St. Ronan's Well Part 4

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"To rave, recite, and madden round the land,"

her ladys.h.i.+p's empire over the loungers seemed uncontrolled and absolute, and all things were engaged in the _tourbillon_, of which she formed the pivot and centre. Even the hunters, and shooters, and hard drinkers, were sometimes fain reluctantly to follow in her train, sulking, and quizzing, and flouting at her solemn festivals, besides encouraging the younger nymphs to giggle when they should have looked sentimental. But after dinner the scene was changed, and her ladys.h.i.+p's sweetest smiles, and softest invitations, were often insufficient to draw the neutral part of the company to the tea-room; so that her society was reduced to those whose const.i.tution or finances rendered early retirement from the dining-parlour a matter of convenience, together with the more devoted and zealous of her own immediate dependents and adherents. Even the faith of the latter was apt to be debauched. Her ladys.h.i.+p's poet-laureate, in whose behalf she was teazing each new-comer for subscriptions, got sufficiently independent to sing in her ladys.h.i.+p's presence, at supper, a song of rather equivocal meaning; and her chief painter, who was employed upon an ill.u.s.trated copy of the Loves of the Plants, was, at another time, seduced into such a state of pot-valour, that, upon her ladys.h.i.+p's administering her usual dose of criticism upon his works, he not only bluntly disputed her judgment, but talked something of his right to be treated like a gentleman.

These feuds were taken up by the Managing Committee, who interceded for the penitent offenders on the following morning, and obtained their re-establishment in Lady Penelope's good graces, upon moderate terms.

Many other acts of moderating authority they performed, much to the a.s.suaging of faction, and the quiet of the Wellers; and so essential was their government to the prosperity of the place, that, without them, St.

Ronan's spring would probably have been speedily deserted. We must, therefore, give a brief sketch of that potential Committee, which both factions, acting as if on a self-denying ordinance, had combined to invest with the reins of government.

Each of its members appeared to be selected, as Fortunio, in the fairy-tale,[I-D] chose his followers, for his peculiar gifts. First on the list stood the MAN OF MEDICINE, Dr. Quentin Quackleben, who claimed right to regulate medical matters at the spring, upon the principle which, of old, a.s.signed the property of a newly discovered country to the bucanier who committed the earliest piracy on its The acknowledgment of the Doctor's merit as having been first to proclaim and vindicate the merits of these healing fountains, had occasioned his being universally installed First Physician and Man of Science, which last qualification he could apply to all purposes, from the boiling of an egg to the giving a lecture. He was, indeed, qualified, like many of his profession, to spread both the bane and antidote before a dyspeptic patient, being as knowing a gastronome as Dr. Redgill himself, or any other worthy physician who has written for the benefit of the _cuisine_, from Dr. Moncrieff of Tippermalloch, to the late Dr. Hunter of York, and the present Dr. Kitchiner of London. But pluralities are always invidious, and therefore the Doctor prudently relinquished the office of caterer and head-carver to the Man of Taste, who occupied regularly, and _ex officio_, the head of the table, reserving to himself the occasional privilege of criticising, and a share in consuming, the good things which the common entertainment afforded. We have only to sum up this brief account of the learned Doctor, by informing the reader that he was a tall, lean, beetle-browed man, with an ill-made black scratch-wig, that stared out on either side from his lantern jaws. He resided nine months out of the twelve at St. Ronan's, and was supposed to make an indifferent good thing of it,--especially as he played whist to admiration.

First in place, though perhaps second to the Doctor in real authority, was Mr. Winterblossom; a civil sort of person, who was nicely precise in his address, wore his hair cued, and dressed with powder, had knee-buckles set with Bristol stones, and a seal-ring as large as Sir John Falstaff's. In his heyday he had a small estate, which he had spent like a gentleman, by mixing with the gay world. He was, in short, one of those respectable links that connect the c.o.xcombs of the present day with those of the last age, and could compare, in his own experience, the follies of both. In latter days, he had sense enough to extricate himself from his course of dissipation, though with impaired health and impoverished fortune.

