Queen Mary; and, Harold Part 29

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HEATH. Madam, I do a.s.sure you, that it must be look'd to: Calais is but ill-garrison'd, in Guisnes Are scarce two hundred men, and the French fleet Rule in the narrow seas. It must be look'd to, If war should fall between yourself and France; Or you will lose your Calais.

MARY. It shall be look'd to; I wish you a good morning, good Sir Nicholas: Here is the King.

[_Exit_ HEATH.

_Enter_ PHILIP.

PHILIP. Sir Nicholas tells you true, And you must look to Calais when I go.

MARY. Go? must you go, indeed--again--so soon?

Why, nature's licensed vagabond, the swallow, That might live always in the sun's warm heart, Stays longer here in our poor north than you:-- Knows where he nested--ever comes again.

PHILIP. And, Madam, so shall I.

MARY. O, will you? will you?

I am faint with fear that you will come no more.

PHILIP. Ay, ay; but many voices call me hence.

MARY. Voices--I hear unhappy rumours--nay, I say not, I believe. What voices call you Dearer than mine that should be dearest to you?

Alas, my Lord! what voices and how many?

PHILIP. The voices of Castille and Aragon, Granada, Naples, Sicily, and Milan,-- The voices of Franche-Comte, and the Netherlands, The voices of Peru and Mexico, Tunis, and Oran, and the Philippines, And all the fair spice-islands of the East.

MARY (_admiringly_).

You are the mightiest monarch upon earth, I but a little Queen: and, so indeed, Need you the more.

PHILIP. A little Queen! but when I came to wed your majesty, Lord Howard, Sending an insolent shot that dash'd the seas Upon us, made us lower our kingly flag To yours of England.

MARY. Howard is all Englis.h.!.+

There is no king, not were he ten times king, Ten times our husband, but must lower his flag To that of England in the seas of England.

PHILIP. Is that your answer?

MARY. Being Queen of England, I have none other.


MARY. But wherefore not Helm the huge vessel of your state, my liege, Here by the side of her who loves you most?

PHILIP. No, Madam, no! a candle in the sun Is all but smoke--a star beside the moon Is all but lost; your people will not crown me-- Your people are as cheerless as your clime; Hate me and mine: witness the brawls, the gibbets.

Here swings a Spaniard--there an Englishman; The peoples are unlike as their complexion; Yet will I be your swallow and return-- But now I cannot bide.

MARY. Not to help _me?_ They hate _me_ also for my love to you, My Philip; and these judgments on the land-- Harvestless autumns, horrible agues, plague--

PHILIP. The blood and sweat of heretics at the stake Is G.o.d's best dew upon the barren field.

Burn more!

MARY. I will, I will; and you will stay?

PHILIP. Have I not said? Madam, I came to sue Your Council and yourself to declare war.

MARY. Sir, there are many English in your ranks To help your battle.

PHILIP. So far, good. I say I came to sue your Council and yourself To declare war against the King of France.

MARY. Not to see me?

PHILIP. Ay, Madam, to see you.

Unalterably and pesteringly fond! [_Aside_.

But, soon or late you must have war with France; King Henry warms your traitors at his hearth.

Carew is there, and Thomas Stafford there.

Courtenay, belike--

MARY. A fool and featherhead!

PHILIP. Ay, but they use his name. In brief, this Henry Stirs up your land against you to the intent That you may lose your English heritage.

And then, your Scottish namesake marrying The Dauphin, he would weld France, England, Scotland, Into one sword to hack at Spain and me.

MARY. And yet the Pope is now colleagued with France; You make your wars upon him down in Italy:-- Philip, can that be well?

PHILIP. Content you, Madam; You must abide my judgment, and my father's, Who deems it a most just and holy war.

The Pope would cast the Spaniard out of Naples: He calls us worse than Jews, Moors, Saracens.

The Pope has pushed his horns beyond his mitre-- Beyond his province. Now, Duke Alva will but touch him on the horns, And he withdraws; and of his holy head-- For Alva is true son of the true church-- No hair is harm'd. Will you not help me here?

MARY. Alas! the Council will not hear of war.

They say your wars are not the wars of England.

They will not lay more taxes on a land So hunger-nipt and wretched; and you know The crown is poor. We have given the church-lands back: The n.o.bles would not; nay, they clapt their hands Upon their swords when ask'd; and therefore G.o.d Is hard upon the people. What's to be done?

Sir, I will move them in your cause again, And we will raise us loans and subsidies Among the merchants; and Sir Thomas Gresham Will aid us. There is Antwerp and the Jews.

PHILIP. Madam, my thanks.

MARY. And you will stay your going?

PHILIP. And further to discourage and lay lame The plots of France, altho' you love her not, You must proclaim Elizabeth your heir.

She stands between you and the Queen of Scots.

MARY. The Queen of Scots at least is Catholic.

PHILIP. Ay, Madam, Catholic; but I will not have The King of France the King of England too.

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