The Land of Midian (Revisited) Volume II Part 13

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Commanding Expedition.

Appendix III.


Voltera Bros., of the Ezbekiyyah, Cairo.

s. d.

95 okes potatoes, at 5d. 1 19 7 670 okes best rice, at 8 1/2d. 23 14 7 152 okes sugar, at 11 1/2d. per kilog. 8 19 6 1/2 60 okes ground coffee, at 4s. 6d. 13 10 0 120 tins milk, at 14s. 7 0 0 120 bottles pickles 6 0 0 15 tins b.u.t.ter (of 1 lb.), at 2s. 6d. 1 17 6 60 okes oil, at 2s. 6d. 7 10 0 6 heads English cheese (60 1/4 lbs.) at 1s. 5d. 4 10 4 1/2 160 okes dried French beans, at 10d. 6 13 4 60 okes maccaroni and paste 3 0 0 54 okes onions, at 7d. 1 11 6 10 okes garlic, at 10d. 0 8 4 50 packets candles 2 10 0 5 okes cavendish tobacco, at 12s. 3 0 0 6 okes tobacco (Turkish), at 24s. 7 4 0 120 bottles soda-water, at 8d. per dozen 4 0 0 20 bottles syrups, at 2s. 2 0 0 50 bottles vinegar 2 10 0 10 dozen beer, at 11s. 5 10 0 15 bars soap, at 1s. 6d. 1 2 6 20 pots mustard, at 1s. 6d. 1 10 0 6 bottles curry, at 1s. 6d. 0 9 0 20 lbs. table raisins 0 16 0 10 large bottles pepper, at 2s. 1 0 0 _________________ 118 6 3

10 small packets salt, at 1s. 0 10 0 5 large packets salt at 1s. 6d. 0 7 6 6 bottles sauces, at s. 12d. 0 7 0 12 bottles lime-juice, at 2s. 6d. 1 10 0 12 umbrellas, at 4s. 2 8 0 12 bottles blacking, at 1s.

(for tracing inscriptions) 0 12 0 6 lanterns, at 1s. 6d. 0 9 0 12 large tins sardines, at 1s. 6d. 0 18 0 2 corkscrews, at 1s. 3d. 0 2 6 2 opening knives 0 2 0 101 1/4 okes of biscuits, at 1s. 5 1 3 1 case Mumm's champagne 4 5 0 1 case cognac, XX 2 8 0 1 case whisky 1 16 0 1 tin plum-pudding 0 2 6 10 packets matches, at 1s. 2d. 0 11 8 8 barrels flour, at L3 24 0 0 4 okes Curani (Kora'ni) tobacco, at 16s. 3 4 0 30 lbs. tea, at 4s. 6 0 0 24 tins green peas, at 1s. 1 4 0 18 tins haricots verts, at 1s. 0 18 0 18 tins haricots flageolets, at 1s. 0 18 0 18 tins champignons, at 1s. 2d. 1 1 0 18 tins macedoine, at 1s. 0 18 0 8 tins carrots, at 1s. 0 8 0 16 tins asparagus (large), at 3s. 2 8 0 53 1/2 lbs. ham, at 1s. 6d. 4 0 3 100 bottles 'Raki, at 2s. 10 0 0 100 tins meats, at 1s. 6d. 7 10 0 4 dozen pints beer, at 8s. 1 12 0 7 empty tins for coffee, at 1s. 6d. 0 10 6 17 empty bags 0 14 2 4 okes packing rope, at 2s. 0 8 0 1/4 okes isingla.s.s 0 3 0 2 bottles spices 0 2 0 10 nutmegs 0 1 0 _________________ 205 16 7

s. d.

1 packet starch 0 3 0 1 oke twine 0 2 6 2 okes nails, at 10d. 0 1 8 1 box cigarette papers 0 8 0 Kitchen utensils 0 13 6 Empty bags 0 2 0 Packing 2 10 0 _________________ Total 209 17 3 _________________

Additional Supplies.

s. d.

50 bottles 'Raki, at 2s. 5 0 0 95 okes potatoes, at 5d. 1 19 7 16 lbs. tea, at 4s. 3 4 0 50 tins preserved meats, at 1s. 6d. 3 15 0 20 tins green peas, at 1s. 1 0 0 12 tins haricots verts, at 1s. 0 12 0 12 tins champignon, at 1s. 2d. 0 14 0 6 tins first size asparagus, at 4s. 1 4 0 10 tins b.u.t.ter (1 lb.), at 2s. 8d 1 6 8 36 lbs. English cheese, at 1s. 6d. 2 14 0 60 okes maccaroni 3 0 0 126 okes onions, at 7d. 3 13 6 20 packets candles 1 0 0 50 boxes matches, at 1s. 2d. doz. 0 5 0 5 bars soap, at 1s. 6d. 0 7 6 12 bottles sauces, at 1s. 2d. 0 14 0 6 large bottles pepper, at 2s. 0 12 0 10 small packets salt, at 1s. 0 10 0 5 bottles lime-juice, at 2s. 6d. 0 12 6 108 okes hard biscuits, at 1s. 5 8 0 2 1/2 okes snuff 2 10 0 16 lbs. ginger-root, at 1s. 6d. 1 4 0 2 doz. whisky, at 36s. 3 12 0 2 doz. Martel's cognac 4 4 0 6 bottles absinthe, 2s. 6d. 0 15 0 _________________ 49 16 9

5 bottles Oxley's essence of ginger, at 4s. 1 0 0 5 bottles pyretic saline, at 3s. 6d. 0 17 6 3 boxes seidlitz powders, at 2s. 0 6 0 1 bottle aconite 0 2 6 4 iron tea and coffee kettles 1 14 0 2 empty tins for tea 0 3 0 Packing 1 10 0 Carts, 2s.; railway fare, 82s. 4 4 0 _________________ Total 59 13 9




PROFESSOR D. OLIVER'S LIST OF DRIED PLANTS presented by Captain Burton to the Herbarium, Royal Gardens, Kew, September, 1878.

