Queen Mary; and, Harold Part 46

Queen Mary; and, Harold -

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And grateful to the hand that s.h.i.+elded him, He promised that if ever he were king In England, he would give his kingly voice To me as his successor. Knowest thou this?

HAROLD. I learn it now.

WILLIAM. Thou knowest I am his cousin, And that my wife descends from Alfred?


WILLIAM. Who hath a better claim then to the crown So that ye will not crown the Atheling?

HAROLD. None that I know ... if that but hung upon King Edward's will.

WILLIAM. Wilt thou uphold my claim?

MALET (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Be careful of thine answer, my good friend.

WULFNOTH (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Oh! Harold, for my sake and for thine own!

HAROLD. Ay ... if the king have not revoked his promise.

WILLIAM. But hath he done it then?

HAROLD. Not that I know.

WILLIAM. Good, good, and thou wilt help me to the crown?

HAROLD. Ay ... if the Witan will consent to this.

WILLIAM. Thou art the mightiest voice in England, man, Thy voice will lead the Witan--shall I have it?

WULFNOTH (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Oh! Harold, if thou love thine Edith, ay.

HAROLD. Ay, if--

MALET (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Thine 'ifs' will sear thine eyes out--ay.

WILLIAM. I ask thee, wilt thou help me to the crown?

And I will make thee my great Earl of Earls, Foremost in England and in Normandy; Thou shalt be verily king--all but the name-- For I shall most sojourn in Normandy; And thou be my vice-king in England. Speak.

WULFNOTH (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Ay, brother--for the sake of England--ay.

HAROLD. My lord--

MALET (_aside to_ HAROLD).

Take heed now.


WILLIAM. I am content, For thou art truthful, and thy word thy bond.

To-morrow will we ride with thee to Harfleur.

[_Exit_ WILLIAM.

MALET. Harold, I am thy friend, one life with thee, And even as I should bless thee saving mine, I thank thee now for having saved thyself.

[_Exit_ MALET.

HAROLD. For having lost myself to save myself, Said 'ay' when I meant 'no,' lied like a lad That dreads the pendent scourge, said 'ay' for 'no'!

Ay! No!--he hath not bound me by an oath-- Is 'ay' an oath? is 'ay' strong as an oath?

Or is it the same sin to break my word As break mine oath? He call'd my word my bond!

He is a liar who knows I am a liar, And makes believe that he believes my word-- The crime be on his head--not bounden--no.

[_Suddenly doors are flung open, discovering in an inner hall_ COUNT WILLIAM _in his state robes, seated upon his throne, between two_ BISHOPS, ODO OP BAYEUX _being one: in the centre of the hall an ark covered with cloth of gold; and on either side of it the_ NORMAN BARONS.

_Enter a_ JAILOR _before_ WILLIAM'S _throne_.


Knave, hast thou let thy prisoner scape?

JAILOR. Sir Count, He had but one foot, he must have hopt away, Yea, some familiar spirit must have help'd him.

WILLIAM. Woe knave to thy familiar and to thee!

Give me thy keys. [_They fall clas.h.i.+ng_.

Nay let them lie. Stand there and wait my will.

[_The_ JAILOR _stands aside_.


Hast thou such trustless jailors in thy North?

HAROLD. We have few prisoners in mine earldom there, So less chance for false keepers.

WILLIAM. We have heard Of thy just, mild, and equal governance; Honour to thee! thou art perfect in all honour!

Thy naked word thy bond! confirm it now Before our gather'd Norman baronage, For they will not believe thee--as I believe.

[_Descends from his throne and stands by the ark_.

Let all men here bear witness of our bond!

[_Beckons to_ HAROLD, _who advances_.

_Enter_ MALET _behind him_.

Lay thou thy hand upon this golden pall!

Behold the jewel of St. Pancratius Woven into the gold. Swear thou on this!

HAROLD. What should I swear? Why should I swear on this?

WILLIAM (_savagely_).

Swear thou to help me to the crown of England.

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