Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume Ii Part 19

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Such a junction box, with the through cable and the tap cable in place, is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 450. A schematic lay-out of the various parts of a Dean intercommunicating system, provided with an attendant's station and with trunks to a city office, is given in Fig. 451.



=Definitions.= Telephone messages between communities are called long-distance messages. They are also called toll messages. Almost all long-distance traffic is handled by message-rate (measured-service) methods of charge. All measured-service messages are toll messages, whether they are completed within a given community or between communities. The term "long-distance," therefore, is more descriptive than the term "toll." The subject of local and long-distance measured service is treated exhaustively in a chapter of its own.

Some telephone-exchange operating companies call their own inter-city business "toll," and use the term "long-distance" for business carried between exchanges for them by another company. The distinction seems to be unwarranted.

=Use of Repeating Coil.= Most long-distance lines are magneto circuits.

If they are switched to grounded circuits, repeating coils need to be inserted. Toll switching equipments contain means of inserting repeating coils in the connecting cords when required. Their use reduces the volume of transmitted speech, but often is essential even in connecting metallic circuit lines, as a quiet local metallic circuit may have a ground upon it which will cause excessive noises when a quiet long-distance line is connected to it.

=Switching through Local Board.= In the simplest form of long-distance switching, the lines terminate in switchboards with local lines and may be connected with each other and with the local lines through the regular cord circuits, if the equipment be of the magneto type. The waystations on such a line are equipped with magneto generators. These waystations may signal each other by bell ringing; the central office may call any waystation by ringing the proper signal and may supervise in a way all traffic on such lines by noting the calls for other stations than the supervising exchange.

=Operators' Orders.= _By Call Circuits._ Where the long-distance traffic between two communities is large, economy requires that the sending of signals by ringing over the line, waiting for an answer, and then reciting the details of the call, be improved upon. If the traffic is large and the distance between communities small, call circuits are established in the same way as between the switchboards in several manual central offices of an exchange. The long-distance operator handling the originating call the necessary details to the distant operator by telephone over the call circuit. Such circuits also are known as order circuits. They are accessible to originating operators at keys and are connected directly and permanently to the telephone sets of receiving operators. One call circuit can handle the orders for a large number of actual conversation circuits. The operator at the receiving end designates the conversation circuit which shall be used, the originating operator following that instruction.

_By Telegraph._ Where traffic and distance are large, conversation lines cost more than in the case last a.s.sumed. It then is of greater importance to use all the possible talking circuits for actual conversations in order that the revenue may be as high as possible. A phantom circuit good enough for call circuit purposes would be good enough for actual commercial messages, therefore, it is customary to furnish such originating and receiving operators with Morse telegraph sets. The lines are obtained by applying composite apparatus to the conversation circuits. Two Morse circuits can be had from each long-distance line without impairing any quality of that line except the ability to ring over it. As one Morse circuit can carry information enough between two operators to enable them to keep many telephone circuits busy, they do not need to ring upon the composited lines, so that nothing is lost while revenue is gained.

=Two-Number Calls.= In cases where the traffic between communities is large, where the rate is small, and where the conversations are short and more on the general order of local calls, it is usual to handle the switches exactly as local calls are trunked between central offices of the same exchange. That is, the subscriber's operator who answers the call trunks it, by the a.s.sistance of a call circuit and an incoming trunk operator. The subscriber's operator records only the numbers of the calling and called subscribers. No long-distance operators at all a.s.sist in these connections. They are known as "two-number calls." The calling subscriber remains at his telephone until the conversation is finished.

=Particular-Party-Calls.= In cases where the traffic is smaller, and where the rate is large, it is customary to handle the calls through long-distance operators. The ticket records the particular party wished, and the calls are named "particular party" calls. In such connections the calling patron is allowed to hang up his receiver, after his call is recorded, and is called again when his correspondent is found and is ready to talk. This makes _all calls for conversations_ outgoing ones.