Mr. Winterblossom now lived upon a moderate annuity, and had discovered a way of reconciling his economy with much company and made dishes, by acting as perpetual president of the table-d'hote at the Well. Here he used to amuse the society by telling stories about Garrick, Foote, Bonnel Thornton, and Lord Kelly, and delivering his opinions in matters of taste and vertu. An excellent carver, he knew how to help each guest to what was precisely his due; and never failed to reserve a proper slice as the reward of his own labours. To conclude, he was possessed of some taste in the fine arts, at least in painting and music, although it was rather of the technical kind, than that which warms the heart and elevates the feelings. There was, indeed, about Winterblossom, nothing that was either warm or elevated. He was shrewd, selfish, and sensual; the last two of which qualities he screened from observation, under a specious varnish of exterior complaisance. Therefore, in his professed and apparent anxiety to do the honours of the table, to the most punctilious point of good breeding, he never permitted the attendants upon the public taste to supply the wants of others, until all his own private comforts had been fully arranged and provided for.

Mr. Winterblossom was also distinguished for possessing a few curious engravings, and other specimens of art, with the exhibition of which he occasionally beguiled a wet morning at the public room. They were collected, "_viis et modis_," said the Man of Law, another distinguished member of the Committee, with a knowing c.o.c.k of his eye to his next neighbour.

Of this person little need be said. He was a large-boned, loud-voiced, red-faced man, named Meiklewham; a country writer, or attorney, who managed the matters of the Squire much to the profit of one or other,--if not of both. His nose projected from the front of his broad vulgar face, like the stile of an old sun-dial, twisted all of one side.

He was as great a bully in his profession, as if it had been military instead of civil: conducted the whole technicalities concerning the cutting up the Saint's-Well-haugh, so much lamented by Dame Dods, into building-stances, and was on excellent terms with Doctor Quackleben, who always recommended him to make the wills of his patients.

After the Man of Law comes Captain Mungo MacTurk, a Highland lieutenant on half-pay, and that of ancient standing; one who preferred toddy of the strongest to wine, and in that fas.h.i.+on and cold drams finished about a bottle of whisky _per diem_, whenever he could come by it. He was called the Man of Peace, on the same principle which a.s.signs to constables, Bow-street runners, and such like, who carry bludgeons to break folk's heads, and are perpetually and officially employed in scenes of riot, the t.i.tle of peace-officers--that is, because by his valour he compelled others to act with discretion. The Captain was the general referee in all those abortive quarrels, which, at a place of this kind, are so apt to occur at night, and to be quietly settled in the morning; and occasionally adopted a quarrel himself, by way of taking down any guest who was unusually pugnacious. This occupation procured Captain MacTurk a good deal of respect at the Well; for he was precisely that sort of person who is ready to fight with any one,--whom no one can find an apology for declining to fight with,--in fighting with whom considerable danger was incurred, for he was ever and anon showing that he could snuff a candle with a pistol ball,--and lastly, through fighting with whom no eclat or credit could redound to the antagonist. He always wore a blue coat and red collar, had a supercilious taciturnity of manner, ate sliced leeks with his cheese, and resembled in complexion a Dutch red-herring.

Still remains to be mentioned the Man of Religion--the gentle Mr. Simon Chatterly, who had strayed to St. Ronan's Well from the banks of Cam or Isis, and who piqued himself, first on his Greek, and secondly, on his politeness to the ladies. During all the week days, as Dame Dods has already hinted, this reverend gentleman was the partner at the whist-table, or in the ball-room, to what maid or matron soever lacked a partner at either; and on the Sundays, he read prayers in the public room to all who chose to attend. He was also a deviser of charades, and an unriddler of riddles; he played a little on the flute, and was Mr.

Winterblossom's a.s.sistant in contriving those ingenious and romantic paths, by which, as by the zig-zags which connect military parallels, you were enabled to ascend to the top of the hill behind the hotel, which commands so beautiful a prospect, at exactly that precise angle of ascent, which ent.i.tles a gentleman to offer his arm, and a lady to accept it, with perfect propriety.

There was yet another member of this Select Committee, Mr. Michael Meredith, who might be termed the Man of Mirth, or, if you please, the Jack Pudding to the company, whose business it was to crack the best joke, and sing the best song,--he could. Unluckily, however, this functionary was for the present obliged to absent himself from St.

