Zoonomia Volume I Part 21

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As the extremities of the glands are of exquisite tenuity, as appears by their difficulty of injection, it was necessary for them to secrete their fluids in a very dilute state; and, probably for the purpose of stimulating them into action, a quant.i.ty of neutral salt is likewise secreted or formed by the gland. This aqueous and saline part of all secreted fluids is again reabsorbed into the habit. More than half of some secreted fluids is thus imbibed from the reservoirs, into which they are poured; as in the urinary bladder much more than half of what is secreted by the kidneys becomes reabsorbed by the lymphatics, which are thickly dispersed around the neck of the bladder. This seems to be the purpose of the urinary bladders of fish, as otherwise such a receptacle for the urine could have been of no use to an animal immersed in water.

5. The idea of substances disagreeably acrid will also produce a quant.i.ty of saliva in the mouth; as when we smell very putrid vapours, we are induced to spit out our saliva, as if something disagreeable was actually upon our palates.

6. When disagreeable food in the stomach produces nausea, a flow of saliva is excited in the mouth by a.s.sociation; as efforts to vomit are frequently produced by disagreeable drugs in the mouth by the same kind of a.s.sociation.

7. A preternatural flow of saliva is likewise sometimes occasioned by a disease of the voluntary power; for if we think about our saliva, and determine not to swallow it, or not to spit it out, an exertion is produced by the will, and more saliva is secreted against our wish; that is, by our aversion, which bears the same a.n.a.logy to desire, as pain does to pleasure; as they are only modifications of the same disposition of the sensorium.

See Cla.s.s IV. 3. 2. 1.

8. The quant.i.ty of saliva may also be increased beyond what is natural, by the catenation of the motions of these glands with other motions, or sensations, as by an extraneous body in the ear; of which I have known an instance; or by the application of stizolobium, siliqua hirsuta, cowhage, to the seat of the parotis, as some writers have affirmed.

II. 1. The lacrymal gland drinks up a certain fluid from the circ.u.mfluent blood, and pours it on the ball of the eye, on the upper part of the external corner of the eyelids. Though it may perhaps be stimulated into the performance of its natural action by the blood, which surrounds its origin, or by some part of that heterogeneous fluid; yet as the tears secreted by this gland are more wanted at some times than at others, its secretion is variable, like that of the saliva above mentioned, and is chiefly produced when its excretory duct is stimulated; for in our common sleep there seems to be little or no secretion of tears; though they are occasionally produced by our sensations in dreams.

Thus when any extraneous material on the eye-ball, or the dryness of the external covering of it, or the coldness of the air, or the acrimony of some vapours, as of onions, stimulates the excretory duct of the lacrymal gland, it discharges its contents upon the ball; a quicker secretion takes place in the gland, and abundant tears succeed, to moisten, clean, and lubricate the eye. These by frequent nict.i.tation are diffused over the whole ball, and as the external angle of the eye in winking is closed sooner than the internal angle, the tears are gradually driven forwards, and downwards from the lacrymal gland to the puncta lacrymalia.

2. The lacrymal sack, with its puncta lacrymalia, and its nasal duct, is a complete gland; and is singular in this respect, that it neither derives its fluid from, nor disgorges it into the circulation. The simplicity of the structure of this gland, and both the extremities of it being on the surface of the body, makes it well worthy our minuter observation; as the actions of more intricate and concealed glands may be better understood from their a.n.a.logy to this.

3. This simple gland consists of two absorbing mouths, a belly, and an excretory duct. As the tears are brought to the internal angle of the eye, these two mouths drink them up, being stimulated into action by this fluid, which they absorb. The belly of the gland, or lacrymal sack, is thus filled, in which the saline part of the tears is absorbed, and when the other end of the gland, or nasal duct, is stimulated by the dryness, or pained by the coldness of the air, or affected by any acrimonious dust or vapour in the nostrils, it is excited into action together with the sack, and the tears are disgorged upon the membrane, which lines the nostrils; where they serve a second purpose to moisten, clean, and lubricate, the organ of smell.

