A Love For All Nights Part 1

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A Love for All Nights.

by Jessica Coulter Smith.

Chapter One.

The blood flowed like honey, thick and sweet, as it slid down Carson's throat. When he had first been changed, he had abhorred the idea of drinking blood from someone. Now it was second nature, a necessity, one which he enjoyed. Pulling his fangs from the woman's neck, he licked her wounds, closing them. She was a pretty morsel, blonde haired and blue eyed, like a little china doll. He couldn't remember her name, only that she had been all too willing to follow him. Had she realized that he had something other than a night of pa.s.sionate, sweaty s.e.x in mind, she would have run the other way. Thankfully, vampires were still just a thing of legend, of nightmares and horror movies.

As Carson sent the woman on her way, with the thought that she hadn't left the bar with him, had simply gone for a walk by herself, he turned and headed down the street. It was almost Halloween. The shops were filled with costumes, candy, and decorations. If only the stupid humans realized that a good portion of what they pretended to be one night out of the year truly existed, things would certainly change. No longer would people idolize werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and demons. No, instead they would run from them, just as his victim's would run if he didn't have the power to plant suggestions in their spongelike minds.

Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, he strolled down the streets, cloaked in fog and darkness. His blond hair shone brightly under the street lamps, his pale features like a beacon in the night.

His blue eyes scanned the darkness. Having fed, he needn't search for prey any longer, but he did need to be certain he didn't become become prey. While the humans typically let vampires remain in the world of makebelieve, there were a select few who knew of their existence... the hunters. Carson hadn't seen a hunter in a decade or more, but he knew they were still out there, still hunting, trying to rid the earth of monsters like him; except he didn't feel like a monster. Yet, he didn't exactly feel like a man anymore either. He wasn't quite certain what category he fit into these days. prey. While the humans typically let vampires remain in the world of makebelieve, there were a select few who knew of their existence... the hunters. Carson hadn't seen a hunter in a decade or more, but he knew they were still out there, still hunting, trying to rid the earth of monsters like him; except he didn't feel like a monster. Yet, he didn't exactly feel like a man anymore either. He wasn't quite certain what category he fit into these days.

Carson has been turned when he was thirty years old. The year had been 1940 and it had been a cold December night. During 1940, Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind had debuted in theaters; the Pennsylvania had debuted in theaters; the Pennsylvania 3.Turnpike had opened * the first of its kind; John Steinbeck had been awarded a Pulitzer for The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath; and the first social security checks had been mailed in January of that year. All in all, it had been a year of change, especially after surviving the Great Depression in the 1930's, but nothing compared to the changes that had occurred since that time. Things today were so much faster, brighter, and harder. s.e.x was sold on every corner, not literally well, sometimes it was literal, but s.e.x was openly displayed on television, in movies, on the radio, on t*s.h.i.+rts... it was all around him.

Lost in another time, Carson almost didn't see the young woman walking toward him. At the last minute, he was able to avoid a head-on collision. She was as lost in her own thoughts as he had been in his. He breathed in her scent and his eyes widened in shock and recognition. She was his. His perfect match. His salvation.


Chapter Two.

Every vampire had a destined mate, a woman or man who was selected to be with them for the centuries to come. This woman, this delectable morsel, was his. After being a vampire for over sixty years, he had ceased searching for his mate. To say he was surprised to literally run into her now of all times would be an understatement.

Startled, she looked up. Alexa was momentarily stunned as she stared at the tall blond G.o.d before her. Sure, he was a little on the pale side, but he had the bluest eyes, a strong nose, chiseled jaw, and lips that looked like they were meant for kissing. She could almost feel the pressure of them against her own; wondered what his hands would feel like drifting over her skin. Her skin flushed and heat spiraled through her as she stared into his eyes, lost in a dreamlike state, mesmerized by the mere sight of him.

She shook the thoughts loose from her head; obviously it had been way too long since she'd been with a man. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," she mumbled, unable to completely find her tongue; hot guys had a tendency to do that to her.

