Zoonomia Volume I Part 38

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The natural history of b.u.t.terflies, and moths, and beetles, and gnats, is full of curiosity; some of them pa.s.s many months, and others even years, in their caterpillar or grub state; they then rest many weeks without food, suspended in the air, buried in the earth, or submersed in water; and change themselves during this time into an animal apparently of a different nature; the stomachs of some of them, which before digested vegetable leaves or roots, now only digest honey; they have acquired wings for the purpose of seeking this new food, and a long proboscis to collect it from flowers, and I suppose a sense of smell to detect the secret places in flowers, where it is formed. The moths, which fly by night, have a much longer proboscis rolled up under their chins like a watch spring; which they extend to collect the honey from flowers in their sleeping state; when they are closed, and the nectaries in consequence more difficult to be plundered. The beetle kind are furnished with an external covering of a hard material to their wings, that they may occasionally again make holes in the earth, in which they pa.s.sed the former state of their existence.

But what most of all distinguishes these new animals is, that they are new furnished with the powers of reproduction; and that they now differ from each other in s.e.x, which does not appear in their caterpillar or grub state. In some of them the change from a caterpillar into a b.u.t.terfly or moth seems to be accomplished for the sole purpose of their propagation; since they immediately die after this is finished, and take no food in the interim, as the silk-worm in this climate; though it is possible, it might take honey as food, if it was presented to it. For in general it would seem, that food of a more stimulating kind, the honey of vegetables instead of their leaves, was necessary for the purpose of the seminal reproduction of these animals, exactly similar to what happens in vegetables; in these the juices of the earth are sufficient for their purpose of reproduction by buds or bulbs; in which the new plant seems to be formed by irritative motions, like the growth of their other parts, as their leaves or roots; but for the purpose of seminal or amatorial reproduction, where sensation is required, a more stimulating food becomes necessary for the anther, and stigma; and this food is honey; as explained in Sect. XIII. on Vegetable Animation.

The gnat and the tadpole resemble each other in their change from natant animals with gills into aerial animals with lungs; and in their change of the element in which they live; and probably of the food, with which they are supported; and lastly, with their acquiring in their new state the difference of s.e.x, and the organs of seminal or amatorial reproduction.

While the polypus, who is their companion in their former state of life, not being allowed to change his form and element, can only propagate like vegetable buds by the same kind of irritative motions, which produces the growth of his own body, without the seminal or amatorial propagation, which requires sensation; and which in gnats and tadpoles seems to require a change both of food and of respiration.

From hence I conclude, that with the acquisition of new parts, new sensations, and new desires, as well as new powers, are produced; and this by accretion to the old ones, and not by distention of them. And finally, that the most essential parts of the system, as the brain for the purpose of distributing the power of life, and the placenta for the purpose of oxygenating the blood, and the additional absorbent vessels for the purpose of acquiring aliment, are first formed by the irritations above mentioned, and by the pleasurable sensations attending those irritations, and by the exertions in consequence of painful sensations, similar to those of hunger and suffocation. After these an apparatus of limbs for future uses, or for the purpose of moving the body in its present natant state, and of lungs for future respiration, and of testes for future reproduction, are formed by the irritations and sensations, and consequent exertions of the parts previously existing, and to which the new parts are to be attached.

3. In confirmation of these ideas it may be observed, that all the parts of the body endeavour to grow, or to make additional parts to themselves throughout our lives; but are restrained by the parts immediately containing them; thus, if the skin be taken away, the fleshy parts beneath soon shoot out new granulations, called by the vulgar proud flesh. If the periosteum be removed, a similar growth commences from the bone. Now in the case of the imperfect embryon, the containing or confining parts are not yet supposed to be formed, and hence there is nothing to restrain its growth.

4. By the parts of the embryon being thus produced by new apportions, many phenomena both of animal and vegetable productions receive an easier explanation; such as that many fetuses are deficient at the extremities, as in a finger or a toe, or in the end of the tongue, or in what is called a hare-lip with deficiency of the palate. For if there should be a deficiency in the quant.i.ty of the first nutritive particles laid up in the egg for the reception of the first living filament, the extreme parts, as being last formed, must shew this deficiency by their being imperfect.

