, I could see he had a point as he eased himself in and out of me. All too soon, I again became a quivering ma.s.s of nerves as he pounded his big c.o.c.k within me. This time Darren came over the edge of the abyss with me as he jerked once, then twice, leaning over me and forcing me to the ground.

We lay there for what seemed to be a lifetime as he became a dead weight upon my body. Finally, he pulled himself to his knees as I turned to my side, and watched me. "I sure do wish I had more time. I would tie you up."

I tried not to react. I had seen some women he had tied up. I don't know if they didn't please him or if that were part of their game but I knew I didn't want any part of it. "I think you should really let me get to the doctor. I've got to get back to Diana."

Even though the experience was good, I felt even more ill than I had before. Something was definitely wrong and I needed to find out just what it was.

It took me another hour to get back to Diana and another two to get her up, cleaned, and to the doctor's. Now we sat in one of the inner rooms of the medical facilities. The nurse had just taken our finger sticks and scanned us for our vital signs. I felt surprised when both of us had come up having a fever and 156 eXtasy's Collective Mind elevated pressures. Still, the miracle of medicine was that they could tell everything about us with just those two harmless tests.

About fifteen minutes later an older man with white hair, wearing a lab coat, entered. He had a pinched face and I could tell that he wasn't happy at all. "How long have you two been feeling this way?"

I swallowed hard. This was not what I expected. I had thought he would just give us some drugs and he would send us on our way. "I just started getting sick last night. Diana here has been working on it for almost a week."

"You've been called haven't you?"

The stunned look on our faces must have said it all. "I-I- don't know what you're talking about," I stammered. How could this man know something both of us had kept hidden for years?

He sighed very heavily. "Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of at all. I just wish the government had decided to tell everyone...then they could..." he trailed off and just stared at us. "Have you both applied to go planet side?"

I nodded. "The week I arrived."

"Same with me," Diana said weekly. "What's wrong with us, doctor?"

He gazed at us with sympathetic eyes. "There is nothing wrong with you. Your mates have been calling you. You are one of the few chosen by the Araeleans to have a legitimate claim to go to the planet." He shook his head sadly. "Most people never come to the doctor when they feel this way. They just die a lonely death. They don't realize when they die, their Araelean counterpart dies also. They mate for life."

My eyes got big...mated for life? Was this man crazy? "How can we be mated to someone we've never met?"

"I don't know the mechanics of how it works but I do know that the call goes out to all the known worlds and only one 157 Violet Visions person answers that specific call."

"You mean that the call Diana's heard is something different than I've heard?" This was just too astonis.h.i.+ng to believe.

"More than likely. It's rare that two females or two males get a call from the same Araelean. They are very particular in their needs."

"Needs?" I questioned warily. "What do you mean needs?"

He smiled. "It's nothing bad or anything from what I'm told. I just work here. I've never been lucky enough to be called at all."

"What do you mean needs?" I ground out again.

"You have to be compatible. I don't know what happens if you aren't."

Sighing, I shook my head. "That really doesn't answer my question."

"I can't tell you any more than that. The Araeleans are the ones who will have to let you know exactly what to expect."

I licked my lips and looked at Diana's washed out face, then back at the doctor. "So, how does that help us in our current situation?"

He rubbed his chin. "I've notified the proper authorities that you've been chosen. They will be here within a matter of moments to get you. You'll go back to your home and pack whatever you need. The elite guard called Protectors will meet you here to take you planet side where you'll begin processing."

"That's it? It's that easy?" The look on my face must have been priceless because the one on Di's certainly was. "What about our jobs? Our boss isn't going to particularly like that we're going planet side."

"He doesn't have a choice. It's actually part of his contract to make sure anyone with symptoms like yours gets medical attention right away. He didn't prevent you from coming, did he?"

I tried to keep my cool as my mind wandered back to earlier 158 eXtasy's Collective Mind in the day. "I just told him this morning. We'd been keeping it from him."

"He never explained your rights or anything?"

"We belong to the dancing guild, sir," Diana explained. "They would prefer if they could keep us here."

"Well, it will be noted on their records. All guilds are supposed to be on the look out for those special humans who have been contacted by the Araelians."

I snorted. "Contacted? Is that what you call it? It was more like a compulsion. Something that I had to do. It also felt as if a little bit of me was dying each time I thought I would never go to the planet."

"I've heard all sorts of stories, Ms. Connor. Some people swore that someone talked to them and told them what to do."

He patted my hand gently. "I've never heard any complaints from people who have been called by the Araelians. From what I can tell, they are all extremely happy."

"If you say so." I sighed again, not sure if I was up for a big adventure, but realizing that mine and Di's life depended upon it.

Both of us jumped when there was a knock on the door.

"Doctor, the Araelians' Protector Force is here."

He got up slowly. "Well, ladies this is it. If there is anything else wrong with you medically, the Araelians will contact a human doctor if necessary. Good luck."

"Thank you." I looked at Di, who smiled at me weakly. "Are you ready for this?"

"I guess I'll have to be," she got up slowly from the chair and I rushed to her side.

I led her out to the lobby where six large men awaited us. All were in black leather and had long dread-locks. While I couldn't see their features, because each were hidden behind a veil-like mask, I could see their eyes and skin. Both looked to be different 159 Violet Visions shades of purple. I nudged Di a little and motioned with my head toward them.

"They're definitely Araelians," I murmured to her.

