Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 10

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Reilly stepped forward, measuring his steps, delaying the inevitable. His throat was tight, his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s tighter. His chest touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her scent coiled into his nostrils-a heady perfume of musk and alien.

"Remove your s.h.i.+elding, Reilly." She lifted her gaze to his.

"You don't trust me?"

She curled her hand around his neck and drew his head down.

Reilly laughed.

"What...?" she demanded.

"Lady, you're under arrest." Reilly snapped the inhibitors over her wrists and stepped back.

She struggled against the laser confines. Reilly almost laughed at the futility of her struggles.

"I enjoy playing games, but I need to know the rules!"

"No game, sweetheart. Captain Reilly Estovan, s.p.a.ce patrol. At your service." He saluted.

"You're a justiciary?"


Violet Visions "Cop in the old Earth vernacular. Policeman."

"I have done nothing illegal."

"There's been too many s.h.i.+ps gone missing in this sector. No distress calls, no debris. You know what a lorelei is?"

She frowned at him. "No."

"A woman who lures wayward sailors to their doom. An ancient earth legend, alive and doing it well in the s.p.a.ce lanes it seems."

"I lure no one to their doom."


"No." She pouted. "Release me."

"When we get back to Earth."

"I'm not going to Earth."

"You're not in a position to argue, Lorelei." Reilly grasped her arm and dragged her across the floor.

It was then that the dome rocked with an explosion that flung them both to the hard floor. Reilly rolled and came to his feet, his pistol at the ready. He dragged Lorelei to him.

Sirens wailed.

"The dome is breached!" she cried.

The atmosphere sucked at them and Reilly struggled to remain upright. He brought her close, his suit would have to cover them both. He hoped it would cover them both, otherwise she'd be dead the moment they hit outside.

Emerging from the dome, Reilly took in the scene in a swift measuring-a cop's measuring-that had saved his life on more than one occasion.

Overhead the dark sleek shape of a cruiser dwarfed his tiny scout s.h.i.+p. Several smaller s.h.i.+ps were flying around the cruiser, darting around the cavern, depositing s.p.a.ce-suited figures onto the asteroid floor.

"Pirates!" Reilly said. "Friends of yours?"


eXtasy's Collective Mind "I hate pirates."

"You and me both. C'mon! We might just make it to my s.h.i.+p."

"I can't breathe."

Reilly pulled her closer. "My suit'll do us both, but stay close."

They ran, dodging laser fire, and Reilly flung her forward into the scout, slamming the hatch behind him. He raced to the console. Thank the stars that he'd left the engines on idle, otherwise he'd be dead by the time the drive activated.

He slammed the s.h.i.+p into overdrive and the engines whined, the scout careening forward. He struggled for control, dodging the interceptors, the laser beams, twisting and turning the s.h.i.+p.

"Eat my neutrons!" Reilly said into the rear display unit, seeing the pirate s.h.i.+ps in pursuit.

The scout s.h.i.+p, like an arrow, flew straight upwards, the engines screaming until he left the asteroid behind. He aimed the s.h.i.+p into the open cargo hold of his cruiser, de-activated the s.h.i.+elding to let him through, and as he pa.s.sed into the hold, the screens snapped shut, followed by the metal door.

He was home, but not yet safe.

He lifted Lorelei to her feet and dragging her, ran across the hold into the flight deck. He dropped her inside the flight room and flung himself to the hyperdrive console.

As he hit the drive, the s.h.i.+p coalesced into a rainbow, then became solid again as the deflectors activated.

He breathed out heavily and closed his eyes.

Man that had been close. He didn't like to turn tail and run, but he liked better odds in a fight than twenty to one. Speaking of one ...

He turned in his seat and glared at her. She sat where he had left her, her head on her knees-she was s.h.i.+vering.

"Are you hurt?" he demanded.


Violet Visions He heard a m.u.f.fled sob.

"I'll take that as a no. Lady, your friends are left behind."

"Not my friends," she said. "No!" she drew back as he went to come closer. "Don't look at me."

"Honey, I've seen all there is of you, it's not the time to get shy."

He lifted her by the arm and stared, felt his mouth drop open.

Lorelei was no longer purple, no longer the siren. No longer beautiful.

"You were a glamour?" he said, studying her pale face, hazel eyes, brown hair. "I like you better this way."

She wrenched her arm back, her eyes flas.h.i.+ng, her mouth set in a determined line. "Do you know what you've done?"

"Saved both our hides from pirate slavers, probably."

"Slavery is just a state of mind," she retorted.

"Don't you believe it," he snapped. "I've seen slave s.h.i.+ps.

Believe me, you'd rather be dead."

"I am your prisoner."

"Yep, until I hand you over to the legals."

"Let me go."

"Can't. You're what I was sent to find. The days of luring s.h.i.+ps to their doom are over."

"I hurt no one. I offered and gave only what was wanted, desired. Where is the harm in that?" She paused, her gaze searching his face. "You say s.h.i.+ps have gone missing?"

"Twenty-five to be exact."

She shook her head. "I enticed six... You have to believe me."

"Believe you? Honey, everything about you is a lie." He folded his arms and studied her. Her gaze didn't flinch. She was either a very good actress, or she was telling the truth. Maybe both.

Maybe neither.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Well, it's possible the pirates heard my beacon, and after I'd finished with the crew, they intercepted and destroyed. Have you considered that?"

"A symbiotic relations.h.i.+p, with you as the unwitting partner?"

he snorted. "Honey, I'll let the courts sort out the mess." He shrugged. "Are you so hot for s.e.x, that you'd lure every pa.s.sing s.h.i.+p for a f.u.c.k?"

Her hand arced and caught him across the cheek.

Reilly put his fingers to his stinging face.

"The restraints have gone!" she said, stepping back.

"You like to be restrained, huh?" he demanded grimly. "So where are you going to run? Promise to be a good girl and you can stay free. Misbehave and I'll put you to sleep for the trip."

"No!" Real fear crept into her eyes. "That'd kill me."

"Hyper sleep never killed anyone."

"It does my kind."

He studied her from head to heels and to his amus.e.m.e.nt, she half turned from him, s.h.i.+elding her nakedness with hair and hands.

"Come with me," he said.

"No, I don't trust you."

He laughed. "You can trust a cop, Lorelei."

"I prefer the other name you gave me. Carmen."

He laughed at that. "Carmen it is. Come here." He took her by the arm and led her to his cabin. The moment she saw his cot, she reared back.


"C'mon, no need to be shy. This is what you do isn't it?

f.u.c.king s.p.a.cers in their cabins?"

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