The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights Part 17

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_For Chapter IV_

BERGSON, HENRI. L'evolution Creatrice, 7th ed., 1911; Creative Evolution, 1911.

LEROY, EDOUARD. The New Philosophy of Henri Bergson, 1913.

EUCKEN, RUDOLF. Der Wahrheitsgehalt der Religion, 3d ed., 1912; The Truth of Religion, 2d Eng. from 3d German ed., 1913.

Konnen wir noch Christen sein? 1911; Can We Still Be Christians? 1914.

JONES, W. TUDOR. An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy, 1912.

HERMANN, E. Eucken and Bergson: Their Significance for Christian Thought, 1912.

GIBSON, W. R. BOYCE. Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy of Life, 3d ed., 1912.

WARD, JAMES. The Realm of Ends, 1911.

ROYCE, JOSIAH. William James and Other Essays, 1911.

The Problem of Christianity, 2 vols., 1913.

_For Chapter V_

CLEMEN, CARL. Religionsgeschichtliche Erklarung des Neuen Testaments, 1909; Primitive Christianity and Its non-Jewish Sources, 1912.

Der Einfluss der Mysterienreligionen auf das alteste Christentum, 1913.

REITZENSTEIN, R. Poimandres: Studien zur griechisch-agyptischen und fruhchristlichen Literatur, 1904. Die h.e.l.lenistische Mysterienreligionen, 1910.

c.u.mONT, F. Les Religions Orientales dans le Paganisme Romain, 2d ed., 1909; The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, 1911.

KENNEDY, H. A. A. St. Paul and the Mystery Religions, 1913.

MEAD, G. R. S. Thrice Greatest Hermes, 3 vols., 1906.

FOWLER, W. WARDE. The Religious Experience of the Roman People, 1911.

MACKENZIE, W. D. The Final Faith, 1910.

MARETT, R. R. The Threshold of Religion, 1914.

Religionsgeschtliche Volksbucher, begun in 1904.

_For Chapter VI_

ORR, JAMES. The Problem of the Old Testament, 1906.

HARNACK, A. Beitrage zur Einleitung in das Neue Testament: I.

Lukas der Arzt, 1906 (Luke the Physician, 1907); II. Spruche und Reden Jesu, 1907 (The Sayings of Jesus, 1908); III. Die Apostelgeschichte, 1908 (The Acts of the Apostles, 1909); IV.

Neue Untersuchungen zur Apostelgeschichte und zur Abfa.s.sungszeit der Synoptischen Evangelien, 1911 (The Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels, 1911).

RAMSAY, SIR W. M. Pauline and Other Studies in Early Church History, 1906.

KOCH, HEINRICH. Die Abfa.s.sungszeit des lukanischen Geschichtswerkes, 1911.

SANDAY, W. (ED.). Studies in the Synoptic Problem, 1911. The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel, 1905.

STANTON, VINCENT H. The Gospels as Historical Doc.u.ments, Part II, The Synoptic Gospels, 1909.

HOLDSWORTH, W. W. Gospel Origins: A Study in the Synoptic Problem, 1913.

HAWKINS, SIR JOHN C. Horae Synopticae, 2d ed., 1909.

MOFFATT, JAMES. An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament, 1911.

ALLEN, W. C. and GRENSTED, L. W. Introduction to the Books of the New Testament, 1913.

DRUMMOND, JAMES. An Inquiry Into the Character and Authors.h.i.+p of the Fourth Gospel, 1904.

BACON, BENJAMIN W. The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate, 1910.

WORSLEY, F. W. The Fourth Gospel and the Synoptists, 1909.

SCHAEFER, ALOYS. Enileitung in das Neue Testament, 1913.

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