A Virginia Village Part 14

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VIRGINIA STATE AUDUBON SOCIETY. The Virginia State Audubon Society was organized at Falls Church, September 29, 1903. The objects of the society are to protect our native birds, to discourage the buying and wearing for ornamental purposes of the feathers of all birds other than the ostrich and domesticated fowls, and to promote a popular interest in bird study. The present officers are: President, John B. Henderson; 1st Vice President, Wm. C. Pennywitt; 2nd Vice President, Nathan Banks, and Secretary-Treasurer, E. C. Hough. Regular members pay $1.00 a year as dues. Children under 16 pay no dues but sign pledge cards agreeing not to harm birds or their eggs. The society has had printed for free distribution a digest of the recent game law.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Oakwood Cemetery]


F., was organized October 24, 1890, and has a members.h.i.+p of seventy-four. The lodge owns its hall, a large brick structure, located near the corner of Broad and Little Falls streets, in the center of the town. The building which was erected in 1891 contains a handsome lodge room on the second floor and a s.p.a.cious public room on the first floor.

The order makes a specialty of giving attention to its members during sickness and pays funeral expenses on death. The lodge numbers among its members some of the most influential citizens of the town. Its present officers are as follows: John D. Payne, N. G.; T. O. Marr, V. G.; J. H.

Garretson, Sec'y; J. H. Brunner, F. S.; George W. Hawxhurst, Treasurer; Rev. W. H. Wolffe, Chaplain; Dr. Geo. B. Fadeley, R. S. to N. G.; Thomas Hillier, L. S. to N. G.; Geo. A. Brunner, S. P. G.; W. H. Nowlan, R. S.

to V. G.; C. F. Newman, L. S. to V. G.; Ray Marcey, O. G.; Walter Marcey, I. G.; W. Maben, Warden; Webster Donaldson, R. S. S.; Chauncey Seay, L. S. S.; T. S. Luckett, Conductor.

R. E. LEE CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY. This chapter was organized in June, 1898. Its object is to a.s.sist needy widows and orphans of Confederate soldiers. The chapter has 43 members, the officers for the present term being as follows: President, Mrs. G. J.

Head; Vice President, Mrs. George G. Bolling; Secretary, Mrs. A. H.

Barbor; Treasurer, Miss Nellie Green; Historian, Mrs. Jonas Unverzagt; Registrar, Miss Georgia Head.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. H. N. Ryer]

FALLS CHURCH LIBRARY. The Falls Church Library, organized 1899, is conducted by the Library a.s.sociation under the supervision of a Board of Control. The library building is located on Columbia street near Was.h.i.+ngton street.

Officers: Pickering Dodge, President; Wm. A. Ball, Secretary; Librarian, Geo. W. Hawxhurst.

PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA. Was.h.i.+ngton Camp No. 1, organized in 1902. Officers: C. C. Walters, Past President; H. H. Moreland, President; Lester Brunner, Vice President; G. W. Moreland, M. of F.; M.

M. Erwin, R. S.; E. L. Payne, F. S.; B. F. Elliott, Conductor; Upton Galisher, Inspector; W. H. Erwin, Guard; J. H. Brunner, Chaplain; Trustees, A. H. Barbor, C. C. Walters and J. H. Brunner.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Dr. M. E. Church.]

Mr. M. E. Church is a native of the State of Vermont, but has been a resident of Virginia for nearly twenty-five years, and of Falls Church for the past eighteen years, during which period he has been closely identified with every public movement. He it was who first established telephonic communication between Falls Church and Was.h.i.+ngton City over sixteen years ago, and from a small beginning has built up an extensive telephone system extending over Fairfax and Alexandria Counties and reaching to Bluemont in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The company operating this system is incorporated under the name of the Falls Church Telephone and Telegraph Company, and Mr. Church is the chief stock-holder, President and General Manager. Exchanges are operated at Falls Church and Rosslyn.

Mr. Church has brought to his adopted home a large share of the energy and sterling business qualities for which his native state is noted.

This has been manifest from the moment he set foot on the soil of his adopted state. He first engaged in the drug business in Falls Church which he successfully conducted for over twelve years, during which period he trained several young men who have since been conducting a successful business of their own. The esteem in which he was held by his fellow-pharmacists in the state was evidenced by his unanimous election to the office of President of the State Pharmaceutical a.s.sociation, a position which he filled with great credit, as well as many other positions of trust and responsibility. He still remains an active and esteemed member of that a.s.sociation.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss B. C. Merrifield]

About fifteen years ago he entered into the real estate, loan and insurance business, and notwithstanding his lack of previous training or experience, has been eminently successful along that line, and to him more than any other one man, is due the growth and development of our beautiful little village, as he has been untiring in his efforts to locate here in homes of their own a desirable cla.s.s of moral and intellectual citizens. One of his first ventures along this line was the organization of the Falls Church Improvement Company, of which he was general manager and a large stock-holder. His a.s.sociates in this company were: Hon. Schyler Duryee, then Chief Clerk of the U. S. Patent Office; Judge A. A. Freeman, now of New Mexico, and others. This company successfully developed the "Sherwood Sub-Division," one of the first sub-divisions put on the market in Fairfax County.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. R. C. L. Moncure]

In the loan business Mr. Church has been particularly successful, by his conservative investments and faithful fidelity to the interests of his clients, both investors and borrowers have learned to place implicit confidence in his judgment and integrity and as a result, he has been able to bring together those who wish to borrow money with which to buy or build a home, and those who wish to invest funds, thereby enabling the worthy home-seeker to own his own home, making of him not only a prominent but more interested and desirable citizen.

While not an Attorney at Law Mr. Church's experience and familiarity with the real estate law, t.i.tles and values of land in Fairfax and Alexandria Counties have made his services and opinions much sought after as an expert in such matters, both by the courts and private parties. Persons seeking homes or investments in the suburbs of Was.h.i.+ngton will do well to consult him, as his judgment can be relied upon in real estate matters, and his integrity is unquestioned.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. Geo. M. Newell]

In the development of Falls Church Mr. Church has been indefatigable, and has been personally identified with every progressive movement. In addition to his drug-store, real estate and telephone business, he has been largely interested in procuring better transportation facilities in the way of electric railroads; he has built many houses in the town and organized several companies for the purpose of developing the trade and industries of this section. He is at present engaged in organizing an electric light company for the purpose of furnis.h.i.+ng light and power to Falls Church and the country intervening between that and Was.h.i.+ngton; he has great faith in the future of the town and is not afraid to invest his money in home enterprises.




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[Ill.u.s.tration: Mr. H. C. Birge]

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