The Cook's Decameron Part 22

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Take off the outside leaves of half a pound of Brussels sprouts, wash and boil them in salted water. Let them get cool, drain, and put them in a pie-dish with two ounces of fresh b.u.t.ter, a quarter pint of very good stock, a little pepper, and a dust of grated Parmesan. When they are well glazed over, pour off the sauce, season with three tablespoonsful of boiling Bechamel sauce (No. 3), and serve with croutons fried in b.u.t.ter.

No. 156. Barbabietola alla Parmigiana (Beetroot)

Ingredients: Beetroot, white sauce, Parmesan, Cheddar.

Boil a beetroot till it is quite tender, peel it, cut into slices, put it in a fireproof dish, and cover it with a thick white sauce. Strew a little grated Parmesan and Cheddar over it. Put it in the oven for a few minutes, and serve very hot in the dish.

No. 157. Fave alla Savoiarda (Beans)

Ingredients: Beans, stock, a bunch of herbs, Bechamel sauce.

Boil one pound of broad beans in salt and water, skin and cook them in a saucepan with a quarter pint of reduced stock and a hunch of herbs.

Drain them, take out the herbs, and season with two of Bechamel sauce (No. 3).

No. 158. Verze alla Capuccina (Cabbage)

Ingredients: Cabbage or greens, anchovies, salt, b.u.t.ter, parsley, gravy, Parmesan.

Boil two cabbages in a good deal of water, and cut them into quarters.

Fry two anchovies slightly in b.u.t.ter and chopped parsley, add the cabbages, and at the last three tablespoonsful of good gravy, two tablespoonsful of grated Parmesan, salt and pepper, and when cooked, serve.

No. 159. Cavoli fiodi alla Lionese (Cauliflower)

Ingredients: Cauliflower, b.u.t.ter, onions, parsley, lemon, Espagnole sauce.

Blanch a cauliflower and boil it, but not too much. Cut up a small onion, fry it slightly in b.u.t.ter and chopped parsley, and when it is well coloured, add the cauliflower and finish cooking it, then take it out, put it in a dish, pour a good Espagnole sauce (No. 1) over it, and add a squeeze of lemon juice.

No. 160. Cavoli fiodi fritti (Cauliflower)

Ingredients: Cauliflower or broccoli, gravy, lemon, salt, eggs, b.u.t.ter.

Break up a broccoli or cauliflower into little bunches, blanch them, and put them on the fire in a saucepan with good gravy for a few minutes, then marinate them with lemon juice and salt, let them get cold, egg them over, and fry in b.u.t.ter.

No. 161. Cauliflower alla Parmigiana

Ingredients: Cauliflower, b.u.t.ter, Parmesan, Cheddar, Espagnole, stock.

Boil a cauliflower in salted water, then sautez it in b.u.t.ter, but be careful not to cook it too much. Take it off the fire and strew grated Parmesan and Cheddar over it then put in a fireproof dish and add a good spoonful of stock and one of Espagnole (No. 1), and put it in the oven for ten minutes.

No. 162. Cavoli Fiori Ripieni

Ingredients: Cauliflower, b.u.t.ter, stock, forcemeat of fowl, tongue, truffles, mushrooms, parsley, Espagnole, eggs.

Break up a cauliflower into separate little bunches, blanch them, and put them in b.u.t.ter, and a quarter pint of reduced stock. Make a forcemeat of fowl, add bits of tongue, truffles, mushrooms, and parsley, all cut up small and mixed with b.u.t.ter. With this mask the pieces of cauliflower, egg and breadcrumb them, fry like croquettes, and serve with a good Espagnole sauce (No. 1).

No. 163. Sedani alla Parmigiana (Celery)

Ingredients: Celery, stock, ham, salt, pepper, Cheddar, Parmesan, b.u.t.ter, gravy.

Cut all the green off a head of celery, trim the rest. Cut it into pieces about four inches long, blanch and braize them in good stock, ham, salt, and pepper. When cooked, drain and arrange them on a dish, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and Cheddar, and add one and a half ounce of b.u.t.ter, then put them in the oven till they have taken a good colour, pour a little good gravy over them and serve.

No. 164. Sedani fritti all'Italiana (Celery)

Ingredients: Same as No. 163, eggs, bread crumbs, tomatoes.

Prepare a head of celery as above, and cut it up into equal pieces.

Blanch and braize as above, and when cold egg and breadcrumb and sautez in b.u.t.ter. Serve with tomato sauce.

No. 165. Cetriuoli alla Parmigiana (Cuc.u.mber)

Ingredients: Cuc.u.mber, b.u.t.ter, cheese, gravy, salt, cayenne.

Cut a cuc.u.mber into slices about half an inch thick, boil for five minutes in salted water, drain in a sieve, and fry slightly in melted b.u.t.ter, then strew a little grated Parmesan over it, and add a good thick gravy, put it into the oven for ten minutes to brown, and serve as hot as possible.

No. 166. Cetriuoli alla Borghese (Cuc.u.mber)

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