This idea of the growth of the embryon accords also with the production of some monstrous births, which consist of a duplicature of the limbs, as chickens with four legs; which could not occur, if the fetus was formed by the distention of an original stamen, or miniature. For if there should be a superfluity of the first nutritive particles laid up in the egg for the first living filament; it is easy to conceive, that a duplicature of some parts may be formed. And that such superfluous nourishment sometimes exists, is evinced by the double yolks in some eggs, which I suppose were thus formed previous to their impregnation by the exuberant nutriment of the hen.

This idea is confirmed by the a.n.a.logy of the monsters in the vegetable world also; in which a duplicate or triplicate production of various parts of the flower is observable, as a triple nectary in some columbines, and a triple petal in some primroses; and which are supposed to be produced by abundant nourishment.

5. If the embryon be received into a fluid, whose stimulus is different in some degree from the natural, as in the production of mule-animals, the new irritabilities or sensibilities acquired by the increasing or growing organized parts may differ, and thence produce parts not similar to the father, but of a kind belonging in part to the mother; and thus, though the original stamen or living ens was derived totally from the father, yet new irritabilities or sensibilities being excited, a change of form corresponding with them will be produced. Nor could the production of mules exist, if the stamen or miniature of all the parts of the embryon is previously formed in the male s.e.m.e.n, and is only distended by nourishment in the female uterus. Whereas this difficulty ceases, if the embryon be supposed to consist of a living filament, which acquires or makes new parts with new irritabilities, as it advances in its growth.

The form, solidity, and colour, of the particles of nutriment laid up for the reception of the first living filament, as well as their peculiar kind of stimulus, may contribute to produce a difference in the form, solidity, and colour of the fetus, so as to resemble the mother, as it advances in life. This also may especially happen during the first state of the existence of the embryon, before it has acquired organs, which can change these first nutritive particles, as explained in No. 5. 2. of this Section.

And as these nutritive particles are supposed to be similar to those, which are formed for her own nutrition, it follows that the fetus should so far resemble the mother.

This explains, why hereditary diseases may be derived either from the male or female parent, as well as the peculiar form of either of their bodies.

Some of these hereditary diseases are simply owing to a deficient activity of a part of the system, as of the absorbent vessels, which open into the cells or cavities of the body, and thus occasion dropsies. Others are at the same time owing to an increase of sensation, as in scrophula and consumption; in these the obstruction of the fluids is first caused by the inirritability of the vessels, and the inflammation and ulcers which succeed, are caused by the consequent increase of sensation in the obstructed part. Other hereditary diseases, as the epilepsy, and other convulsions, consist in too great voluntary exertions in consequence of disagreeable sensation in some particular diseased part. Now as the pains, which occasion these convulsions, are owing to defect of the action of the diseased part, as shewn in Sect. x.x.xIV. it is plain, that all these hereditary diseases may have their origin either from defective irritability derived from the father, or from deficiency of the stimulus of the nutriment derived from the mother. In either case the effect would be similar; as a scrophulous race is frequently produced among the poor from the deficient stimulus of bad diet, or of hunger; and among the rich, by a deficient irritability from their having been long accustomed to too great stimulus, as of vinous spirit.

6. From this account of reproduction it appears, that all animals have a similar origin, viz. from a single living filament; and that the difference of their forms and qualities has arisen only from the different irritabilities and sensibilities, or voluntarities, or a.s.sociabilities, of this original living filament; and perhaps in some degree from the different forms of the particles of the fluids, by which it has been at first stimulated into activity. And that from hence, as Linnaeus has conjectured in respect to the vegetable world, it is not impossible, but the great variety of species of animals, which now tenant the earth, may have had their origin from the mixture of a few natural orders. And that those animal and vegetable mules, which could continue their species, have done so, and const.i.tute the numerous families of animals and vegetables which now exist; and that those mules, which were produced with imperfect organs of generation, perished without reproduction, according to the observation of Aristotle; and are the animals, which we now call mules. See Botanic Garden, Part II. Note on Dianthus.