Only recording operators receive calls _from_ patrons. Line operators make calls _to_ patrons.

=Trunking.= Long-distance lines entering a city usually terminate in one office only, no matter how many offices the local exchange may have. It is possible to terminate these long-distance lines on a position of the multiple switchboard for local lines. For a variety of reasons this is not practiced except in special cases. The usual method is to terminate them in a special long-distance board and to provide trunk lines from this board to the one or more local switchboards of the exchange. In common-battery systems these toll trunks are so arranged that the called local subscriber receives transmitter current from the office nearest to him, yet is able to show the long-distance operator the position of his switch hook and is able to be called by the long-distance operator without the intervention of the switching operator in the local office, even though two repeating coils may be in the trunk circuit.

_Through Ringing._ There is a distinct traffic advantage in having the ringing of the subscriber under the control of the long-distance operator. The latter may call for the subscriber by stating her wish over the call circuit a.s.sociated with the long-distance trunk. The connection having been made by the switching operator, the long-distance operator may withhold ringing the subscriber's bell until all is in readiness for the conversation.

_High-Voltage Toll Trunks._ In some systems, the long-distance trunks are further specialized by being enabled to furnish transmitter current to subscribers at a higher voltage than is used in local conversations.

With a given construction of transmitters there is a critical maximum current which can be carried by the granular carbon of the instrument without excessive heating, consequent noises, and permanent damage. The shortest lines and the longest lines of an exchange district being served by a source of current common to all, the standard potential of this source must be such as to give the longest lines current enough without giving the shortest lines too much. The very longest local lines, however, do not receive current enough from the standard potential to give maximum efficiency when talking over long distances, though they get enough for local conversations. By providing a battery with a voltage twice that used for local conversations and connecting it into the current supply element of the toll trunk through non-inductive resistances, not too much current may be given to the shortest lines and considerably more than normal current to the longest lines.

=Ticket Pa.s.sing.= When only one operator is necessary in a town, her duty being to switch both local and long-distance lines, she may write her own tickets and execute them entire. In larger communities with larger long-distance traffic, the duties need to be specialized. The subscribers' wants as to long-distance connections are given by themselves to recording long-distance operators, who write them on tickets and pa.s.s these to operators who get the parties together. The problem of ticket-pa.s.sing becomes important and many mechanical carriers have been tried, culminating in the system which utilizes vacuum tubes.

This is in some ways similar to vacuum or compressed-air tube systems for carrying cash in retail stores. The ticket is carried, however, without any enclosing case and the tubes are flat instead of round, _i.

e._, they are rectangular in section. By suitable means a vacuum is maintained in a large common tube having a tap to a box-like valve at each line operator's position. A ticket tube connects this valve with a distributing table at or near which the tickets are written. The tickets are of uniform size and are so made as to enable a flap to be bent up easily along one edge. The distributing operator has merely to insert the ticket, bent edge foremost, in the open end of the tube, whereupon the air pressure behind it will drive it through to its destination, near by or far away. The tickets travel thirty feet a second. The tube may be bent into almost any required form. The ticket, on arriving at a line operator's position, slides between two springs, breaking a shunt around a relay and allowing the latter to light the lamp.

=Waystations.= Waystations on long-distance lines may be equipped in several ways. Most of them have magneto sets and can ring each other.

Some are equipped with common-battery sets and get all current for signaling and transmission from a terminal central office. In the latter case, there is the advantage that the ringers are in series with condensers, a.s.sisting greatly in tests for fault locations. Such tests are hindered by the presence of ringer bridges across the line, as in magneto practice. Condensers can be inserted in series with ringers of magneto sets if the testing advantage is valued highly enough. A disadvantage of the use of common-battery sets in waystations on long-distance lines is the lessened transmission volume of the stations farthest from the current source.

