Laurence Sterne in Germany Part 16

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[Footnote 6: Review in the _Jenaische Zeitungen von Gel. Sachen_]

[Footnote 7: I, pp. 314 + 20; II, 337; III. 330.]

[Footnote 8: I, p. 156; III, p. 318.]

[Footnote 9: Schummel states this himself, III, p. 320.]

[Footnote 10: Tristram Shandy, III, 51-54.]

[Footnote 11: Pp. 256-265.]

[Footnote 12: P. 34.]

[Footnote 13: Shandy, I, p. 75; Schummel, I, p. 265.]

[Footnote 14: II, p. 117.]

[Footnote 15: In "Das Kapitel von meiner Lebensart," II, pp.

113 ff.]

[Footnote 16: XVI, 2, pp. 682-689.]

[Footnote 17: The third part is reviewed (Hr) in XIX, 2, pp.

576-7, but without significant contribution to the question.]

[Footnote 18: I, 2, pp. 66-74, the second number of 1772. Review is signed "S."]

[Footnote 19: Another review of Schummel's book is found in the _Almanach der deutschen Musen_, 1773, p. 106.]

[Footnote 20: XI, 2, p. 344; XV, 1, p. 249; XVII, 1, p. 244. Also ent.i.tled "Begebenheiten des Herrn Redlich," the novel was published Wittenberg, 1756-71; Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1768-71.]

[Footnote 21: XXVIII, 1, pp. 199 ff. Reviewed also in _Auserlesene Bibliothek der neusten deutschen Litteratur_, Lemgo, VII, p. 234 (1775) and _Neue litterarische Unterhaltungen_, Breslau, I, pp.


[Footnote 22: Leipzig, Crusius, 1776, pp. 120. Baker, influenced by t.i.tle and authors.h.i.+p, includes it among the literary progeny of Yorick. It has no connection with Sterne.]

[Footnote 23: See _Jahresberichte fur neuere deutsche Litteratur-geschichte_, II, p. 106 (1893).]

[Footnote 24: Breslau, 1792. It is included in Baker's list.]

[Footnote 25: Frankfurt and Leipzig, pp. 208. Baker regards these two editions as two different works.]

[Footnote 26: Sentimental Journey, pp. 87-88.]

[Footnote 27: Sentimental Journey, p. 73.]

[Footnote 28: Pp. 45-50.]

[Footnote 29: Pp. 106-119.]

[Footnote 30: Die Gesellschafterin, pp. 131-144.]

[Footnote 31: Pp. 145-155.]

[Footnote 32: Die Dame, pp. 120-130.]

[Footnote 33: V, St. 2, p. 371.]

[Footnote 34: Anhang to XIII-XXIV, Vol. II, p. 1151.]

[Footnote 35: Letter to Raspe, Gottingen, June 2, 1770, in _Weimarisches Jahrbuch_, III, p. 28.]

[Footnote 36: _Frankfurter Gel. Anz._, April 27, 1773, pp. 276-8.]

[Footnote 37: _Hamburgischer unpartheyischer Correspondent_, December 31, 1771.]

[Footnote 38: Other reviews are (2) and (3), _Frankfurter gel.

Anz._, November 27, 1772; (2) and (3), _Allg. deutsche Bibl._, XIX, 2, p. 579 (Musaus) and XXIV, 1, p. 287; of the series, _Neue Critische Nachrichten_ (Greifswald), IX, p. 152. There is a rather full a.n.a.lysis of (1) in _Frankfurter Gel. Anz._, 1773, pp. 276-8, April 27. According to Wittenberg in the _Altonaer Reichs-Postreuter_ (June 21, 1773), Holfrath Deinet was the author of this review. A sentimental episode from these "Journeys" was made the subject of a play called "Der Greis" and produced at Munich in 1774. (See _Allg. deutsche Bibl._, x.x.xII, 2, p. 466).]

[Footnote 39: Berlin, 1873.]

[Footnote 40: _Deutsches Museum_, VI, p. 384, and VII, p. 220.]

[Footnote 41: Reval und Leipzig, 1788, 2d edition, 1792, and published in "Kleine gesammelte Schriften," Reval und Leipzig, 1789, Vol. III, pp. 131-292. Reviewed in _Allg. Litt.-Zeitung_, 1789, II, p. 736.]

[Footnote 42: Leipzig, 1793, pp. 224, 8vo, by Georg Joachim Goschen.]

[Footnote 43: See the account of Ulm, and of Lindau near the end of the volume.]

[Footnote 44: See pp. 21-22 and 105.]

[Footnote 45: "Geschichte der komischen Literatur," III, p. 625.]

[Footnote 46: See "Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Schiller,"

edited by Boxberger. Stuttgart, Spemann, Vol. I, p. 118.]

[Footnote 47: It is to be noted also that von Thummel's first servant bears the name Johann.]

[Footnote 48: "Charis oder uber das Schone und die Schonheit in den bildenden Kunsten" by Ramdohr, Leipzig, 1793.]

[Footnote 49: "Schiller's Briefe," edited by Fritz Jonas, III, pp. 316, 319. Letters of June 6 and June 23 (?), 1793.]

[Footnote 50: "Briefe von Christian Garve an Chr. Felix Weisse, und einige andern Freunde," Breslau, 1803, p. 189-190. The book was reviewed favorably by the _Allg. Litt. Zeitung_, 1794, IV, p. 513.]

[Footnote 51: Falkenburg, 1796, pp. 110. Goedeke gives Bremen as place of publication.]

[Footnote 52: Ebeling, III, p. 625, gives Hademann as author, and Fallenburg--both probably misprints.]

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