Queen Mary; and, Harold Part 23

Queen Mary; and, Harold -

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The nurses yawn'd, the cradle gaped, they led Processions, chanted litanies, clash'd their bells, Shot off their lying cannon, and her priests Have preach'd, the fools, of this fair prince to come; Till, by St. James, I find myself the fool.

Why do you lift your eyebrow at me thus?

RENARD. I never saw your Highness moved till now.

PHILIP. So weary am I of this wet land of theirs, And every soul of man that breathes therein.

RENARD. My liege, we must not drop the mask before The masquerade is over--

PHILIP. --Have I dropt it?

I have but shown a loathing face to you, Who knew it from the first.

_Enter_ MARY.

MARY (_aside_). With Renard. Still Parleying with Renard, all the day with Renard, And scarce a greeting all the day for me-- And goes to-morrow.

[_Exit_ MARY.

PHILIP (_to_ RENARD, _who advances to him_).

Well, sir, is there more?

RENARD (_who has perceived the QUEEN_).

May Simon Renard speak a single word?


RENARD. And be forgiven for it?

PHILIP. Simon Renard Knows me too well to speak a single word That could not be forgiven.

RENARD. Well, my liege, Your Grace hath a most chaste and loving wife.

PHILIP. Why not? The Queen of Philip should be chaste.

RENARD. Ay, but, my Lord, you know what Virgil sings, Woman is various and most mutable.

PHILIP. She play the harlot! never.

RENARD. No, sire, no, Not dream'd of by the rabidest gospeller.

There was a paper thrown into the palace, 'The King hath wearied of his barren bride.'

She came upon it, read it, and then rent it, With all the rage of one who hates a truth He cannot but allow. Sire, I would have you-- What should I say, I cannot pick my words-- Be somewhat less--majestic to your Queen.

PHILIP. Am I to change my manners, Simon Renard, Because these islanders are brutal beasts?

Or would you have me turn a sonneteer, And warble those brief-sighted eyes of hers?

RENARD. Brief-sighted tho' they be, I have seen them, sire, When you perchance were trifling royally With some fair dame of court, suddenly fill With such fierce fire--had it been fire indeed It would have burnt both speakers.

PHILIP. Ay, and then?

RENARD. Sire, might it not be policy in some matter Of small importance now and then to cede A point to her demand?

PHILIP. Well, I am going.

RENARD. For should her love when you are gone, my liege, Witness these papers, there will not be wanting Those that will urge her injury--should her love-- And I have known such women more than one-- Veer to the counterpoint, and jealousy Hath in it an alchemic force to fuse Almost into one metal love and hate,-- And she impress her wrongs upon her Council, And these again upon her Parliament-- We are not loved here, and would be then perhaps Not so well holpen in our wars with France, As else we might be--here she comes.

_Enter_ MARY.

MARY. O Philip!

Nay, must you go indeed?

PHILIP. Madam, I must.

MARY. The parting of a husband and a wife Is like the cleaving of a heart; one half Will flutter here, one there.

PHILIP. You say true, Madam.

MARY. The Holy Virgin will not have me yet Lose the sweet hope that I may bear a prince.

If such a prince were born and you not here!

PHILIP. I should be here if such a prince were born.

MARY. But must you go?

PHILIP. Madam, you know my father, Retiring into cloistral solitude To yield the remnant of his years to heaven, Will s.h.i.+ft the yoke and weight of all the world From off his neck to mine. We meet at Brussels.

But since mine absence will not be for long, Your Majesty shall go to Dover with me, And wait my coming back.

MARY. To Dover? no, I am too feeble. I will go to Greenwich, So you will have me with you; and there watch All that is gracious in the breath of heaven Draw with your sails from our poor land, and pa.s.s And leave me, Philip, with my prayers for you.

PHILIP. And doubtless I shall profit by your prayers.

MARY. Methinks that would you tarry one day more (The news was sudden) I could mould myself To bear your going better; will you do it?

PHILIP. Madam, a day may sink or save a realm.

MARY. A day may save a heart from breaking too.

PHILIP. Well, Simon Renard, shall we stop a day?

RENARD. Your Grace's business will not suffer, sire, For one day more, so far as I can tell.

PHILIP. Then one day more to please her Majesty.

MARY. The suns.h.i.+ne sweeps across my life again.

O if I knew you felt this parting, Philip, As I do!

PHILIP. By St. James I do protest, Upon the faith and honour of a Spaniard, I am vastly grieved to leave your Majesty.

Simon, is supper ready?

RENARD. Ay, my liege, I saw the covers laying.

PHILIP. Let us have it.

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