Child Rearing Hero and Children of the Demon King Chapter 26

Child Rearing Hero and Children of the Demon King -

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I was attacked by a monster.

While s.h.i.+elding Aura and the children, I somehow made it withdraw.

Aura aims to become a Sage, moreover, she excels at developing magic items, so she’s an amateur when it comes to fighting.

「Yuuysan, your injury……!」

「Ah, I’m fine, I’m fine」

My arm was cut by the monster’s claw during the battle. I’m bleeding quite a lot.

「I would be much more comfortable if I had Pochi amazing recovery ability though」

I smiled feebly. I am a human that is called the Brave Hero, but magic is my weak point. I can use a simple recovery magic, but my attacking method consists of swinging my sword.

When I tried to take out a bandage after stopping the bleeding with the recovery magic, Ilya and Iric helped me out.

Aura also took out herbs and made a paste.

By the way, Pochi was fighting too, he kicked a monster about then sat next to the twins while swinging his tail leisurely. Because he tried to capture the children on his own, he’s actually quite strong.

It’s just his character that is incompetent, it seems.

「Nii~chan, are you hurting?」

「Does it hurt?」

The twins were looking at me worriedly, so I patted their heads while smiling. I couldn’t move the injured arm too well, but I played it.

「It’s fine, it’s fine. It will heal after I eat and sleep」


「Are you telling the truth?」

「Yeah. Thank you for worrying about me」

「You are pathetic, Hero. You want to protect Prince and Princess with such effete? Hmph, as I thought, I should-」

Pochi got buried.

「Ilya? Let’s apologize, okay?」

「…………………… I am sorry」

Her voice was extremely low and monotone, and her expression looked very sour, but well, let’s deem it acceptable.

A little while after we started walking.

My vision blurred.


c.r.a.p. Was it venomous, that monster? Moreover, the venom had a delayed and slow-acting effect.

The antidote from the baggage-

My knees grew weak as soon as I thought about the antidote.



I heard the twins’ voices――and lost my consciousness.

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