Such a promiscuous intercourse of animals is said to exist at this day in New South Wales by Captain Hunter. And that not only amongst the quadrupeds and birds of different kinds, but even amongst the fish, and, as he believes, amongst the vegetables. He speaks of an animal between the opossum and the kangaroo, from the size of a sheep to that of a rat. Many fish seemed to partake of the shark; some with a shark's head and shoulders, and the hind part of a shark; others with a shark's head and the body of a mullet; and some with a shark's head and the flat body of a sting-ray. Many birds partake of the parrot; some have the head, neck, and bill of a parrot, with long straight feet and legs; others with legs and feet of a parrot, with head and neck of a sea gull. Voyage to South Wales by Captain John Hunter, p. 68.

7. All animals therefore, I contend, have a similar cause of their organization, originating from a single living filament, endued indeed with different kinds of irritabilities and sensibilities, or of animal appetencies; which exist in every gland, and in every moving organ of the body, and are as essential to living organization as chemical affinities are to certain combinations of inanimate matter.

If I might be indulged to make a simile in a philosophical work, I should say, that the animal appetencies are not only perhaps less numerous originally than the chemical affinities; but that like these latter, they change with every new combination; thus vital air and azote, when combined, produce nitrous acid; which now acquires the property of dissolving silver; so with every new additional part to the embryon, as of the throat or lungs, I suppose a new animal appetency to be produced.

In this early formation of the embryon from the irritabilities, sensibilities, and a.s.sociabilities, and consequent appetencies, the faculty of volition can scarcely be supposed to have had its birth. For about what can the fetus deliberate, when it has no choice of objects? But in the more advanced state of the fetus, it evidently possesses volition; as it frequently changes its att.i.tude, though it seems to sleep the greatest part of its time; and afterwards the power of volition contributes to change or alter many parts of the body during its growth to manhood, by our early modes of exertion in the various departments of life. All these faculties then const.i.tute the vis fabricatrix, and the vis conservatrix, as well as the vis medicatrix of nature, so much spoken of, but so little understood by philosophers.

8. When we revolve in our minds, first, the great changes, which we see naturally produced in animals after their nativity, as in the production of the b.u.t.terfly with painted wings from the crawling caterpillar; or of the respiring frog from the subnatant tadpole; from the feminine boy to the bearded man, and from the infant girl to the lactescent woman; both which changes may be prevented by certain mutilations of the glands necessary to reproduction.

Secondly, when we think over the great changes introduced into various animals by artificial or accidental cultivation, as in horses, which we have exercised for the different purposes of strength or swiftness, in carrying burthens or in running races; or in dogs, which have been cultivated for strength and courage, as the bull-dog; or for acuteness of his sense or smell, as the hound and spaniel; or for the swiftness of his foot, as the greyhound; or for his swimming in the water, or for drawing snow-sledges, as the rough-haired dogs of the north; or lastly, as a play-dog for children, as the lap-dog; with the changes of the forms of the cattle, which have been domesticated from the greatest antiquity, as camels, and sheep; which have undergone so total a transformation, that we are now ignorant from what species of wild animals they had their origin.

Add to these the great changes of shape and colour, which we daily see produced in smaller animals from our domestication of them, as rabbits, or pigeons; or from the difference of climates and even of seasons; thus the sheep of warm climates are covered with hair instead of wool; and the hares and partridges of the lat.i.tudes, which are long buried in snow, become white during the winter months; add to these the various changes produced in the forms of mankind, by their early modes of exertion; or by the diseases occasioned by their habits of life; both of which became hereditary, and that through many generations. Those who labour at the anvil, the oar, or the loom, as well as those who carry sedan-chairs, or who have been educated to dance upon the rope, are distinguishable by the shape of their limbs; and the diseases occasioned by intoxication deform the countenance with leprous eruptions, or the body with tumid viscera, or the joints with knots and distortions.

Thirdly, when we enumerate the great changes produced in the species of animals before their nativity; these are such as resemble the form or colour of their parents, which have been altered by the cultivation or accidents above related, and are thus continued to their posterity. Or they are changes produced by the mixture of species as in mules; or changes produced probably by the exuberance of nourishment supplied to the fetus, as in monstrous births with additional limbs; many of these enormities of shape are propagated, and continued as a variety at least, if not as a new species of animal. I have seen a breed of cats with an additional claw on every foot; of poultry also with an additional claw, and with wings to their feet; and of others without rumps. Mr. Buffon mentions a breed of dogs without tails, which are common at Rome and at Naples, which he supposes to have been produced by a custom long established of cutting their tails close off. There are many kinds of pigeons, admired for their peculiarities, which are monsters thus produced and propagated. And to these must be added, the changes produced by the imagination of the male parent, as will be treated of more at large in No. VI. of this Section.

