Negro Folk Rhymes Part 13

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My mammy done tol' me a long time ago To always try fer to be a good boy; To lay on my pallet an' to waller on de flo'; An' to never leave my daddy's house.

I hain't never gwineter hobo no mo'. By George!

I hain't never gwineter hobo no mo'.

Yes, befo' I'd live dat ar hobo life, I'll tell you what I'd jes go an' do: I'd court dat pretty gal an' take 'er fer my wife, Den jes lay 'side dat ar hobo life.

I hain't never gwineter hobo no mo'. By George!

I hain't never gwineter hobo no mo'.


If de people'll jes gimme Des a liddle bit o' peace, I'll tell 'em what happen To de Chief o' Perlice.

He met a robber Right at de do'!

An' de robber, he shot 'im Wid a forty-fo'!

He shot dat Perliceman.

He shot 'im sho'!

What did he shoot 'im wid?

A forty-fo'.

Dey sent fer de Doctah An' de Doctah he come.

He come in a hurry, He come in a run.

He come wid his instriments Right in his han', To progue an' find Dat forty-fo', Man!

De Doctah he progued; He progued 'im sho'!

But he jes couldn' find Dat forty-fo'.

Dey sent fer de Preachah, An' de preachah he come.

He come in a walk, An' he come in to talk.

He come wid 'is Bible, Right in 'is han', An' he read from dat chapter, Forty-fo', Man!

Dat Preachah, he read.

He read, I know.

What Chapter did he read frum?

'Twus Forty-fo'!



Oh blin' man! Oh blin' man!

You cain't never see.

Just tu'n 'round three times You cain't ketch me.

Oh tu'n Eas'! Oh tu'n Wes'!

Ketch us if you can.

Did you thought dat you'd cotch us, Mistah blin' man?


[24](Fox _Call_) "Fox in de mawnin'!"

(Goose _Sponse_) "Goose in de evenin'!"

(Fox _Call_) "How many geese you got?"

(Goose _Sponse_) "More 'an you're able to ketch!"

[24] For explanation of "call," and "sponse," see Study in Negro Folk Rhymes.


[25](Chicken's _Call_) "Chickamee, chickamee, cranie-crow."

I went to de well to wash my toe.

W'en I come back, my chicken wus gone.

W'at time, ole Witch?

(Hawk _Sponse_) "One"

(Hawk _Call_) "I wants a chick."

(Chicken's _Sponse_) "Well, you cain't git mine."

(Hawk _Call_) "I shall have a chick!"

(Chicken's _Sponse_) "You shan't have a chick!"

[25] For explanation of "call," and "sponse," see Study in Negro Folk Rhymes.


(Human _Call_) "Molly, Molly, Molly-bright!"

(Witch _Sponse_) "Three sco' an' ten!"

(Human _Call_) "Can we git dar 'fore candle-light?"

(Witch _Sponse_) "Yes, if yo' legs is long an' light."

(Conscience's Warning _Call_) "You'd better watch out, Or de witches'll git yer!"


"Goosie, goosie, goosie-gander!

What d'you say?"--"Say: 'Goose!'"-- "Ve'y well, go right along, Honey!

I tu'ns yo' years a-loose."

"Goosie, goosie, goosie-gander!

What d'you say?"--"Say: 'Gander'"

"Ve'y well. Come in de ring, Honey!

I'll pull yo' years way yander!"

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