4. When the nasal duct of this gland is stimulated by any very acrid material, as the powder of tobacco, or volatile spirits, it not only disgorges the contents of its belly or receptacle (the lacrymal sack), and absorbs hastily all the fluid, that is ready for it in the corner of the eye; but by the a.s.sociation of its motions with those of the lacrymal gland, it excites that also into increased action, and a large flow of tears is poured into the eye.

5. This nasal duct is likewise excited into strong action by sensitive ideas, as in grief, or joy, and then also by its a.s.sociations with the lacrymal gland it produces a great flow of tears without any external stimulus; as is more fully explained in Sect. XVI. 8. on Instinct.

6. There are some, famous in the arts of exciting compa.s.sion, who are said to have acquired a voluntary power of producing a flow of tears in the eye; which, from what has been said in the section on Instinct above mentioned, I should suspect, is performed by acquiring a voluntary power over the action of this nasal duct.

7. There is another circ.u.mstance well worthy our attention, that when by any accident this nasal duct is obstructed, the lacrymal sack, which is the belly or receptacle of this gland, by slight pressure of the finger is enabled to disgorge its contents again into the eye; perhaps the bile in the same manner, when the biliary ducts are obstructed, is returned into the blood by the vessels which secrete it?

8. A very important though minute occurrence must here be observed, that though the lacrymal gland is only excited into action, when we weep at a distressful tale, by its a.s.sociation with this nasal duct, as is more fully explained in Sect. XVI. 8; yet the quant.i.ty of tears secreted at once is more than the puncta lacrymalia can readily absorb; which shews _that the motions occasioned by a.s.sociations are frequently more energetic than the original motions, by which they were occasioned_. Which we shall have occasion to mention hereafter, to ill.u.s.trate, why pains frequently exist in a part distant from the cause of them, as in the other end of the urethra, when a stone stimulates the neck of the bladder. And why inflammations frequently arise in parts distant from their cause, as the gutta rosea of drinking people, from an inflamed liver.

The inflammation of a part is generally preceded by a torpor or quiescence of it; if this exists in any large congeries of glands, as in the liver, or any membranous part, as the stomach, pain is produced and chilliness in consequence of the torpor of the vessels. In this situation sometimes an inflammation of the parts succeeds the torpor; at other times a distant more sensible part becomes inflamed; whose actions have previously been a.s.sociated with it; and the torpor of the first part ceases. This I apprehend happens, when the gout of the foot succeeds a pain of the biliary duct, or of the stomach. Lastly, it sometimes happens, that the pain of torpor exists without any consequent inflammation of the affected part, or of any distant part a.s.sociated with it, as in the membranes about the temple and eye-brows in hemicrania, and in those pains, which occasion convulsions; if this happens to gouty people, when it affects the liver, I suppose epileptic fits are produced; and, when it affects the stomach, death is the consequence. In these cases the pulse is weak, and the extremities cold, and such medicines as stimulate the quiescent parts into action, or which induce inflammation in them, or in any distant part, which is a.s.sociated with them, cures the present pain of torpor, and saves the patient.

I have twice seen a gouty inflammation of the liver, attended with jaundice; the patients after a few days were both of them affected with cold fits, like ague-fits, and their feet became affected with gout, and the inflammation of their livers ceased. It is probable, that the uneasy sensations about the stomach, and indigestion, which precedes gouty paroxysms, are generally owing to torpor or slight inflammation of the liver, and biliary ducts; but where great pain with continued sickness, with feeble pulse, and sensation of cold, affect the stomach in patients debilitated by the gout, that it is a torpor of the stomach itself, and destroys the patient from the great connexion of that viscus with the vital organs. See Sect. XXV. 17.



1. _Of swallowing our food. Ruminating animals._ 2. _Action of the stomach._ 3. _Action of the intestines. Irritative motions connected with these._ 4. _Effects of repletion._ 5. _Stronger action of the stomach and intestines from more stimulating food._ 6. _Their action inverted by still greater stimuli. Or by disgustful ideas. Or by volition._ 7. _Other glands strengthen or invert their motions by sympathy._ 8. _Vomiting performed by intervals._ 9. _Inversion of the cutaneous absorbents._ 10. _Increased secretion of bile and pancreatic juice._ 11. _Inversion of the lacteals._ 12. _And of the bile-ducts._ 13. _Case of a cholera._ 14. _Further account of the inversion of lacteals._ 15. _Iliac pa.s.sions. Valve of the colon._ 16. _Cure of the iliac pa.s.sion._ 17. _Pain of gall-stone distinguished from pain of the stomach. Gout of the stomach from torpor, from inflammation.