_Center Checking._ An operating advantage of common-battery sets on long-distance lines is that all calls are forced to be answered by the terminal station. Waystations can not call each other, as they have no calling means. With magneto sets, waystation agents sometimes call each other direct and neglect to record the call and to remit its price. When they can not call each other direct, the revenues of the company increase.

A traffic method which requires all calls from waystations to be made to a central switching office is called a center-checking system. It is so called because all checking for stations so switched is done at the central point instead of each waystation keeping its own records of calls sent and received. In such practice it is usual to bill each station once a month for the messages it sent. Where center checking is not practiced, the agent makes a report and sends a remittance. Center checking comes about naturally for waystations having no ringing equipment.

Center checking originated long before the invention of common-battery systems. It requires merely that no waystation shall have a generator which can ring a bell. The method most widely used is to equip the waystations with magneto generators which produce direct currents only; such a generator cannot operate a polarized ringer. It is not usual to produce the direct current by actually rectifying the alternating current, but merely by omitting half the impulses, sending to the line only alternate half-cycles of the current generated. Any drop or relay adapted to respond to regular ringing current will respond to this modified form of generator.



The term "traffic," with reference to telephone service, has come to mean the gross transaction of communication between telephone users.

This traffic may be expressed in whatever terms are found convenient for the particular phase considered.

=Unit of Traffic.= With reference to payment for local telephone service, the conversation is the unit of traffic. In the daily operations of telephone systems there are fewer conversations than there are connections and fewer connections than there are calls, because lines are found busy and all calls to subscribers are not answered.

For these reasons, in traffic inquiries which have to do with the amount of business which subscribers attempt to transact, the total traffic in a given time usually is considered as so many calls originated by the subscribers in the community. From this condition arises the term "originating calls."

For the reason that the purpose of the switching equipment in a central office is to make connections, the abilities of operators and of equipments frequently are measured in terms of connections per hour or per other unit of time.

For the reason that in charging for service all unavailing calls are omitted, the conversation is the unit of traffic.

=Traffic Variations.= Telephone-exchange traffic is subject to such general variations as are noted in the way a compa.s.s needle points north, the migrations of birds, the blowing of the trade winds, and other natural phenomena. There are variations in traffic which occur each day, others which change with the seasons, and still others which are related to holidays and other special commercial and social events.

For instance, the day before Thanksgiving Day, in many regions, is the busiest telephone traffic day in the year.


The daily variations in telephone traffic are closely related to commercial activities and certain general features of this daily variation are common to all telephone systems everywhere. Fig. 452 is a typical graphic record of the traffic of a telephone exchange and represents what happens in almost every town or city. The total calls in this figure are not given as absolute units but would vary to adapt the figure to a particular case. The figure shows that the traffic in the night is light; that it rises to its maximum height somewhere between 10 o'clock A.M. and noon; that though it is never as high again during that day, the afternoon peak is over 80 per cent as great; and that two minor peaks appear about the dinner hour and after evening entertainments.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 452. Load Curve]

_Busy-Hour Ratio._ If the story told by Fig. 452 were to be turned into a table of calls per hour, the busiest hour of the day would be found to correspond to the highest portion of the figure, and in that busiest hour of the day, if a number of selected days were to be compared, would be found a very constant traffic. The number of calls made, or the number of connections completed, in that particular hour, day by day, would be found to be much the same. The ratio of the number of units in that hour to the number of units in that entire day would be found to be practically the same ratio day by day. This ratio of busy hour to total day would be found to be much more nearly constant than the gross number of calls per hour or per day.

In a large, busy city, about one-eighth of the total daily calls are in some one hour; in a smaller, less active city, probably one-tenth are so congested. This is reasonable when one remembers that in the larger city the active business of the day begins later and ends earlier.

=Importance of Traffic Study.= A knowledge of the amount of traffic in an exchange, and its distribution as to time and as to the divisions of the exchange, is important for a number of reasons. Traffic knowledge is essential in order that the equipment may be designed and placed in the proper way and the total load distributed properly on that apparatus and its operators.