When we consider all these changes of animal form, and innumerable others, which may be collected from the books of natural history; we cannot but be convinced, that the fetus or embryon is formed by apposition of new parts, and not by the distention of a primordial nest of germs, included one within another, like the cups of a conjurer.

Fourthly, when we revolve in our minds the great similarity of structure, which obtains in all the warm-blooded animals, as well quadrupeds, birds, and amphibious animals, as in mankind; from the mouse and bat to the elephant and whale; one is led to conclude, that they have alike been produced from a similar living filament. In some this filament in its advance to maturity has acquired hands and fingers, with a fine sense of touch, as in mankind. In others it has acquired claws or talons, as in tygers and eagles. In others, toes with an intervening web, or membrane, as in seals and geese. In others it has acquired cloven hoofs, as in cows and swine; and whole hoofs in others, as in the horse. While in the bird kind this original living filament has put forth wings instead of arms or legs, and feathers instead of hair. In some it has protruded horns on the forehead instead of teeth in the fore part of the upper jaw; in others tushes instead of horns; and in others beaks instead of either. And all this exactly as is daily seen in the trans.m.u.tations of the tadpole, which acquires legs and lungs, when he wants them; and loses his tail, when it is no longer of service to him.

Fifthly, from their first rudiment, or primordium, to the termination of their lives, all animals undergo perpetual transformations; which are in part produced by their own exertions in consequence of their desires and aversions, of their pleasures and their pains, or of irritations, or of a.s.sociations; and many of these acquired forms or propensities are transmitted to their posterity. See Sect. x.x.xI. 1.

As air and water are supplied to animals in sufficient profusion, the three great objects of desire, which have changed the forms of many animals by their exertions to gratify them, are those of l.u.s.t, hunger, and security. A great want of one part of the animal world has consisted in the desire of the exclusive possession of the females; and these have acquired weapons to combat each other for this purpose, as the very thick, s.h.i.+eld-like, h.o.r.n.y skin on the shoulder of the boar is a defence only against animals of his own species, who strike obliquely upwards, nor are his tushes for other purposes, except to defend himself, as he is not naturally a carnivorous animal. So the horns of the stag are sharp to offend his adversary, but are branched for the purpose of parrying or receiving the thrusts of horns similar to his own, and have therefore been formed for the purpose of combating other stags for the exclusive possession of the females; who are observed, like the ladies in the times of chivalry, to attend the car of the victor.

The birds, which do not carry food to their young, and do not therefore marry, are armed with spurs for the purpose of fighting for the exclusive possession of the females, as c.o.c.ks and quails. It is certain that these weapons are not provided for their defence against other adversaries, because the females of these species are without this armour. The final cause of this contest amongst the males seems to be, that the strongest and most active animal should propagate the species, which should thence become improved.

Another great want consists in the means of procuring food, which has diversified the forms of all species of animals. Thus the nose of the swine has become hard for the purpose of turning up the soil in search of insects and of roots. The trunk of the elephant is an elongation of the nose for the purpose of pulling down the branches of trees for his food, and for taking up water without bending his knees. Beasts of prey have acquired strong jaws or talons. Cattle have acquired a rough tongue and a rough palate to pull off the blades of gra.s.s, as cows and sheep. Some birds have acquired harder beaks to crack nuts, as the parrot. Others have acquired beaks adapted to break the harder seeds, as sparrows. Others for the softer seeds of flowers, or the buds of trees, as the finches. Other birds have acquired long beaks to penetrate the moister soils in search of insects or roots, as woodc.o.c.ks; and others broad ones to filtrate the water of lakes, and to retain aquatic insects. All which seem to have been gradually produced during many generations by the perpetual endeavour of the creatures to supply the want of food, and to have been delivered to their posterity with constant improvement of them for the purposes required.

The third great want amongst animals is that of security, which seems much to have diversified the forms of their bodies and the colour of them; these consist in the means of escaping other animals more powerful than themselves. Hence some animals have acquired wings instead of legs, as the smaller birds, for the purpose of escape. Others great length of fin, or of membrane, as the flying fish, and the bat. Others great swiftness of foot, as the hare. Others have acquired hard or armed, as the tortoise and the echinus marinus.