He smiled, showing even white teeth, "Quite alright. I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention either. It seems to be a good night for daydreaming; or maybe I should say night*dreaming."

She laughed. "Yes, I suppose it is. It's a beautiful, quiet evening."

He nodded. "Indeed." He frowned and looked around. "It isn't very conducive to females walking alone though. Would you like an escort?"

Alexa blushed. She knew she shouldn't allow the stranger to walk with her, but she felt compelled to be near him a little longer. He was intriguing and she felt drawn to him, as if some unforeseeable force was pulling her closer to his side. "That would be nice."

He offered her his arm, as a true gentleman would. Once she had placed her small, thin fingers on his s.h.i.+rtsleeve, they started walking.

Just the slight pressure of her hand on his sleeve was enough to drive him mad. Ever since the first whiff of her scent had a.s.sailed him, he had wanted to lose himself in her; make long pa.s.sionate love to her and bury his fangs in her neck claiming her as his own.

"So where is it that you're going?" Carson asked, trying to get his thoughts under control.

5."Home; I had to work late. Usually I'm home by dark, but I got caught up in a project today," she answered.

"What type of work do you do?"

She smiled, "I'm an ill.u.s.trator for children's books. I can work from home, but a friend of mine lets me use an empty office."

"So that you're able to keep work and home separate?" he asked.

"Exactly! Most people don't get that. They think I'm lucky to be able to work from home, but then my home becomes a prison instead of a comfort zone," she answered. "Besides, Zach doesn't mind me taking up some of his office s.p.a.ce."

Carson bit down on a burst of jealousy. Who was this Zach person to her? Was he just a friend or more along the lines of a boyfriend?

Why would the fates drop his life mate in front of him if she was already involved with someone?

"So you and Zach have been friends for a while then?" he asked, fis.h.i.+ng for information.

"Oh yes. We grew up together," she responded.

Carson clenched his teeth. The woman was driving him mad!

Couldn't she divulge just a little more information? Was he going to have to just ask her outright if she was seeing the guy? He had noticed she didn't wear a ring so at least she wasn't married or engaged.

"What do you do for a living?" Alexa asked her handsome stranger.

"At the moment, I don't work. I invested my money well; I work when I get bored, but have been enjoying a life of leisure and travel the past few years," he answered.

"I'd love to travel," she said wistfully.

"Why don't you?"

She shrugged. "My job pays the bills, but there isn't enough left over for travelling. I've only been an ill.u.s.trator for a year; it takes time to make a name for yourself and get the higher priced projects."

"So when you are able to travel, where do you plan on going?"

Alexa didn't have to think for a moment. She already had everything planned out in her mind. "Ireland, Scotland, and Denmark; I've read tons of travel books and those three places have always stood out as places of interest for me."

6."Ireland and Scotland are both beautiful, with wild countryside and even wilder cities. I haven't been to Denmark, but I've heard its lovely," he responded.

"You're lucky," she said with a smile.

"Yes, I guess I am," he agreed softly, thinking more of the woman beside him than the places he'd been.

They walked in silence for another block when the woman stopped in front of an iron door.

"This is my stop."

Carson looked up at the three*story apartment building, designed with one floor per apartment. He'd pa.s.sed the building so many times since moving to this city. How had he never seen her before now? How could she have been under his nose this whole time?

"We never exchanged names. I'm Carson," he said, hoping to prolong their time together.

"I'm Alexa," she responded with a smile.

"Alexa, would it be too presumptuous of me to ask to see you again?"

A blush stole across her cheeks, making them a becoming pink. If he hadn't already fed, the blood would have drawn him in like bees to honey.

"I'd like that," she finally murmured.

"There's an evening celebration in the square evening.

Would you like to go?"

She nodded. "I'd love to go."

"I'll pick you up here at seven o'clock," Carson responded with a smile.

"It's a date," she said, another blush staining her cheeks.