"Are the women-mates ill?" inquired one with a deep voice.

"We've been told that the illness will subside when we get planet side," I stated as calmly as I could.

"Ah...the umbai...I totally understand." The guard nearest us shook his head in agreement.

"The umbai?" I questioned.

Though I couldn't see his mouth, I saw the smile crinkle his eyes. "All will be made known when you get planet-side."

"I see," I answered and s.h.i.+fted Di's arm to fit more comfortably around my shoulder.

"Let me take her."

One of the guards came over and swiftly picked her up in his arms. I could tell that she was not much of a burden to this man.

Wow, finally a real man, I thought to myself and quickly pushed it away when one of the Protectors addressed me.

"Would you like me to carry you?"

I put up my hands. "No, no...I'm quite alright so far."

"I'll take your word for it. Should you stumble once, I will be carrying you."

"Alright." I just couldn't believe the fact these were the people of the planet. I had so many questions.

"We'll follow you to your home and then go to the other young woman's."

"We're roommates, so we just have to make one stop." I turned and quickly negotiated my way to our apartment about five blocks away. People parted the way the moment they saw the Protectors. It made me wonder what they knew that I didn't.

Thank goodness none of our neighbors were there to see us, as most of them had gone off to work for the night.


eXtasy's Collective Mind As I put my hand on the door to put in the key, one of the Protectors put his hand on mine. "Let me. I want to make sure everything is safe."

I was taken aback. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"There are those on Ja.n.u.s who don't want us to take mates from the human women." Turning the key, he pushed the door open, and another went inside to scope out our place. It was small and he was back in no time.

"It's clear," he stated. "Gather your things quickly. We need to be gone as soon as possible."

"I need to call our boss," I quickly stated.

"It's been taken care of. All we need you to do is to get your things so we can leave."

"Okay. Diana, you'll need to tell me what you want to bring.

Think about it and I'll get my stuff first." Rus.h.i.+ng into my room, I pulled the biggest bag from my closet. I hadn't brought much and most of it would fit into this bag. I pulled clothes from the closet and reminded myself to tell them that the costumes had to go back to the club. Opening the drawers of my desk, I just emptied them into the bag. There was no need to be neat as I would be unpacking shortly. Dragging the heavy thing to the living room, I turned to Diana. "What do you want to take?"

"Just my clothes from the drawers, everything in the closet belongs to the club. And the contents of my desk will be fine."

"Sure. Suitcase in the closet?" She gave me an affirmative nod and I turned to one of the Protectors. "I need someone to contact the club and let them know that there are costumes in the closet that need returning."

"We'll contact the club and have someone stay until they arrive. We'll also need your keys so they can be returned to the guild."

"No problem. Let me just finish with Di's room and we'll be 161 Violet Visions done." In the five years we had resided here, we had done little to make it a home. There were very few keepsakes anywhere except in our own rooms. I quickly packed her bag intent on questioning her one more time before we left. Once in the living room, I scanned it for any last minute items. There were a few pictures of us over the years that I gathered up.

"Are you sure that's all you want, Di?" I looked over at her in the Protector's arms. Receiving her affirmative nod, I turned and handed my keys to the Protector that seemed to be in charge. "I think that's it."

"Good. I've gotten word that there is a contingency of non-guilders that are on the way to try and stop us."

"Non-guilders?" I questioned. "I thought that you had to belong to a guild to live on Ja.n.u.s."

"Overall, that is true, but there are some that are awaiting deportation because they couldn't qualify for the guilds. They see the Araelians as the cause to all their problems. Many are here following the money and not here because they were called."

I frowned. "Ja.n.u.s is your moon, certainly you can govern the people who live here?"

He chuckled deeply. The sound sent s.h.i.+vers down my spine and settled into my crotch. I actually wanted to reach out and rip his clothes off his body. What the h.e.l.l was happening to me? I s.h.i.+vered and tried to bring my focus back to the present. "It doesn't work that way. The moon is actually under the jurisdiction of the Federated Planets. That was our price for reaching out into the universe for our mates."

"I see."

He squeezed my hand as he took the key. "Everything will be explained to you once you are planet side. You do realize that only those who are chosen can go to the planet?"

"I knew it was something like that. You mean that there are 162 eXtasy's Collective Mind no humans at all on the planet?"

"Only those who were invited. We allowed the Federated Planets to have Ja.n.u.s as long as they wouldn't interfere on the surface."

I went outside, flanked on all sides by Aurealians we began down the pa.s.sage. "Being a little cautious aren't you?"

"Mates are precious and can never be replaced," he answered and kept the pace steady.

We would have made it if the crowd hadn't been so thick. We had entered the shuttle docking station and were getting inside the elevator when all h.e.l.l broke loose. Hearing Diana scream, I tripped, and when I tried to crawl backwards under everyone's feet into the elevators, I was clipped by a laser, and went down with a thud, hitting my head. I cried out in pain as it was the most hurtful thing I had ever felt. The Protector who had been my shadow from the moment he picked us up at the doctor's, turned and fired one precision shot that hit my a.s.sailant. Grabbing my good arm, he pulled me inside and knelt next to me.

"It hurts like h.e.l.l," I managed to get out between clenched teeth. "How can they be so stupid? We're on a s.p.a.ce station for heaven's sake." I tried hard to keep the pain from my voice. "Is Diana alright?" I asked through the pain.

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