Mr. Osbeck, a pupil of Linnaeus, mentions the American frog fish, Lophius Histrio, which inhabits the large floating islands of sea-weed about the Cape of Good Hope, and has fulcra resembling leaves, that the fishes of prey may mistake it for the sea-weed, which it inhabits. Voyage to China, p. 113.

The contrivances for the purposes of security extend even to vegetables, as is seen in the wonderful and various means of their concealing or defending their honey from insects, and their seeds from birds. On the other hand swiftness of wing has been acquired by hawks and swallows to pursue their prey; and a proboscis of admirable structure has been acquired by the bee, the moth, and the humming bird, for the purpose of plundering the nectaries of flowers. All which seem to have been formed by the original living filament, excited into action by the necessities of the creatures, which possess them, and on which their existence depends.

From thus meditating on the great similarity of the structure of the warm-blooded animals, and at the same time of the great changes they undergo both before and after their nativity; and by considering in how minute a portion of time many of the changes of animals above described have been produced; would it be too bold to imagine, that in the great length of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the commencement of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament, which THE GREAT FIRST CAUSE endued with animality, with the power of acquiring new parts, attended with new propensities, directed by irritations, sensations, volitions, and a.s.sociations; and thus possessing the faculty of continuing to improve by its own inherent activity, and of delivering down those improvements by generation to its posterity, world without end!

Sixthly, The cold-blooded animals, as the fish-tribes, which are furnished with but one ventricle of the heart, and with gills instead of lungs, and with fins instead of feet or wings, bear a great similarity to each other; but they differ, nevertheless, so much in their general structure from the warm-blooded animals, that it may not seem probable at first view, that the same living filament could have given origin to this kingdom of animals, as to the former. Yet are there some creatures, which unite or partake of both these orders of animation, as the whales and seals; and more particularly the frog, who changes from an aquatic animal furnished with gills to an aerial one furnished with lungs.

The numerous tribes of insects without wings, from the spider to the scorpion, from the flea to the lobster; or with wings, from the gnat and the ant to the wasp and the dragon-fly, differ so totally from each other, and from the red-blooded above described, both in the forms of their bodies, and their modes of life; besides the organ of sense, which they seem to possess in their antennae or horns, to which it has been thought by some naturalists, that other creatures have nothing similar; that it can scarcely be supposed that this nation of animals could have been produced by the same kind of living filament, as the red-blooded above mentioned. And yet the changes which many of them undergo in their early state to that of their maturity, are as different, as one animal can be from another. As those of the gnat, which his early state in water, and then stretching out his new wings, and expanding his new lungs, rises in the air; as of the caterpillar, and bee-nymph, which feed on vegetable leaves or farina, and at length bursting from their self-formed graves, become beautiful winged inhabitants of the skies, journeying from flower to flower, and nourished by the ambrosial food of honey.

There is still another cla.s.s of animals, which are termed vermes by Linnaeus, which are without feet, or brain, and are hermaphrodites, as worms, leeches, snails, sh.e.l.l-fish, coralline insects, and sponges; which possess the simplest structure of all animals, and appear totally different from those already described. The simplicity of their structure, however, can afford no argument against their having been produced from a living filament as above contended.

Last of all the various tribes of vegetables are to be enumerated amongst the inferior orders of animals. Of these the anthers and stigmas have already been shewn to possess some organs of sense, to be nourished by honey, and to have the power of generation like insects, and have thence been announced amongst the animal kingdom in Sect. XIII. and to these must be added the buds and bulbs which const.i.tute the viviparous offspring of vegetation. The former I suppose to be beholden to a single living filament for their seminal or amatorial procreation; and the latter to the same cause for their lateral or branching generation, which they possess in common with the polypus, taenia, and volvox; and the simplicity of which is an argument in favour of the similarity of its cause.

Linnaeus supposes, in the Introduction to his Natural Orders, that very few vegetables were at first created, and that their numbers were increased by their intermarriages, and adds, suadent haec Creatoris leges a simplicibus ad composita. Many other changes seem to have arisen in them by their perpetual contest for light and air above ground, and for food or moisture beneath the soil. As noted in Botanic Garden, Part II. Note on Cuscuta.