Carson inclined his head, watching her enter the building. He smiled when she gave him one last wave from the bottom of the stairs. Turning, he stepped back out into the foggy night, sticking close to the shadows, blending with them like the creature of the night he was.

After centuries of waiting, he'd found her. His heart sung, his step was lighter than it had been in years. A grin clung to his lips, a smile in his eyes. Only a few nights until he could be with her again. Only a few nights until he could claim her.


Chapter Three. arrived quick and silent. The day had been gray with overcast skies. Alexa stared out of her apartment window, willing the night to hurry along. She still had an hour before she would see Carson again.

She'd laid out her clothes earlier in the day. It was Halloween night. Alexa had always gone as a witch or fairy before. Tonight she had wanted something special. Tonight she was going as a Greek G.o.ddess; the G.o.ddess of love, Aphrodite.

Noting the time, she decided to get ready for her date. With one last glance out the window, Alexa walked into her bedroom. Her beautiful white gown and golden sandals were laid out. Trailing her hands over the soft material, she made her way into her small bathroom.

Alexa turned on the shower. Testing the water temperature, she undressed and climbed in, letting the warm water run down her body. She ma.s.saged her scalp as she lathered with her natural herb shampoo. Letting the water rinse the suds from her hair, she reached for her cream conditioner. Applying a liberal amount to her long blonde hair, she piled it loosely on top of her head. While the condition set for a few minutes, she lathered her body in soap made from rosemary, sage, and spearmint. Rinsing from head to toe, she turned off the water.

Toweling herself dry, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

She had a healthy glow from spending time outside over the summer. Her blonde hair hung in waves down past her shoulders.

Her eyes were neither blue nor green, but a combination of the two, giving them an almost aqua hue. Everyone commented on the unusual color of her eyes.

She hung up her towel and slathered on some moisturizer.

Applying a small amount of make*up, she smiled at her reflection.

She'd let her hair dry naturally so it would be bouncy and full.

Alexa walked into her bedroom and pulled on her dress. Deciding to be as authentic as possible, she wore it without panties or a bra.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were exactly tiny, but they weren't large either. She was happy being a B cup.

Slipping on her sandals, she scurried out of her bedroom.

Das.h.i.+ng to the window, she looked out at the night. Dark had fallen 8.while she was getting ready and stars lit up the night sky. A glance at the sidewalk showed that Carson was waiting for her. She looked at the clock, hoping she hadn't kept him waiting, but noticed she still had fifteen minutes. She smiled when she realized he was early. It seemed he was as anxious about their date as she was.

Grabbing her small gold purse, she picked up her keys and hurried out the door. Locking up, she put her keys in her purse and descended the stairs, hoping she didn't appear as eager as she felt.

Opening the iron door to her building, she smiled at Carson.

"Hi," she said softly.

His eyes raked over her costume, taking in every lovely inch of her. "Hi yourself," he said, his voice sounding husky from desire.

"So what are you for Halloween?" she asked, her eyes taking in his black dress s.h.i.+rt and slacks.

He smiled, allowing his fangs to show. "I'm a vampire."

Alexa smiled. "Very authentic. I'm the G.o.ddess of love."

"I could tell," he murmured, offering her his arm.

They walked through the streets together toward their destination. When they arrived at the outskirts of the festival, they could hear the haunting strains of creepy Halloween music.

Following the throngs of people, they entered the square.

"There's so much to see," Alexa said in surprise.

Carson nodded. "Is there anything you'd like to see first?"

She shook her head. "I want to see everything."

He chuckled. "Then everything it shall be. Let's try this way first,"

he said, tugging her to the right.

They meandered between booths checking out the local artists'

wares. On the far end of the town square were a costume contest and a few games of chance.

"Do you see anything you like?" he asked.

Alexa's eyes crinkled as she smiled. "Too much. Who knew we had so many talented people in our fair city?"

"Indeed," he said with a smile. "It seems they have outdone themselves for this particular event."

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