Intermitting pulse owing to indigestion. To overdose of foxglove. Weak pulse from emetics. Death from a blow on the stomach. From gout of the stomach._

1. The throat, stomach, and intestines, may be considered as one great gland; which like the lacrymal sack above mentioned, neither begins nor ends in the circulation. Though the act of masticating our aliment belongs to the sensitive cla.s.s of motions, for the pleasure of its taste induces the muscles of the jaw into action; yet the deglut.i.tion of it when masticated is generally, if not always, an irritative motion, occasioned by the application of the food already masticated to the origin of the pharinx; in the same manner as we often swallow our spittle without attending to it.

The ruminating cla.s.s of animals have the power to invert the motion of their gullet, and of their first stomach, from the stimulus of this aliment, when it is a little further prepared; as is their daily practice in chewing the cud; and appears to the eye of any one, who attends to them, whilst they are employed in this second mastication of their food.

2. When our natural aliment arrives into the stomach, this organ is simulated into its proper vermicular action; which beginning at the upper orifice of it, and terminating at the lower one, gradually mixes together and pushes forwards the digesting materials into the intestine beneath it.

At the same time the glands, that supply the gastric juices, which are necessary to promote the chemical part of the process of digestion, are stimulated to discharge their contained fluids, and to separate a further supply from the blood-vessels: and the lacteals or lymphatics, which open their mouths into the stomach, are stimulated into action, and take up some part of the digesting materials.

3. The remainder of these digesting materials is carried forwards into the upper intestines, and stimulates them into their peristaltic motion similar to that of the stomach; which continues gradually to mix the changing materials, and pa.s.s them along through the valve of the colon to the excretory end of this great gland, the sphincter ani.

The digesting materials produce a flow of bile, and of pancreatic juice, as they pa.s.s along the duodenum, by stimulating the excretory ducts of the liver and pancreas, which terminate in that intestine: and other branches of the absorbent or lymphatic system, called lacteals, are excited to drink up, as it, those parts of the digesting materials, that are proper for their purpose, by its stimulus on their mouths.

4. When the stomach and intestines are thus filled with their proper food, not only the motions of the gastric glands, the pancreas, liver, and lacteal vessels, are excited into action; but at the same time the whole tribe of irritative motions are exerted with greater energy, a greater degree of warmth, colour, plumpness, and moisture, is given to the skin from the increased action of those glands called capillary vessels; pleasurable sensation is excited, the voluntary motions are less easily exerted, and at length suspended; and sleep succeeds, unless it be prevented by the stimulus of surrounding objects, or by voluntary exertion, or by an acquired habit, which was originally produced by one or other of these circ.u.mstances, as is explained in Sect. XXI. on Drunkenness.

At this time also, as the blood-vessels become replete with chyle, more urine is separated into the bladder, and less of it is reabsorbed; more mucus poured into the cellular membranes, and less of it reabsorbed; the pulse becomes fuller, and softer, and in general quicker. The reason why less urine and cellular mucus is absorbed after a full meal with sufficient drink is owing to the blood-vessels being fuller: hence one means to promote absorption is to decrease the resistance by emptying the vessels by venesection. From this decreased absorption the urine becomes pale as well as copious, and the skin appears plump as well as florid.

By daily repet.i.tion of these movements they all become connected together, and make a diurnal circle of irritative action, and if one of this chain be disturbed, the whole is liable to be put into disorder. See Sect. XX. on Vertigo.

5. When the stomach and intestines receive a quant.i.ty of food, whose stimulus is greater than usual, all their motions, and those of the glands and lymphatics, are stimulated into stronger action than usual, and perform their offices with greater vigour and in less time: such are the effects of certain quant.i.ties of spice or of vinous spirit.