Other changes of vegetables from climate, or other causes, are remarked in the Note on in the same work. From these one might be led to imagine, that each plant at first consisted of a single bulb or flower to each root, as the gentianella and daisy; and that in the contest for air and light new buds grew on the old decaying flower stem, shooting down their elongated roots to the ground, and that in process of ages tall trees were thus formed, and an individual bulb became a swarm of vegetables.

Other plants, which in this contest for light and air were too slender to rise by their own strength, learned by degrees to adhere to their neighbours, either by putting forth roots like the ivy, or by tendrils like the vine, or by spiral contortions like the honeysuckle; or by growing upon them like the misleto, and taking nourishment from their barks; or by only lodging or adhering on them, and deriving nourishment from the air, as tillandsia.

Shall we then say that the vegetable living filament was originally different from that of each tribe of animals above described? And that the productive living filament of each of those tribes was different originally from the other? Or, as the earth and ocean were probably peopled with vegetable productions long before the existence of animals; and many families of these animals long before other families of them, shall we conjecture that one and the same kind of living filaments is and has been the cause of all organic life?

This idea of the gradual formation and improvement of the animal world accords with the observations of some modern philosophers, who have supposed that the continent of America has been raised out of the ocean at a later period of time than the other three quarters of the globe, which they deduce from the greater comparative heights of its mountains, and the consequent greater coldness of its respective climates, and from the less size and strength of its animals, as the tygers and allegators compared with those of Asia or Africa. And lastly, from the less progress in the improvements of the mind of its inhabitants in respect to voluntary exertions.

This idea of the gradual formation and improvement of the animal world seems not to have been unknown to the ancient philosophers. Plato having probably observed the reciprocal generation of inferior animals, as snails and worms, was of opinion, that mankind with all other animals were originally hermaphrodites during the infancy of the world, and were in process of time separated into male and female. The b.r.e.a.s.t.s and teats of all male quadrupeds, to which no use can be now a.s.signed, adds perhaps some shadow of probability to this opinion. Linnaeus excepts the horse from the male quadrupeds, who have teats; which might have shewn the earlier origin of his exigence; but Mr. J. Hunter a.s.serts, that he has discovered the vestiges of them on his sheath, and has at the same time enriched natural history with a very curious fact concerning the male pigeon; at the time of hatching the eggs both the male and female pigeon undergo a great change in their crops; which thicken and become corrugated, and secrete a kind of milky fluid, which coagulates, and with which alone they for a few days feed their young, and afterwards feed them with this coagulated fluid mixed with other food. How this resembles the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of female quadrupeds after the production of their young! and how extraordinary, that the male should at this time give milk as well as the female! See Botanic Garden, Part II.

Note on

The late Mr. David Hume, in his posthumous works, places the powers of generation much above those of our boasted reason; and adds, that reason can only make a machine, as a clock or a s.h.i.+p, but the power of generation makes the maker of the machine; and probably from having observed, that the greatest part of the earth has been formed out of organic recrements; as the immense beds of limestone, chalk, marble, from the of fish; and the extensive provinces of clay, sandstone, ironstone, coals, from decomposed vegetables; all which have been first produced by generation, or by the secretions of organic life; he concludes that the world itself might have been generated, rather than created; that is, it might have been gradually produced from very small beginnings, increasing by the activity of its inherent principles, rather than by a sudden evolution of the whole by the Almighty fire.--What a magnificent idea of the infinite power of THE GREAT ARCHITECT! THE CAUSE OF CAUSES! PARENT OF PARENTS! ENS ENTIUM!

For if we may compare infinities, it would seem to require a greater infinity of power to cause the causes of effects, than to cause the effects themselves. This idea is a.n.a.logous to the improving excellence observable in every part of the creation; such as in the progressive increase of the solid or habitable parts of the earth from water; and in the progressive increase of the wisdom and happiness of its inhabitants; and is consonant to the idea of our present situation being a state of probation, which by our exertions we may improve, and are consequently responsible for our actions.

V. 1. The efficient cause of the various colours of the eggs of birds, and of the air and feathers of animals, is a subject so curious, that I shall beg to introduce it in this place. The colours of many animals seem adapted to their purposes of concealing themselves either to avoid danger, or to spring upon their prey. Thus the snake and wild cat, and leopard, are so coloured as to resemble dark leaves and their lighter interstices; birds resemble the colour of the brown ground, or the green hedges, which they frequent; and moths and b.u.t.terflies are coloured like the flowers which they rob of their honey. Many instances are mentioned of this kind in Botanic Garden, p. 2. Note on Rubia.

