An Annotated Check List of the Mammals of Michoacan, Mexico Part 3

An Annotated Check List of the Mammals of Michoacan, Mexico -

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=Lasiurus cinereus cinereus= (Beauvois)

h.o.a.ry Bat; Spanish, Murcielago Pardo

_Vespertilio cinereus_ (misspelled _linereus_) Beauvois, Catal. Raisonne Mus. Peale, Philadelphia, p. 18, 1796, type locality, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

_Lasiurus cinereus_, H. Allen, Monogr. N. Amer. Bats, Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 7(1): 12, June, 1864.

_Range._--Higher elevations throughout state.

_Specimen examined_, 1: no. 89456, Univ. Michigan Mus. Zool., from Barranca Seca, May 6, 1945, adult male with much worn teeth, obtained by W. H. Burt.

=Corynorhinus rafinesquii mexica.n.u.s= G. M. Allen

Long-eared Bat; Spanish, Murcielago Narigudo

_Corynorhinus megalotis mexica.n.u.s_ Allen, G. M., Bull. Mus.

Comp. Zool., 60:347, April, 1916, type from "near Pacheco,"


_Corynorhinus rafinesquii mexica.n.u.s_, Miller, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull., 128:83, April 29, 1924.

_Corynorhinus macrotis pallescens_, Miller, N. Amer. Fauna, 13:52, October 16, 1897.

_Range._--Known from only Patzcuaro.

_Remarks._--Miller (1897:53) recorded one specimen from Patzcuaro and Allen (1916:349) merely alludes to Miller's record.

=Tadarida mexicana= (Saussure)

Mexican Free-tailed Bat; Spanish, Murcielago Coludo

_Molossus mexica.n.u.s_ Saussure, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 12:283, July, 1860, type from Cofre de Perote, 13,000 feet, Veracruz.

_Tadarida mexicana_, Miller, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 128:86, April 29, 1924.


_Specimens examined_, 12: nos. 100100-100111, distributed by localities as follows: 1 mi. N Zamora, 5,450 ft., 1; 3 mi. N Patzcuaro, 6,800 ft., 3; 3 mi. NW Patzcuaro, 6,700 ft., 3; Isla Janitzio, Lago de Patzcuaro, 6,600 ft., 5.

_Remarks._--This species is widespread in Mexico, ranging from sea level to high elevations as at the type locality. In Michoacan most of our specimens were shot as they flew about at early dusk. The five from Isla Janitzio were shot as they clung to the roof of a cave along with scores of other individuals of the same species.

=Eumops underwoodi underwoodi= Goodwin

Mastiff Bat; Spanish, Murcielago Mastin

_Eumops underwoodi_ Goodwin, Amer. Mus. Novitates, 1075:2, June 27, 1940, type from El Pedrero, 6 km. N Chinaela, approximately 3,000 ft. elevation, Dept. La Paz, Honduras.

_Range._--Known only from Tancitaro Mtn.

_Specimen examined_, 1: no. 89461, Univ. Michigan Mus. Zool., from Rancho Escondido, 2 mi. N Apo, Tancitaro Mtn., [F] ad. with much worn teeth, taken June 11, 1945, by W. H. Burt.

_Remarks._--Selected measurements of this specimen are: Total length, 158; ear from notch, 32; mastoid breadth, 16.1; width across crowns of M3, 12.6; maxillary tooth-row (from anterior face of canine above cingulum to posterior face of M3), 11.8. The total length is less than in _E. underwoodi_ or than in _Eumops sonoriensis_ Benson (1947:133); the other measurements given above exceed those of _E. sonoriensis_ and equal or approach those of _E. underwoodi_. The ears seem not to be connected across the forehead; the color is near (_l_) Bister above and slightly lighter on the underparts.

The specimen is clearly intermediate in size, as it also is geographically, between _Eumops underwoodi underwoodi_ Goodwin and _Eumops underwoodi sonoriensis_ Benson and gives basis for arranging these two named kinds as subspecies of a single species as Benson (1947:134) suggested might prove to be necessary. We are not certain whether this specimen should be referred to the subspecies _underwoodi_ or _sonoriensis_ and probably this uncertainty will remain until the range of individual variation in _underwoodi_ is known.

=Procyon lotor hernandezii= Wagler

Racc.o.o.n; Spanish, Mapache; Tarascan, Apatze (Apatz)

_Pr[ocyon] hernandezii_ Wagler, Isis, 24:514, 1831, type from Valley of Mexico, according to Nelson and Goldman (Proc.

Biol. Soc. Was.h.i.+ngton, 44:17, February 21, 1931).

_Procyon lotor hernandezii_, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.

Hist., 3:176, December 10, 1890.


_Specimens examined_, 2: no. 100113 from 10 mi. ESE Zamora, 5,500 ft., 1; no. 52220 from 15 kms. W Apatzingan, 1,040 ft., 1.

_Remarks._--In allusion to its habit of was.h.i.+ng its food, in captivity at least, before eating it, the Spanish speaking people often refer to this species as _ositos labadores_. The specimen from 10 mi. ESE Zamora is a skull without lower jaws or indication of s.e.x. Because the rac.o.o.ns damage corn in the roasting ear stage the animals are disliked by the farmers, a score of whom sometimes band together in an organized hunt to kill the animals. Dogs are especially trained to hunt them. In Michoacan no use is made of the pelts.

=Nasua narica molaris= Merriam

Coati; Spanish, Pizote; Tarascan, Amatze (Amatz)

_Nasua narica molaris_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc. Was.h.i.+ngton, 15:68, March 22, 1902, type from Manzanillo, Colima; Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc. Was.h.i.+ngton, 55:79, June 25, 1942.

_Range._--Probably all but higher parts of state.

_Remarks._--We have no positive record of this animal which Goldman (1942:79) writes "is widely distributed from Jalisco south through Colima, Michoacan, ... to southwestern Oaxaca." In the parts of Michoacan visited by us the Spanish name tejon instead of pizote was used for this animal although in parts of Mexico where the badger (_Taxidea_) occurs, tejon is, we understand, the name used for the badger.

=Ba.s.sariscus astutus consitus= Nelson and Goldman

Ring-tailed Cat; Spanish, Cacomixtle

_Ba.s.sariscus astutus consitus_ Nelson and Goldman, Jour.

Was.h.i.+ngton Acad. Sci., 22:487, October 19, 1932, type from La Salada, 40 mi. S Uruapan, Michoacan.

_Range._--Probably greater part, or all, of state.

_Specimen examined_, 1: no. 100112 from 3 mi. NW Patzcuaro, 6,700 ft.

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