6. But if the quant.i.ty or duration of these stimuli are still further increased, the stomach and throat are stimulated into a motion, whose direction is contrary to the natural one above described; and they regurgitate the materials, which they contain, instead of carrying them forwards. This retrograde motion of the stomach may be compared to the stretchings of wearied limbs the contrary way, and is well elucidated by the following experiment. Look earnestly for a minute or two on an area an inch square of pink silk, placed in a strong light, the eye becomes fatigued, the colour becomes faint, and at length vanishes, for the fatigued eye can no longer be stimulated into direct motions; then on closing the eye a green spectrum will appear in it, which is a colour directly contrary to pink, and which will appear and disappear repeatedly, like the efforts in vomiting. See Section XXIX. 11.

Hence all those drugs, which by their bitter or astringent stimulus increase the action of the stomach, as camomile and white vitriol, if their quant.i.ty is increased above a certain dose become emetics.

These inverted motions of the stomach and throat are generally produced from the stimulus of unnatural food, and are attended with the sensation of nausea or sickness: but as this sensation is again connected with an idea of the distasteful food, which induced it; so an idea of nauseous food will also sometimes excite the action of nausea; and that give rise by a.s.sociation to the inversion of the motions of the stomach and throat. As some, who have had horse-flesh or dogs-flesh given them for beef or mutton, are said to have vomited many hours afterwards, when they have been told of the imposition.

I have been told of a person, who had gained a voluntary command over these inverted motions of the stomach and throat, and supported himself by exhibiting this curiosity to the public. At these exhibitions he swallowed a pint of red rough gooseberries, and a pint of white smooth ones, brought them up in small parcels into his mouth, and restored them separately to the spectators, who called for red or white as they pleased, till the whole were redelivered.

7. At the same time that these motions of the stomach and throat are stimulated into inversion, some of the other irritative motions, that had acquired more immediate connexions with the stomach, as those of the gastric glands, are excited into stronger action by this a.s.sociation; and some other of these motions, which are more easily excited, as those of the gastric lymphatics, are inverted by their a.s.sociation with the retrograde motions of the stomach, and regurgitate their contents, and thus a greater quant.i.ty of mucus, and of lymph, or chyle, is poured into the stomach, and thrown up along with its contents.

8. These inversions of the motion of the stomach in vomiting are performed by intervals, for the same reason that many other motions are reciprocally exerted and relaxed; for during the time of exertion the stimulus, or sensation, which caused this exertion, is not perceived; but begins to be perceived again, as soon as the exertion ceases, and is some time in again producing its effect. As explained in Sect. x.x.xIV. on Volition, where it is shewn, that the contractions of the fibres, and the sensation of pain, which occasioned that exertion, cannot exist at the same time. The exertion ceases from another cause also, which is the exhaustion of the sensorial power of the part, and these two causes frequently operate together.

9. At the times of these inverted efforts of the stomach not only the lymphatics, which open their mouths into the stomach, but those of the skin also, are for a time inverted; for sweats are sometimes pushed out during the efforts of vomiting without an increase of heat.

10. But if by a greater stimulus the motions of the stomach are inverted still more violently or more permanently, the duodenum has its peristaltic motions inverted at the same time by their a.s.sociation with those of the stomach; and the bile and pancreatic juice, which it contains, are by the inverted motions brought up into the stomach, and discharged along with its contents; while a greater quant.i.ty of bile and pancreatic juice is poured into this intestine; as the glands, that secrete them, are by their a.s.sociation with the motions of the intestine excited into stronger action than usual.

11. The other intestines are by a.s.sociation excited into more powerful action, while the lymphatics, that open their mouths into them, suffer an inversion of their motions corresponding with the lymphatics of the stomach, and duodenum; which with a part of the abundant secretion of bile is carried downwards, and contributes both to stimulate the bowels, and to increase the quant.i.ty of the evacuations. This inversion of the motion of the lymphatics appears from the quant.i.ty of chyle, which comes away by stools; which is otherwise absorbed as soon as produced, and by the immense quant.i.ty of thin fluid, which is evacuated along with it.