These colours have, however, in some instances another use, as the black diverging area from the eyes of the swan; which, as his eyes are placed less prominent than those of other birds, for the convenience of putting down his head under water, prevents the rays of light from being reflected into his eye, and thus dazzling his sight, both in air and beneath the water; which must have happened, if that surface had been white like the rest of his feathers.

There is a still more wonderful thing concerning these colours adapted to the purpose of concealment; which is, that the eggs of birds are so coloured as to resemble the colour of the adjacent objects and their interfaces. The eggs of hedge-birds are greenish with dark spots; those of crows and magpies, which are seen from beneath through wicker nests, are white with dark spots; and those of larks and partridges are russet or brown, like their nests or situations.

A thing still more astonis.h.i.+ng is, that many animals in countries covered with snow become white in winter, and are said to change their colour again in the warmer months, as bears, hares, and partridges. Our domesticated animals lose their natural colours, and break into great variety, as horses, dogs, pigeons. The final cause of these colours is easily understood, as they serve some purposes of the animal, but the efficient cause would seem almost beyond conjecture.

First, the choroid coat of the eye, on which the semitransparent retina is expanded, is of different colour in different animals; in those which feed on gra.s.s it is green; from hence there would appear some connexion between the colour of the choroid coat and of that constantly painted on the retina by the green gra.s.s. Now, when the ground becomes covered with snow, it would seem, that that action of the retina, which is called whiteness, being constantly excited in the eye, may be gradually imitated by the extremities of the nerves of touch, or rete mucosum of the skin. And if it be supposed, that the action of the retina in producing the perception of any colour consists in so disposing its own fibres or surface, as to reflect those coloured rays only, and transmit the others like soap-bubbles; then that part of the retina, which gives us the perception of snow, must at that time be white; and that which gives us the perception of gra.s.s, must be green.

Then if by the laws of imitation, as explained in Section XII. 3. 3. and x.x.xIX. 6. the extremities of the nerves of touch in the rete mucosum be induced into similar action, the skin or feathers, or hair, may in like manner so dispose their extreme fibres, as to reflect white; for it is evident, that all these parts were originally obedient to irritative motions during their growth, and probably continue to be so; that those irritative motions are not liable in a healthy state to be succeeded by sensation; which however is no uncommon thing in their diseased state, or in their infant state, as in plica polonica, and in very young pen-feathers, which are still full of blood.

It was shewn in Section XV. on the Production of Ideas, that the moving organ of sense in some circ.u.mstances resembled the object which produced that motion. Hence it may be conceived, that the rete mucosum, which is the extremity of the nerves of touch, may by imitating the motions of the retina become coloured. And thus, like the fable of the camelion, all animals may possess a tendency to be coloured somewhat like the colours they most frequently inspect, and finally, that colours may be thus given to the egg-sh.e.l.l by the imagination of the female parent; which sh.e.l.l is previously a mucous membrane, indued with irritability, without which it could not circulate its fluids, and increase in its bulk. Nor is this more wonderful than that a single idea of imagination mould in an instant colour the whole surface of the body of a bright scarlet, as in the blush of shame, though by a very different process. In this intricate subject nothing but loose a.n.a.logical conjectures can be had, which may however lead to future discoveries; but certain it is that both the change of the colour of animals to white in the winters of snowy countries, and the spots on birds eggs, must have some efficient cause; since the uniformity of their production shews it cannot arise from a fortuitous concurrence of circ.u.mstances; and how is this efficient cause to be detected, or explained, but from its a.n.a.logy to other animal facts?

2. The nutriment supplied by the female parent in viviparous animals to their young progeny may be divided into three kinds, corresponding with the age of the new creature. 1. The nutriment contained in the ovum as previously prepared for the embryon in the ovary. 2. The liquor amnii prepared for the fetus in the uterus, and in which it swims; and lastly, the milk prepared in the pectoral glands for the new born-child. There is reason to conclude that variety of changes may be produced in the new animal from all these sources of nutriment, but particularly from the first of them..

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