For example, in an office equipped with a manual multiple switchboard, the length of the switchboard is governed entirely by the number of operators who must work before it. It is mechanically possible to make a switchboard for ten thousand lines only 15 feet long, seating seven operators. The entire multiple of ten thousand lines could appear three times in such a switchboard. The seven operators could not handle the traffic we know would be originated by ten thousand lines, with any present system of charging for service. Even a rough knowledge of the probable traffic would enable us to approximate the number of operators needed and to equip each position, not only with access to the ten thousand lines to be called, but also with just enough keyboard equipment, serving as tools, and just enough answering jacks, serving as means of bringing the traffic to her. It is foreknowledge of traffic which enables a switchboard to fit the task it is to perform.

=Rates of Calling.= The rates of calling of different kinds of lines vary. The lines of business stations originate more calls than do the lines of residences. Some kinds of business originate more calls than others. Some kinds of business have a higher rate of calling in one season than in others. Flat-rate lines originate more calls than do message-rate lines. When a line changes from a flat rate to a message rate, the number of originating calls per day decreases. An operator's position, handling message-rate lines only, can serve more lines than if all of them were at flat rates. The number of message-rate or coin-prepayment lines which an operator's position can care for depends not only on the traffic but on the method of charging for service, whether by tickets or meters and upon the kind of meters; or it depends on the method of collecting the coins. In some regions, the rate of calling, on the introduction of a complete measured-service plan, has been reduced to one-fourth of what it was on the flat-rate plan.

In manual switchboards of early types, wherein the position of the subscriber's answering jack was fixed by his telephone number, the inequality of traffic became a serious problem. Most of the subscribers who first installed telephones when the exchange was small, retained their telephones and numbers; as their use of the telephone grew with their business, it was customary to find the positions answering the lower numbers much more busy than the positions answering the higher numbers, the latter belonging to later and usually less active business places.

_Functions of Intermediate Distributing Frame._ The intermediate distributing board was invented to meet these conditions of unequal traffic upon lines and of variations in traffic with changes of seasons and of charges. The intermediate distributing board enables a line to retain its number and its position in the multiple, but to keep its answering jack and lamp signal in any desired position. If a flat-rate subscriber changes to a message rate, his line may be moved to a message-rate position and be answered, in company with others like it, by an operator serving many more lines than she could serve if all of them were flat rate.

=Methods of Traffic Study.= The best way to learn traffic facts for the purposes of designing and operating equipment is to conduct systematic series of observations in all exchanges; to record them in company with all related facts; and to compare them from time to time, recording the results of the comparisons. Then when it is required to solve a new problem, the traffic data will enable the probable future conditions to be known with as great exactness as is possible in studies with relation to transportation or any other human activity.


Calling Rates

+-------------------------+-------------------------------+ CALLS PER DAY WITH DIFFERENT KIND OF SERVICE METHODS OF CHARGE +-------------+-----------------+ FLAT RATE MESSAGE RATE +-------------------------+-------------+-----------------+ Residence 8 4 Business 12 to 20 8 to 14 Private Exchange Trunk 40 25 Hotel Exchange Trunk 50 30 Apartment House Trunk 30 18 +-------------------------+-------------+-----------------+

There are three general ways of observing traffic. A record of originating calls is known as a "peg count," because the counting formerly was done by moving a peg from place to place in a series of holes. The simplest exact way is to provide each operator with a small mechanical counter, the key of which she can depress once for each call to be counted. A second way is to determine a ratio which exists, for the particular time and place, between the number of calls in a given period and the average number of cord circuits in use. Knowing this ratio, the cord circuits can be counted, the ratio applied, and the probable total known. The third method, which is applicable to offices having service meters on all lines, is to a.s.sociate one master meter per position or group of lines with all the meters of that position or group, so that each time any service meter of that position is operated, the master meter will count one unit. This method applies to either manual or automatic equipments.

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