12. But if the stimulus, which inverts the stomach, be still more powerful, or more permanent, it sometimes happens, that the motions of the biliary glands, and of their excretory ducts, are at the same time inverted, and regurgitate their contained bile into the blood-vessels, as appears by the yellow colour of the skin, and of the urine; and it is probable the pancreatic secretion may suffer an inversion at the same time, though we have yet no mark by which this can be ascertained.

13. Mr. ---- eat two putrid pigeons out of a cold pigeon-pye, and drank about a pint of beer and ale along with them, and immediately rode about five miles. He was then seized with vomiting, which was after a few periods succeeded by purging; these continued alternately for two hours; and the purging continued by intervals for six or eight hours longer. During this time he could not force himself to drink more than one pint in the whole; this great inability to drink was owing to the nausea, or inverted motions of the stomach, which the voluntary exertion of swallowing could seldom and with difficulty overcome; yet he discharged in the whole at least six quarts; whence came this quant.i.ty of liquid? First, the contents of the stomach were emitted, then of the duodenum, gall-bladder, and pancreas, by vomiting. After this the contents of the lower bowels, then the chyle, that was in the lacteal vessels, and in the receptacle of chyle, was regurgitated into the intestines by a retrograde motion of these vessels.

And afterwards the mucus deposited in the cellular membrane, and on the surface of all the other membranes, seems to have been absorbed; and with the fluid absorbed from the air to have been carried up their respective lymphatic branches by the increased energy of their natural motions, and down the visceral lymphatics, or lacteals, by the inversion of their motions.

14. It may be difficult to invent experiments to demonstrate the truth of this inversion of some branches of the absorbent system, and increased absorption of others, but the a.n.a.logy of these vessels to the intestinal ca.n.a.l, and the symptoms of many diseases, render this opinion more probable than many other received opinions of the animal oeconomy.

In the above instance, after the yellow excrement was voided, the fluid ceased to have any smell, and appeared like curdled milk, and then a thinner fluid, and some mucus, were evacuated; did not these seem to partake of the chyle, of the mucous fluid from all the cells of the body, and lastly, of the atmospheric moisture? All these facts may be easily observed by any one, who takes a brisk purge.

15. Where the stimulus on the stomach, or on some other part of the intestinal ca.n.a.l, is still more permanent, not only the lacteal vessels, but the whole ca.n.a.l itself, becomes inverted from its a.s.sociations: this is the iliac pa.s.sion, in which all the fluids mentioned above are thrown up by the mouth. At this time the valve in the colon, from the inverted motions of that bowel, and the inverted action of this living valve, does not prevent the regurgitation of its contents.

The structure of this valve may be represented by a flexile leathern pipe standing up from the bottom of a vessel of water: its sides collapse by the pressure of the ambient fluid, as a small part of that fluid through it; but if it has a living power, and by its inverted action keeps itself open, it becomes like a rigid pipe, and will admit the whole liquid to pa.s.s. See Sect. XXIX. 2. 5.

In this case the patient is averse to drink, from the constant inversion of the motions of the stomach, and yet many quarts are daily ejected from the stomach, which at length smell of excrement, and at last seem to be only a thin mucilaginous or aqueous liquor.

From whence is it possible, that this great quant.i.ty of fluid for many successive days can be supplied, after the cells of the body have given up their fluids, but from the atmosphere? When the cutaneous branch of absorbents acts with unnatural strength, it is probable the intestinal branch has its motions inverted, and thus a fluid is supplied without entering the arterial system. Could oiling or painting the skin give a check to this disease?

So when the stomach has its motions inverted, the lymphatics of the stomach, which are most strictly a.s.sociated with it, invert their motions at the same time. But the more distant branches of lymphatics, which are less strictly a.s.sociated with it, act with increased energy; as the cutaneous lymphatics in the cholera, or iliac pa.s.sion, above described. And other irritative motions become decreased, as the pulsations of the arteries, from the extra-derivation or exhaustion of the sensorial power.

Sometimes when stronger vomiting takes place the more distant branches of the lymphatic system invert their motions with those of the stomach, and loose stools are produced, and cold sweats.

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About Zoonomia Volume I Part 21 novel

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