Ronan's; for, not recollecting that he did not actually wear the privileged motley of his profession, he had pa.s.sed some jest upon Captain MacTurk, which cut so much to the quick, that Mr. Meredith was fain to go to goat-whey quarters, at some ten miles' distance, and remain there in a sort of concealment, until the affair should be made up through the mediation of his brethren of the Committee.

Such were the honest gentlemen who managed the affairs of this rising settlement, with as much impartiality as could be expected. They were not indeed without their own secret predilections; for the lawyer and the soldier privately inclined to the party of the Squire, while the parson, Mr. Meredith, and Mr. Winterblossom, were more devoted to the interests of Lady Penelope; so that Doctor Quackleben alone, who probably recollected that the gentlemen were as liable to stomach complaints, as the ladies to nervous disorders, seemed the only person who preserved in word and deed the most rigid neutrality. Nevertheless, the interests of the establishment being very much at the heart of this honourable council, and each feeling his own profit, pleasure, or comfort, in some degree involved, they suffered not their private affections to interfere with their public duties, but acted, every one in his own sphere, for the public benefit of the whole community.


[I-10] The usual expression for a slight encroachment on a neighbour's property.

[I-11] The said piper was famous at the mystery.

[I-12] Skates are called sketchers in Scotland.



Thus painters write their names at Co.


The clamour which attends the removal of dinner from a public room had subsided; the clatter of plates, and knives and forks--the bustling tread of awkward b.o.o.bies of country servants, kicking each other's s.h.i.+ns, and wrangling, as they endeavour to rush out of the door three abreast--the clash of and tumblers, borne to earth in the tumult--the shrieks of the landlady--the curses, not loud, but deep, of the landlord--had all pa.s.sed away; and those of the company who had servants, had been accommodated by their respective Ganymedes with such remnants of their respective bottles of wine, spirits, &c., as the said Ganymedes had not previously consumed, while the rest, broken in to such observance by Mr. Winterblossom, waited patiently until the worthy president's own special and multifarious commissions had been executed by a tidy young woman and a lumpish lad, the regular attendants belonging to the house, but whom he permitted to wait on no one, till, as the hymn says,

"All his wants were well supplied."

"And, Dinah--my bottle of pale sherry, Dinah--place it on this side--there's a good girl;--and, Toby--get my jug with the hot water--and let it be boiling--and don't spill it on Lady Penelope, if you can help it, Toby."

"No--for her ladys.h.i.+p has been in hot water to-day already," said the Squire; a sarcasm to which Lady Penelope only replied with a look of contempt.

"And, Dinah, bring the sugar--the soft East India sugar, Dinah--and a lemon, Dinah, one of those which came fresh to-day--Go fetch it from the bar, Toby--and don't tumble down stairs, if you can help it.--And, Dinah--stay, Dinah--the nutmeg, Dinah, and the ginger, my good girl--And, Dinah--put the cus.h.i.+on up behind my back--and the footstool to my foot, for my toe is something the worse of my walk with your ladys.h.i.+p this morning to the top of Belvidere."

"Her ladys.h.i.+p may call it what she pleases in common parlance," said the writer; "but it must stand Munt-grunzie in the stamped paper, being so nominated in the ancient writs and evidents thereof."

"And, Dinah," continued the president, "lift up my handkerchief--and--a bit of biscuit, Dinah--and--and I do not think I want any thing else--Look to the company, my good girl.--I have the honour to drink the company's very good health--Will your ladys.h.i.+p honour me by accepting a gla.s.s of negus?--I learned to make negus from old Dartineuf's son.--He always used East India sugar and added a tamarind--it improves the flavour infinitely.--Dinah, see your father sends for some tamarinds--Dartineuf knew a good thing almost as well as his father--I met him at Bath in the year--let me see--Garrick was just taking leave, and that was in," &c. &c. &c.--"And what is this now, Dinah?" he said, as she put into his hand a roll of paper.

