The Second Book of Modern Verse Part 45

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Sara Teasdale.

'Love Songs' (only the first 4 out of 5) reprinted from "Love Songs", 1917.

Scudder Middleton.

'Interlude' & 'Romance', reprinted from "The New Day", 1919.

Amy Lowell.

'Venus Transiens' & 'Madonna of the Evening Flowers' , reprinted from "Pictures of the Floating World", 1919.

'Patterns', reprinted from "Men, Women and Ghosts", 1916.

'A Lady' & 'Apology', reprinted from "Sword Blades and Poppy Seed", 1914.

John G. Neihardt.

'Ballad of a Child', reprinted from "The Quest", 1916.

Louis V. Ledoux.

'Mater Dolorosa', reprinted from "The Story of Eleusis", 1916.

Edgar Lee Masters.

'Spoon River Anthology' (selections from), reprinted from "Spoon River Anthology", 1915.

'Silence', reprinted from "Songs and Satires", 1915.

Mary Carolyn Davies.

'Smith, of the Third Oregon, Dies', reprinted from "Drums in Our Street", 1918.

Hermann Hagedorn.

'Doors', reprinted from "Poems and Ballads", 1913.

In some cases, e.g. "Love Songs" and "Spoon River Anthology", there is a selection of short poems grouped together under the t.i.tle of the book from which they were drawn -- though in the case of "Love Songs", only the first four are actually from the book of the same name.

Due to the technical limitations of ASCII, accents were not included in the text. However, a complete list follows of each line where an accent occurred in the original. The "pipe" character ( ) indicates a special character, and a marker for the accent follows, except in cases where two vowels make a combined character, as in C(ae)sar.

The appropriate accents should be obvious. The affected lines are:

Ad Matrem Amantissimam et Carissimam Filii in Aeternum Fidelitas.

Chanson of the Bells of Osen ey. [Cale Young Rice]

Reveill /e. [Louis Untermeyer]

The Unknown Belov ed. [John Hall Wheelock]

Voyage a l'Infini. [Walter Conrad Arensberg]

The bells of Osen ey (Hautcl ere, Doucement, Austyn) The bells of Osen ey Hautcl ere chants to the East The bells of Osen ey (Doucement, Austyn, Hautcl ere) The loveliest f ^ete and carnival These things do not remember you, belov ed, -- I am in love with all unveil ed faces.

Belov ed, till the day break, Belov ed and my Love!

Bosomed with the Bless ed One, Thinking, beside the pi ~nons' flame, of days [changed to pinyon in text]

The bright Champs-Elys /ees at last -- The and the loved caf /e; A deux and pledge across the wine!"

Of bearing in grand d /ejeuner.

And rich perfum /ed smells Of pil ed masonry, which shall be ours Said he, "Your most belov ed Here have I no belov ed, Here lies, thy true belov ed including "The Magical City", "Papa", a comedy, and "D /ecla.s.s /e", which won a great success with Ethel Barrymore in the leading r ^ole.

the Croix de Guerre and the M /edaille de Reconnaissance fran ,caise.

"The Sharing", 1914; translator of the poems of Th /eophile Gautier, "The Shadow of Aetna", 1914; "The Story of Eleusis: A Lyrical Drama", 1916.

1900; student University of G "ottingen, 1901; University of Bonn, 1902; "Glory of the Morning", a play, 1912; " Aesop and Hyssop", 1913.

Born at Br "un, Austria, though of American parentage, on April 8, 1879.

having made admirable renderings of Gustaf Fr "oding, 1916, "Abelard and H /eloise: A Drama", 1907. Since Mr. Torrence published of the Nicaraguan poet, Rub /en Dario. Mr. Walsh is much interested in Germany, studying during 1909 at G "ottingen and during 1910 the Sorbonne and the Biblioth eque Nationale of Paris.

Also all occurences of Ben /et (Stephen Vincent & William Rose Ben /et) and of Zo "e for Zo "e Akins.

The Acknowledgements section has been omitted.

Corrections to the text: (These were checked against copies of the volumes from which the poems were extracted.)

Spoon River Anthology. [Edgar Lee Masters]

"As Bryon's did, in song, in something n.o.ble,"

changed to "As Byron's did, in song, in something n.o.ble,"

Abraham Lincoln walks at Midnight. [Vachel Lindsay]

added subt.i.tle: (In Springfield, Illinois)

"A famous high-top hat and plain worn shawl"

changed to "A famous high top-hat and plain worn shawl"

"The prairie lawyer, master of us all."

changed to "The prairie-lawyer, master of us all."

Apology. [Amy Lowell]

"You blazen me with jewelled insignia."

changed to "You blazon me with jewelled insignia."

Biographical Notes:

"H. D." was incorrectly identified as "Helena Doolittle".

This has been corrected to "Hilda Doolittle".

In addition, some information was added to the Biographical Notes, most notably dates for each author (when available) and which ones won a Pulitzer Prize, and in which year(s).

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