Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara Volume Iii Part 25

Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara -

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Nombre__________ Provincia__________

Edad__________ Profesion__________

DIGO YO__________ natural__________

en China, de edad de _____ anos, que he convenido con Dn. F. VELEZ lo que se espresa en las clausulas siguientes:

1^a. Quedo comprometido desde ahora a embarcarme para la HABANA en la Isla de Cuba en el buque que me senale dicho Senor.

2^a. Quedo igualmente comprometido y sugeto por el termino de ocho anos a trabajar en dicho pais de la Isla de Cuba a las ordenes de la SOCIEDAD LA COLONIZADORA o a las de la persona a quien traspasare este Contrato para lo cual la faculto, en todas las tareas alli acostumbradas, en el campo, en las poblaciones, o en donde quiera que me destinen, sea en casas particulares, establecimientos de cualquiera clase de industria y artes, o bien en ingenios, vegas, cafetales, sitios, potreros, estancias y cuanto concierne a las labores urbanas y rurales sea de la especie que fueren.

3^a. Los ocho anos de compromiso que dejo contraidos en los terminos espresados en la clausula anterior, principiaran a conta.r.s.e desde el octavo dia siguiente al de mi llegada al puerto citado de la HABANA, siempre que yo llegare en buena salud, y desde el octavo dia siguiente al de mi salida del hospital o enfermeria, caso de llegar enfermo o incapaz de trabajar al tiempo de mi desembarco.

4^a. Las horas en que he de trabajar dependeran de la clase de trabajo que se me de, y segun las atencinoes que dicho trabajo requiera, lo cual queda al arbitrio del patrono a cuyas ordenes se me ponga, siempre que se me den mis horas seguidas de descanso cada 24 horas, y el tiempo preciso a demas para la comida y almuerzo, con arreglo a lo que en estas necesidades inviertan los de mas trabajadores asalariados en aquel pais.

5^a. Ademas de las horas de descanso, en los dias de trabajo, no podra hacerseme desempenar en los Domingos mas lavores que las denecesidad practicadas en tales dias segun la indole de los que haceres en que me ocupen.

6^a. Me sugeto igualmente al orden y disciplina que se observe en el establecimiento, taller, finca o casa particular adonde se me destine, y me someto al sistema de coreccion que en los mismos se impone por faltas de aplicacion y constancia en el trabajo, de obediencia a las ordenes de los patronos o de sus representantes, y por todas aquellas, cuja gravedad no haga precisa la intervencion de las leyes.

7^a. Por ninguna razon o por ningun pretesto podre, durante los ocho anos por los cuales quedo comprometido en este Contrato, negar mis servicios al patron que me tome, ni a evadirme de su poder, ni a intentarlo siquiera por ninguna causa, ni mediante ninguna indemnizacion, y para significar mas mi voluntad de permanecer bajo su autoridad en los limites que en este Contrato le doy, renuncio desde ahora el derecho de rescision de Contrato que otorgan a los colonos los Articulos 27 y 28 de las Ordenanzas sobre colonizacion promulgadas por S. M. la Reina DA. YSABEL 2^a. en 22 de Marzo de 1854, y el que pudieran otorgarle cualquiera otra ley o disposiciones que en lo sucesivo se publicasen.

8^a. En cuanto a casos de enfermedad convengo y estipulo, que si esta escede de una semana se me suspenda el salario, y que este no vuelva a correrme hasta mi restablecimiento o lo que es igual, hasta que mi salud permita ocuparme en el servicio de mi patrono, no obstante el tenor de los Articulos 43, 44 y 45 del Reglamento citado, pues tambien renuncio al derecho que pudiesen otorgarme para ninguna otra ecsigencia que solo a fuerza de tramites costosos y largos pudiera llegar a justifica.r.s.e o a ser reprovada.

Dn. F. VELEZ se obliga poa su parte para conmigo:

1^a. Aque desde el dia en que principien a conta.r.s.e los ocho anos de mi compromiso, principie tambien a correrme el salario de cuatro pesos al mes.

2^a. Aque se me suministre de alimento cada dia ocho onzas de carne salada y dos y media libras de boniatas o de otras viandas sanas y alimenticias.

3^a. Aque durante mis enfermedades se me proporcione en la enfermeria la asistencia que mis males reclamen con los ausilios, medicinas y facultativo que mis dolencias y conservacion ecsijan fuere por el tiempo que fueren.

4^a. Aque se me den dos mudas de ropa, una camisa de lana y una frazada anuales.

5^a. Sera de cuenta del mismo Senor y por la de quien corresponda mi pasage hasta la HABANA y mi manutencion a bordo.

6^a. El mismo Senor me adelantara la cantidad de ocho pesos fuertes para mi abilitation al viage que voi a emprender.

7^a. Tambien me dara cuatro mudas de ropa, colcha y de mas avios necesarios, cujo importe de pesos 4 con los de la clausula anterior hacen la suma de pesos doce, la misma que satisfare en la HABANA a la orden de la SOCIEDAD LA COLONIZADORA con un peso al mes que se descontara de mi salario por la persona a quien fuere traspasado este Contrato, entendiendose que por ningun otro concepto podra hacerseme descuento alguno.

DECLARO haber recibido en efectivo y en ropa segun se espresa en la ultima clausula la suma de pesos doce mencionados que reintegrare en la HABANA en la forma establecida en dicha clausula.

