Was Man Created? Part 8

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[25] _Ibid._, p. 324.

[26] Heb. xi. 3. Revised English Ed.

[27] _Loc. cit._, Vol. I, p. 323.

[28] _Loc. cit._, Vol. I, p. 324.

[29] Indications of the Creator.

[30] Evolution and Progress, p. 26, Rev. Wm. I. Gill.

[31] Naturl. Schopfungsgesch., pp. 643-5.

[32] Paget, Lectures on Surgical Pathology, 1853, Vol. I, p. 71.

[33] Ueber die Richtung der Haare am menschlichen Korper.

[34] Pop. Sci. Monthly, June, 1879, p. 250.

[35] See Sci. Am., May 18, 1878.

[36] Source of Muscular Power, Proc. Roy. Inst., June 8, 1866. Am. I.

Sci., II, xlii, 393, Nov. 1866.

[37] Comparative Zoology, p. 45.

[38] Correlation of the Vital and Physical Forces, p. 54.

[39] On the time required for the transmission of volition and sensation through the nerves, Proc. Roy. Inst.

[40] Comparative Zoology, p. 165.

[41] Sci. Amer., Nov. 13, 1876, p. 328.

[42] Marshall, Outline of Physiology. Amer. Ed., 1868, p. 227.

[43] Macmillon's Magazine, Pop. Sci. Monthly, April, 1876.

[44] "Principles of Psychology," 1869, No. 20, p. 24.

[45] J. S. Lombard, N. Y. Med. Jour., Vol. V, 198, June, 1867.

[46] _Loc. cit._, p. 23.

[47] The apparatus employed is ill.u.s.trated and fully described in Brown-Sequard's Archives de Phys., Vol. I, 498, June, 1868. By it the 1-4000th of a degree Centigrade may be indicated.

[48] L. H. Wood, "On the influence of mental activity on the excretion of phosphoric acid by the kidneys." Proc. Conn. Med. Soc., Nov., 1869, p. 197.

[49] _Loc. cit._, p. 24.

[50] Address of Dr. F. A. P. Barnard, as retiring president, before the Am. a.s.s. for Adv. of Sci., Chicago meeting, Aug. 1868. "Thought cannot be a physical force, because thought admits of no measure."

[51] Derivation hypothesis of life and species, forming fortieth chapter of his Anatomy of Vertebrates, republished in Am. Jour. Sci., II, xlvii, 33, Jan. 1869.

[52] Prehistoric Times, p. 354, by Lubbock.

[53] Madness in Animals, Jour. Mental Sci., July, 1871. Dr. W. L.


[54] Facultes Mentales des Animaux, 1872, Tom. XI, p. 181.

[55] Primeval Man, 1869, pp. 145-147.

[56] Prehistoric Times, 1865, p. 473.

[57] "Conferences ser les Theorie Darwinienne," 1869, p. 132.

[58] Philosoph. Trans., 1773, p. 262.

[59] Prof. Whitney, p. 309.

[60] Phys. and Pathol. of Mind. Dr. Maudsley. 3d ed., 1868, p. 199.

[61] Nature, January 6, 1870, p. 257.

[62] Problems i. 21.

[63] Johnson's Cyc. Article "Faith." C. P. Krauth.

[64] Darwin's Descent of Man, p. 117.

[65] See Descent of Man, p. 96.

[66] See Tyndall's Belfast Address.

[67] Purgatory of Suicides.

[68] Thoughts on Atheism, p. 4.

[69] Monologium and Proslogium.

[70] Meditations de Primaphilosophia Prop. 2, p. 89.

[71] Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of G.o.d.

[72] Elements of Psychology.

[73] Thoughts on Atheism, by Holyoake, p. 4.

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