Numan North Middle South Isle. Midian. Midian. Midian.

Anastatica hierochuntina, L.

Kaff maryam ................ - I - - Morettia parviflora, Boiss.

Eaten by cattle. Thagar; Gaf'aa ..................... - - I I Matthiola oxyceras, DC.

forma gracilis. Animals eat. Haza; Muhawwil ..... - - I - Malcolmia aegyptiaca, Spr.

Animals eat. Tarbeh ...... - I - - Zilla myagroides, F. Silla.

Camels eat. ............... - I - - Biscutella Columnae, Ten .... - - I - Diplotaxis Harra? Harrah.

Eaten by cattle. .......... - - I - Diplotaxis acris, Boiss.

(Moricandia cra.s.sifolia, Gay) ...................... - I - - Sisymbrium erysimoides, Desf.

Salih. Eaten by camels and sheep ................. - I I I Fa.r.s.etia Burtonae, Oliv.

sp. nov. Ghurayra ........ - I I - Schimpera arabica, H. and St. ....................... - I - - Enarthrocarpus lyratus, F., vel E. strangulatus, Boiss ..................... - I - - Capparis Sodada, Br. (Sodada decidua, Forsk.). Tanzub.

Red berries eaten. ........ - - - I Cleome chrysantha, Dcne.

Mashteh. Pounded and drank for worms, etc. ..... - - - I Cleome arabica, L. 'Ubaysd.

Eaten by animals. ......... - - - I Papaver Decaisnei, H. and St. - - I - Ochradenus baccatus, Del.

Gurzi. A large tree; eaten by cattle ........... - I - I Reseda (Caylusea) canescens, L. Zanaban. Eaten by cattle .................... - I I - Reseda, an R. stenostachya(?), Boiss. Khizam. Eaten by animals ................... - I - - Helianthemum Lippii, Pers.

Kazim. Cattle eat. ........ - - I - Silene villosa, Forsk.

'Abaysa. Too much coated with sand to serve as food for animals .......... - I - - Gypsophila Rokejeka, Del. ... - - I - Polycarpaea fragilis, Del.

Makr ...................... I - - - Portulaca oleracea, L. ...... - - - I Hibiscus micranthus, L. fil.

forma. Khusiyat Ras.h.i.+d.

Eaten by animals. ......... - - I I Abutilon fruticosum, G. and P. (Sida denticulata, Fres.). ................... - - - I Abutilon mutic.u.m, Don ....... - - - I Erodium laciniatum, Cav.

Garna. Eaten by cattle ... - I I I Monsonia nivea, Gay ......... - I - - Geranium mascatense, Boiss.

Hilawa. Eaten by man and beast. .................... - - I - Erodium cicutarium, L. ...... - I - - Tribulus terrestris, L.

Katbeh .................... - I I I Zygophyllum simplex, L. ..... - - I - Zygophyllum alb.u.m, L.

Gallum. Camels eat. ...... I - - - Zygophyllum coccineum, L.

forma (Z. propinqiuum, Dcne.). Muraka.

Animals eat. .............. - I - - f.a.gonia cretica, L. van (F. glutinosa, Del.).

s.h.i.+kaa (North Midian); Darmeh (Numan) ........... I I - - f.a.gonia mollis, Del.

Waraga; and young plant of same = Zarag. Animals eat. ...................... - I I - f.a.gonia Bruguieri, DC.

Jamdeh. Animals eat. ...... - I - - Dodonmaea viscosa, L. var.

(D. arabica, H. and St.). Athab ............... - - I - Rhus oxyacanthoides, Dum.

'Ar'ar .................... - - I - Neurada proc.u.mbens, L.

Saadan. Eaten by man and beast. Mountain region. ... - I - I Trianthema pentandra, L. .... - - - I Trianthema(?). (Imperfect specimen.) Rumayh. Eaten by sheep and cattle. ......... - - - I Aizoon canariense, L. Daaa.

Grain pounded and eaten. .. - - - I Gisekia pharnaceoides, L. ... - I - - Cuc.u.mis prophetarum, L.

Locality mislaid. .........

Cotyledon umbilicus, L.

forma ..................... - - I - Pimpinella arabica, Boiss.

Rujaylet el-Ghurab (Little Crow's-foot). Sheep eat.

Locality astray. ..........

Pimpinella (Tragium palmetorum? St. and H.).

Very young. ............... - I I - Ferula (? sp., leaf only).

Kalkh. Animals eat. High up on SHaRR. .................

Grammosciadium scandicinum, Boiss. sp. nov. ............ - - I I Medicago laciniata, All. ..... - - I - Taverniera aegyptiaca, Boiss.

(ex descr.). s.h.i.+brig. Eaten by animals. ................ I - - - Indigofera spinosa, Forsk.

s.h.i.+brig. Camels eat. Good fodder. .................... - - - I Indigofera paucifolia, D. .... - I - - Indigofera (stunted specimen, may be I. paucifolia).

'Afar. Animals eat. ........ - I - - Tephrosia Apollinea, DC.

Dalsam; Tawil. Animals eat. - I I I Genista (Retama) monosperma, Del. ....................... - I - - Lotononis Leobordea, Bth.

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