"Something that Nelly Trotter" (Trotting Nelly, as the company called her) "brought from a sketching gentleman that lives at the woman's"

(thus bluntly did the upstart minx describe the reverend Mrs. Margaret Dods) "at the Cleik.u.m of Aultoun yonder"--A name, by the way, which the inn had acquired from the use which the saint upon the sign-post was making of his pastoral crook.

"Indeed, Dinah?" said Mr. Winterblossom, gravely taking out his spectacles, and wiping them before he opened the roll of paper; "some boy's daubing, I suppose, whose pa and ma wish to get him into the Trustees' School, and so are beating about for a little interest.--But I am drained dry--I put three lads in last season; and if it had not been my particular interest with the secretary, who asks my opinion now and then, I could not have managed it. But giff-gaff, say I.--Eh! What, in the devil's name, is this?--Here is both force and keeping--Who can this be, my lady?--Do but see the sky-line--why, this is really a little bit--an exquisite little bit--Who the devil can it be? and how can he have stumbled upon the dog-hole in the Old Town, and the snarling b----I beg your ladys.h.i.+p ten thousand pardons--that kennels there?"

"I dare say, my lady," said a little miss of fourteen, her eyes growing rounder and rounder, and her cheeks redder and redder, as she found herself speaking, and so many folks listening--"O la! I dare say it is the same gentleman we met one day in the Low-wood walk, that looked like a gentleman, and yet was none of the company, and that you said was a handsome man."

"I did not say handsome, Maria," replied her ladys.h.i.+p; "ladies never say men are handsome--I only said he looked genteel and interesting."

"And that, my lady," said the young parson, bowing and smiling, "is, I will be judged by the company, the more flattering compliment of the two--We shall be jealous of this Unknown presently."

"Nay, but," continued the sweetly communicative Maria, with some real and some a.s.sumed simplicity, "your ladys.h.i.+p forgets--for you said presently after, you were sure he was no gentleman, for he did not run after you with your glove which you had dropped--and so I went back myself to find your ladys.h.i.+p's glove, and he never offered to help me, and I saw him closer than your ladys.h.i.+p did, and I am sure he is handsome, though he is not very civil."

"You speak a little too much and too loud, miss," said Lady Penelope, a natural blush reinforcing the _nuance_ of rouge by which it was usually superseded.

"What say you to that, Squire Mowbray?" said the elegant Sir Bingo Binks.

"A fair challenge to the field, Sir Bingo," answered the squire; "when a lady throws down the gauntlet, a gentleman may throw the handkerchief."

"I have always the benefit of _your_ best construction, Mr. Mowbray,"

said the lady, with dignity. "I suppose Miss Maria has contrived this pretty story for your amus.e.m.e.nt. I can hardly answer to Mr. Digges, for bringing her into company where she receives encouragement to behave so."

"Nay, nay, my lady," said the president, "you must let the jest pa.s.s by; and since this is really such an admirable sketch, you must honour us with your opinion, whether the company can consistently with propriety make any advances to this man."

"In my opinion," said her ladys.h.i.+p, the angry spot still glowing on her brow, "there are enough of _men_ among us already--I wish I could say gentlemen--As matters stand, I see little business _ladies_ can have at St. Ronan's."

This was an intimation which always brought the Squire back to good-breeding, which he could make use of when he pleased. He deprecated her ladys.h.i.+p's displeasure, until she told him, in returning good humour, that she really would not trust him unless he brought his sister to be security for his future politeness.

"Clara, my lady," said Mowbray, "is a little wilful; and I believe your ladys.h.i.+p must take the task of unharbouring her into your own hands.

What say you to a gipsy party up to my old shop?--It is a bachelor's house--you must not expect things in much order; but Clara would be honoured"----

The Lady Penelope eagerly accepted the proposal of something like a party, and, quite reconciled with Mowbray, began to enquire whether she might bring the stranger artist with her; "that is," said her ladys.h.i.+p, looking to Dinah, "if he be a gentleman."

Here Dinah interposed her a.s.surance, "that the gentleman at Meg Dods's was quite and clean a gentleman, and an ill.u.s.trated poet besides."

"An ill.u.s.trated poet, Dinah?" said Lady Penelope; "you must mean an ill.u.s.trious poet."

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