Negro Folk Rhymes Part 15

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If I lives to see nex' Fall, I'se gwinter buy my wife a waterfall.

"When Christmas comes?" You cunnin' elf!

I'se gwineter spen' my money on myself.


Dem ole black gnats, dey is so bad I cain't git out'n here.

Dey stings, an' bites, an' runs me mad; I cain't git out'n here.

Dem ole black gnats dey sings de song, "You cain't git out'n here.

Ole Satan'll git you befo' long; You cain't git out'n here."

Dey burns my years, gits in my eye; An' I cain't git out'n here.

Dey makes me dance, dey makes me cry; An' I cain't git out'n here.

I fans an' knocks but dey won't go 'way!

I cain't git out'n here.

Dey makes me wish 'twus Jedgment Day; Fer I cain't git out'n here.


Bring through yo' [27]Sugar-lo'-tea, bring through yo' [27]Candy, All I want is to wheel, an' tu'n, an' bow to my Love so handy.

You tu'n here on Sugar-lo'-tea, I'll tu'n there on Candy.

All I want is to wheel, an' tu'n, an' bow to my Love so handy.

Some gits drunk on Sugar-lo'-tea, some gits drunk on Candy, But all I wants is to wheel, an' tu'n, an' bow to my Love so handy.

[27] Nicknames applied in imagination to the women engaged in playing in the Play Song.


Green oak tree! Rocky'o! Green oak tree! Rocky'o!

Call dat one you loves, who it may be, To come an' set by de side o' me.

"Will you hug 'im once an' kiss 'im twice?"

"W'y! I wouldn' kiss 'im once fer to save 'is life!"

Green oak tree! Rocky'o! Green oak tree! Rocky'o!


A sleish o' bread an' b.u.t.ter fried, Is good enough fer yo' sweet Bride.

Now choose yo' Lover, w'ile we sing, An' call 'er nex' onto de ring.

"Oh my Love, how I loves you!

Nothin' 's in dis worl' above you.

Dis right han', fersake it never.

Dis heart, you mus' keep forever.

One sweet kiss, I now takes from you; Caze I'se gwine away to leave you."


Jes choose yo' Eas'; jes choose yo' Wes'.

Now choose de one you loves de bes'.

If she hain't here to take 'er part Choose some one else wid all yo' heart.

Down on dis chyarpet you mus' kneel, Sh.o.r.e as de gra.s.s grows in de fiel'.

Salute yo' Bride, an' kiss her sweet, An' den rise up upon yo' feet.


I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

Put on dat skillet, nev' mind de lead; Caze I'se gwineter cook dat saltin' bread; Yes, ever since my mammy's been dead, I'se been makin' an' cookin' dat saltin' bread.

I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

You loves biscuit, b.u.t.ter, an' fat?

I can dance s.h.i.+loh better 'an dat.

Does you turn 'round an' shake yo' head?-- Well; I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

I loves saltin', saltin' bread.

W'en you ax yo' mammy fer b.u.t.ter an' bread, She don't give nothin' but a stick across yo' head.

On cracklin's, you say, you wants to git fed?

Well, I loves saltin', saltin' bread.


Hol' my rooster, hol' my hen, Pray don't tetch my [28]Gooshen Ben'.

Hol' my bonnet, hol' my shawl, Pray don't tetch my waterfall.

Hol' my han's by de finger tips, But pray don't tetch my sweet liddle lips.

[28] Grecian Bend.


Mistah Buster, he loves sugar an' tea.

Mistah Buster, he loves candy.

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