DECLARO tambien que me conformo con el salario estipulado, aunque se y me consta es mucho mayor el que ganan los jornaleros libres y los esclavos en la Isla da Cuba, porque esta diferencia la juzgo compensada con las otras ventajas que ha de proporcionarme mi patrono, y las que aparecen en este Contrato.

Y en fe de que c.u.mpliremos mutuamente lo que queda pactado en este doc.u.mento firmamos dos de un tenor y para un solo efecto ambos contratantes en ______ a _____ de 18__.



Name________________________ Province__________________

Age___ Business or occupation____________________

I, the under-signed____________ born at__________ in China ____years old, have entered into an agreement with Don F. Velez, upon the following conditions, viz.--

1. I engage from the date hereof to embark for the Havannah in the island of Cuba in whatever s.h.i.+p the before-mentioned gentleman may appoint.

2. I further promise and engage during the s.p.a.ce of eight years to work in the said country of Cuba under the orders and regulations of the Colonization Society, or of the person to whom the present agreement may be a.s.signed, and to perform all necessary agricultural labour in the settlement, or wheresoever I may be ordered so to do, whether in a private house or in any description of industrial enterprise, or in factories, in plantations, in coffee-gardens, at country-seats, or on pasturage grounds, and generally all manner of labour, whether in town or country, of what description soever it may consist.

3. The eight years during which I bind myself to labour under the conditions specified in the last preceding paragraph shall be held to commence eight days after my disembarkation in the aforesaid harbour of the Havannah, it being always understood that I have been landed in good health, or else shall commence on the eighth day after my discharge from hospital, in the event of my having landed in ill health or incapable of working.

4. The hours during which I bind myself to labour shall depend upon the nature of the work which I shall be required to perform, and the degree of special attention which such work may require, or may be determined on his own responsibility by the master under whose orders I may be placed, provided always that I am permitted to enjoy certain hours of repose during every 24 hours, and certain fixed periods for breakfast and dinner, similar to those a.s.signed to other paid labourers in that country.

5. Besides my hours of rest and recreation during work days, I shall not be bound to do any work upon Sundays, beyond such necessary labour as may seem to be requisite in the opinion of my employer or employers.

6. I also bind myself to submit to the orders and discipline which may be in force in the house of business, farm, or private house in which I am employed, and further agree that I shall be amenable to such _system of punishment_ as may be in force in such localities for the correction of indolence, absence from work, disobedience to the orders of any employers or their agents, as also for all such minor offences as may not call for the intervention of the law.

7. On no account whatever, and under no circ.u.mstances, shall it be lawful for me during the aforesaid period of eight years for which I hereby bind myself, to absent myself from my employer's service, or to withdraw or escape from his authority, or under any circ.u.mstance or under any provocation to complain against him, and in order to render more binding upon me this declaration of my voluntary obedience to all these provisions, I _renounce_ from the date of the present subscription the right to rescind the provisions of this contract secured to emigrants by articles 27 and 28 of the ordinances on colonization promulgated by H. M.

Queen Isabella II., 22 March, 1854, as also any similar rights that may be secured to emigrants by any laws or official doc.u.ments published or to be published in reference thereto.

8. In case of sickness or infirmity I agree and declare that I fully consent that if such illness shall exceed one week in duration, my wages shall be stopped, and shall remain suspended until my recovery, or, which is the same thing, until such time as my health permits me to re-enter the service of my employer, without having recourse to the articles 43, 44, and 45 of the aforesaid regulations, my rights under which I forego by the last preceding paragraph, and do again _renounce_.

Don F. Velez for his part engages with me:--

1. That from the day on which my said term of eight years' service begins, my wages shall be paid at the rate of four Spanish piastres monthly.

2. That there shall be provided me daily eight ounces of salt meat and two and a half pounds Boniatas (_Jatropha Manihot_), or other equally good and nutritious food.

3. That in the event of illness I shall be provided in the hospital with such things as my case may require, and in particular with all medicines, &c., necessary to restore me to health, so long as my illness may last.

4. That I shall be supplied annually with two pairs of trowsers, one woollen s.h.i.+rt, and one woollen coat.

5. That my pa.s.sage to the Havannah and maintenance while on board shall be defrayed at the expense of my employer or his agent or representative.

6. That my employer shall further pay me eight dollars in order to enable me to provide necessaries for the said voyage; and further,

7. That he shall provide me with four pairs of trowsers and a coverlet, the same not to exceed four dollars, making with the preceding the sum of 12 dollars, which 12 dollars I bind myself to repay to the order of the Colonization Society, by means of a monthly instalment of one dollar paid by the person with whom my labour shall be contracted for, but upon the further condition that no other deduction whatever shall be made from my said monthly pay.

I hereby declare that, in conformity with the preceding paragraph, I have received by way of cash advance and in clothing the equivalent of the said 12 dollars, which, as already stipulated, shall be repaid by me at the Havannah.

I also declare that I am perfectly satisfied with the aforesaid payment, although I am aware, and it is well known, that the free labourers, as also the negro slaves, in the island of Cuba, are paid a much larger wage.

But I consider myself recompensed for this difference by the other advantages which my employer binds himself to secure to me, and which are set forth in the present contract. And in witness that we on either side engage that the provisions hereof shall be duly and faithfully carried out, we subscribe on that behalf two copies of similar purport this ____ day of ____ 18__.

For the Colonization Society, __________

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