Poems of Experience Part 12

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Oh, yes, I know you heard Wild tales of Honolulu; and were stirred With high ambitions to return to Yale, The envied hero of a wilder tale; You thought each maiden on this Isle, perchance Wore skirts of gra.s.s, and danced the Hula dance; And gave her lips to any man for gold.

RALPH (interrupting)

Oh, 'pon my honour, I was not so bold -

GIRL (ignoring, and with vehemence)

You thought the old time licence still prevailed; You did not know across the heavens had sailed A beautiful star in brilliancy arrayed, The SELF RESPECTING NEW HAWAIIAN MAID - Who prides herself upon her blood and birth And holds her virtue at its priceless worth; And stands undaunted in her rightful place Snow white of soul, however brown of face, Warmer in blood than your white women are And yet more moral in her life by far Than many a leader in your halls of fas.h.i.+on.

RALPH (gazing at her with admiration)

I vow I like to see you in a pa.s.sion; Such royal rage! Your forbear was, I know Kame-a-lili-like-kalico, Or some such name; who got in that great tiff And tumbled all his foes down off the cliff.

I feel I'm lying with them in the valley While you stand all triumphant, on the Pali.

GIRL (smiling and softened)

You mean Kamehameha First, I'm sure.

Yes, I am of his line.


May it endure Until the end of time; for you are GREAT; The world needs women like you.

[GIRL turns to go.


Oh, now wait!

I want some flowers; please hang about my neck A dozen lais; and give me half a peck Of nice bouquets; then I will hire a band And celebrate my entrance to your land.

I'll dance the Hula, up and down the street And cry Aloha, to each girl I meet; And if she frowns, and calls me cad, and churl, I'll shout, Long Live the New Hawaiian Girl - Rah, rah, rah, Yale, Yale, Yale!

[A Hawaiian Band is heard approaching.]

GIRL (laughingly, as she hangs lais about his neck)

Well, there's your band; and since you are so kind, To purchase all my flowers, I've half a mind To favour you with, not the Hula, sir, But something more refined, and prettier.

I'll teach it to you; ask the band out there To play the Hula Kui dancing air; Then follow all I do, and copy me.

This is the way it starts, now one, two, three.

[After the dance ends, RALPH approaches the GIRL with tense face and speaks with great seriousness.]

Girl, though I do not even know your name, Yet here I stand, and offer you my own; It was for you I came, for you alone, Across the half world. I have never known Forgetfulness, since first your face I saw.

In coming here, I but obeyed Love's law; I thought it fancy, pa.s.sion, or caprice; I know now it is LOVE.

FLOWER GIRL (with emotion)

I pray you, cease; You do not understand yourself; go, go;

[Urges him towards exit.

RALPH (seizing her hand)

I will not go until I hear you say That you remember even as I do That brief encounter on the street one day.

[FLOWER GIRL turns her face away and tries to free her hand.]

RALPH (exultantly)

Oh, it is FATE; and Fate we must obey.

[Takes ring from his finger.]

Let the s.h.i.+p go; but with my heart I stay.

[Attempts to place ring on GIRL'S finger. She wrenches her hand free, and stands with both hands behind her as she speaks with suppressed emotion.]

The heart of every Island girl on earth I think hides one sweet dream, and it is this; To one day meet a man of higher birth - To win his heart,--to feel his tender kiss - And sail with him to some far distant land.

This too has been my dream; wherein your face Shone like a beacon.

[Repels RALPH as he starts forward.]

But I know your race, Too well, too well. I know how such dreams end, You could not claim me in your land, my friend, For colour prejudice is rampant there.

RALPH (impetuously)

But I will stay for ever here, I swear, -


Nay, do not swear, you would but break the vow As many another has. Our tropic sun Affects men like a fever; when 'tis run, Then their delusions pa.s.s. Oh leave me now; I hear the whistle of your s.h.i.+p,--adieu!

Alohoa oie--may G.o.d be with you.

[Enter ETHEL hurriedly]

Come, Ralph, your mother and your sister wait Quite frantic at the pier, lest you be late.

They sent me for you.

[Exit RALPH with ETHEL; he looks back and flings GIRL a wreath. GIRL smiles and sings Hawaiian song, picks up the wreath and drops face in her hands as Curtain goes down.]


{1} Written to be read at Luncheon, given by my Publishers to the London and Provincial Booksellers, April 12, 1910.

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